The townspeople began to gather. Lance did not expect that there were so many people hiding in the originally depressed town. The originally quiet square soon turned into a noisy market, and those who came here for food began to complain. .

Lance was not in a hurry to speak, but just stood there, his whole demeanor showing.

The identity of the lord originally overshadowed these people, not to mention Lance's cold face, but having a knight like Leonard standing next to him made him even more majestic, which directly made those people subconsciously keep their distance.

The originally noisy townspeople gradually fell into silence when he glanced at them, appearing to be very reserved or afraid. This was proof that the nobles had enslaved them for generations.

Lance knew his identity well. He was a lord, so he had to use the majesty of a lord to deal with this kind of man who was so hungry that he dared to do anything for a good meal. Talking about kindness would only make people think that he is easy to bully. , then don’t try to manage this group of unruly people.

What he is pursuing now is stability. He needs to control the entire Hamlet in the shortest possible time, so he must continue the "wisdom" passed down by the nobles to tame these ordinary people.

As for being a good person, you should at least wait until you survive and establish a foothold. The ancestor's knife is on his neck and he still wants to talk about freedom and democracy. It's just out of his mind.

Seeing that his majesty was initially established, Lance stopped delaying.

"I am the heir to the Hamlet family and the new lord of this place. Back then, my ancestors led the family knights to kill powerful enemies and open up the territory. It took many years of construction to build such a large foundation. Everyone lived here in prosperity and peace, but they did not expect that the butler would collude with the bandits. The invasion killed the old lord and directly plunged the town into war."

As he spoke, he lifted up the rag in front of him, revealing the mayor kneeling inside.

At this time, they were tied up with ropes like fat pigs, their faces were stained with blood, and their mouths were gagged. They looked full of fear, not at all like their usual arrogance. .

The surrounding townspeople were a little surprised when they saw this scene. They didn't expect the mayor who was usually aloof and superior. The result is now like this.

They seemed very happy after seeing the mayor like this, gloating that this fat pig would have his day.

"The mayor who was supposed to organize defense escaped, causing the bandits to loot and destroy the town, killing your relatives and friends. After the bandits left, there was no organization to maintain order. Instead, the mercenaries were allowed to bully you and raise the bar with the farmers. The price of food means you can’t afford anything and so many people starve to death.”

As he spoke, Lance would raise his hands and shout: "Who is Hamlet's sinner!"


Someone in the crowd shouted, followed immediately by a roar like a mountain roar and a tsunami.


It's not that they can't be angry, but the long-term oppression and the huge gap in strength make them can only store their anger in their hearts. If they are unlucky, they will never have a chance to vent their lives, but now their luck has come.

"Today I fulfill my responsibility as a lord and judge this sinner!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting better, Lance directly picked up a mercenary sword that he had captured last night and beheaded the mayor in front of the people.

The head fell and rolled, and blood poured out of the neck like a fountain, even splashing two meters away.

The square was quiet for a moment. Maybe they didn't expect that the mayor would really die here.

But the next second they all started cheering, the square seemed to be boiling, almost everyone smiled, and they were not afraid of the dead at all.

Lance looked at their carnival with a blank expression, then raised his hand to wave.

"Bring me here."

The people looked back and saw the mercenary leader being tied to a cross and being pushed on a cart. Although he had been tied up, the hidden strength of his fat body made the wooden frame shaky and almost break, as if In the next second, he will break free and start killing.

The fear of being dominated came to mind again, and the originally excited townspeople became silent and subconsciously stayed away.

"I don't need to tell you who he is. He ran away when the bandits invaded and came back to become a peace officer. He killed many people in just over ten days. Who among you has ever been bullied by him?"

The silence of the people was broken by a man's words, and then more people told the leaders' crimes.

"He stole my wife and tortured her to death!"

"My poor daughter~ she lay in bed with scars all over her body for three days before she died."


"Should this kind of person be killed?" Lance shouted loudly, and the crowd responded with his louder voice.

"kill him!"


All kinds of evidence were laid out, and everyone wanted to eat his flesh and drink his blood. When the leader looked at the angry people, he no longer had the domineering attitude before, but instead felt fear.

"Wait a minute! I have made contributions to the territory, and I have shed blood for the town. I want to see the mayor!"

"The mayor is on the ground~" Lance smiled and pointed his sword at the head on the ground. Only then did the leader notice the body that was hidden by the crowd, and couldn't help but become even more frightened.

"Sir! It's all nonsense from these unscrupulous people. I have always been protecting the town. Without me, the bandits would have invaded a long time ago."

"Are you unconvinced?" Lance looked at the leader with a faint smile on his face.

The leader looks rough but is actually cunning. Otherwise, he would not be able to survive under the bandits and get to the head of the Sheriff. He immediately notices the chance of survival and quickly begs for mercy.

"The mayor asked me to do it. I was also forced to do it. Please let me go. I swear by God that I will correct it."

Regardless of anything else, he first put aside his responsibilities. Although he had benefited a lot from the mayor, he changed his family without any hesitation when facing this man.

"Okay! Then I'll give you a chance." Lance raised his hand and swept around. "I will pick one of these people. If you can win, I will let you go."

The leader was immediately overjoyed when he heard this. He guessed that the lord wanted to step down. In this world, no one can refuse a ready-made combat force. He only needs to kill a civilian to fall into the arms of the new lord. Will you still continue to be domineering?

After speaking, Lance raised his hand to signal, and Leonard swung his sword forward to cut off the rope on the leader and put him down.

The leader moved his wrist and looked at the unsteady civilians with his predatory eyes again. He had a hundred ways to kill them.

At this time, the people who were originally very excited became mute when they saw the leader escape, and immediately moved away, and soon there was a clear circle around them.

There is no way around it. The mercenary leader's strong body and brutal killing skills are too impactful for ordinary people, not to mention that he has been domineering in the town and killed many people during this period, which is even more frightening. .

With a "clang", Lance threw the sword in his hand in front of the leader, "Who is willing to come out and fight him?"

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