Our family is in decline

Chapter 159 Departure

"There's no way they could have caught me if those damn intruders hadn't used the nets!"

The barbarian girl seemed to sense that Lance was not that skilled in close combat, and arrogance began to grow in her heart.

Having undergone rigorous training since she was a child, she faced an entire slave-catching team that dared to operate on the edge of the mountains, and even killed five people before being caught. She did have the confidence to speak out.

The brutal moves in the barbarian woman's hands were all aimed at his vital points. Fortunately, she dropped the weapon, otherwise Lance would have felt like he was about to lose his grip.

Not only will the barbarian girl be unable to be suppressed if the fight continues like this, but as time goes on, even if she is finally defeated, the original intention of intimidation will be lost.

However, she cannot shake the accumulation she has made along the way.

Bless me and strengthen me!

The unreserved strengthening quickly transformed the experience value into strength. The raging power surged in his body and sought to be vented. Lance clenched his fist and punched without any fancy.

A simple but unparalleled punch came straight at him.

The barbarian girl didn't know how that body had such powerful power, but she knew that she must not touch it because it was the fear of death.

The power of wild beasts in the forest is often far greater than that of humans, so avoid their sharp edges.

The fighting instinct of the barbarian woman drove her to distance herself and dodge, but Lance was not a mindless beast in the wilderness. He stepped out like a tiger crossing the abyss and was already close in an instant.

That swift and violent movement once again made the barbarian girl feel desperate. This was a...

Before she could react, the fist had already hit her.

With just one punch, she felt the bones in her arm wailing, as if they were about to break in the next second.

Without waiting for her to wake up from the severe pain, more fists were thrown out, her arms were unable to resist and exposed flaws, and the fists touched the body.

The internal organs spasmed as if they were torn out, stirred, and then stuffed back in. The heart and lungs were hit hard, making it hard for her to breathe. She kept coughing out blood until she was punched in the jaw, and an unstoppable force rushed straight to her head.

Dizzy, staggering, almost collapsed...

Her self-confidence was completely destroyed under such a heavy blow.

She lost control of her body and fell straight to the ground, her eyes widened, the rise and fall of her chest became stagnant, and blood flowed out of her mouth and nose uncontrollably.

She seemed to hear the call of the empty wilderness, and mountains, rivers, and vegetation appeared in front of her eyes, but they were getting further and further away.

The ancestral spirit has gone far away and abandoned my soul...

The restlessness gradually subsided. Lance stopped and looked at the barbarian girl on the ground, squatted down and pinched her face to look over.

"You lose~"

The barbarian girl didn't respond, or it could be said that her consciousness was still wandering, and her eyes seemed to have lost their sparkle and became dim.

Damn, it seems like I hit you hard, maybe I was stunned~

Lance noticed that something was wrong with her current state, and immediately used [Flesh and Flesh Reconstruction] to calm down her internal rupture, massive bleeding, and concussion.

This stimulation caused the barbarian girl to twitch like a reflection, but it was more of a suffocation-like flush that made her face purple and blue.

Upon seeing this, Lance helped her up, slapped her back with his hand, and a large amount of blood spurted out, mixed with filth, and she vomited out everything she had eaten tonight.

The accompanying cough spit out the rest, and the blocked trachea became unobstructed. At this time, she instinctively breathed in the fresh air, and after a while, her complexion improved slightly.

Her injury just now would have been fatal if ordinary medical treatment was used in this era, but for Lance, it was just a small problem that cost a little experience points.

Sure enough, the extraordinary power is really amazing.

"May I have your name?"

"Boudicca." The barbarian girl turned to look at Lance and spoke in tribal language. There was an indescribable meaning in her eyes.

"What's the meaning?"

After hesitating for a moment, the barbarian girl finally explained.

"Mama gave birth to it."

"Um..." Lance was silent for a moment. He thought these barbarians liked tough names, but he didn't expect them to be so innocent.

He really couldn't say this name, so he just transliterated it.

"I'll call you Boudica."


The camp entrenched outside the city formed a long convoy, most of which were refugees in ragged clothes, and some were slaves, as well as traitors tied in a string.

Although there is a strange supernatural power at this time, it is impossible for that thing to affect ordinary slaves.

But they will not escape, because without the protection of the large army, few can survive in the wilderness.

Moreover, the convoy had food and drink, and they were just working as serfs tilling the fields. It was considered good to be alive in this world.

Lance stared at this thousand-man convoy, which is why he had to clean up bandits and bandits along the way, otherwise these soldiers would not be able to protect so many people.

"Go back and tell Walter that Jean will kill the farms around Owendo as much as possible. You and Barristan will make good use of the ordnance, select and train more soldiers, and form a cavalry team and a musketeer team..."

Lance warned him to try his best to solve the problem while he was still there.

To be honest, he was really worried about handing over the territory to others. He also wanted to stay in the territory to handle affairs and seek development, and then move towards the old house.

But it's a pity that there is no one available. If he had let Walter back, this old guy would definitely run away and have no financial resources, let alone development. His squandering would not last long and would collapse.

Not to mention the more important population~

It's a race against time, and there are still many people in the territory who are waiting for food.

Leonard and William followed the team back, while Disma and Boudicca stayed with him.

The barbarian girl has become much more honest since she was severely beaten by him last night. As expected, these guys can only understand fists.

Tiffany looked worried as she watched the carriage going away. She also wanted to go with it, but the goods in arrears in Totnes needed someone to take over.

"Let's go, the ship is about to start."

Lance called a few people back and boarded the cargo ship at the port.

Two large three-masted sailing ships rely on sails as power and can travel down the river. Even if they are full of cargo, it only takes two or three days to get to Totnes.

After Boudica got on the boat, she became dizzy and couldn't even stand steady.

He was shouting in strange tribal languages, as if he was cursing, or praying for the blessing of some ancestral spirit.

But it seemed that the ancestral spirit could not protect her, and she soon couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the edge to vomit.

Her reaction actually made Lance happy. He didn't expect that the wild warrior who was fearless on land would actually get seasick.

"This is the ledger. This trip is mainly to deal with the remaining items."

Lance took a look at the account book handed over by Tiffany. He had to say that although she was not strong in skills and not sensitive to fighting, her accounting skills were pleasing to his eyes.

Thank you to the shareholder [He Jian Worry] for the 1,500 reward.

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