Our demon king is coming.

* Permeation, nap time.

Maki, who went to the woods on his own, was scolded by a kindergarten teacher who had followed Yuri, but for some reason his expression was puzzling.

Afterwards, in a scenic spot in the park, everyone eats Yuri's lunch box, shares sweets, and talks quite a bit.

Maki still seemed a little alert, but the more time passed, the lighter the tone became to the old Red Witch, and the more masterful the dislike became.

It's just that for this guy, snacks and rice work immensely, and when I give them to him, he gets honest, so I thought Yuri and I were done.

I have to write the instruction manual for Maki...

"In the meantime, I think we should put up a joint front on this planet."

"... that sounds like a way to fight something"

"It's a fight. In this world called Earth, we have knowledge and memory of different worlds. I don't even know where or how they'll find out and be used. I have no more magic, so I can't defend myself. We need to help each other."

"... Usage?

Maki holds the bun in his hands, puts his eyes on the dot and asks.

"Well... if I do poorly, I might be certified as a different world and taken to some research facility"


"Now I'm still a kid's bullshit, which might do it.... the more we grow, the more we can do. Doing so may make me want to" extremes ”something again. I don't know where we're going to use our knowledge of different worlds... but I think each other's existence is a deterrent to not doing so."

"Yes, you're thinking a lot."

Me and Maki probably haven't thought that far.

But what Yuri said is extremely serious, and I guess it's something that we have to remain aware of from this era of orchards.

"Something like when I was in Mayday."

Pollo and Maki muttered.

Swallow the last shard of the bun.

"Even then, I think the battle between the three of us was one that preserved the balance of power between each.... the White Wise Man disappeared first, and the Black Demon King died... and it collapsed."

Maki's, slightly lonely face with his fingers peeled.

Neither me nor Yuri know how this guy ended up dead.

"Hey... how did the Red Witch die? You were killed by a brave man? Is that what you're saying when you're here?

Unexpectedly ask.

But Maki shook his head after thinking a little.

"I'm sure I could have taken you on the road, rather than being killed by a brave man."

"... mi, with the road?

"We made the final showdown on the western continent"


Maci answers while opening a bag of sweets and eating potato chips.

Me and Yuri just looked at each other.

The voices of the children playing ball in the park's bright spots seemed distant.

"Take that brave man... Maki, you're a boulder"

"I don't know, maybe he's dead, too. I don't think we can avoid that explosion."

"... explosion"

That word alone made me somehow imagine how she died.

Perhaps it used its own body as the largest amount of information, causing a huge explosion.

The western continent must have been devastated...

But when I'm in this world, I don't know the upside of it, and I don't feel like I'm real.

Somehow, the blurry red witch felt sorry for herself and said, "Eat this too," and wanted to present her own treat.

"Oh well. But... it's funny to say that all three of them were reincarnated into different worlds."

"But why Earth (here)?"

"Come on."

Yuri just flatters his shoulders, too.

There are too many things I don't understand when I think about it.

Rather than thinking about it, there may be no choice. Probably won't know for the rest of your life.

"Nevertheless... Maki, why were you so hostile? Since the first time we met."


Maki stopped eating sweets.

Then it starts to get moody, and both me and Yuri are breathtaking.

"'Cause... you guys got along on your own, and you forgot about me, and you did."

"Oh, that's not true, Maki. Just now, I was hitting the Beecher talking about turning back the Red Witch."

"... I wonder"

Half-hearted, tight-eyed maki.

I stroked the little maki's head with a pomp so I could mismolest something.

Then Maci, who had been calm there until now, said, "Don't touch me on your own!" and angry.

... still looks like a little animal I'm not used to yet.

The day's excursion ended up being almost like a meeting for us as we spread out our leisure seats and pinched our treats.

It wasn't like a garden, but I can tell you it was a meaningful excursion for us.

From the teachers' point of view, our behavior would have been troubling.

Even though it was an excursion, I didn't want to run around the field like a child, but it was a memorable story.

Now, Maki says, his attitude toward us changes dramatically from this day forward.

The eyes that had been staring at this one at Sakuragumi's entrance until now were rather healthy to ask how this one was doing.

When you say that, you call her from us.

She seems happy to be called, and comes to the side.

Umegumi doesn't have any friends, so the teachers wondered about our relationship.

In the meantime, Maki stopped hesitating to come into Sakuragumi.

What's wrong with you these days?

"Orchards are good. I can force you to take a nap."

"... but I haven't slept"

"Yes. It's good that you can let me, but the problem is that I can't sleep"

"But I'm sure it's time..."

This is one day, nap time in Sakuragumi.

The orchards are lined up and forced to take a nap, but, well, the kids need the time.

Everyone was asleep and talking to Yuri.

There are those who come into our crevices with dignity.

"Ah, it's Maki"

Slipping, he dragged his own blanket, and Maki came.

Stop next to me avoiding the sleeping orchards.

"Step aside."

"... no, I don't care if you go away and tell me"



There were many things I wanted to say, but I would make a gap.

It's normal these days, but she comes to this crease when it's nap time.

You fall asleep next to me, you stay quiet, you grab a blanket, you go to sleep.

It can be instant sleep.

"... you know how to do it. That's him."

"Well, it's a normal phenomenon anymore, and the teacher won't say anything."

Yuri laughed bitterly, yawning small and wrapped himself in a blanket.

"I think I'm sleepy now too... well, say hello to Maki"

"... are you serious?"

Until Yuri fell asleep with his back to me.


It's a warm day, near summer.

I couldn't sleep in the garden. I was looking up at the white ceiling.

After a while, Maki, who was wearing a blanket, put that blanket down right under his eyes and asked how I was doing.

"Oh, my God, didn't you go to bed?"

"... you don't sleep?

"I don't like naps, ever since I was the Black Demon King"

"... you, sleep, you seemed short."

Maki is right.

I'm basically a man who's lived a short sleep.

I had a lot to do in Black Demon King's time... I don't know.

On the other hand, it's a lot of itchy time for me because it's my job to play and sleep in a garden.

"Are you sleepy?

"I'm gonna get sleepy after lunch."

"It's still my instinct."

"... I'm going to bed now"

Maki kept this one pointed at him, took a blanket to his mouth, rounded his body, and closed his eyes.

If I only looked at him, he would really look like a toddler.

Also, it got quiet around me.

From all over, only the sleep of the orchards can be heard.

Three demon kings who have fought in different worlds are taking a peaceful nap here...

I'm sure many people in the world who lived there can't even imagine that.

Even I never thought this would happen after I died.

When I was thinking about it, I was getting sleepy.

Apart from the will, the body still seems to belong to the child.

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