Our family is in decline

Chapter 125 Anger

Early in the morning, Leonard led the caravan into this small town with only fences and wooden stakes as defenses. Along the way, the people showed strong curiosity and approached.

Because I heard there was a big disaster outside and there was banditry, no caravans had come over for a while.

The prices in those stores in town were also much more expensive and they needed cheaper products.

Lance did not ride a horse, but was on the carriage at the end of the team, chatting with the nearby townspeople, mainly focusing on prices.

Until Lance "accidentally" revealed the situation they encountered outside the town, and heard about the town's events from the gangsters they wiped out.

"We didn't originally plan to come here. We just came here to send this person back."

With that said, he opened the carriage, revealing the girl inside who was dazed and had not fully recovered.

"is her!"

"Isn't this the missing child in the town?"

"I saw her mother looking for her yesterday."

"Yes, I know her. Go and call her family over."

Chaotic sounds rang out, and the news was like a tonic for the town that had been tortured by the disappearance case for a month and made people panic, and it spread out at a terrifying speed.

"Have you heard? The murderer of the missing case has been found."

"Who doesn't know? It's very lively on the street now."


More and more people followed the caravan. Lance looked at the situation in front of him but didn't care. He just drove the car leisurely.

There was no square in this town, but there was one main street, and Lance led the caravan to stay in it.

As soon as the caravan stopped, it was surrounded by a surging crowd. This situation made the soldiers feel pressured. They clenched the spears in their hands and built a defense line.

At this time, no one cared about the items transported by the caravan. They wanted to know the truth about the series of disappearances.

"Daughter! My daughter!" Among these people, a mother squeezed in and shouted.

The soldier met and subconsciously wanted to stop him, but heard the lord speak.

"Let her come here."

Lance recognized her as the woman who had stopped him at the intersection, so he turned around and helped the dazed girl out of the carriage and handed her back.

The two hugged each other and cried. This scene triggered a frenzy among the people. You must know that there are more missing parents among them, wanting to know the news about their children.

"Where is my child?"

"Have you seen my daughter?"


"Quiet! Quiet!"

Lance tried his best to control the scene, but his voice couldn't make much noise among hundreds of people. When he saw this, he had to turn his head to look at the soldiers and make a gesture.


The next second, a loud shout finally interrupted those people's words and cooled down the hot environment.

Lance took the opportunity to speak quickly.

"Everyone, be quiet! We are a caravan coming from Totnes. We were attacked by bandits while camping outside last night. After we fought them off, we rescued the child from them and also captured a bandit."

With that said, Lance came to a carriage and dragged out the tied people.

They were all silent for a moment, they heard the word gangster, that was what they were most afraid of, and now there was one in front of them.

But after seeing this guy tied up, he became brave and started talking about it.

Lance couldn't let the situation get out of control anymore and took control of the situation immediately.

"As for more situations, let him explain to everyone."

After saying that, he set his sights on the gangster. It was self-evident what he meant.

"I say! I say! It's all our fault. It was our boss who colluded with the police chief of your town..."

He didn't dare to play any tricks, so he blurted out the sentences arranged by Lance as if he had memorized them by heart.

When the deal between the Sheriff and the slave-catching team was exposed, and a fire broke out between them, the Sheriff and some of the people died.

This series of news was so shocking to these small town residents that they no longer even knew how they should react.

This answer is too exaggerated, and even beyond the tolerance of most townspeople, because no one expected that the disappearance cases in the town were caused by the police chief and some sheriffs. No wonder these disappearance cases have never been investigated.

In addition, the slave-catching team behind them killed the Sheriff and the others without giving them any money, which also shocked their psychology, causing waves in this long-sleep town.

But none of this can stop parents who have lost their children.

"Where is my child?"

"Tell me where he is?"


Lance kicked the gangster and signaled with his eyes, which frightened him into talking quickly.

"Everyone was sold by the boss, and I don't know where they went."

But instead of calming the parents' anger, his words aroused the anger of the people, and almost everyone shouted at the top of their lungs.

"Kill him to avenge the child!"

"kill him!"

"Kill the traffickers!"

If it weren't for the soldiers who stopped him, the surging public anger would have almost scared the gangster to death. He couldn't help but retreat when he looked at those ferocious faces.

When he wielded the butcher knife in the past, he didn't feel that ordinary people were scary. He only thought that they were valuable like fat pigs. If you catch them, you can get money and feel comfortable for a while. If they were not valuable, they were like wild dogs. He felt happy when he cut them.

This is how he lives, and now these wild dogs want to bite him, only to find that wild dogs can also explode with terrifying power.

"It's not me~ It's not me~ It's all them. It's all them."

Lance grabbed the frightened guy and leaned into his ear to make a scary sound.

"Why are you running? Are you ready to make out with them~"

The gangster was enveloped by a strong desire to survive. He reacted instantly after hearing these words, struggling and shouting at Lance: "You can't do this, you said you would let me go!"

"It's okay, I'll let you go now."

After saying that, Lance pushed him out directly, and then made a gesture, and the soldier line retracted, leaving the gangster alone to face the surging crowd, but he was drowned in an instant.

The last thing Lance saw was his desperate face, but he slowly grinned.

All must die~

At this moment, a sharp whistle came, along with the barking of dogs, and finally the sheriff was seen holding a baton to drive away those who were surrounding him.

But how can he fight against so many people alone?

Not to mention that he didn't dare to hit people directly like the cultists, so he could only push them away one by one from the outside.

Fortunately, most of them just join in the fun and walk away when he chases them away. After all, no one wants to be bitten by a dog.

By the time the crowd separated, the gangster had already been beaten to death by the angry townspeople.

This method of death can only be said to be advantageous to the trafficker.

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