Our demon king is coming.

21: Machia, a signpost of disaster.

"... Lepis?

Her appearance, seen a long time ago, is as sophisticated and calm as usual.

In front of me, surprised by the sudden appearance of Lepis, I tried to rush over unexpectedly.


But General Cannon stopped me.

He's serious, he's a serious look. No, much more than that, he's got eyes like he's on guard about something.

Disturbing air was flowing.

"Lepis Twilight. Why are you here"


"You must have lost touch in Kiltraden. I don't even remember bringing him here."

"I brought Lena with me."

In a clear voice everywhere, she replied.

"Master Lena wanted to come here. To meet Istarte, king of silver..."

"... to the King of Silver?

"Therefore, I have brought you. The Federation had a transfer device that Istarte was more prepared for."


I don't know why Lena came to see Istarte.

But there, once, when I tried to run away with Lena, I felt there was a reason why she refused.

Those two special relationships...

But General Cannon never failed to be vigilant.

"Then what are you here for? If you just brought Lena, it's normal to be with her. The fact that we are finding this great tree in this place is in itself a sign that you are not normal."

"... Huh?

It was supposed to be the word Cannon unleashed against Lepis, but I reacted first.

That's... that's...

Cold sweat streamed down my cheeks to the suspicion that suddenly came up in me.

"... right. I think General Cannon's predictions are generally a hit."

Lepis was Lepis and affirmed it.

As if it wasn't a big deal, in the usual way, with a pale voice.

"Hey, hey... wait a minute. What do you mean? What a perfect way to find each other!

I didn't like the unclear situation and I couldn't help but raise my voice unexpectedly.

But General Cannon did not distract himself from Lepis and pulled out his lower back sword.

It was a shapeless sword covered in dark mist...... the fate of the Pluto.

"Lepis Twilight... you are... Ellis"

And I finally ask that.

I blackened my head for a moment but waited for Lepis' answer with the same look on my face.

"... yeah, that's right"

Lepis replied pale again.

Always, in the same tone as when you were talking to me.

"So it's the main body?

"... it's not"

"So you say Ellis took over!?

Once, when I was about to have my body taken over by Ellis, I know full well the compulsion of that curse.

If so, Lepis will be losing consciousness of the original...

When the hell... where...

But if so, why didn't you see the Blue General mark on me...?

"Yeah...... right. But Master Machia. Things may be a little different from what you think."

"... Huh?

"I've been Ellis since the beginning."

After preaching the word, Lepis turned his gaze upwards, slowly following the tip of the trunk of the great tree.

Ichizuki, spilled by the great tree, blurred her cheeks and flowed down into the earth as if in tears.

"Well... what does that mean?

"Like I said. I've been Ellis ever since I met you."

"Liar! Because you have no mark!!

"The Blue General's Mark... is it?

"Yes. If he had taken over, I would have seen the mark."

"Once, on my body too, there was a mark. But half my body, it's made of machinery. He took off the Federation so that the mark could disappear from where he could see it, and he took the risk of the first demonic fortress he deployed."


"However, since I was a direct control from the main body, from the mark that Master Machia knew, it was an independent separate thing... so either way I was underinformed and I might not have noticed"

Lepis' explanation confused me even more.

"So, but you... Oh, I resented the Federation, and I was fighting for the clan. When it came to Twilight, even you were always calm, you couldn't stay calm!! That was all a lie, too?

"... no. That emotion, it's a certainty. I was Ellis, and at the same time I wished for the rescue of the Twilight people who had left the Federation, and I hated the Confederate side of Ellis, who was tormenting the Twilight clan."

"... Huh?

What Lepis said was not easily understandable.

Even though she knows my understanding hasn't caught up, she goes on.

"Ellis, is God who means disaster. That, General Cannon... you understand best."

"... oh"

"But there is actually no God named“ Ellis ”. Because at the end of the first week of mythology, Ellis was ruled by chaos."

Lepis spoke briefly about a long time ago, as if it were yesterday.

I didn't know what it was, but General Cannon reacted like he remembered something.

"Chaos...... Kaios...... I see, the original god."

"Yeah, you're right. I guess you remember, Hadefis. The contents of Ellis must have had boundaries as if they had been replaced."

"... oh"

"The first Ellis noticed his original existence earlier than anyone else and was fascinated by them. Kaios, the god of chaos, took in such Ellis and took over his flesh."

"... I see"

General Cannon lowered his voice and stared at Lepis more.

"It can be said that the majority of what Para Ellis did was done by the will of the original God, Para alpha Caios. Minutes The curse of soul and physical domination is arguably more of a Kaios ability than an Ellis ability. In short, the original God named Para Ellis is dead a long time ago.... but well, it's confusing, so call me Ellis. When we get here, we're still Ellis."

With the palm of her prosthetic hand on her chest, she smiled small.

I don't know what that grin means. An empty, cluttered smile.

"Oh, my God... I haven't heard such a long time ago. Lepis... I need to know why you're the Blue General... no, Ellis."

Untranslated stories made me afraid that important things would be obscured.

I stare at her. I still want to believe in Lepis.

"Dear Machia... I like you"

"Neither do I. You were an important companion."

"Yep. I was on your side, watching over you... it was“ Ellis ”who carried that role"

"... role?

"Yeah. Ellis has seven consciousnesses, including the body, but I'm one of the minute souls. Minutes To the soul, in fact, only one command is given. Lead Mayday's greatest disaster. … that's all."

"... disaster..."

Unexpectedly, I repeated that important keyword.

Biggest disaster for Mayday......

"It was not anything else that could create the greatest calamity for this world that was known as the" Demon King ”. It is the rebirth of the gods, as well as those who once destroyed the world. I leave one of the most tragic possibilities of disaster for Mayday to Ellis."

"... on the main body?

"Yeah.... the reason we get out of the Union was there. To disperse the possibility of catastrophe, Ellis entrusted the will of two young men from the Twilight clan to act as Ellis and unleash it on the outside world."

"The two of you? The two of you..."

"It's me and Brother Solomon. I watched Machia and Thor, and Brother Solomon watched Princess Shatoma and General Kanon of Frezier by blending into their respective positions. Who and what will be Mayday's greatest disaster… to determine it"



Even though I couldn't hide my surprises in one truth at a time, I shut up.

I just heard the explanation, because nothing has come to a conclusion.

Lepis nodded slightly because I was unconvinced.

"Do you know a federal advisor magician named Rathjean? He was, as Ellis, an Ellis with a standard mindset. In short, Ellis, who took over most of the memory and will of the Blue General, and who tried to take over Master Machia's flesh, was Ellis of Lasgene descent"

"... what does that mean? Aren't you all sharing the same will?

"Yeah...... that's what happens. Ellis'“ body ”is like a command tower that gives instructions to each Ellis while looking at the balance of the world, neutral, but minute souls were principally Rasjean, Brother Solomon, and my three established intentions, and the rest were used each time as disposable souls.... well, the minute souls were mostly occupied by Rasjeen alone"


"My brother and I were Ellis in pursuit of“ other possibilities, "independent of Ellis in one way or another of standard thinking."

Leaking a distressed exhale, Lepis smiled lonely.

Until Solomon, I can't believe it was Ellis...

With all that surprise and outrage, if Lepis is, then I guess Solomon is Ellis again.

However, when it came to her and Solomon, she seemed to be far from the Ellis we held.

I wanted it to be so.

"... I see. So you and Solomon were taken over by Ellis when you were in the Federation?"

General Cannon didn't seem to know the Lepis story originally, but it seems there were many events connected with her story.

"Yeah. Ellis snuck in on me and your brother, who were young, when we were still in federal captivity. Although, I don't really feel like I've changed myself. I say when Ellis takes over, I lose my will, but in my case it was a direct contact from the main body, so I never forget that it was Lepis Twilight, it just seemed like more beings living together...... sometimes it was enough to hate Ellis" over there ”trying to take over Master Machia, forgetting that I was Ellis, etc. I'm sure your brother will, too. You may not believe it."

"... Lepis"

A bunch of her words like whispering still made me think it was something I could trust.

Lepis is pointlessly not such a lying child.

"You don't have the same hateful“ Blue General ”vibe I know. I'm sure you're right."

"I'm afraid... Dear Machia"

Soon, she bowed her head to me.

As soon as possible, complicated thoughts creep up.

Lepis was Ellis after all...

If Lepis was Ellis, what the hell am I supposed to do with her?

What exactly is the purpose of her coming here in this phase?

"Then... then what exactly is your purpose? What is Ellis here for as Lepis?"

When asked, Lepis looked up at the great tree again and now touched its trunk.

Holy Shizuku falls through her dark hair.

Lepis told him to exhale.

"Ellis' body has already determined what Mayday's greatest calamity is. … I came here to see it."

"... the greatest calamity is here."

"Yeah. Right in front of this."

Slightly flushed his gaze, Lepis turned his gaze to me.

Her eyes, with a deep dark colour, are slightly moisturized.

"Dear Machia. That you destroy the great tree. … that's the biggest disaster for Mayday"


"Releasing the demon kings who have guided Mayday from chains that extend beyond this great tree means ending this world. This was your boxyard world. You chose independence and abandoned this boxyard. By destroying my mother's existence, Daiki..."

The words of Lepis are also what I am prepared to say.

But when told by the symbol of disaster, it is at once realistic and I feel like I am trying to do something extraordinary myself.

Am I wrong about what I'm trying to do...

There really shouldn't have been a lost time, but the stray thoughts overflowing like a fountain dominated my body.

"Dear Machia... Destroy the Great Tree. So it's all over."

Lepis tried to guide me without straying, because of God, who symbolizes disaster.

The words were heavy everywhere.

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