Our demon king is coming.

96: '1' Tor, round table meeting.

"Well, gentlemen. Here comes the former Demon King… the King who knows the circumstances of the representative countries of each continent, or who can be described as his deputy, but I would like to meet with you right now about the future of the Hermédes Confederation, which is going to be very confusing. The princess of the old Gaelic Empire and her knights are all here."

Princess Shatoma got down to business.

"… States?

Alexei, the knight of Tatiana, seems to have just questioned him.

"Excuse me. It's an honor to meet you. Princess Reiki Fujito. My name is Alexei Kafnos."

"... let's not be tough. Do you have any questions?

"What does it mean to be a representative of each country?"


Alexei didn't seem to know who the people were here, but he seemed to feel the air.

I think Ivan is completely alert and is eye-checking the structure of this room and the placement of people.

"Heh, you're right. Concubine is the queen of the time of the kingdom of Frezier, the representative nation of the" eastern continent ”. And the blonde and unfathomable man next door, General Canon Iskail"

"I know that"

Ivan told Princess Shatoma not to bluff.

Alexei praised me, but I don't know what I thought if I wasn't strong enough.

"Heh heh... so you know who this one feels, like, all white?

"It feels white."

Princess Shatoma glanced at Ulysses.

Ulysses had just stuck around, but Machia said, "Well, that's white and thin," and she also forgot that she was a man and rides in a female tone.

Alexei replied.

"Yeah, I know. His Royal Highness Ulysses Claudio Les Luscia. He is the fifth prince of the Kingdom of Luscia and is famous as the bridegroom of the Green Witch"

"Exactly. Do you know about His Highness Ulysses on the boulder? The Kingdom of Ruskia, the great power of the" Southern Continent ", and the representative of the Vabel nation, which protects the Holy Land."

"... I see, and our princess Tatiana, the representative of the North Continent, and..."

"Well, wait. That's true, but there is another important nation. Hey."

Princess Shatoma fanned at me and Machia.

Alexei and Ivan looked at us and looked at us.

"Did they know who those two were?

"... no. Thor and the red-haired Phantoms... sent by Frezier, I just thought they were magicians"

Ivan furthermore wrinkled between his eyebrows.

Makia seemed kind of happy, but I was unchanged and faceless.

"No way... red-haired Phantom, were you from some country, royalty?

"... no well, nobility is noble"

My business went through and Machia was thought to be the representative of this country.

I cough up.

Was that funny, Machia pulled my arm?

"Ha ha. Well, you know, if you were dressed qualitatively like that, you wouldn't be able to see them in line with the representatives of all the countries here. Hey, Tolko."

"Shut up. Get back to where you were, Machio."

You do that, you're gonna be a pervert in a skirt.

"Inside the robe would be set on dressing up as a man! That's how ready I am!

To me outraged, Machia laughed relentlessly but clapped her fingers with a pussy.

Then, as soon as I did, me and Machia went back to what they were. I told the man, Machia told the woman.

Both Alexei and Ivan were taken lightly by the boulders.

"Uh... T, Thor, were you, like, a“ man ”?


Two lightly shocked winds.

Heh heh, pretty girl, I would have been a sarcastic beauty.

You guys should taste the despair of having a beautiful girl become a man...

"I'm sorry -. And I was a woman."

Even though no one has heard, Machia speaks out that she was a woman herself.

But neither Alexei nor Ivan seemed to be particularly shocked that Machia was a woman, so to speak, "Oh."

Well, he was originally a woman-faced man.

I name my name.

"My name is Tor Sagaram. Just founded on the western continent, in the position of King of the Rayline United Nations."

"And I'm Machia, the nobody."

Shut up, Machia. Shut up.

Machia insisted on herself from the side, so she held her head down.

"Layline......? Sure, I heard it was a demonic country built on the western continent, led by Frezier, but why, when Thor"

"... because I'm the only one with the right job."

"... what?

There seemed to be a lot of questions, but even for me, I'm not going to say any more here.

Or, I don't understand anyway.

I sat down and looked to Princess Shatoma to proceed with the meeting.

Master Tatiana also has the look of surprise, "Thor was a king," he said.

"Hehe. You know what I mean? Here we are, to His Highness Ulysses in the south, to his concubine in the east, to Thor Sagaram in the west, to the Duchess of Tatiana in the north. From here on out, Duchess Tatiana... do you want to stand shoulder to shoulder with us and talk about the war?

"... eh"

The Duchess Tatiana turned bright blue as soon as possible.

Well, until now, there's no way a princess trapped in a place like that can talk about war in a place where representatives of all countries are present.

"I don't want to be a queen."

So finally, Master Tatiana, speaks for himself.

Ivan and Alexei heard this, "Dear Tatiana!" and raise a sad voice.

"Dear Tatiana... To regain the Gailian Empire from the Hate Federation, we must ask Tatiana to stand..."

But Master Tatiana says it back, too.

"What is that? I don't know anything. I just want a decorative position to be the queen."

"... Dear Tatiana"

Perhaps the true meaning of the revolutionaries was there.

If you are the Tatiana of the former Gailian royal family, you will have the great name of the revolution and the support of the people.

But that's all Tatiana's role is, just to say, a symbol, and even if she's at the top of the country, the rest is a rather ornamental queen.

"Hey, what happens to that guy?

"... you mean Michal Yurovsk?

Master Tatiana asked Princess Shatoma, worried about Michal, who was in love.

Princess Shatoma replies tenderly.

"In the separate room, I'm keeping you waiting. Don't worry, I didn't do anything."


Master Tatiana, Alexei and Ivan, all three of them silenced.

Each circumstance is intricately intertwined, producing a grid.

"... there's no reason to get lost. The duty of a king is ruthless."

After a sip of the tea that had been prepared, Princess Shatoma began to speak, as she recalls even in the distant past.

"Even a concubine wasn't such a successful princess from the beginning"

Oh, I said this guy can do it himself...

But you're right, so nobody sticks to anything.

"He was weak, just a girl, even a concubine. But a benefactor took me on a journey to discover the world, looking to the future of a concubine. I saw everything ugly, beautiful, cruel and gentle in the world. I realized what I had to do... But I'm in a hard position to say king. Even though he became king because he wanted to save many, he sometimes sacrificed some of them to save many. Even though more or less is the life of equality."


"So is the war we're going to have. I'm sure many will die. They have families, too, and they have their own beliefs. If you take it for granted to decide and destroy the Federation as evil, then it is not. … is no different from us, a reciprocal being"

To what Princess Shatoma said, Ivan seemed angry, slamming her fist hard on the desk.

"But the Federation... the Federation has destroyed the Gailian Empire! We've been raised saying we have to get that country back!!

"So you're saying that the Gailian Empire has never invaded another country...?

I was so quiet.

Everyone pays attention to me.

"The Gailian Empire is a country that once invaded, took over and became enormous... even the Kingdom of Seidelmund..."

Both Ivan and Alexei seemed speechless.

I wonder what I'm talking about.

But I remember the Black Demon King's country, and I couldn't help but say it.

"If you look at history, every nation is repeatedly invaded and recaptured. I don't know if you want the Gaelic Empire back at the end of the revolution. But the important thing is after that... a country where the king is gone will break easily."

Maybe this is what I'm telling myself.

Once upon a time, the Black Demon King created Eyesmore, the kingdom of the Demons, with only the powerful power of one individual.

But how was Eyesmore after the Black Demon King disappeared?

In the end, the demons were later determined to be harmful creatures to humans, hunted down and driven to historical extinction.

The Federation today, too, will end up doomed if there is no backpot of a commander-in-chief with cooperative powers.

Who the hell says you'll be at the top of that country?

"I can't..."

Master Tatiana, in tears, said just one word.

"I just want to be a girl. I want to escape. In a place where I don't have to think about war... I'm not that strong."

That's all she wanted.

I guess it has always been. But I couldn't tell you about the people I cared about.

Both Alexei and Ivan can't say anything more when they see Tatiana's crying expression.

It's a princess I've always protected. I guess some people think I don't want to make her sad.

The two knights dropped on the spot, as if something that they had kept was stuck out of puff.

"But it's already... it's too late. The revolutionaries will not forgive Tatiana for her freedom. That's what makes it only a spark of power strife after the revolution"

Alexei said in a trembling voice.

But then Princess Shatoma laughs nicely and punches the fan in the palm of her hand, then says a powerful word.

"Fine. Whatever conclusion you make, don't worry."

"Princess Shatoma"

"Only those who decide by their own will should push forward. We'll take care of everything.... because we are demon kings"



Neither Lady Tatiana nor the two knights must have understood the true meaning of Princess Shatoma's words.

Only her divinity and her unfounded sense of security are there.

But it certainly is.

We were demon kings because we were able to overcome the various obstacles that were high walls for people with enormous force.

For a while, Tatiana and Alexei and Ivan were the only three to set up a place to talk.

We're out of the conference room with Zorro.

I don't know what answers those three will give.

But if possible, I would ask them to open up their own future, of their own free will.

"Thor, you, maybe you resent the Gailian Empire?


In the hallway, Machia asked me in a very serious way as she peered into her face.

I laugh with my nose.

"No way... it was a long time ago"

"I wonder. He looked like he had it in his roots."

Machia follows my cheek and picks and pulls it as it is.


"... are you okay?



What bothers you so much?

Makia pulled my arm for nothing.

Somehow, I stroked Pomp and Machia's head. Machia is a little happy.

But the look on Machia's face, who dropped her gaze all the time, bothered me.

Somewhere, I think there's a shadow.

"You guys are really getting along."

I got a voice from behind me with no discouragement.

Turning around, Ulysses looks at this one with a nasty, nasty gaze.

"You were so, so halfway through the relationship"

Halfway there.

But it's odd to say.

By now, I wonder why the old me chose to be with Machia while still maintaining a halfway sense of distance...

When we were having such an exchange, Princess Shatoma, who was moving on, looked back.

Hey, give us a shout.

"Machia, Thor, His Highness Ulysses... the three of you rest now"

"... Huh?

What is Princess Shatoma saying in this phase... all three of us, we point our eyes.

But she's serious.

"I'm sure we're going to need your help a lot from now on. But, Machia, you confronted that original yesterday, and you must be tired, right? We haven't got the power back yet."

Machia looks up, "Mm-hmm," she nods.

"We'll rethink the plan again now. Now we're sneaking into the central government, waiting for information from intelligence. Later it will be a big fight. By then, rest your body firmly."

Princess Shatoma said that we returned the acne and took General Kanon away.

"I don't know what you're going to do...... Princess Shatoma"

"... that's all we need."

Ulysses doesn't seem to have any doubts about this situation.

"Especially if Maki's magic isn't recovering, the original can't do anything about it. Thor, you too."

"... Machia understands. But I am."

I could move at all, I almost said, but Ulysses laughed at me like I was in trouble.

Oh, this is the face you said to me, "I don't know anything."

"Then you should do your best to make sure Maki gets some rest. Come on, both of you, back to your rooms. Oh, I just need to talk to Princess Shatoma about the original thing."


"Look, Maki, I think I'm going to sleep. Because I haven't slept much since yesterday."

Ulysses pushed the fluttering Machia against me and followed Shitha and Princess Shatoma.

I had no choice but to glance at Machia's face.

"Hey, you okay? After all, are you tired? I'm not feeling well from now on."

"... Huh? Hmmm...... I don't know. Just a little bit?"

Machia answers vaguely. That's suspicious.

"Princess Shatoma gave me time because of this. Before the battle, you should eat and sleep. Don't tell me you can't fight when you're hungry."

"... yeah. And Thor?"

"No, I..."

I denied it and stopped it.

Makia seems to miss me just a little bit.

Something still seemed disturbing.

You were smiling when you were eating a bun, but the tension isn't steady... this is totally, almost out of fuel Machia.

"I get it. Sweet for Princess Shatoma's words, let's rest together today. Let's eat, go to sleep, wake up any time you want, and let's get sloppy."

"... yeah!

Machia walked early down the hallway to the room, pulling my hand, looking at where the moisture had gone.

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