Our demon king is coming.

30: Ulysses, meet and break up.

My name is Ulysses.

He is the Prince of the Kingdom of Ruskia and the husband of the Green Witch of the Patriarchate.


The whole Battle of Chamberlain, which arrived from Frezier to the Kingdom of Ruskia.

I watched that footage many times.

Giant soldiers appear to be far less powerful than “Type Ellis”, which previously appeared in the Luskian kingdom, and were usually positioned as Giant Soldier 35.

Thor, if you or Brother Eska had the power, it would seem that you had repelled without difficulty.

Sometimes I resent myself for staying in the Luskian kingdom, but I also know that someone needs to stay in this country.

Besides, I must have the most to protect. [M]

"... Ulysses, are you watching that again?


Perselis came to my room and looked worried. [M]

But I don't say anything, I come next door and sit down.

Her hair, stretched slightly, hit my shoulder.

"I don't know, you giant soldier. You look different than before. It's like a real creature."

"... right"

"Hey Ulysses. Thor and your brother will be back soon. Also to this Luskia. Let's do something fun to cheer everyone up!

She stood up happy and pulled my hand.

Yes, I was watching footage of the giant soldiers because I wanted to make sure I understood them before they got back here.

Tor, you and your brother-in-law Eska are coming home today.

I've been away from them for about six months, but I can finally get back together.

"This is Perselis. You can't be too shy. It's an important body in a cage."

"... ugh, yeah"

Perselis seemed to glow somewhere and grown up with his horizontal hair in his ear.

And walk perfectly towards me. [M]

"You know, Ulysses. I'm so happy to be with Ulysses all the time."

"... what's going on all of a sudden"

"... somehow"

Potty and grunting Perselis.

All she can do is drop them off fighting on the battlefield, I guess she knows what I'm up to.

stroked to hold Perselis' head.

Everyone will be home soon.

From the observation deck of the Rubel Tower, looking out at the sea, at some point Sir Medite was in the long chair behind him and called out.

"Your Highness, I see the sea all the time, but it's not like they're coming across the sea."

"I know, that's not true"

Sir Medite nodded, yeah, while eating Rubel Tower's famous soft cookies.

"Does Your Highness want to fight with you, Thor?

"... there is naturally a feeling to say so. Sometimes you want to leave this country and go after the Demon King class, don't you?

"That's right."

His reaction was very quick.

Now he opens a bottle of carbonated water and drinks it, which stands out in the Rubel Tower.

You bought a lot at the store downstairs...

"Sometimes I get in a hurry, too. I was the only one who wondered if I could stay in such a peaceful Luskian kingdom... But I'm not going. I've made up my mind, we have to follow the same path as in previous life."

"... have you ever left looking for a brave man?

"Yes. I left this continent to search for the brave, leaving my wife and my son in the Patriarchate. Naturally, I think that was the right thing to do. But as a result, I left my young wife and my young child behind. Because of that, I couldn't protect those two most important people."

What do you define as the best in this world?

That's probably going to be a big part of my future life.

What can we defend and what cannot we defend rather than the question of living and dying?

"I see. That's what a righteous white sage in his previous life would say if he wanted to be selfish in this world."

"Right. Sir Boulder Medite... strange to say"

"Haha. I'm not stalking the Demon King class."


I also saw a shadow on Sir Medite's expression saying so.

He's been observing me and Perselis all these days. However, we are relatively adult, so I guess his exploration will not be satisfied.

"Your Highness - Your Highness -!

Rocking the dark hair tied in two, Kirkirna came running to me.

"Your Highness, Master Thor, you're back!! Kihaha."

I'm shaky and I look very happy.

"Whoa, you're home already ~. Fast, fast."

"Hey, why are you even here with Lord Medite?

"Why, I'm telling you, this Rubel Tower site is a magical guidance research institute run by the Medithes, Mr. Kilna?

Kilna had her eyes set on Lord Medite, who replied in my place.

Maybe Lord Medite is giving something a little bit out to the Twilight clan, too, with this look...

"Nevertheless, if Thor were to come home, Miss Lena would have liked to welcome you, too. Though I can't help it now that I'm in a magic school."

"... Lena, you seem to be working hard"

"Right. You're going to be a pretty good magician. However, I wonder if her true power is white magic."

Lord Medite puts his hand on his chin and says Mogomogo.

"... as the Savior, power, is it"

"I don't even know who I am, so I can't help it, but what the hell is it?"

That's right.

Now Ms. Lena is attending the School of Magic Instruction Studies. That's why I can't welcome you back this time, Thor.

As soon as the class was over, she was studying magic so hard.

Come on, Thor, so I can help you.

When I look at that healthy figure, I'm impressed and at the same time a little less cut.

Lena reluctantly says "I want to be like Machia soon" in your absence.

I know I'm compared to Maki around me.

This time back in the kingdom of Ruskia, it looks like you, Tor, Brother Eska, and Mr Lepis.

"Hey, welcome back, Mr. Toll. That worked great."

"... sort of. But there's a lot going on. I'm tired."

"It was a long journey, wasn't it? You should take care of yourself in Ruscia for a little while."

Thor, you still looked a little tired than when you left this country.

Although he seemed to be doing so normally.

"Brother Eska is tired too. Perselis is also waiting in the Patriarchate.... and the Archbishop."


My brother-in-law Eska reacted pickly to my greeting, biting his lower lip and staring at me.

"... what, what?

"Witch...... sounds like you're pregnant"

"Oh, yes. … hehe"


Even though Brother Eska is frustrated, from the standpoint of being a bishop, he cannot half-kill me, the bridegroom of the Patriarchate, and he makes me punch fists with no place to go.

"... oh"

On Brother Eska's back, there was a little boy hiding.

The boy had grown up, but he was looking up at me and circling his eyes.

A boy with pale, white hair, big eyes.

The body is thin and feels worn in a costume with the product it is wearing, but the spine is stretched out with a pin and somewhere grand.

Moments, I lost my word.

The child had a spirit, and the spirits' gaze appealed to me.


Soon, I'll know who he is.

But I've been confused for a while without taking that fact. [M]

"This guy is a suzuma. Er... and“ he ”brought him in in Chamberlain. Well, I thought I'd take care of him in the Patriarchate."

"... Si, in Chamberlain? That guy?"

"Oh. I can't help but stand here and talk. In the meantime, let's go to the Church."

Rarely did Brother Eska put the place together for me.

As far as the look on his brother-in-law Eska's face is concerned, he seems to have brought this child here knowing that he was reborn as “Shuma”. Because my gaze just says, "Go to the witch quickly".

"Uh... where the hell did you get the Spirit?

On my way to the Patriarchate, I was next to Suzuma, and I kept asking him.

He has no memory of his previous life, because as soon as he started talking, he knew it, so be careful here.

Truth is, though I just wanted to hug you to the full force and cry.

He looked up at me so many times he could observe, he answered the question.

"In an oasis, yes. I lived in an oasis town."

"What about your parents?

"... I'm not here. I was picked up."

"Oh well.... Sorry."


My heart is still beating badly. Quick, I want to teach Perselis quickly.

I want you to meet him.

Though I was about to unconsciously foot faster, after realizing that the tin stride of walking a little closer to what used to be Shuma's, I started to fit in with it myself.

"Hey brother... what about you brother..."



Suzuma looked up at me and said something, but she stopped.

"Welcome back!!

Perselis, who waited in front of the circular hall of the Patriarchate, welcomed us.

"Welcome back brother!!


To Perselis, who smiled back with Nico, Esca's brother-in-law coughed with Gohon and said, "I'm home now," just in awe of the yawning.

Perselis glanced at Kyorokyoro and Suzuma, who was looking for someone else over Brother Eska's brother-in-law, but was right next to me.

"... eh"

She's small, zero surprise.

He twitches and opens his eyes and looks at the little one.

Perhaps much earlier than me, she realized who it was.

"Ah... sh"

"Wait, Perselis"

I panicked and grabbed both shoulders of Perselis.

In her ear, upset, she tells her to calm down.

"You can't call me by that name. He has no memory of his previous life, let alone a child. Don't push our memories."

"Yes... but, Ulysses"

"I know."

"Ulyssisu...... eh"

"It's okay."

We endured.

I dropped off the grief of losing my son by sinking Shuma's body into a fountain.

But I never forgot. My love for Shuma is, indeed, still in my heart all the time.

I wanted to hold that “tin" in front of me and let it go.

Because once again, we were able to make the rounds.

But he's a child.

Suddenly, where we hugged him and asked for him and said he was my son's last life, what would Suzuma think?

Must bring great anxiety and confusion.

So be patient, Perselis.

Little by little, little by little.

Yes, I was telling her, I was telling myself.

"... Um"

But then, Suzuma came right next to me and Perselis and looked up at us and said,

"Are your brother and sister a couple?

"... Huh? Oh, yeah. That's right."


Suzuma's round eyes have been catching us since just now.

"Then... you're my father and my mother?

It's like a kid's question that popped out, and suddenly he asks us that.

Me and Perselis haven't been able to get to know each other better.

About that time, his eyes were clear.

I crossed the back of my brain, that question.

Once, I was questioned by Shuma.

Are you my father and my mother?

Yes. In the promised place.

When Shuma and I met Perselis, who got lost in the Residual Demon Guided Space, she asked me.

He won't miss us anytime.

When they noticed that, I didn't think I was going to be able to stand the boulders.

A child with the same soul as Shuma has noticed me and Perselis, but he can't shake his head.

Even if he doesn't remember, he always remembers us...

"Oh..." shma "... eh"

You said I shouldn't call that name, but it came up unexpectedly.

On my knees, in tears, I held him tight, trying to cover him.

Suzuma was surprised, but backwards from my predictions, she just laughed and hugged me back.

What a strong and honorable child.

Perselis couldn't hold back what he was going to hold up, so he held me and Suzuma together.

I don't understand.

Why has he been reborn into this world and reappeared at this time, in this place, before us?

It's Vabilofos.

Do you say that this is also the guide of the Holy Tree?

Our family is always in the Holy Land.

"... dude. I'm telling you, it wasn't me who brought Suzuma here."

"... Huh?

Brother Eska, who was watching over our reunion, told the pretender so.

"The guy” found it and brought it in.... that woman. "

"... that guy?

Also, “he" came out of Brother Eska's mouth.

Who's this about?

Who guided our patrol?

Brother Eska had nothing more to say, and looked at him like that and looked strange immediately.

"... or... what about the Black Demon King?


He looked around and noticed Thor wasn't there.

When I do it, I'm aware of it.

I was worried about Suzuma, and I didn't realize Thor was gone.

I wonder what it is.

At a time like this, I got a little anxiety.

He stretched his knee, which was broken, stood up, and turned to you with a hunch.

Yes, of the black door, to some.

"No way......"

I had a bad feeling, I left Suzuma to Perselis, and I went through the long hallway and hurried to that big door.

Again, I thought. The sculpture of the great tree shines a little light, as it did once the great door was opened.

"The Black Demon King guy. I've never even tried to get to this other side before, why..."

Even Brother Eska, who followed me, is surprised.

"Oh no..."

No, Mr. Thor.

If you go down that staircase, you'll find her.

"Um, what's going on...?

"Mr. Lena."

You came here directly from the School of Magic Instruction Studies, and Lena called out to us in a panic in front of the black door.

She looks around as a kyoton, just a little bit.

Probably looking for you, Thor.

"I, Thor, am coming after you."

"Oh, hey, white sage!

I didn't even hear Brother Eska stop, and I opened the black door and went down the stairs.

It feels strange.

Thor, I don't want you to find Maki's coffin, but I'm glad he might have gone down here.

Maybe he remembered Maki, our Makiko Oda, from Makia Odileel.


But I was clearly conscious.

Thor saw you standing in front of Machia Odileel's grave in this sanctuary, and he said it was still very cruel.

His cold, quiet magic seeps into the clear air and drifts.

Thor, you stood in front of her grave.

I can imagine the look on his face even though he only sees his back.

Eventually, he collapses her grave forward.

"... Mr. Thor"

Oh, finally?

He was finally able to meet her (Machia) and grieve her (Machia) goodbye.

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