Our demon king is coming.

27: Ulysses, Where the Battle Goes (below)

"Perselis!!...... Perselis!!

There were already no bishops in the inflaming patriarchate as one.

Normally, they're likely to leave the sanctuary no matter what, but they've probably been evacuated at the behest of Brother Eska.

There are no more great trees to admire here...

Perselis must be in an underground sanctuary.

I don't know if I can ever call a sanctuary to that place without a great tree, but I thought so.

The collapsed debris was blown with fan wind, opening a buried black door and heading underground.


The underground sanctuary is also hard to say that it was safe.

The flames have not turned, but the ceiling has collapsed and the ceiling has fallen all over the place.

The place where the great trees were is an open and empty space, but I can see something that stays flat and white.

It's like a white egg sitting on it.

The artifact/Toyota Queen shell was there.

"Oh, it's my dad"

From that shell, it was the tin that slipped his face.

"Suzuma... were you here too"

"Yeah. Because your master was telling you to protect your mom and opera!

Suzuma seemed to be defending the spot with a spiritual treasure wall around her shell.

Suzuma, I've already summoned the eighth commandment...

"Hey, guys, are you okay?

I rushed over to the shell.

There is a proper Perselis in the shell.

He sat quietly and concentrated on manipulating the green curtain.

Perselis finally realized what I had done and looked up.

"... Ulysses, Ulysses, I'm sorry. By my power, I couldn't even protect my country."


Perselis was moisturizing his eyes.

Inside the shell, a transparent monitor had emerged that operated the eight curtains.

It's like, inside a little computer.

"Do you want to ride, too?

A smooth tin calls me in the shell.

He slept easily on the opera with strings.

"No... no. We have to get out of here."

"Well... maybe not here anymore"

Perselis dropped.

"Come on, let's get out of here. I have to leave the artifact behind."

"... Huh?

"Quick!! Get out of there!!

When I screamed in a hurry, Perselis and Suzuma looked at each other properly.

Did I say something strange? [M]

"You know, Ulysses. If you're running, there's an easier way to get away. So, Ulysses get inside this shell, too?

"... Huh? Huh?"

"Quick.... Ah, the ceiling is shaking"

"Look, Dad, come on!

Suzuma pulls me, and I slip out of my head into my shell.

Shortly afterwards, the earth swayed tremendously, cracks in the ceiling and rock beds collapsed.


The loud noise of ground breaking sounds.

The shell also swayed naturally, but thanks to the Spirit Treasure Wall of Suzuma, it was never crushed to the rock floor.

However, on top of the junction, there are multiple rock formations on which the vision darkens.

The boulder opera also woke up, crying out.

"O, Opelia...... it's all right"

By hand, he touched the opera on the back of the tin.

I feel a warm little life, and I'm horrified.

"Close the shell, because it will fly"


"Look, Ulysses. My artifact is amazing."

After Perselis' good words, the spherical shell moved only slightly and the lights that drew the rings overhead lit.

We were able to get a good view of the surroundings, but the sphere shell had already closed the ceiling and our family shared a small space as if we were even on a one-box car.

"This is..."

"I was asking your brother how to use this artifact, the Applied Edition, for a time."

"Huh? Applied edition?

"Suzuma, you can unravel the Spirit Treasure Wall now. Because in this shell, it's safer than any other place."


Suzuma replied well.

Shortly afterwards, there was an unpleasant sound of rock formations falling on the gutsy gutsy and shell, but the shell itself was not even frightened.

I can see it's rather gradually rising.

Peeping into the place where Perselis is sitting, there are countless monitors in front of her, and all the information on this perimeter is written aside, both inside and outside the tabernacle.

She was also manipulating and moving this shell itself as she twirled something like a disc.

"Su, wow... isn't that awesome, Perselis? I can't believe you can drive an artifact."

"Eh heh. Right? Yes, I'll fly ~ ~"


Did Perselis motivate me to be praised, spinning the disc furiously to speed up the flying shell?

I am unexpectedly glaring. [M]

I don't know how it works, but the shell seems to be emitting aggressive demonic guided waves around it, scraping, bouncing, and flying things in the way of progression all over the cancer.

What a horrible guardian representative artifact......

"Ugh, heh! hahaha!! I'll smash everything that holds you back from going ~ ~!!


My wife who drives the shell like a person has changed and busts it out of the way.

Is that it? You should always be a quieter, more girly girl, one of those gentle girls in the Demon King class who jumps through and is weak and can't even kill bugs...

For a moment I thought I saw the face of my brother-in-law Esca on Perselis... but I don't care.

I accidentally held the suzuma and the opera.

"Oh, I'm out!!

A tiny little tin turned up at me. [M]

It was it that the shell flew through the diocese of the Patriarchate and through the sky, as it was thrown outside with Pong.

As soon as the sphere artifact is outside, the sides become transparent. I changed the mode so that I could see what was going on around me.


The view of the outside was unimaginable, backed up by the family's safety and the freshness of flying on shells.


There are giant craters all over Miladreed, and they're half-destructed.

The Rubel Tower itself was miraculously safe, but the royal palace where I was born and raised is half lost.

The attack of the particle cannon had converged, but the original head was still alive, and now, precisely, it had encircled a magic wave around it in order to accumulate power for the next.

Once the shell lands on the rubble of the cathedral of the Patriarchate.

I don't see another Valkyrian ship.

I don't know if they're making me evacuate, or if they shot everything down.

Neither is Eska's brother-in-law or Princess Shatoma in the sky.

I was anxious, but Perselis told me, "You two are down on the beach."

On the monitor of the Toyota Queen's shell, you two are shown.

They were falling into the beach.

"We both ran out of magic and magic... what do we do, Ulysses"

"... Regrettably, I have no more magic formations either. Looks like we ran out of system tower spares, too. The original is silent for the next attack, but if the next attack is unleashed, we will not be able to prevent it..."

I thought that particle cannon was the last one earlier, but the original still seemed to have some power.

Instead, I can say that it was on this side that I did my best.


Because... because Maki broke the laws of the world for me.

Only once, if we can defeat the original, it will all be over.

"Hey, Dad."

That's when Suzuma pulled my robe a little bit.

"Hey, I'm full of magic."

"... Huh?

"My master told me to make it in his spare time, so I've been making it."


Surprised, I shook Suzuma's hand.

Drain the stock of amazing magic formations in his body again.

"Yeah eh!? Why are you stocking up on three times as many magic formations as I do!!

Suzuma taught me with a straight face after a decent one.

"... I don't seem to have as much magic power as the Demon King class, but the capacity to stock up on magic formations is greater than anyone else's. Your master said."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah."

Suzuma...... Suzuma horrible child...... Huh!!

Behind my bare voice, Suzuma looked very calm and told me.

"Hey, so use my magic team, Dad."

"... okay?

"Fine. I want to fight with my dad."


It's a special position to call it the Quasi Demon King Class, but I didn't think it would be here to help my son's magic formation.

But right after the surprise, I cry.

It was in this phase that I was inspired and moved by the powerful words of my grown child that I said I might no longer be able to.

"Okay. All right... let's go together, Suzuma"


Suzuma entrusted the opera she was carrying to Perselis.

Perselis lifted the opera and lowered his hips to Suzuma's side, gently mouthing him on his cheek.

"Hold on, I'm going to support your father."


Innocent Suzuma looks happy somewhere.

Even under these circumstances.

It makes me feel hopeful, not least.

Taking Suzuma's hand and borrowing his magic formation, I called the fans again.

Put a tin on the fan's back and ride yourself.

Suzuma clings to my waist. [M]

"Hold on, Ulysses."

"... yeah, wait. Perselis."

I grabbed the hand that had been extended to Perselis and let it go softly so that I could spare the remnants.

And now, just look forward, fly away.

I've been feeling weak until earlier, but I don't care what happens anymore.

When we get here, we're gonna have to take him down.

Miladrid and the Patriarchate are worn out, but when it's all over, I'm sure I'll get back on my feet.

If only I lived.

"Ah! Look, Dad"

Suzuma pointed higher as the wind rose.


Cloudy skies by demonic particle cannons.

There was a hole in there, something sparkling and zero, and it was pouring out.

It's like brilliant red sand...

But shortly afterwards, I saw something fall in a straight line from that glittering sand.

The moment I see it, I understand what it is.

"It's the maki......!

There are three silhouettes that fall.

Mr. Thor, Maki, it must be General Cannon.

"Mr. Thor, Maki!!

I hurried to the falling three.

The original head, which was spinning, opens its big mouth and releases a flamebullet to see if it has found them.

I deployed my magic formation via Suzuma and put up the Spirit Treasure Wall in front of the three of them.

Flame bullets are bounced.

"Ulysses! Please Canon!!

Thor noticed my presence and shouted.

As I am told, I pick up General Cannon, who was falling first.

General Cannon was losing his mind and had a terribly cold body.

"... the two of you... eh"

I couldn't pick it up, Thor. I searched for you and Maki.

Thor, on the way down, you were standing in space building a floating field and supporting Maki.

He laughed nicely at me.

Maki seemed too tired.

Still alive.

Oh...... those two are back.

Thor, you and Maki supported the covenant of the Queen of War for two, pointing its tip towards the original head.

I can roughly guess what I'm going to do.

The original also reacts sensitively to the hostility directed against him, letting his eyes glow rotten, forming a magic sphere around him for a bee and a demonic conductor particle cannon.

"Dad, that big attack is coming!! Meteors!!

"I won't let... Huh"

Having received all the magic formations of Suzuma, I summoned the Seventh Commandment/Wedge of the Spirit, multiplied it by a spiritual multiplication that multiplied all the powers of my own Spirit, and released it to the original head.

The elongated, bright white wedge pierces the original head from all directions, deforming the expression into a snoring shape.

The warped magic of the demonic conductor particle cannon became a little smaller at this time.

Thor, you and Maki don't miss this gap.

The two held the spear of the artifact and traveled through the universe at high speeds.

It became a bright red glimmer of meteor that now pierces the original head.

The eyes of the labyrinth were shattered before the power of Maki, the red witch who specializes in destruction, and by Thor, the black demon king who manipulates space, not a single shard of it was left behind and erased by the distortion of space.

At the end of the day, the original raises multiple and overlapping amputees, eventually exhausting.

Zero pieces of flesh made of machines and various lives into the sea.

The weapon of myth, which was repeated in regeneration and was said to never die, finally came to a death.

I exhale for a long time, dropping off a wedge of spirits falling into the sea after my service.

Well done. Spirits (all)......

"Daddy...... Daddy. It's bright red."

Suzuma, who supports General Kanon so hard in the back, leaked that sentiment to me.

I wondered what it was about, but when I looked around, the cloudy air was completely clear, and instead a bright red morning burn was spreading.

It's the dawn of Mayday.


It was the dawn of this beautiful world, when the sun rose and drew a muscle of light on the horizontal battle.

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