Our demon king is coming.

20: Maki, there's no gu noise either.

I'm Maki.

I came back to the Frezier Royal Palace from one thing or another.

Follow me even as Suzuma is distracted within the majestic palace of Frezier Royal Palace.

"Hey General Cannon. You were coming back to Frezier."


I spoke to him as he stood at our head and walked crisply.

General Kanon is also the captain of the seventh fleet stationed in the Kingdom of Luskia, so he seems to be travelling to and from Frezier and the Kingdom of Luskia to Mame.

Once he stopped and looked back, General Kanon looked down at Suzuma and narrowed his eyes.

"... that's him"

"Yes, Master Brave."

I was telling Princess Shatoma that this child was reborn of Shuma.

General Kanon was a brave man. It's an indescribable look, looking for the face of Shuma, who is in memories.

"... brave man?

Suzuma reacted with Pickle.

"That suzuma, you know the legend of the brave?

"Yeah! The legend of the brave is very famous around the oasis where I was. We'll get rid of all the bad guys, he was awesome!!


Phew, hmm...... something complicated. After all, a brave man treats you like a hero.

With that said, did you find a brave man in a small village on the eastern continent?

Suzuma seems to have a longing for "brave men," as everyone does for children on the eastern continent.

"I heard the brave man had blond hair and blue eyes.... This guy is right."

Suzuma speaking happily towards me.

Oh, my God, this kid really likes brave guys.

"... because, brave man"


I pointed my niggling face at the brave man, but he grabbed the side of his military hat and looked like a hook, and proceeded with Tsukatsuka again.

"Hey, wait a minute."

You really don't have any love, do you?

Me and Suzuma were passed into a room and couscous laughed at the sparkling ladies of Frezier for their little dirty outfits.

"Oh, my God, you look like a washable lady and a little boy."

That said, the smiling ladies took us to a different bathroom each.

"Oh, hey, hey, hey."

"Suzuma - Later"

Suzuma had been taken by strange sisters in places she did not know and had reached out to me in the face of fear, but I replied loosely and remained flushed by the pressing ladies.

After that, it will still be done.

My hair, my body, they all clean me up, even massage me. I enjoyed the luxury of being relieved and oiled.

"Come on, get dressed this way. It's a gift from Princess Shatoma."

The change of clothes brought to you is a bright red silk dress.


Yes, it's like “Machia” is very close to what he was wearing, the kind that ties his hips tight.

I miss it so much, I hit myself with that dress, and twirled it for a spin.


Perhaps I was tempted.

I was a red witch who loved bright red dresses.

Tighten your corset with a hand you're used to and wear that dress.

I can't breathe with the smooth touch of my hands and the pins on my hips... I miss everything.

That look in front of a big mirror, though slightly different from Machia's.

"... Wow, sister, it's like someone else. It's beautiful."

Suzuma was surprised to see me in a dress in the room where she had been given sweets and juice.

"I used to, you know, your sister used to wear these, too."

"What's your sister, maybe a pretty great guy?

"... um, there could have been some noble times"

"Yeah, it is."

A tincture of reaction that I don't really believe in, but say this when I snort for now.

You don't have a choice. If I were a noble born lady, I would have done a lot of things that I would never do.

"Oh, I'm hungry."

When I got to the seat next to Suzuma, the ladies soaked and scattered their clothes, and began to line up a sumptuous meal in front of us.

"Hey, sis, me, what's going to happen?


On the way to dinner, Suzuma asked me.

"I never saw this happen. [M] When I was in the Oasis."

"I guess so."

"What am I supposed to do?

Suzuma, bewildered by the status quo, asked again in a calm tone somewhere.

"Well, I'm sure you'll be staying here for a while... but you, let that esca teach you white magic. You should remember a little spiritual magic."

"... that scary-faced brother?

"Yeah, yeah, of that vicious face"

Drinking soup, nodding slowly.

Suzuma looked subtle.

She's easy to understand...

"What do you want to do? I accidentally brought you here... if you want to go back to the Oasis..."

If Suzuma says she wants to go home to the Oasis, I have no right to stop it.

But Suzuma stared at the universe and was thinking something.

"... um, thanks to the Oasis people, but I've always wanted to try to get out of that Oasis."


"Yeah. I wanted to see the world, and I wanted to know a lot about it. I didn't think that Oasis was the only view of this world. I wonder why... I should have only known that place"


That he really is a child with some calm magic...

As I drank my honey tea, I ascertained the magical flow of tin in my sight and narrowed my eyes.

Undisturbed serene magic, the same as a calm mouthful.

It has a color similar to the sophisticated magic drifting in that holy place Vabilofos.

"Besides, sister, didn't you tell me there was someone you wanted me to meet? Is that it?

"... it's..."

When I was stuck in words, the hare spirit upou, who had grown up on his side, whispered small, "Dear White Sage..."

"Are you kidding me?

"... if you know the legend of the brave, do you know who the master of the brave was?

"Yeah. Dear White Sage of the East...... But you're that white sage?

"... then what?

The laughter spilled unexpectedly. Looks like he's telling a dream story to a kid who believes in fairy tale characters.

But Suzuma stops her bread-cheeking hand and stares at me.

You look like you're in trouble.

"Sister, are you okay? Master White Sage was born 2,000 years ago. He's already dead."


Suzuma was a realistic child…

"Then you're an idiot. Even your sister knows that. Even you were blinking your eyes about that general of his earlier: 'He's a brave man'!!

He stared at me with such a sorry eye that he hastily objected.

But the look on Suzuma's face never changes.

"That only means“ matching traits. "Sister, did you really think I was a brave man about that guy?


Gu, gu.

Suzuma, horrible kid.

"Well, that's good.... watch it later, Suzuma."

Because I can't get the right words to say it back, even though it draws my expression...

"Oh, this is delicious," he missed while eating the meat dish.

After that, too, Suzuma was obsessed with the treat she had had for the first time.

After my stomach was full, I started to get upset and fell asleep rolling cologne over the guest bed.

I duveted him on such a tin and sat beside him for a while.

Then a sinister voice speaks to me.

"... Red Witch, what are you going to do with Suzuma?

"Oh, Scolapione... it's so rare for you to talk to me"

I chuckled, picked a black saucer and lifted it.

It's Scola Pione, the spirit of the sasori.

"It's not like I'm going to eat anything else. You know the magic of suzuma, don't you? This child will have to learn how to use magic in the future, and... I want you to meet Ulysses."

"... Ulysses... is that the name of the“ now ”White Sage?

"That's right. Even you will want to meet the honorable White Sage."

The spirits' respect for and loyalty to the White Sage is immeasurable.

The hare upu cried out of nostalgia.

Hachidori's prana is so important that it doesn't cause tincture...

"We can't move from here yet, but I'll take you to the Kingdom of Ruskia. Ruskia is now the safest country. The green curtain is complete..."

Looking up at the ceiling, I was also remembering the Kingdom of Nostalgia Luskia.

Wearing a dress reminds me of those days. It was a long time ago, back in Machia.

"I mean... if General Cannon is back here now, even if he takes the tins when he returns to Ruskia... that might be faster. Suzuma, I'm going to miss being General Kanon."

When I put up my index finger that I came up with something good, the door opened in good time.

"That's impossible."

That's what I said and showed up, what a rumor, General Cannon.

"What... were you listening to every single one of me? Bad taste."


To my complaint, he ignores stability.

I just stopped by with the same look on my face to see how Suzuma fell asleep.

"... you slept"

"Yeah, I'm a little smart and busy, but my sleeping face is cute."

Yeah, and I'll put on the cheek of a sleeping tin.

Let the spirits lean against him, and they were round.

He was the son of a white sage. He's protecting Suzuma...

"The meeting of the Tors is over?

"... still going on"

"Yes.... so what are we going to do now? The giant soldiers of the Chamberlain kingdom, something seemed to suck. I couldn't destroy it because it was underground in the Royal Palace on a boulder."

"... Princess Shatoma has decided to keep an eye on it for a while."

"Is that a long thing to do?

"If the" majesty of the Creator King ”is activated, you can't move until you can't get your hands on the detour and the other one moves out. It's just that if you know what you're doing, it's like punching your hand.... I need your help this time, Red Witch."


Keep your shoulders up, I snort.

"I know. But then you can take this child to the Kingdom of Ruskia. This girl... she looks like a big fan of Brave Men."


"Hey, happy?

Though I tried to mess with this faceless bastard, out of the blue, General Cannon is seriously looking at the tin.

It's been a silly, difficult air...

But you do, right?

Once, the legendary brave man met Shuma, the son of the white sage, over and over again.

Shuma's death was a tragedy because me and the brave men died together.

If you don't have to kill him, he didn't kill anyone.

Now I can be conscious of what I call a brave man... and that was really groundbreaking for me when I hated him for being a bastard.

General Cannon then made various reports and left the room early enough.

I went out into a vast garden where I could get out of the crossing that connects the main palace of Palazzo Frezier with the outer palace.

Gardens with pale peach blossoms. This is where Princess Shatoma once told me to recommend you when I visited Frezier.

I looked up at the night sky from a place that did not block the view of the garden.

From here, something looks very good.

Thanks to the remarkable industrial revolution of recent years, Saflam, the king's capital of Frezier, has formed a modern city like no other in this Mayday, but yes. It is also the symbol of Regis Overtree.

An elongated structure that pushes through the dark wide sky.

It just seems that the quietly flashing red light represents the pulse of this city, and I feel indescribable watching it.

The crisp, warm opposite wind carries my hair and soft dress backwards.

What a pleasant evening...

He was embracing an exotic breeze mixed with the smell of sand from the front, at which time there were signs of people on his side.

At the end of the eye, the black cloak sways.


I changed to Ruskian style black aristocratic clothes, it was Tor.

I don't think I can think of anything like Thor.

He stares at me with a surprising eye.

Nor can I blink at his appearance without words for any reason.

Dresses swinging in the wind, long hair, meeting in the garden.

Everything was just too nostalgic for us.

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