Our demon king is coming.

59: '2' Ulysses, ask.

My name is Ulysses.

He was once known as the White Sage.

"... you connected"

At that moment, I knew better.

Because when we were with Perselis in the sanctuary underground, we looked up at each other.


"It's okay. You do what you can."

"... ok"

Perselis nodding in a reliable manner.

But soon, she embraces me with all her power.


"Yeah...... I know. It's okay."

"... that's right. This time, a lot of people will help us."

I embraced my lovely wife back.

Sleeping in the cradle on the side, still staring at the face of the baby's daughter Opelia, he said that the tin was "screwing me again".

As if to snort, the opera raised its voice "a..."

Suzuma often looks at the opera.

He took care of me, even if I wasn't his blood-connected sister.

When the baby's sister or brother can, the mother burns her hands over you and says brother or sister is a little jealous, but Suzuma didn't do that.

Instead, take the initiative to take care of Opelia or help Perselis.

Brother Eska is right, he doesn't even go back to studying magic.

But I won't even give up playing.

I enjoy every day, every day.

I don't know more about how he grew up than I listen to.

They didn't have any parents and grew up in an oasis on the eastern continent...

"Well, I'm coming, Maki"

I stood before the sleeping coffin of the red-haired girl in the eight coffins lined up in the sanctuary and spoke.

It's the tomb of Machia Odileel.

In order to protect this country, she accepted the inevitable death and was housed in this coffin in order to liquidate her sins as a Red Witch.

"You're a beautiful person... this sister says“ maki ”too"


"I wonder where my maki sister is..."

This is a suzuma cliché.

Suzuma is an oasis on the eastern continent and apparently met a girl with the strange power to say Maki.

You think the girl had a long spear and was a beautiful man with long dark hair and strange clothes?

The Federation conspiracy to take over the Kingdom of Chamberlain made Suzuma look public, but apparently saved by the girl who said it was Maki.

The girl who said Maki had eaten tyrannically and devoured heavily, and there was nothing impossible about it, and she was like a muddled goddess, Suzuma had a reputation.

When I heard that story, I was upset.

It was surprisingly quiet and enlightening.

There was no question as to why.

Perhaps that was just the thought of saying, I'm sure, that it must be Maki, who I know.

No. It's not Machia. It's Machia.

Maybe that's what I just wanted to believe, but I have reincarnation experience, which is why I can believe her presence.

Perhaps Maki found Suzuma, helped me, and returned her to me...

"Suzuma, I'm at your mother's side. You can't go outside today."

"Can't we just play in the ocean?

"... I think the ocean is a little rough today."

I put my hand on Suzuma's head and stroke her hair.

"Okay," Suzuma nodded reliably.

And I left the sanctuary. [M]

As an example, there are many things I don't know about a girl named Maki who helped Suzuma.

Why. If you're saying she's reappeared in this world, why don't you show up before me?

I tried long-range telekinetic magic using spiritual magic once to confirm all kinds of things with Brother Eska, who secretly delivered the message to me.

We can say that this is a technique that we can do because we are both spiritual users of the Demon King class.

That's when I asked. She wondered if Maki, on this Mayday, had appeared again….

My brother-in-law Eska is in a physical condition where he doesn't lie, so he distorted his expression and exposed it.

She said she was with you on the western continent, Thor.


I see.


That's all I thought about at this time. Really, I'm glad to hear it.

There's probably not much reason why she won't show up before me.

But it's not that we don't care about those left behind in Ruskia.

Simply, not now, that's all.

I'm sure now, on your side, Thor, who works in nation-building on the western continent, he has your back, Thor.

I know.

Maki cared more about me and your relationship with Thor than anything else.

It still is.

But it's the same thing that made me the most important thing in this world: Perselis, Suzuma, Opelia.

Maki, having appeared in this world again, chose Thor as the most important being in this world.

It may have been a choice that never changed for her.

But if there's anything different in this world, perhaps Thor chose her too.

Now that you two are together, that's what made me think so.

I remember a time when the three of us, being more than friends, were just making an easy-going relationship.

It was when I was on Earth.

Because I miss those days, even though it was a lonely homeland, there was more joy than that.

Now, Thor, you and Maki are together.

I know “Machia” who did not show that weakness to his beloved until the end.

Lost “Machia” and sealed to memory, Thor. I know your times, I don't know if you're alive or dead.

I won't let you get in the way.

I won't let you get in the way.

I'll do what I can.

And instead of waiting for Maki to see me, I'm going to see her.

Thor, I'm coming to help you.

If my reasoning was right and I could really see you two, I would sincerely wish you both happiness.

Outside the underground garden, it was surprisingly quiet.

Even today, the Patriarchate is surrounded by a very clean air.

Many people are gathered in the cathedral, and the bishops and sisters are all, as usual, calm standings.

Walking along the coastline to the Instructional Research Institute and trying to ascertain the sea, the waves of the sea are calm and little wind is blowing.

The sky is blue enough to be clear and there are no clouds.

Today, on this day, with the three towers connected, it can be said that more than half of the Central Sea is under the jurisdiction of our troika.

"... I wonder if the green curtain is around..."

Staring across the horizon, he groaned pompously.

There is no sign of where it is, so I don't know exactly what it is.

There used to be a visible “island”.

I can't see it anymore, but will that island of fantasy show up again?


Is it because I was too conscious and looking across the ocean?

Blurry, I felt like I could see something.

But it just disappears or shows up again.

If you stare, it won't change.

Is the connection of the three demon guidance circuit systems affecting the residual demon guidance space around here?

One day... can we see that island clearly again?

"... I'd like to see it again"

For some reason, I wanted to worship that island again.

Why is that?

Because I just thought about that island and I felt so nostalgic.

"hey...... noah, kirkirna"

"Waiting for you, Your Highness Ulysses"

Noah and Kilna, a family of Twilight, were waiting for me in the system management room at the Louvell Tower.

I smile at both of them.

"But it's amazing... I can't believe the three towers are just connected, and Thor can transfer magic to and from each tower without you..."

"Yeah. I need Gran Tower's permission to transfer magic, though. Though it can be said that it is because of the Gran Tower, which incorporates Master Thor's magical fortress. Regis Overtree has a Valkyrian fleet, the Rubel Tower retains many magic formations of stock and magic, and the Gran Tower manages the magical fortress of the Black Demon King… With all three towers, you have no fear."

"... well. That's amazing. The Federation must feel threatened by these three towers."

"Yes. With this, we can do everything we can about the Federation…"


It was Noah who was currently entrusted with the management of this Rubel Tower.

Noah is not what he was when he was a boy who was much older, taller and younger than when he first saw him.

I was a little stuck with Mr. Lepis and Maki, more of a dependable being than that black robe boy, Tor.

"Ha ha ha, but I'm not there. Your Highness Ulysses, you're going to Mr. Thor's, aren't you? I want to see you, too. We haven't seen each other in forever, have we?

"You can't, Sister Kilna. We have to manage the Rubel Tower here. Besides, Master Thor's country is a demonic country. Sister Kikirna doesn't like the Demons."

"Wow, that's great. I don't even want to see the Demons. … we also know that this tower is necessary to negotiate the Federation. We need to get everyone out of Twilight..."


Noah and Kilna, while showing their childish innocent side, still haven't forgotten their hatred for the Federation and the Demons they hold within. I feel a tingle.

"Hehe, but I'm not traveling today. I just came to take a look. How much can you take with you?"

"Do you have any supplies you want to carry?

"Yeah. Look, Rayline seems to be running out of supplies right now, and when the three towers are connected, I wonder if the Luskian kingdom has a lot to offer. Other than that...... right. I'd like to take a sweet treat.... like lemon cake."


Noah and Kilna look at each other.

"Master Thor liked sweet things, did you like them that much?

"Um, Thor, I don't think you're that far..."

I turned to Noah and Kirkina, wondering.


"Hey, can I ask you one question?

"Huh? Yeah, whatever."


After a few moments, I turned to the two people in front of me and asked in the same way as usual.

"I wonder which one of you... is the Blue General..."



"Or do we both..."

Silence accentuates the sound of a low, roaring Rubel Tower activation.

I jumped over surprise, Noah and Kirkina's, and a strong look.

"Twilight Is Possible Enemy"

It was written on that turtle card, I think of a string.

I don't want to believe it. This is happening.

Because if you really did, how sad Maki would be.

If it really was, everything, everything would lead to so much “collapse” as to say what the hell it was.

Because confusion is the greatest power of the Blue General.

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