Our family is in decline

Chapter 166 The Evil Faller, Extraordinary Curse

"Why?" Lance frowned. Needless to say, he knew what her expression meant.

"Because this is the price I said." Tamara did not answer in a hurry. She took out a ring in her hand and threw it directly on the table. She looked up and took a long breath to calm down, as if she was glad that she was still alive. Then he met Lance's confused gaze again and explained.

“Spirituality is a magical power and the foundation for the extraordinary realm of this world. Countless geniuses have devoted themselves to it but failed to identify it. Therefore, spirituality is also known as the realm of God.

But countless predecessors have used their lives to reveal to us the other side of spirituality, which is uncontrollable.

Any human being who tries to master and control spirituality is doomed to suffer spiritual backlash. Once a transcendent fails to suppress the spirituality in his body, he will lose control and become an evil degenerate. "

"Evil Fallen?" This was the first time Lance heard this word.

"Yes, it is a very terrifying monster. The reason is that the Fallen's control over spirituality is almost perfect. It does not need to carefully absorb and mobilize like humans, but can continuously extract spirituality from nature without any scruples.

At the same time, its existence itself will cause spiritual agitation within a certain range, and long-range extraordinary power attacks will be ineffective. If an extraordinary person tries to get close, his or her own spirituality will be contaminated, and if not handled properly, he will fall into the same situation.

The higher the inspiration, the greater the chance that a person will lose control because of their high affinity. Similarly, once they become an evil fallen person, their strength will be more terrifying. "

Just talking about the Fallen made Tamara feel a heavy pressure.

No wonder, long-range attacks are ineffective, and melee combat is easily contaminated. It is simply a natural defeat for extraordinary beings like them.

"But fortunately, the Evil Fallen has no reason. Once it appears, it will only absorb the spirituality around it crazily, and then tend to a place with more spirituality. As long as it is dealt with as soon as possible, there won't be much of a problem.

But the existence of the fallen has also become a curse for the extraordinary, and they have always been dissatisfied and persecuted and suppressed by rulers around the world.

Therefore, extraordinary people will not expose themselves easily. Only in troubled times will many legendary stories be revealed when the social order is chaotic. "

Lance understood that the restless, chaotic, and evil spirits of the spirit were the spirituality embodied in the human body.

As for him, perhaps the purpose of its existence is here, to grow stronger, and then pollute everything, or return it to chaos.

Also because the existence of this curse allows extraordinary people to hide their identities and set up many thresholds, it is no wonder that he has not seen it much before.

"So the church is nothing but extraordinary?"

Lance asked a very bold question. You must know that extraordinary people are suppressed everywhere, and the church is aloof. Confusing the two is a treason and blasphemy.

But Tamara was stunned for two seconds after hearing this, and then she actually laughed.

"Everyone knows it, but you are the first person who dares to say it. Aren't you afraid that those guys will hear and cause trouble for you?"

Lance looked at the car in front of him with a smile, "I'm afraid people outside can't hear us, just like we can't hear the outside."

This carriage is not what it looks like. It started to work when she showed off the extraordinary items just now. Although she can see the outside, it seems to be two worlds apart. Those outside cannot see or hear what is happening here. Lance can still feel this thing.

"That's right, although they spurn extraordinary people, they don't want to give up extraordinary power at all, and even show a crazy pursuit of extraordinary power. Where do you think those extraordinary items that were produced went?

As for the church, the situation is much more complicated. In fact, it is not the country in this world that suppresses extraordinary people, but the church, which also possesses extraordinary power.

But it is undeniable that when the emergence of the church regulates the abuse of spiritual power by extraordinary people, and when evil degenerates appear, the church is also the first to rush to the front to prevent the further spread of pollution, and to a certain extent, it does control the world's tendency to chaos. "

When Tamara said this, her attitude was no longer as sinister as before, but she seemed a little helpless.

Logically speaking, the church suppresses the same extraordinary beings. As a suppressed member, he should be hostile and hateful.

But Tamara was very confused when it came to the church, and the merits had already blurred the lines.

Lance also understands that events have two sides, and the merits and demerits are just based on the position of the butt.

A more civilized way of saying it is from whose perspective you are standing.

Perhaps because the topic was a bit too heavy, Tamara adjusted her attitude, supported her chin with one hand, and picked up the ring on the table with the other hand and spoke to Lance with a smile on her face.

"Do you know what just happened?"

Lance looked at the weird smile on her face and suddenly had a bad feeling.

"I wanted to test your inspiration just now, but your super high inspiration backfired and disturbed my spirituality. If it weren't for the crystal ball, and if I had the tools to resist, I'm afraid the person standing in front of you would not be me, but the fallen one. Dead~"

"Then it's a good thing you're okay, otherwise I would be so heartbroken."

Lance mourned her with a sad look on his face, but Tamara didn't seem to buy it.

"Do you know how the church controls the fallen?"

"have no idea."

"It's very simple. Every child is inspected. Once a child is found to be talented, he will be taken away and nurtured. If the inspiration is too high, he will be taken away and killed on the grounds of being sent to a monastery." The woman said and looked at Lance, using a weird expression. The tone continued: "They are also very famous for hunting geniuses, and most extraordinary people will report to the church when they encounter people with extremely high inspiration. As long as they are sure, they will receive the bounty, obtain immunity, and even be able to join Come to the church.”

"Then they are really a bad person and a villain. They actually attacked an unsuspecting child. And the other one betrayed his identity and compromised with the sinful church. It's really shameful." Lance pretended to be stupid and spoke righteously. Strongly condemned.

Tamara didn't expect this guy to be so good at pretending, so she asked for it directly.

"The crystal ball counts myself, but this is 20,000."

"Just eighty gold coins."

"Twenty thousand!" Tamara finally couldn't help it, the smile on her face faded, and she slapped the ring on the table with a straight face.

"I only have eighty gold coins."

"You want to deny it? Then give me your ring." Tamara stood up angrily and stared at him fiercely.

Hearing this, Lance suddenly grinned, walked around in circles and finally returned to the ring.

"They say the Roma people are cunning, and they are indeed well-deserved. In order to defraud me of the ring, they actually spent so much energy setting up a trap~"

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