Our demon king is coming.

28: Maki, what you can see now.

There were three shadows.

King of silver, Twilight in white military uniform, King Chamberlain... I wonder where.

"The Black Demon King will destroy it."

"Yeah... everything, whatever you want. Chamberlain's role is over. I got the example."

"And it got expensive, huh? But just because you create a giant soldier“ here, "how much do you pay for it?... hehe, reasonably good. It's thrilling and fun to say that we create giant soldiers in other countries."

"... you're an unusual person to let something you've created break right away"

"I told you. I prefer to destroy what I've created."

"If that's what you say."

I can hear you interrupting, the voice of King Silver and King Chamberlain.

I was lost in the dark and conversing with pleasure, listening to its contents.

The Royal Palace has been under severe shaking since earlier. I wonder if this royal palace will soon collapse.

"Oh, and I'm so tired. … I'd like to get back to that task."

"... hey, what's that?

There was no sign of dust, and I called from behind.


The three stop.

Between silences, it was delightful and irresistible to me.

"hey... why"


"Why?" Again. "It's you!!!

Before the king of silver screams and looks back, the sound of slashing the air violently.

Red countless threads sew the body of King Chamberlain and capture it.

The king of silver made himself sheltered by a man in white military uniform, avoiding the thread, and disappeared from the spot by the magic of the transfer.

For a moment, just a moment, a glimpse into the face of that man in white military uniform.

I can see it from the gap in my dark hair, and it was very, very similar to “him”.

Still, unlike a silver king who says you can't hide your surprises, you're a sober judge.

The view, which should have been the underground passage of the Royal Palace, in an instant, turned into a shaky fantasy space of black curtains.

Behind me all the time, Lepis is standing.

"... you, are"

King Chamberlain, captured, finally opened his mouth.

With a long spear, he slowly appeared before him, staring at me with just surprising eyes, weaving a robe and hiding his face.

"What? Eyes like even ghosts are watching. Do you know who I am?

"... Machia Odileel..."

"Yes, detached -"

I laughed sharply in front of King Chamberlain, who was motionless.

"hehe...... haha"

Therefore, King Chamberlain… No, the “Blue General” also laughs with a glimmer of cold sweat.

"I'm not talking about idiots. He's the only one who can do this.... What do you mean? Machia Odileel must be dead."

"That's why Machia died. I'm not Machia."

"But the Red Witch, right?

"... hehe. Hey... if you say so, I guess so."

I took off the robe I was wearing and let it go into this space.

The wind, the black curtain, winds it up.

Dark hair scattered with red magic dances through the universe.

The blue general opened his eyes.

"" I ”won't recognize you...... Blue General?

"... no way... of the other world..."

"I won't tell you one important thing. But I'll only tell you one thing."

When I said that cutely, I tore his chest with a spear in my hand.

The ability to “space where no one dies" is activated here.

Because of this, even if injured, it plays immediately, but only the torn clothes remain intact, dew the mark of curse with the chest.

"The mark, right? You put it on me once, didn't you? Strangely enough, I can see."


"With these eyes, I can see them. As long as you know the name of the flesh, it's one of the pieces of information. So I'm pretty sure right away. You... are the Blue General. Everyone suspected you, and I know you didn't mean to hide it, but absolute proof is important. Wherever you are, I'm going to" know. "It's no use hiding it with clothes. It's a lot easier than magic numbers."

"... No way, such"

This is, I suppose, fatal for a blue general.

Without a name, there was nothing I could do, but until now, even if I knew the name of the flesh, there was no way to tell it was being taken over by a blue general.

But by leaving Machia's body and becoming a savior from different worlds and jumping up magic numbers, I got eyes to see the curse marks of the Blue General.

"I appreciate it, General Blue. Because you planted a curse on me, and I can catch you."

Put a sarcastic smile on your face and whisper.

There was resentment and hatred against General Blue, but killing him is just like keeping him alive.

That's why I won't kill you, and I'll lock you up here forever.

From here, I cannot provide information to other “myself”.

Information never comes from the other side again.

Until the body dies, the Blue General trapped here will remain like this forever.

"... hehe"

He couldn't stop laughing.

"Excellent. No, I'm impressed. I never thought this would happen!!

"... you look happy"

"I'm glad. Because I love to be betrayed."

A blue general hanging in misery.

Even though I can't seem to afford it, all I'm happy about is the boulder.

"But the unnamed Red Witch. I'm still“ left. "Just beat you to the last one, that's all."

"... you're a fine loser. No, you're absolutely right."

Pay your hair, turn your back on him.

"At best, you'll get away with it, General Blue. I'm going hunting you."

"... with pleasant words"


Only his face turned to the blue general, who looked like King Chamberlain, and his maddening grin.

"Let's go, Lepis."


The moment I speak to Lepis, the scenery around me changes from the inside of the "Black Curtain” to the basement of the Royal Palace.

Whatever the dangers of the rattling and swinging royal palace, we will have secured another Blue General for now.

"... ugh. You're going to lose it. That guy. Really, what are you thinking?"

"Dear Machia"

"Hmm? What's wrong, Lepis"

There was a little bit of repis and a dark look on his face.

She tells painfully.

"He was my uncle."

"... Yes?

"Um, he was on the side of the Silver King, a man in federal uniform. His name is...... Nathan Twilight. Me, your brother, your uncle."

"... really? Something really resembled Thor. You people really look alike. Genes are amazing."

I just looked at your face for a moment and all I could think was, "Ah, you look like Tor," but if you ask me, you had a much older vibe than Tor.

But you know what? Now you're a third person, Tor.

Well, they say there are three people in the world who look alike... no, wait, if Noah grows up to feel good and looks like Tor to the fourth...

"... Dear Machia. My uncle just sent me a little gaze. You look very, very painful, but you just say it's okay. I'm sure for those caught by the Federation, your uncle is at their behest... I… what should I do?"

"... Lepis"

"It was Uncle Nathan who missed us from the Federation."

I held her still, covering her face with trembling hands.

A stiff prosthetic hand feels cold even over the robe.

"It's okay. Leave everything to me."

I have no intention of falsifying words that I speak forcefully.

To my words, Lepis pulls out the strength of a strong body.

"... but not really... impossible. Don't even, Master Machia"


"I... I still can't believe it. You're back... about that..."

Lepis enjoys tears in his black eyes, lips clamped, and crying.

Originally Lepis was back in Ruskia, but even when Princess Shatoma called her back and reunited her, she was very surprised to be her.

But this was the first time I almost cried like this.

I'm sure you saw me magically capture the Blue General and finally recognized the existence of me in the true sense of the word.

A rocking underground factory.

I didn't have much time, but I stroke my back with Lepis in my arms.

"Lepis, you've made me feel a lot harder. It's okay, I'm here. I'm back. I am the Savior... I will definitely help your people."

To comfort her, saying so with determination, she opened her eyes so much that she couldn't stop burying her face on my shoulder.

"Yes.... Yes, Master Machia. Dear Machia..."


"Be careful...... be careful"

"I know, you're still worried."

I'm not Machia anymore.

But at this time, I don't deny what Lepis saw through me about Machia.

He couldn't seem to keep the pale attitude he was trying to be strong all the time, and Lepis cried at me like a toddler.

Already, in the basement of a royal palace that's about to collapse.

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