Our demon king is coming.

25: '+ alpha' Lena, a place only we can share.

I'm Lena.

Her real name is Lina Ping.

My last name was Helena, and my mythological name was Para Alpha Hereneia.

Pretty funny, huh?

"It's okay, Machia. Take a bath with me.... 'Cause I, suddenly Machia, could kill me"

"What's that vampire like, noisy? Ha ha, it's okay. Hey. Well, I didn't expect you to hit me during the day, so I got a scratch, but if I were conscious, there's no way I'd beat you. They're wearing rings."


"I don't want you to tell me what's going on inside me."

Machia's arm and flat wounds have not healed yet.

It seems that the automatic healing formula that was originally assembled in the body works and that wounds of this magnitude will heal quickly, but if it's me or General Cannon's sword, it will hurt like a normal human being without working.

Because it's a scratch this time, there's nothing else in my life. Good.

Machia said she's used to making scratches, so it doesn't hurt or itch this much.

Yeah, yeah.

We were supposed to take a bath together.

I went to Eyesmore and my body was cold, so I had the groundwater carried to the bathroom and warmed it up with my white magic.

Then tell me that Machia will come in.

It was a small bath in this ruin, but still a warm bath feels good.

We're both Japanese who are used to living in a bath.


Zar...... and the sound of hot water flowing with momentum. We both got to the hot tub at the same time.



And Machia, your chest is tight... even though your shoulders are thin and your shoulders are low.

Mr. Thor, you like big tits, absolutely.

"What are you looking at?"

"Hmm... he said he was thin even though he was eating all that. You're all going to the chest, Machia."

"Hahaha! Even Lena is well balanced, isn't she?

"Really? I'm not a figurehead. Normal chest, average weight, style."

"Normal is best. Normal is best."

I don't know.

Something about talking to Machia made me feel better. So does Machia.

Conversations like normal girls.

Very fun.

"Have you ever taken a bath with Princess Shatoma?

"Uh, no. Do you have Machia?

"Yeah. That kid's pretty good, too. Well, he said something about being fat."

"Princess Chatma, it's an intense matter. If you eat something sweet in the middle of the night because of stress, you get fat."

"That's pathetic. I can't believe I'm not fat for anything."

"... envy"

Side by side with Jitsuo Makia.

We were soaking in the hot tub side by side.

Machia lifts my arm to the lid.

Chapon and the bouncing sound of hot water.

"... mole, you still don't disappear"

"Hehe, don't look like that, Machia. Well, I'm not dressed, but I'm pretty sure I don't have to disappear."

"Uh, why? Funny kid. You."

Machia had a genuinely puzzling look on her face.

I stroke my own arm mole.

"I think it's going to disappear one day anyway... if this mole was still there when I got back to Earth, you can remember that Mayday really did?

"... Lena"

Machia smiled a little lonely.

"You've changed the mood."

"... right?

"You look good. It's not the same as you who always made me less confident."


With warm hands, I touch my cheeks.

"Aren't you scared?

"Hmm? Well, that scares me. 'Cause I, against my will, am going to attack you guys. I don't know if it'll fit the payback."

"You're that way."

Machia laughs bitterly.

I carried on with my knees in the hot water.

"... but it's very important that you know that. If I knew what I was going to do, I'd be scared, but I could stand up to it. The scariest thing is that you don't know who you are and you don't know what to do..."


"Besides, I don't think anyone needs me."

"... you didn't tell Tor in Ishmore, did you?"

Machia lowers her voice a little, looks up at me from the bottom with a suspicious look, and asks.

"Hahaha, Machia, are you serious about that? Mr. Thor... you really don't have any credibility."

"It's obvious. I'm not gonna tell you I believe him yet."

"Heh, heh, heh. Oh, funny."

"You are. Well, though Helena might have been loved all the way. I've known him for a long time, and he just seems like the Harlem Demon King from the roots. Unconsciousness is the worst trouble. I already told you to take down Domino."


Hold your stomach and laugh.

Great conversation, us. I'm sorry, Mr. Thor.

After slapping Pasha Pasha and Hot Tub Hot Water and laughing, I wipe the tears at the end of my eyes, "Oh no, Machia," she said.

"Leaving Mr. Thor untrustworthy, I've been totally shaken."

"... that's refreshing."

"Hehe, but I have a" mother. ”If your mother is searching hard for me, I have to go back to her."


"I'm the only one your mother has. That means you need me."

"... right"

I think of my mother in the shadow of this dim bath, the only light that rocks high.

The orange sway in the hot tub was raised.

"But when I returned to Earth, I thought I'd be“ Ping Linna ”who could live on her own feet with confidence, not a very good girl to tell her mother. 'Cause Mayday's definitely a lot tough, but I think it's tough to live on Earth. … so intelligent."

"Haha, I can tell you. We, too, have had a lot of hard work on Earth. It was a tough place to live."

"Isn't it? Then we have to work hard."

We talked about a place called Earth where we could understand each other.

Where do you live and where did you often go?

Mr. Thor and His Highness Ulysses were once called “Transmission” and “Yuri”, and there were episodes like this, and so on.

Now is the time, if they come from me looking like a very dignified person, how boys high school their episode is so interesting.

Mr. Thor, I was working part-time at a convenience store... Your Highness Ulysses, I've won a women's clothing contest before... or something.

The three of them are dating from kindergarten.

Imagine what they look like in the orchard. Absolutely, I think it's cute.

You said that that treat was delicious, that you liked that TV, that you didn't like that study.

Makia didn't like math. So if I didn't do my homework, you think my teacher always pissed me off?

I told her I was pretty good at studying but didn't like physical education.

The class ball tournament was always depressing. Because I'll pull everyone's legs.

We looked at each other and we laughed "heh heh".

After that, wash your heads together, flush your backs together, and hang out naked.

When I get up from the warm water, I'm thirsty as soon as possible.

In the daytime, Machia drinks the juice that squishes the mysterious fruit she brings in the woods.

Sweet but light, delicious.

Makes me sleepy.

Tonight, Machia brought me a pillow to sleep with.

Mr. Thor will miss you. So I said, but Machia said, "Sleep here!," he said, rambling and not trying to get out of my room.

Even though Machia is a man and cool place, she's lonely and sweet, isn't she?

"I might stab you in the middle of the night"

"You're a horrible kid. I'm gonna bite you before I do, and I'm gonna get you out of bed."

Face each other in bed and have a conversation you don't think of as a girl your age.

And also laugh at each other with Couscous.

"Hey, Machia... what do you like about Mr. Thor?

"What? What, all of a sudden"

"Hehe. It's not good. We liked the same people."

And I was heartbroken by the same person.

Like Machia said, I don't think we really know each other.

"What I like about Tor ~ ~ Huh? It bothers me when I'm told to be specific."

"Why bother? You look good, don't you? Mr. Thor."

"Face? Well..."

Oh, Machia clouded the words.

And after roaring "Mm-hmm," I said this in a subtle voice.

"But, hey... if you dare say so, it would be a lovely place"

"Mr. Thor takes good care of you, doesn't he? Even though he's a king."

"I get blunt as soon as it comes to me.... And then, you're hard, but you don't hate the fact that you're a pain in the ass. Although it is because I don't have it. Well, sometimes you're nervous and loud."

"Pfft. Mr. Thor... you're sweet."

"... hey. I don't know."

"Machia's not honest."

In the dark room, I can imagine Machia's face, though not clearly visible, somehow, now.

Although he speaks in an ironic tone, he must be blushing his cheeks and remembering Mr. Thor with a maiden tick look.


Machia suddenly asked in a serious voice.

"Hey, Lena...... you, you look fine, but really, good?

"... what? Which one?"

"Which... well, there's a lot going on with you, too"


Machia was in trouble the other way around. But I knew what Machia was trying to say.

I looked up at the dark ceiling and answered.

"Well...... I regret that a lot. I still like Mr. Thor. I'm sure you'll never forget it when you get back to Earth. But... that's not all I want to be."

"Strong, human?

"Yes.... even if something painful happens, you can believe in yourself and live. Make yourself who you want."

"... I like myself... myself"

Machia, just the words now, repeat.

And as convinced as he was, I could tell he exhaled for a long time.

"You're so strong about me, you're amazing."

"... Yep"

But you're probably crazy, too. It's amazing.


"Yeah, you have the opposite of the weakness of the Red Witch."


"The Red Witch wanted everything to end and die. That's all the Red Witch had."

The voice is as if it recalls those of the past who lived in one time or another.

Me and Machia said goodbye to those who said goodbye.

"Besides, you're so sweet after all. The healing system is hot on its own."


"Damn, I don't have it."

"Hehe... but I can't do it without one better place than Machia, can I?

"Oh, I'll tell you what, Lena."


We laughed at each other again.

Take the futon to your mouth, as if it's even a secret story.

"... you're sleepy"

"Time to go to bed?


Machia wore a futon all the way to her head.

I wonder if that's how I always sleep.

But after being caged in a futon for a while, I noticed that Machia was quietly crying.

"What's wrong, Machia? Why are you crying?


Machia did not answer.

But I'm sure Machia imagined it.

Only she can understand strongly and strongly, my feelings.

Feel the pain of having to give up something important.

My mouth trembles and my tears overflow as soon as I get it, even though I've been kellogging you.

And we dived into the futon, killing our breath, weeping and sleeping, sharing the pain that only we could understand.

This “place” is not even accessible to Mr. Thor.

Only me and Machia can tell, a secret place.

Will I be able to find more, better places, where I like to be?

Will I be able to make it?

Can I love you before I want to be loved?

I want to be a person who can rise from falling and live without losing all sorts of obstacles.

In reality, so that you can stand up to it as many times as you want.

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