Our family is in decline

Chapter 106 Charge

"The best training performance of the artillery under my command when fully staffed is three rounds per minute. In actual combat, two rounds per minute is already very good. The powerful firepower can instantly destroy the enemy's military formation. , no army can resist the power of artillery.

But the monsters are not humans. They are not afraid of the casualties caused by artillery at all. On the contrary, every dead monster stimulates their greed. At the same time, they ignore the artillery attack, and now they are close to within a hundred meters.

At this time, only the knights and crusaders recruited by the church could still maintain their will to fight. The defense line composed of a hundred knights and more than 300 crusaders wearing armor stabilized the formation.

When the long sword slashed at those monsters and easily caused damage, those monsters that couldn't be killed by muskets actually fell on the cold weapons.

At the same time, the attacks of monsters wielding rusty kitchen knives or gnawing food have no effect on the Crusaders wearing armor. On the contrary, the attacks of the Crusaders can cause monsters to be injured or even die. As for the magical spells performed by the priests, it is even more frustrating. The monster howled in pain.

This discovery improved the low morale. When engaging the enemy head-on, the artillery may be accidentally damaged, so I issued an order to have all the artillery retreat and distance themselves to reorganize their positions. At the same time, I summoned those soldiers who dared to fight in close combat to support to alleviate the front-line tension. The pressure of the battlefield. "

This situation was originally going for the better, but this made them even more nervous, because they knew what the outcome would be, and it was precisely because of this that they became more curious about what happened to worsen the situation.

Fortunately, Barton didn't mean to delay, but went on directly.

"We call it an imperial army, but it is actually under the direct jurisdiction of the Eastern Province. It is the best in the empire in terms of equipment. When other armies of the empire were still using cold weapons, we began to install a large number of muskets and artillery.

As for Leng Weapon, although the training program is still maintained, the intensity is very weak, and some teams with less strict management have even been eliminated from daily training. "

Barton did not directly talk about the situation at that time, but complained to everyone about the problems he faced at the time.

That is, among the three thousand troops, excluding one thousand serfs who were in charge of logistics, there were only two thousand who were truly capable of fighting.

Among the two thousand people, only one thousand belonged to the imperial army, but their five hundred artillerymen and five hundred musketeers did not have much close combat ability. Among the remaining one thousand people, excluding the church armed forces, there were only The aristocratic armed forces that they usually looked down upon still retained their melee combat capabilities.

Logically speaking, as long as these people are dispatched to cooperate with the church people to build positions to buy more time, even if they cannot win, they can at least delay it for a while, allowing the army to retreat and regroup.

But there was a problem. Due to the command system, the noble armed forces were not familiar with the empire's orders at all, so when they saw him withdrawing the artillery, they thought the imperial army was going to run away.

Almost at the same time, the noble armed forces chose to retreat, because the military commander could not order others because of the issue of command authority.

After one person started running away, everyone else ran away. The armed escape of those lords caused a chain reaction, which caused the already not very good situation to collapse even more.

After losing those lords' armed forces, how long can the front line resist with less than 500 church armed forces?

"Many people in the Musketeers went crazy and wanted to escape, and even pointed their guns at their companions. Soon even the veterans of the supervising team could not bear the pressure and ran away.

In this case, I was forced to organize a part of the artillery that dared to fight in close combat to fill in. But all the artillery under my command were artillery. I led the team to fight against the monsters. Without enough weapons and armor, the casualties were heavy. I saw it with my own eyes. They are killed by monsters and then eaten. "

When Barton said this, his breathing became rapid, and there was even a look of panic on his face. I think that scene had a profound impact on him. After all, seeing his familiar comrades being eaten alive, it was a sign of his strong will that he did not go crazy on the spot.

Barton suddenly became angry when he remembered something.

"This war has already failed at this time, but after the fight, I found that those monsters are not so scary. As long as they retreat in an orderly manner, most of their strength can be preserved.

But as the order was interrupted, we discovered that the commander had escaped from the battlefield with his trusted troops without knowing when. Without command, they were all in chaos. Even if they wanted to escape, they were soon chased by monsters. kill on.

Fortunately, the people of the church were very powerful with the blessing of divine magic. The knights of the church continuously charged among the monsters and divided the battlefield, thus suppressing the collapse of the defense line.

But I soon discovered a problem. Those beast-like monsters never seem to have enough to eat. The more we kill, the more corpses they eat. Both the monsters themselves and us humans will eventually become became their food.

After eating these corpses, the monsters began to become more powerful, their bodies expanded, and they developed more and larger mouths and a mouth full of teeth. At the same time, some monsters with special attacks also appeared.

I saw with my own eyes that the monsters grabbed a corpse and stuffed it into their mouths. The next second, the big mouth spit out the pale green gastric juice.

Ordinary people were sprayed all over, their skin and muscles seemed to have been melted, and they let out miserable wails, and the whole person died in the struggle.

Even the Crusaders wearing armor were difficult to stop. Once sprayed, the metal armor was corroded, and then the flesh and blood, until they were swarmed by monsters while screaming.

There are also some monsters that belch after eating corpses, and gray-green gas emanates from their mouths. Not only ordinary people, but also armor cannot block these gases. Anyone who inhales them will scream and then Dead, no one knows what happened to them.

There are also flesh and blood monsters as huge as hills..."

Patton described the scenes he saw on the battlefield, which made everyone feel chills.

Originally, Disma and the others looked down upon Patton's status as a deserter, but now they understood his situation. If they had been there at the time, they probably wouldn't have been able to hold on for long.

"I admit that I was scared crazy by those monsters at the time. I wanted to escape but found that the surrounding area was full of monsters and we were surrounded.

And at this moment of despair, the roar of artillery made me firm again. It was the artillerymen who I had withdrawn before, who did not give up on us.

Taking advantage of the shells tearing apart the monster's line, I led the remaining musketeers and artillerymen to break out of the battlefield as if they were fleeing.

The last thing I saw were the Church Knights who were still shouting the Holy Light and charging towards the monsters, even though there were less than ten left at that time, and the Crusaders had already been submerged in the monsters. "

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