Our demon king is coming.

+ α: Lena, waves.

I'm Lena.

Just Lena.

On Earth it was named Ping Ling Na, but here it is just Lena, what is it?

The Savior doesn't have a name.

I was very excited to have Mr. Thor back on this day.

I knew I missed you.

I wanted you to see the magic I could do.

This time, I was wondering if I could be of some help.

It may be a shame to say instead of Machia, but I wonder if we got a little closer...

Originally a study-enthusiastic type, I returned to the Kingdom of Ruskia to encourage the training of day and night white magic.

I don't know the magic numbers but they seem to be quite magical, and I got praised by Dr. Medite when he said I was doing well with white magic.

Next time, I thought there must be something I could do for everyone, Mr. Thor.

For that reason, I could study magic twice as hard as anyone.

Now is the time, now is the time, as the Savior, to be needed...

Such a desire was boiling in me.

Otherwise, what the hell is it that you come to this world for and are called to be the Savior?

There is no good reason to just be protected and just look at the people who are fighting.

"Um, what's going on...?

Mr. Thor told Dr. Medite that he was in the Patriarchate, so he hurried over there.

But in front of the black door of the Patriarchate, I was concerned that His Highness Ulysses and Mr. Eska had a reluctant and hasty look.

I wonder where Mr. Thor is.

I've looked for Kyolo Kyolo, but there's no Mr. Thor on this occasion.

"I, Thor, am coming after you."

"Oh, hey, white sage!

His Highness Ulysses opened the black door and soon disappeared.

Mr. Eska is walking with his tongue pounding and trying to draw a circle in front of the door in a frustrated manner.

No way...... and I got it.

"Um, could it be that Mr. Thor is on this other side...?

"Ah? No, I don't know for sure... hey"

Without even hearing from Eska, I opened the door immediately.

It was a heavy door, but try to slip into the open gap.

"No... No, Mr. Thor..."

I trembled down the stairs, trembling with strange haste and fear.

Don't find Machia.

Don't remind me of Machia.

Also, Mr. Thor will get hurt.

"... Mr. Thor"

But Mr. Thor had found Machia.

In front of the coffin, he's kneecaps, he's crying.

I've never seen him cry like that.

"T, Mr. Tor......"

Overtaking His Highness Ulysses, who stood at the entrance to the Holy Land, he wanted to rush over to Mr. Thor, but is pulled over by His Highness Ulysses.

"I'm sorry, Lena... but right now... I just want to leave you two alone"

"... eh"

His Royal Highness Ulysses also tried to bite his grief as he jammed his words and watched the “two” reunion.

I can't stop, I shake my mouth and leave this place.

I knew it.

I can't be Machia.

Painfully with that.

Why, I wanted to be Machia.

Because Mr. Thor cared about Machia?

I think I like Mr. Thor after all...

I don't like her. Because Mr. Thor forgot about Machia, he thinks he'll look at me "again".

All I'm saying is that it was me “Helena” 2,000 years ago who killed the Black Demon King, and that was someone else, and I feel sweet, relied upon, and forgiven for his kindness.

I don't know what Mr. Thor meant.

Even though I don't deserve Mr. Thor to like me.

"That, Mr. Lena? What's going on here?"

When I left the Patriarchate and came all the way to the coast on the side of the Fluffy Instructional Research Institute, sitting on the embankment and crying, I was called out.

Kirkirna, it's you, Noah.

"Is that you crying, Mr. Lena?

Kikirna looked surprised and asked without hesitation.

Though Noah is seeping in a hurry with "Sister Kilna" next door.

"Duh... what's wrong, Lena?"

Though, Noah, I guess you couldn't help but look at my worn out face and ask the boulder.

"Yeah, it's nothing. I'm sorry."

I wiped my tears with my sleeves and laughed hard.

"It's nothing. Ha ha, I'm sure Master Thor will tease you, right?

"Ki, sister Kilna!

"'Cause that's what you're gonna say about Lena crying in here the day Lord Thor comes home, isn't it? Are you kidding me, Master Thor, that you've got women everywhere in the exotic world? Local wife? Ha ha. Harlem, don't let the Demon King travel alone."


Kikirna is intolerant.

Thor in her must have a dark “Black Demon King” statue.

But nothing, the Black Demon King didn't feel so dishonest either.

I was just protecting a lot of women...

When it was Helena, I never really thought about Harlem because it was obvious that she was the Black Demon King.

"That's not true... Mr. Thor, it's a long way off"

"To Mr. Lena?

"No way.... to Machia"

Say it yourself, it gets a little bitter.

"But Master Machia isn't here anymore. Even Mr. Lena was the pet princess of the Black Demon King, wasn't she? Well, he killed the Black Demon King..."

"Sister Kikirna!!

Noah, you raised your voice in a panic again.

I can't even look up. Exactly.

"Hey, I've always wanted to ask you, Mr. Lena. Why did Lena kill the Black Demon King? I knew you were cheating on the Black Demon King, the Red Witch? I got angry and I busted it, like? Kihaha."

"Chi, no."

Kikirna keeps asking off the hook.

Noah, I don't even care how desperate you are to pull your sleeve.

"No... that's when the Red Witch hardly ever came to Eyesmore..."

At that time, the Red Witch seemed to have learned something about the relationship between the Black Demon King and Helena.

So I don't think he came to that country anymore.

The Red Witch loved the Black Demon King, something even I realized at the time.

And Helena was most loved by the Black Demon King.

Because I knew exactly what I was doing.

But I killed the Black Demon King. I started thinking to myself that I had to kill him, and I couldn't stop it.

That “last day," I was told by the “brave man," that was the law of the world.

You can never stop that killing.

"But... for whatever reason, you can't possibly like the person who killed you again. Mr. Thor is a truly nostalgic man, just being nice to me without touching on the past. And I just..."

"Oh, I knew Lena liked Tor..."

Besides, it was you Noah who asked me about this.

And as soon as I hear it, he looks like he's gone, holding his mouth.

"Oh, I didn't even care about Noah."

"Chi, no, sister. My mouth is on its own."


I am increasingly unable to look up.

I don't know myself.

He's chasing Mr. Thor again because he was a pet princess in his previous life.

But Machia, the rebirth of the Red Witch, who was not loved in her previous life, is now the most important of Mr. Thor's.

I wonder why.

I don't think I can catch up with Machia anymore.

That's what I thought when I saw Mr. Thor, who I'm not supposed to remember, crying in front of Machia's coffin.

"But then I... what brings me here?"

Question that sprang up and came up.

In the first place, I wonder what the hell I am.

I've heard that Mr. Thor and the Machias will reach the gods of this world if they go back in time, but who the hell am I?

Saviors from different worlds, if there is a past life, you should be able to retrospectively know who they are.

"... in the first place, Lena killed the Black Demon King, it must be the law of the world"

Noah, to your simple question, my chest beat.

I feel sick about something twitching and creeping out of the back of my chest.

Once, I swallowed a twat.

"Yes, now that the law is in place, I'm sure it's all right... I could be very dangerous."

I stared at the trembling palm of my hand.

That's something I've never even tried to think about in depth...

Running away from thinking, studying magic, realizing I was working so hard on my bare hands.

"Lena, I'm sorry, I... I might have said something strange."

"Yes, no. It's good. I... you know, the truth is I have to go and find out for myself."

"... Lena"

Kirkirna and Noah looked at each other and made it look like they were in trouble.

Sounds like you came up with something, Noah.

"Mr. Lena, then I'll tell you a cheerful mumble... Once upon a time, when I was just a little girl, someone taught me..."


"...... elas aplay psyuk......"


"It seems a silly thing that means" Golden Roba loves the world. "It's a secret thing to tell the Twilight clan. If something hard happens, you should say this..."

"Oh, that's nostalgic. You remember so well... or should I say it's a secret?

"Yes, because... Lena looks spicy."

That's where I worry about the two of you.

I feel like I've heard that nonsense somewhere, but I can't remember.

"It's okay. I'm not gonna tell anybody. That's nasty."

"... really? Especially not to Sister Lepis."

Kirkirna is worried.

"Yeah, thanks. You inspired me, didn't you?... Sorry, because I'm messing with you"

I wiped my tears again, jumped down the embankment and skirted.

Kirkirna and Noah smiled at you and behaved like nothing was going on, but I think they were still waving inside, little by little.

I don't know if I'm gonna hurt anybody again...

In me, Helena, far away.

Her presence, with her memories, very unlikely to be herself.

The dagger she was holding, wrapped in black mist...

Hey, why did you kill the Black Demon King you loved so much?

Me, what are you here for now?

No one can tell me that.

Am I really a "messiah" person?

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