I'm Maki.

Oh, finally, those people are here.

I never ran away, but I'm not needed for that round table. So I look for the entrance and exit.

At least some “entrances and exits” exist in large spaces. And it can be an unpredictable place.

The presence of Utopia on the coast near Ruskia and the relatively close proximity of Cardia to federal “facilities" are good evidence.

These two places are not places to come and go in a very day.

But if it's a massive space, you can come and go just over the Black Plains.

The Demons are gathering in Ishmore.

Then I need to know where the hell Ishmore is going to be.


Walk the white silver world.

This is Thor's memory and a fantasy world made from Eyesmore data.

Away from the castle, he stopped at a place with a good view of the snowfield.

Turning the "Covenant of the Queen of War” into a knife that had been turned into a ring, he cut his palm off.

Blood seeps, pounding and spilling, dyeing its bright white snow.

"Orders. Find the entrance and exit."

The blood that contains my will glows pale, and its light stretches forth.

Serpentine, but sure.

"I guess this is really what kids find while they play. How are the twins..."

I'm starting to feel kind of cowardly.

I was remembering that elf twin who led me to Utopia.

I've heard that the entrance to a strange world is easier for children to find, but I'm sure that's because children care about places where nothing is happening.

Growing up, I stare at places I tend to miss...

"Oh, there it is."

The entrance to and exit from Eyesmore was in the trunk of a great mound tree.

The Momo tree looks familiar. Speaking of which, when the Red Witch came to Ishmore, she was under the tree where the Black Demon King made her cry.


I miss it.

Being in Ishmore reminds me of both good and bad things, but now I think it's a very happy thing too.

Repeated reincarnation, I remember spending so much time with my loved ones.

Because we spent a lot longer together than just once in our lives putting our thoughts together and living happily ever after.

"Oh, dear."

I tried to stick my foot in the trunk.

The leg is sucked into the trunk without any obstruction.

Just like that, I tried to get out.

It's like crossing an arch where every person can get through.

"... wow"

What I saw as soon as I got out, was a strange, bumpy earth and the moon.

"Where the hell are we?"

The terrain, with its many high rocky mountains, seems very mysterious, illuminated by the moon floating flat.

I deformed the knife in my hand into my usual spear.

"It seems like a very good land for hide, but I wonder how to make a country..."

It's completely different from the shape of Eyesmore, so I got a little anxious, but decided to explore it for now.

If it's where the Federation is reaching, it's tough.


But no matter how far you go down the dry earth with the spear instead of the cane, the high rod-shaped rock and the triangular cone rock are just standing in a row.

"This is what a giant looks like..."

It also seems like a ruin. There's a hole in the rock, like a small window in the house.

It feels like there's a history of people living there.


Like the sound of the wind, like the voice of a girl.

Such a noise reached my ear, I looked back unexpectedly, but there is just a dark group of rocks.

"... oh no. No way... it's not a ghost or anything like that."

As soon as I did, my spine peeled.

They may say what the Demon King is talking about repeatedly reincarnating, but the darkness, the monsters and the giant soldiers are okay. But “ghosts” are too good to know.

Instead, I was a little bad at the opponent who didn't seem to make sense of a physical attack.

"Oh, no. I thought I'd go home..."

I glued around the scene and grabbed the spear.

For a moment, I heard that wind voice again. Turning that way, I find a rock that glows pale and green.


Breathtaking, I approached.

It was a small rock around here. It's like some kind of landmark, just placed.

When you touch a light, green glowing part, you are amazed by something like a schematic to stretch out like a branch leaf from that part.

"... this"

I've seen it somewhere, I thought it was a surgical ceremony.

After a while, it sounds like a dull ground, and on the ground on this little rocky side, a concealed hole is drilled.

"... stairs?

Yes. The stairs were down from that hole.

I think the wind sucked in there and I heard a couscous laugh again.

It's like an underground passage in Chamberlain.

I felt invited ahead.

"Oh, scary scary scary. I wish Tor was here at a time like this..."

Well, I came out on my own. It's about what I'm gonna say.

In the end, he went down the hidden passage, I'm afraid. Thor was there when Chamberlain was there, and there was no consciousness of ghosts, but how could I be suddenly scared of this kind of thing just to be aware?

I was able to go down, shaking myself as a blurb, because there were glowing rocks everywhere.

The staircase itself echoes magic every time I walk, glowing like a spreading watermark.

"... eh"

Down the long stairs, I lay my eyes on the brilliance of all the blindness.

What showed up there was a vibrant palace aisle that I didn't think existed in such a ruined basement.


Yes, there are golden columns and statues in there, I can't even feel the antiquity and pain.

I didn't think I'd come back here because it was part of a massive space.

Brilliant, but too quiet and cold in the air.

"South Amitabha Buddha...... may not be attached to ghosts"

Speak of bumps and Japanese sutra. Though I don't even know if this will work in Mayday.

Looking only in front of him and proceeding, he eventually stepped out into the hall.


Huge murals were painted on the front.

Enough to cover one side.

It's not like the old one in the Patriarchate. Probably a scarcely painless mural from the time it was painted.

It depicts the gods on the floor of death at the root of the great tree, just one standing still.

… "Just one” has a golden sword in his hand.

"What is this..."

Maybe this mural...

Until just now, I was driven by the fear of ghosts and whatnot, but I would stop right next to the mural and look up.

"I've never seen a mural like this in my country or in a mythical book."

When you look around you haphazardly, similar, but different, murals are drawn and connected, large and small.

All are murals of those with golden swords staring at the dead lying in the fountain of blood at the end of the battle.

Also, I felt like I heard someone whisper I miss, like the wind had caught my ear.

Bakubaku and his heart beat, and to the feeling that it was going to strike, he would not stop kneeling.

"... eh"

Zukin and when a sharp pain ran on his head, he looked up at the domed ceiling and opened his eyes.

I can see the glittering golden scales. It's falling.

On the other side, I looked away at the remnants of distant memories.

Under the great tree, in front of the last coffin, a single goddess is handing a golden sword to him that wears a black, blurry robe.

The golden colour makes “righteous” to that man, the God of death, who is about to be drunk by darkness.

A god of death, he got a glowing color far from “death”.

And play it forever and repeat it.

Gold is also the color that scratched the relationship between our nine pillars. It was therefore also a deterrent to the "golden apple”.

The Golden Sword was entrusted by “Magiliva”, both a hope and a curse.

"... eh"

I held my mouth, stood on the spot, trembling.

What have we done?

Oh, my God, you were so strong on that guy.

In this Mayday, you must reborn repeatedly, keep killing the Demon King repeatedly, and still, give up everything...

What's on my chest is the pain in my chest that seems to be tearing me apart, the hatred and the nothingness that I didn't get anything.

Even though I can't remember any clear events or videos, only the painful emotions of the mythical age pour in.

After all, we were reminded from those days that we existed.

No, you can't.

Don't let that drink you.

That's not why I came to this other world (Mayday) again.


I told myself, rolling on the spot, taking a deep breath once, closing my eyes all the time.

The tears that flow, they reach my lips, they're so moist.

"... what are you doing"

The voice sounded low in the shimmering hall, and I quickly found out whose it belonged.

I will not look at you, I will answer.

"Look, don't you get it? I'm being hit. This place is too exciting for us."


"... Long time no see, General Cannon.... I thought you'd be here sometime."

I got up slowly and put my flowing hair on my ear before.

Tears are already dry.

In the middle of the hall, there was no sound and General Cannon was standing.

Even though he was in Frezier's usual uniform, he seemed terribly obscure to be here.

"What the hell is this place? You know that, don't you?

"... this is a temple made secretly by the" Hadefis ”secularists of the western continent"

"A secularist?

"Oh...... mainly, it is assumed that some of the inhabitants of the sanctuary left Vabilofos and became secularists. The inhabitants of the sanctuary can be the hands and feet of the" retrievers, "and because of that, there were those who worshipped their existence."

"... you say it like every person. It's not about you."

General Cannon answers pale.

What is he looking up at the ceiling and thinking?

You still have high through-skills against my clinging.

Well, there are so many things to think about.

This is also where we keep track of what he has done, so to speak.

We have an unthinkable history of "demon king killing”...

"Come here."


"One thing, let me show you hope"

It was uncomfortable for him to utter the word "hope," but that's why I was concerned.

General Cannon took me from a hidden door on the side hidden in the large mural on the front to another location.

I go further down and down.

Unlike the temple passage that was previously in place, it is a dark, limp, narrow road.

I thought it was like a gateway to the land of death.

And I also thought that this structure going down the stairs seemed like a sanctuary of the Patriarchate.

"... well"

Get down to the end and out to a place like a small cave.

I was surprised because in the heart of that cave, a tree of my back length was planted, and the surrounding stones held green light as if to mercy the tree.

"This tree... no way"

"Oh. I brought the branches of the great tree of Vabilofos in the Patriarchate to this point, broken and planted by a certain secularist. It would be important if the Patriarchate knew about this... but as a result, it can be said that it has become the last hope of healing this rough earth"

"... that"

"Thanks to the earth surrounded by rocks and the deep underground of the temple, this tree remained without being caught in the great explosion caused by the Red Witch. A little bit of land around here, but take the time to say it's regenerating"


I opened my eyes and stared at the little tree.

Until earlier, when I was filled with such painful emotions, I was horrified by the emotions of hope that lit up behind me, and my eyeballs got hot.

"But you're very small, even though you're a tree that was planted over 2,000 years ago"

"... it won't get any bigger. This isn't a sanctuary."

"Is that what you say?

"But that's good"

That's all the brave men groaned and went on.

"... let the Black Demon King know about this place. It is the westernmost settlement of the western continent. There are also smaller forests if you stay away for a little while. This land is a place that has not even been found by the Federation due to the terrain...... but will be a good fortress depending on how it is handled. It's a good place to make a new demonic country."

Then he said to me, "Go home now," and stayed on the spot.

It was very careful to go home alone, but in that temple, I guess there was something he wanted to think about alone, so I went back the way I had come.

"... Huh?

And back between the murals earlier, I was heartily surprised.

The splendid halls and golden passages of the temple I traced were already dimly abandoned, because all the murals, columns and statues had become painfully obsolete.

Just as I would never remind you of the prototype.

The wind couldn't have reached the underground world, but I thought I heard the wind whisper again, from somewhere.

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