My name is Shatoma Mireya Frezier.

She is the princess of the kingdom of Frezil.

"Is... what? You want to keep up with Cannon?

"Yeah. Can't you, Princess Shatoma..."

Lena, who was coming to Frezier, asked for a concubine.

He wants to go himself, along with Cannon, who sends him to Thor Sagaram on his way to the western continent.

"I know. I said I'd only get my feet together... but I really wanted to see Mr. Thor."


"Oh, I'm sorry. At such an important time.... but"

"Fair enough. I don't know what it feels like to do that. I can't help but wonder if my previous husband cheated on me in an undisclosed land."

"Well, that's not what I'm saying... eh. And Mr. Thor, to me now, at all..."

Lena turned away and eventually nodded.

This girl is in a complicated position, too.

"Me, nothing. If it helps Mr. Thor, that's fine. Now I don't think I want to be special to him..."

"Ooh. Thor Sagaram is a sinful man to make"

"The Black Demon King...... Oh, Mr. Thor, nothing like that"

"Well, I'd be in trouble if something happened to you, but let's just ask Canon. You can't if he says no, and you can say good. This whole thing is under his jurisdiction."

"... this matter?

"Oh, no."

The concubine stops her hand handling the paperwork, sets her arms on the desk, puts her fingers together, and puts her jaw on.

This matter is about the ultra-exclusive triangle that can shake the world.

"But Lena. The journey is hard, and cannons are scarier than that. I don't know what pisses me off. I don't know if I'll ever see Tor Sagaram again."

"Uh, hey, yes. I know..."

Lena was afraid of Canon, but still nodded.

As we talked about it that way, the rumored Cannon came to the room.

When I look at Lena, I crease between my eyebrows. Well, that's the same look as always.


"No, that's why, Canon. I'd like you to take Lena with you... no, of course it's up to you"


"Look at them, I knew it..."

The outgoing canon accepted it very much.

To tell the truth, they just say no concubines...

Because Lena, the so-called golden apple.

If you can throw it in, it will trigger a commotion.

"Lena, if you don't take it personally, I'll take you..."

"Ha, yes!! Thank you, General Cannon."

What's Kanon thinking?

The concubine got a little worried.

"Me, I have to do my best to help..."

Lena was joyful and uptight.

I think I can be of some help right now.

But it is true that her white magic skills have recently grown to a point where she can be treated to the same extent as those royal palace white magicians there.

It was an impossible rate of absorption, but this is also the power of the legendary girl who emerged from different worlds.

"Oh, hey Cannon... you dare to make one in the training ground"

After Lena leaves the room, the concubine asks Cannon.

"Do you want me to punch all the causes into that land of causes? Don't let the west burn up again..."

"... that's not what I'm saying. But it's inevitable. The golden apple is destined to be thrown again"


Our conversation is based on the myth of the "golden apple”.

This in itself is a story I write in any mythological book, and it is also said to have been one of the triggers for the final chapter of mythology, the Battle of the Giants.

The myth is this.

Nine gods, each with its own country, but eventually Para Utiz and Para Demeteris became in love and married, uniting their neighbours with each other.

In the meantime, Para Klondor and Para Magiliva became in love and Para Ellis and Para Pusima were engaged again, but it was the Lord God Para Acromeia who did not find it interesting.

In short, there were no more goddesses, so Para Acromeia was terribly jealous of her inability to expand her territory.

So Para Acromeia hosted a feast in her own palace.

Six of the nine pillars participated, and it was quicker to raise the gods who could not participate.

Overlapping the birth of Para Demeteris, Para Utis and Para Demeteris are absent.

Para Hadefis, who never left the country of death, was absent. According to one theory, Para Hadefis was also supposedly not invited in the first place. You think he hated the symbol of death?

Now, the feast held by Para Achromeia was grandly executed and the wine behaved abundantly.

In the aftermath of the feast, the "golden apple” is considered to have been thrown in.

In every mythical mural and literature, the golden apple is portrayed as a glowing fruit of enchantment, and nothing more is mentioned, but it is assumed that it has caused the gods to hate each other.

Mythologists give various theories about what the hell this golden apple was.

It was a golden sleeping mine, or something.

Wasn't she an attractive woman, or something?

In the first place, there wasn't anything like that, or something.

I don't remember the concubine, but Kanon seems to know...

"But tomorrow, without you or Lena, the concubine will miss you."

"Say it well. … and there will be the Archbishop of the Holy Ashes"

"That's right. The Archbishop is here. Let them play."


When the concubine joked and said so, Cannon dropped his gaze somewhere and pushed silently.

Corny and laughing, the concubine smiled at the prank.

"Oh, jealous?

"No. With that said, I just thought you used to be, too"

"... I miss you. Thousands of years ago, the Archbishop asked me to play the concubine."

A thousand years ago, when Princess Vine was just a girl.

The archbishop of Holy Ashes visited Princess Vine and for the first time the concubine took the artifact in her hand.

The concubine was still young and playful, so it was often played by Canon and the Archbishop...

The Archbishop had a completely different atmosphere than he is now.

Calm, thoughtful, dressed properly in the Patriarchate's uniform... we all have no idea why this is happening now, but we think it is probably the result of great enlightenment.

"But even though I still travel to and from Ruskia and Frezier, it's going to be a long time before I can see you if you go west... there's no system tower on the western continent, and I can't easily communicate with you. Thin..."

The concubine slipped on the back of the fuzzy chair, put her foot on the foot resting in the desk, and jerked off the chair.

"... princess, you're behaving badly"

In doing so, Kanon takes great care of himself.

Concubine waited for it, but deliberately sticks out her lips "boo".

I slammed against my desk and graffitied at the pieces of paper.

"I'm motivated to work, too"


Kanon sighs and comes in front of him and purposefully makes tea.

I took one bun out of nowhere and just said, "It's not good to eat in the middle of the night, but take sugar," and put it in front of me.

"Midnight treats don't feel special."

When I eat it and make tea, I feel a little refreshed.

Kanon stared at the condition, but left the room after a while.

The next morning, Canon and Lena traveled.

Via Ruskia, head to the western continent on Frezier's latest small battleship.

This can be simulated in the sky, low fuel consumption. We plan to sneak in and out of the west sky and Ruskia.

Only Canon and Lena are to be landed, from which Canon is to be entrusted with full responsibility.

The concubine dropped off a battleship leaving Regis Overtree from the balcony of the Royal Palace.

"Has Kanon traveled? My concubine wants to travel with him, like a thousand years ago."

"... Princess Vine, is it hard for you"

"No, Archbishop. Concubines have concubine roles. The western continent is as important a land as sending canons in. If we can win the battle for that land, we can have the“ Great Triangle ”to the west, south and east. That would be a threat to the Hermédes Federation."


Vivid Esca, Archbishop of Holy Ashes, who dropped him off together on the side of his concubine.

He glimpses his concubine and stares at the battleship, which has gone as far as a bean grain again.

"The Archbishop will also be anxious to leave the South for a long time. I'm always sorry I called you everywhere."

"No. I'm more of a light-hearted person. Besides, there are White Wise Men in the" once ”Church... once!

The Archbishop emphasized “once and for all”.

"... you took a disciple, didn't you? Look, the kid that the Red Witch brought in."

"Huh? Oh, is it tiny? He's a guy with bones. You'll be a good white magician, and I think you'll be a good bishop.... Well, I left it this time. Because the witch won't let Suzuma go for an hour."

"Haha. The Archbishop is no match for a witch."

"... those peaceful bokeh families just wish they were in peace forever"

The Archbishop speaks to others as he always does.

Even though it hits the wind more accustomed to the other Ments.


The concubine also dropped off the travellers.

Everyone is scattered for each ideal, fighting for each wish.

Believe me, there's a connection at the end of it.

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