Our demon king is coming.

06: Myth Daiichi 14 - The End of Gigas

After the start of the Dusk War, just about a full month, Mayday's population fell to its initial 20%.

The war was burned not only in the country of Magiliva, but also in the country of Ellis, in the country of Psima, and in the country of Tritania.

What was most troublesome was the spread of malicious Magi particles by demonic particle cannons, unleashed by the giant soldiers of Acromeia.

This is because it was, above all, a terrible weapon of demonic guidance that corrupts the earth and drives everything that lives to death.

Only the kingdom of Utice, which existed to support the kingdom of Demeteris, and the kingdom of Demeteris, the Holy Land Vabel, which can unfold the green curtain, are pushed to a situation that can be described as the last fortress of mankind.

Based in the country of Utice, Magiliva held artifacts and buried a number of giant soldiers.

But there are giant soldiers in Magiliva who couldn't destroy them either.

That's what we call the original in modern times.

At this time, there were two giant soldiers that hit the original.

A giant soldier of Acromeia and a giant soldier of Crondor.

The nature of each other was different, but in Acromeia's giant soldiers, who regenerate by using artifacts, and Klondor's giant soldiers, whose demonic fortress dominates, the destruction eventually reappeared, and this looped and the battle never ended.

It seemed to me that no one could stop the battle between Acromeia and Krondor.

"No more, don't. Magiliva."

I take Magiliva's arm to go to battle, and I don't know how many times I've pulled it off.

These days, I used to go to see what was happening on the ground and follow the status quo without going underground.

"That's enough. The battle will not stop. Only Vabel is the last fort. We're all gathered here. … we'll all stay here until one of them breaks, Acromeia and Krondor."

"... Hadefis"

Magiliva smiled like she was always in trouble when I stopped.

I didn't like her face either.

It's really supposed to be more emotional, because you have colorless eyes like you pushed your emotions to death.

"Let's wait for the time to pass, Magiliva. You don't have to go hurt yourself."

Not because Klondor told me to stop Magiliva.

I sincerely didn't want Magiliva to go to war.

It's good that this world is no longer here. Still, it was unforgivable for Magiliva to say that she was going to fight from herself alone.

"Hadefis, you're really, really pure."

"... Huh?

It was an unexpected word.

"Of us, you're the only one, much the same. The more we got what we wanted, the more filthy and changed. But only you..."

"What are you talking about? I am the filthiest, the king of death."


Magiliva gently removed my arm from her own.

And turn to me.

"Hadefis, I have to fight. That's the price of power."


"The war is almost over. When the war is over, we will need your help above all else."

"... what, is that"

"There's only one thing you can do. We have become monsters far from humans the longer we live. I mistakenly assumed that the life in front of me did not seem like life, but that the world existed only to fulfill my desires and wishes.... Mayday is not such a world. It's for us. It wasn't ideal."


I remember the joy of creation and discovery when I first came to this world.

Just the days when I wanted only hope and ideals in this world.

But the result of pursuing that is the war now.

I think in Magiliva's words.

"The truth is, we were the ones who had to protect Mayday... we were all buddies... even Acromeia... It was our sin to distort him."

"... Magiliva"

"In the end the turbidity that spawned many years damaged the earth, took away love and created chaos. But Hadefis, you're not the only one. Ever since the beginning, it hasn't changed. It was us who changed. You've always been beautiful."

It was puzzling. It was the gods but me who were glorious.

Beautiful, dazzling, the one I've always admired is Magiliva.

I had a lot of thoughts, but if I was stuck in words, Magiliva peered into my face.

"Me, do you know why I was going to visit you?

"... he must have been worried about me alone."

"Well, I was worried about you, but the main reason was because I loved that place. Even though I say it's a land of death. It was forgotten that those days on earth that were remarkable and similar to competition were that place where you were. I was relieved.... and so do we all. You must have thought I'd be jealous somewhere, even if I was behaving like an understatement. You're the only one who's ever been so pure."

"No. I just ran away. Because I don't have the power, I'm not like everyone else... I turned away from the glow of the earth, taking sole charge of the role of Death. It was just weak.... I was just tired..."

For some reason, I was going to cry now.

I was glad Magiliva liked my country the whole time, even though she said she was in pain.

But at the same time, I felt like she was looking somewhere far away and going out of her reach.

Magiliva paid for my forehead like that, and put her hands on her cheeks, as even a toddler would refrain.

"We're not perfect. Not just you, but all nine of us, are incomplete gods. Well, there's something wrong with that. … Sometimes the path you chose is wrong because you think it's the right one"


"But don't despair for him... please, trust everyone, lead him"

Sure, the end was near. Magiliva knew that, too.

That's why she told me that.

Magiliva said just that, and took her hand off my cheek, and went into the midst of a great war, which was about to extend to the kingdom of Utice, and even to Vabel behind it.

I couldn't chase her or stop her.

Even if it had been done, nothing would have changed the outcome.

After Magiliva went to the battlefield, the gods who were in Vabel were the identities of the great trees, waiting for everything to end.

Today may be the last day of Mayday, Utice said.

Both the green curtain and Demeteris, who was developing this curtain, were coming to the limit.

Everyone thought they couldn't let Demetris be impotent anymore.

"I wonder where we should go when we're gone."

"... you're going to die and we're all going to the land of death"

Then Hadefis will be our king.


Utice, Tritania and Pushma were talking about that in a tone they were giving up half way.

Utiz holds his own son and holds Demeteris, who looks spicy.

Tritania was just looking up at the bright red sky.

Pushma is leaning the other way.

Ellis was missing at this time.

"Hey Hadefis, can we gods also go to the land of death when we die?

"... Come on, I don't know"

Pushma asked me, but I was thinking of something else and I couldn't get back to her at all.

I was just a little late and I didn't think it would be that easy to talk about it.

Because the kingdom of death is, in the end, just the place to manage the lives created by the gods...

Then there is the concept of death. Now, if we gods die, where the hell are we going?

"Hey Hadefis!

In the meantime, ignoring that Tritania could stop me, I got out of Vabel and jumped into the vortex of contention.

I couldn't stay, even if I was.

If today is the last day, at least I have something to tell Magiliva...

While avoiding flying bullets and rays in critical places and surviving, he searched for Magiliva.

I didn't know where she was, but only the silhouette of the visible giant soldier is a landmark.

She's in there somewhere. That's what I was thinking.

The decay of the earth by demonic particle cannons had transformed the life that was there, the life that was said to be, into a colorless one.

Barely, because I am the body of God, I can live… Still, the smell of a corpse nosing, the malignant Magi particles clouding my sight, made me think of the land of death as well.

But it's a much more brutal world than the land of death.

"... That... Giant Soldier (Original)"

When I first saw the Giant Soldier (the original) from the bottom, I stopped for unspeakable fear.

A myriad of hand-footed giant soldiers in various shapes.

Black, metallic, refined, elongated giant soldier.

Two giant soldiers, across the street, continued to unfold each other's magic mercilessly.

A demonic particle cannon scattered like rain scatters everywhere, choosing the earth and burning it.

Is the power to destroy the world so much?

Like a circle, the flames fired by the giant soldiers from the overhead magic formation surround me.

A body, believed to be a fleeing parent and child, was rolling under his feet.

I've seen a lot of dead people, but only bad thoughts creep up.


I screamed.

I knew I couldn't even hear you, but towards two giant soldiers.

I wrapped myself in hot smoke, coughed up, and screamed.

"Stop it already!! Come on!!

Please, it's over.

What's the point of this?

What have we come to this world for?

Each wanted to escape the ugliness of the original world, to go to a beautiful and gentle place, and wished for this world.

Yet why are you trying to break it? I'm in contention.

Why is it so hard?

Above the two giants stood Acromeia and Krondor, staring at each other only.

To this battle, Achromeia as if she was enjoying herself and Klondor just staring cold.

Silver light and black distortion were staggered.

I pull out my own sword in anger and play a falling meteor-like shell.

But just take a blow and you'll have a load that's not half my body right now.

They finally noticed my presence underfoot.

"Hey......? Hadefis. It's been hundreds of years since I've seen your face."

"… Acromeia"

It's been a really long time since I've been face-to-face with Acromeia.

It's just that I'm standing there all I can, and I don't have the strength to stand up to him.

Hot, as if burned by the fire.

"Ha ha ha. You're still weak, Hadefis. You have a sword that kills the gods, but you're a real treasure rotter. In your time, you can reach us!

Acromeia was right.

Even if I had a sword that could easily kill God, I didn't have the power to handle this.

I didn't have the power to get this to them.

"If I had been drawn to the land of death, I wouldn't have died like an ant in a place like this."

Acromeia said sarcasm to me, an uninvited guest, but Klondor shouted with a heartfelt surprised look.

"Hadefis...... you can't stay here!!

Seeing Klondor's impatience, Acromeia made a grin and turned one of the myriad arms of a giant soldier against me.

I am captured in the hands of a giant soldier and squeezed tightly as I am lifted by the universe.

"... eh"

"Hey, stop it Acromeia!! Hadefis would have nothing to do with it!!

I can hear Krondor.

But I can't do anything.

Even though I don't have the power, I just popped out of a safe place and came to this place.

Was Magiliva facing such a monster or a madman by herself...

I blurred and thought about that.

"Covenant of the Queen of War"

A bright red ray ran through the ground like it was approaching from behind me while my consciousness was blurred.

It splits into two rays where it passes me and strikes two giant soldiers straight.


If you noticed, Magiliva was on my side.

With her artifact in her hand, she stared bravely at the giant soldier in the midst of a rough flame, dressed in bright red.

"Are you okay, Hadefis?"

"... Magiliva"

Magiliva falls. He pulled my hand and made me stand up.

The two giant soldiers in front of them are temporarily suspending the movement in the wake of the attack of the covenant of the Queen of War.

But Magiliva is not at ease, drawing a huge magic formation underfoot and building a defensive wall around him with a blood tsu for his next attack.

"Why did you come, Hadefis..."

"Oh, I came looking for you."


Magiliva looked at my face and laughed furiously.

These days, he had the most honest smile.

The sadness, the bitterness, the invisibility, the smile of my favorite Magiliva.

I had something to pick up, and I grabbed Magiliva's shoulder and sued her.

"Magiliva, let's go home. Let's get out of here!

"... Hadefis"

"I'm... I'm talking about you..."

I wanted to say the words ahead of me, crying out loud.

Until now, I wanted to smash the thoughts that I had even denied myself.

Magiliva only sees Klondor. I know that.

Still good. But only once.

Because you don't have to respond, I want to say it.

But the words that lie ahead are extinguished by the thunderous sounds that pierce the heavens.

Above, there are countless magic formations gleaming, and preparations have begun for demonic particle cannons.

"Magiliva... you're in my way again...!

Acromeia was angry for a long time.

Acromeia, who has ever been scattered out of the way, seemed to have considerable hatred for Magiliva.

With that, Krondor's giant soldiers have also created a number of distortions in spaces like black holes to prepare them for attack.


Magiliva hurried to take my hand and let "this be to you" hold his own artifact.

It's a bright red spear.

"This is... the covenant of the Queen of War..."

"You probably don't need me anymore. This is your power to do justice. A golden artifact to guide us right."

When Magiliva said that, the bright red spear she made me grip, wrapped in golden light, changed its shape.

Golden sword. It was a brilliant, splendid sword that I had never seen before.

"This will protect you forever. It elevates you to a symbol of justice."

"... Magiliva, what are you going to do"

I had no idea what Magiliva was thinking.

Much greater anxiety creeps up than the surprise of being deposited with the sword.

Because without this artifact, how does Magiliva say he will fight those two gods, giant soldiers?

"I'm sorry, Hadefis. I left everything to you. But please, don't despair. If it's going to be a long way ahead of us, but there's an end to it... we'll be able to see each other again"

That's all Magiliva said, took her hand off me and pushed my body hard.

The moment I fall, I look into Magiliva's strong willed eyes. She disappeared to the giant soldier who unleashed the last shelling without looking back at me.

That, into the light.

A second or so late, a clean, just beautiful, bright red light wrapped the mayday around it, like blowing up all the filth of a merciless particle cannon.

In the meantime, I couldn't even blink.

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