Our demon king is coming.

26: Tor, pair of earrings.

I'm Thor.

By order of Princess Shatoma, it seems that Maki went on a mission to act alone.

Me and Eska were summoned by Princess Shatoma, and I was just a little surprised to hear about it.

"No greetings at all..."

She is free. Well, if you say it's like him, it's like him.

There were a lot of things I wanted to ask Maki the other day...

"That sounds complicated, Tor Sagaram. Oh, my God, I'll see you again. Let's do what we have to do."

"... I know"

Princess Shatoma asked me for my expression and said, "Well, fine," and hit the fan lightly on the desk.

"Well, here's the real deal. An earlier investigation team on mission in Sherhaly gave us a report. Apparently, there are frequent“ swings ”occurring in Wang Du."

"... shaking? Are you saying an earthquake or something...?

Ask me all the time that Eska says it's strange.

"The source of the earthquake is the Royal Palace. After all, I guess gradually the giant soldiers are nearing completion. Shirley could be a battlefield."

"... after all, shouldn't we have smashed the whole royal palace before the giant soldiers were finished?

When Eska asked about the noise, Princess Shatoma shook her head.

"We have to let the world know what that country is making.... well, I'm saying good looks, because I want a big name to attack Chamberlain. Sometimes my heart says I want to keep the damage to the giant soldiers as low as possible."

"... do you have measures? The battlefield is going to be a crowded king's capital."

I can't even predict how big this fight will be.

"Oh. The Federation set up a factory in the basement of the royal palace on purpose, probably to take the people of the king's capital hostage. This time, the sea and desert are not battlefields. No Valkyrian ships."

"Will the damage be greater…"

"There will be no choice to some extent. But I'm not going to scale the damage out of the Wall."


From Princess Shatoma's words, I immediately drew on her intentions.

"No way, are you going to use the magic I've planted on the walls before?

"... oh. Even if it is disarmed, the magic that I set up once cannot completely erase the traces. Thor Sagaram, if that were the case, it would be easy to follow that magic trail and build the Fortress of Magic on the walls again."


I put my hand on my mouth.

Sure, once you've set up a magic fortress, there's less time and less risk to build it again. Anyway, from this far away place, we can prepare all kinds of magic fortresses against that wall.

"I see, that's a good idea. Then I have an idea."

"You can leave this to me."

"Oh. I think there was just a good magic fortress. I'm just going to need an overtree backup and some Twilight assistance..."

"That's not a problem"

She was right, the operation also seemed to involve a family of Twilight staying in Frezier.

"Hmm. That's awkward. I want to smash a giant soldier into a cancer."

Eska put her hand on her forehead and blurred with regard to this operation.

Princess Shatoma blows out unexpectedly at his word.

"Dear Bishop, I also ask your Great Quartet Spirit to play a major role this time. And this time, we will need a great white magician who can heal Tor Sagaram and the Twilight, as we deploy the Magic Fortress on a massive scale."

"... hey, why don't I heal these guys... eh"

"Dear Bishop..."

Princess Shatoma's, how can you say, "No?" Eska shook her shoulder in a freaking showy look.

"Yes, okay, no. With the life of Princess Vine."


"Yes, no. Command me!

I look at this guy on the side and I'm convinced he was the type of person the queen wanted to be ordered to be.

Then, discussing the operation until night, I retrieved the information on the technique I had applied to the walls of the Royal Palace in Sherhary as planned, and built another magical fortress again.

This was going to take a whole day, but there seemed to be some respite left for that amount of time.

I had a lot of feelings, but before the imminent battle, I quickly switched my head.

There must be something for each one of us to do now.

It was only a full two days after that that that I returned to my room because I had immediately pulled onto Regis Overtree after eating the call to Princess Shatoma.

When I went back to my room, I noticed that a letter had been placed weighing the vase next to the bed.


Of the Earth, it was a Japanese letter.

"To Tor.

You have bad luck, so sometimes you don't do anything bad.

You're rational, but you don't think too much.

Being nice to girls is good, but not too good.

Okay, well, hang on tight. ~ by maki '

What a short, written text as I thought it would be.

It makes me want to hang on to my mother.

We're supposed to have just met recently, but a familiar sentence as if we've been dating for years.

Though it is true that I was unwittingly happy because I felt like I was being told in her voice.


On the desk where the letter was placed, there was something gleaming.

That's a little red brilliant.


Red Shizuku-shaped earrings.

I fish my own chest pocket, wondering if I left it here, even though it should always be in my chest pocket.

Then, to my surprise, it also came out of my chest pocket.

In short, they have pairs of earrings.

"Duh, what's going on?

Princess Shatoma said these are Machia Odileel earrings.

I didn't expect them both to fit in here.

"... no way Maki had it?

There are too many inexplicable things, but if she were to say that she left it here, one crack would be to say that Maki had it.

Left it for me, what was the intent?

Try putting up earrings, but it's just silent.

I put them both in my chest pockets, held them down with my hands from above, and exhaled slowly.

If the next time I see Maki, it's time to ask.

Maybe you are.

Until then, I have this.

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