About 1,000 years ago.

Kingdom of Frezil

Satima, sixteen.

Prince Roland was a young man who felt good for being said to be a stranger, almost as married as a hostage, but there was something a little childish about him saying that he couldn't wait to come to the kingdom of Frezier.

He is eighteen this year.

I have never seen a man overflowing with youth because all around me is an old man, and your father and archbishop are only young in appearance, and it was a little strange to be with him.

"Dear Satima, do you like sweets?

"Oh...... but the Chancellor tells me not to eat too much"

"Really? Then it's time."

What he prepared for me was a baked treat called "Butter Cookie”.

Is it something that we don't have in our country that originates from the western continent but is now a commonly eaten treat on the northern continent?

From where I took a bite, the mellow sweetness spreads to my mouth.

Very tasty, if I may put it in short.

"Well...... so sweet and delicious!

Unexpectedly it became the usual vegetarian way of talking, making Prince Roland decent.

I notice that, and the boulder I get embarrassed too, blushing and laying low.

Prince Roland laughs and continues to tickle.

"I brought a good pastry from Finderia."

"... from Finderia?

"Rather, I brought nothing but this pastry chef. I don't need anything else as long as I have sweets."

"Hehe, as rumored...... don't change"

"Dear Satima, I heard the rumor“ Princess Vine, "so I thought you were more like this...... high-pressure. It feels like a queen."

"Damn, what the hell are you talking about Princess Vine..."

"Ha ha."

Prince Roland laughed and said, but never called me Princess Vine or Her Majesty the Queen that way.

You always call me Satima by name when you call me.

It was strange to say that, but there was no respect or awe for “Princess Vine” for me, and it was light and easy to spend time with him.

Though I was the opposite of your father, the time spent talking to him and with him in every day when such Prince Roland's character was fresh to me and forced a splendid queen would have been so-called “healing”.

Prince Roland always did something fun to make me laugh.

It wasn't expensive, it was just plain and whispering, but I was gradually beginning to think that he might be able to do well as a couple.

Prince Roland was also a man who was oblivious to politics and not interested in power or the situation in his country.

I and my surroundings thought it would be better to say the opposite.

If I become the husband of Princess Vine, I can gain power.

At the same time, we thought it would be troublesome to talk politics.

One day, Prince Roland told me for the first time, "I love you".

It was a shocking word to me that was beginning to forgive him, and I returned the same words to discipline after one night of thinking about all sorts of things.

Without even knowing that would be a hell of a curse.

Who would have thought that just one word, "I love you," would gain the power of the Spirit and become the curse of death, etc.

That should have been forbidden magic.

The curse lurks in your body for a while, waiting for a definite sprout.

No one will notice.


Seeing a strange mole floating around my neck muscle, I initially wondered if it was a bug bite.

My body is prone to bugs.

But it became a big, clear mole that never healed, and I gradually broke my health.

Prince Roland looked at me seriously, but one day he disappeared.

Trying to replace him, your father, who had just learned of the Blue General's abilities, came back to Frezier, but everything seemed slow then.

Your father heard about the curse, which is his ability, from the Blue General himself, whom he met on the western continent.

"... well... has the concubine been duped"

I understood that naturally besides my thoughts.

Because it felt like twitching and being invaded by poison from within me.

Your father told me that he would not lie and that this curse would soon kill him.

I just thought death and other distant things, brought about by your father, was a reality that really suddenly poked at me.

But at this time, the emptiness for myself caught in such a hand was greater than the feeling of hating General Blue.

Also, after a while the disappearing Prince Roland was killed and discovered by immigrant rebels in the west around the border of Frezier, this rumor spread instantly all over the country.

I really don't know if the immigrants in the west killed them or not.

Maybe that's what Blue General measured with his ability to manipulate the flesh of others.

But because of that, in Frezier, where civil unrest had subsided slightly, there was another violent clash.

Finderia, who was an allied nation, broke up his alliance with Prince Roland's death and descended into the Gailian Empire.

Perhaps this was originally such a scenario.

Immigrants in the west increasingly lost their position, and all strife was provoked, and the years of peace, hope brought about by Princess Vine, broke as if there had been none.

This confusion creates a huge gap.

The northern invasion accelerated more and more.

I'll be dead soon.

Just because of one mistake, because of my word "love," I die, and leave a messy world behind.

If I die, all the people I expected from me will despair.

Everything moves as the North, the Blue General thinks, and the world becomes theirs.

Just a 16-year-old girl dying?

Does that make the world move so much?

I knew once again, prepared to die, that my existence was no longer just one person's, and understood it in a true sense.

Naturally, it was sad.

My will, my dreams, my life, it's all almost over.

I moaned how short my life was because I had the power.

That's right.

I was really young. I was young.

Everything was immature and everything was fast.

It was too soon to be on the world's watch.

"I'm sorry... I can't believe this is happening... I just said something about recommending Prince Roland..."

When the Archbishop found out about me, he blamed himself.

Your father and I managed to break my curse, but it was too reckless to find the Blue General's body, and we didn't have time.

I crouch in front of the Archbishop who lays low on the earth and shakes his head in line with his gaze.

"It's not because of that. My concubine allowed me too much... my concubine was too sweet for everything. I knew too much about everything. I thought if I worked hard myself, everything would go well. It was going too well."

"... Princess Vine"

"The concubine is just ashamed of herself. I've told the people to believe in concubines, and the result is this zama. My concubine couldn't do anything. Rather, I even feel that it is the presence of the concubine that brought about the fierce strife that hurt the people. I regret... I regret it, Archbishop"

I was just about to cry a little.

I can't take care of myself in front of the Archbishop, who taught me so much.

I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything before I feared death. It's hard and painful.

Probably the most incompetent and hilarious Demon King class in history.

"No... that's not true, Princess Vine. We all had hope in the presence of Princess Vine. I have heard many voices of people who believe in you. You were a pillar. Everyone thought that the chain of contention could no longer be slashed, Pillar.... No, light. Everyone is attracted, no... It's something I couldn't do. Because of your youth, you tried to save the world in a pure way. That rocked the hearts of the people."

The Archbishop gripped my shoulders hard and said in a tone slightly stronger than his usual tone.

"I've learned too much already, and I've tried to do what that collector can't do. That's why the Blue General was afraid of you and tried to kill you, even though his power was to be known to his collectors."

"... Archbishop"

"I cannot forgive. The Blue General possessed that terrible ability to deceive you, to deceive us all, and to entertain the flesh and soul of Prince Roland. I trampled on your dignity..."

The Archbishop seemed inexcusable that the "Blue General” who deceived us brilliantly.

I've never seen him so angry.

"I will, I will definitely kill him. No matter how long it takes, make sure you get him in this hand... Huh!


I didn't think it was his word that had done everything for what lived and lived.

I look at him trying to bend even my own faith for me and find myself again at fault.

I have previously asked the Archbishop that Para Pusima, considered me in the mythical age, was a goddess of life and destiny.

Yet I'm about to die.

Then what should I do...

"Not yet... it's not over, Archbishop"

"... Princess Vine?

"I'm still alive. Let's do everything we can while we're alive... make sense, die."

And once, I looked into the universe.

Look beyond the ceiling with nothing.

"Hurry up, you have to make a big deal out of it. Otherwise, the concubine does not even have the right to enter the coffin of Vabilofos, which she has yet to see."

I wanted to worship the Holy Tree, if possible while I was alive.

But that won't come true.

It's where we finally get there after we die.

"Dear Princess Vine. I didn't want Vabilofos to be just the floor of death. I didn't create that country for something like that..."

"The Archbishop, don't be too kind. … suffering from the concubine entering the coffin while having the same mission as" your father ”. Hehe, your father didn't shed a single tear when he knew I was going to die..."

When I frowned and smiled, the archbishop shook his head.

"I am, after all, a hypocrite. I can't be as thorough as the retrievers, and I can't accept death as you. In the end the only thing I can survive to this point is myself obsessed with raw while saying I want to save many people!


The Archbishop seems to suffer.

Really, everything seems painful and it seems much easier for me to go to death.

There was remorse, but if I knew I was going to die soon, would I have to be depressed for a long life that would continue to serve the world?

"Archbishop... you are not a hypocrite. You've been devoting everything to others in this world. I have killed my own greed and lived only for the sake of others. Your obsession with life is not for your own good. It's just that other people, they're worried about the world. That's why I won't die. … so painful"

Hypocrites are those who serve others to their own satisfaction.

The Archbishop, who considers it painful but continues to do so, is a wonderful saint.

"But... after the concubine dies, please... live for yourself.... Archbishop of the Holy Grail"

That said, I smiled at the Archbishop once.

Tell me a lot, to be like the other parent who instilled and nurtured a different love than your father.

May my death at least make sense to this man.

The archbishop twitched and opened his eyes, and wept a glimmer of tears from his eyes, but looked at me without wiping them.

"But... that's why you say you... have to die in such a disgraceful way... eh. Until you lied big......!

"Dishonorable or not, the rest of the world will decide. …… see you again, Archbishop"

"Princess Vine!!

Leave him, I stand up and turn my back away.

The Archbishop had to travel after this because of my “best death” plan, which your father led.

We won't see each other again.

But what I said, "I'll see you again," is nothing in this world.

Because I know that there will be a next time.

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