Our family is in decline

Chapter 110 Horse Bandit

Lance had already walked around the village just now. It was a village with no more than 20 households and less than 100 people. It was surrounded by wooden fences.

The houses in the village are all made of wooden skeletons with earth piled outside, and long houses with thatched roofs. People and animals live together. What they rely on for their livelihood is the fields around the village. They also raise chickens, ducks, pigs and cows, and collect wild fruits and equipment in their free time. Set a trap to catch the beast.

And this is the most common rural area in the world, and it is also the lifestyle of most ordinary people, which is boring and arduous.

Under such circumstances, it is normal for the church to develop and have a good popular foundation. They need to rely on faith to enrich their spiritual level.

These villagers had limited spending power and couldn't buy much, but Lance didn't care and started chatting with the village chief.

"Is it safe around here? Are there any bandits or robbers?"

"Yes, recently a group of bandits came from nowhere and came down from time to time to steal food."

"Oh! Where are they?" Lance's eyes lit up when he heard this.


He originally planned to find bandits to train troops and supplement them with gifts.

It's just that I passed several villages along the way and no trace of the bandits was found. It may be that those who were close to each other had already gathered at Hamlet and were eaten by him.

As for why there are bandits here but they are still living well?

The Hamlet family lost the right to rule the territory, so these villages scattered in the territory are actually autonomous. The elders of the village usually become the village chiefs, and use the experience accumulated over the years to maintain the operation of the village.

However, it is impossible for a village of this size to organize a militia, or in other words, all the people have become soldiers. When the bandits arrive, everyone will gather together and pick up hoes and pitchforks to resist the bandits, but at the same time, they will also give up some food.

On the one hand, he told the bandits that there would be a price to pay for robbery, and on the other hand, he gave those guys a little sweetness, fearing that the bandits would actually attack them if they were pushed too hard.

Villages like theirs, which cannot get oil or water even if they are robbed, will not attract the interest of bandits. Moreover, after they are captured, there will be no food. It is better to save it and visit regularly.

If bandits really want to make money, they have to rob people on the business road.

Listening to the village chief's narration, Lance roughly understood the situation. A group of about 20 bandits usually mainly operated in a nearby town, and they only came here regularly to steal some food.

After hearing this, Lance was a little confused. He came out this time with a mission, so he did not take Walter's caravan route, but went directly to Ovendo, which meant that the town was not in his plan.

It's not cost-effective to delay for two days for twenty bandits who may not be found.

"You can go there by taking a detour and take a longer road. If you hear the sound of intensive horse hooves, be careful."

"Hmm~" Lance nodded and chose to give up the snack, but the next second he reacted and turned to look at the village chief, "What! Are those horse bandits?"

"That's right, and each person has a horse. Normally, a caravan can't escape if they encounter one. It will only be considered bad luck if they encounter one."

The village chief was talking about the dangers of those horse bandits, but Lance was only thinking about the twenty horses and didn't pay much attention to them.

Whether it is used as an animal to open fields, pull a cart or ride a horse, it is very useful. There is no reason to miss the "good brothers" who send horses. Be sure to visit them.

Before leaving, the village chief was still advising Lance's caravan to be careful not to be robbed.

After all, their village relies on caravans like them for supplies. If no one comes, they have to take risks and go to nearby towns to exchange for supplies.

But Lance didn't care, nodded and smiled:

"Don't worry, we won't go there."

After the team left the village, the three of them rode ahead.

"Sir, aren't we in a hurry? Why are we wasting time on these bandits?"

The two of them knew that the lord had been looking for those bandits and robbers, and this time they had to take a detour.

"We have a smooth journey now, but what if they encounter those guys on the way back escorting the supplies?

Moreover, now that the bandits and robbers along the road are cleared, it will be much safer to restore the commercial road later, and there will be no need to send people over to suppress the bandits for a second time.

Of course, the most important thing is that they have horses, and this is what our caravan lacks. As long as we have horses, we can pull more carts and bring more supplies. "

The two of them had no problem with this, they were not afraid of fighting.


"Boss! Boss!"

"Fuck! What's the ghost's name?"

"Brothers on guard discovered a caravan."

"It's been a hell of a while. I can finally see a living person. Hurry up and get your brothers ready. We're going to eat meat today!"

The leader shouted, and the gangsters in the camp immediately began to pack their equipment and mount their horses. They looked very excited, and they were finally ready to eat meat after waiting for so many days.

Soon all the gangsters were organized. It turned out that their equipment was not bad. Although it was not a complete set, they still had the key breastplates, and many of them also had short-barreled muskets. Nowadays, many small towns cannot get them. Twenty cavalrymen, one can imagine how wealthy this horse bandit is~

Before setting off, most of them skillfully covered their faces with rags to cover the lower half of their faces, and wore a rag hood on their heads. Some even had helmets on their heads.

They knew what they were doing, so no one wanted to show their face on a wanted warrant. After all, the money they robbed was still going to be spent in the town.

"Set off!"

The team soon met up with the sentry and determined that the caravan was not far ahead.

"Brother, should we ambush or attack directly?"

"How many people are there? What equipment?"

"Eleven, all are ordinary guards with spears. There is only one person wearing armor. I don't know if he is a knight or a mercenary."

"Damn it! You can't even ambush just this few people." The leader's face showed disdain when he heard this few people, and he turned to shout at the gangsters behind him, "Brothers, follow me, we will go to town tonight Have a great time!"

After saying that, the leader waved the war hammer in his hand, then galloped forward, and the remaining younger brothers followed suit.

When I got closer to the leader, I found that it was indeed a typical small caravan. For a moment, I became even more contemptuous, and even thought of making fun of my younger brother.

"Don't kill them all, leave a few behind to drive the car."


"Come on!"


Leonard didn't react much when he looked at the bandits who were attacking on horseback. He led hundreds of thousands of cavalry to charge and it was time for them to survive, let alone now.

"Get ready! Arrange the chariot formation, put on armor, and cock the crossbow."

Leonard arranged calmly. The guards were not as fragile as they seemed. On the contrary, they were not afraid of the gangsters after witnessing the brutality of the fight to the death.

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