Our family is in decline

Chapter 179 Attacked

Go back to the station and find Tiffany. During this time, she has been coordinating the goods and arranging loading.

"Are you all ready?"

"The goods have been loaded onto the ship, and sailors have been selected from the refugees and completed training to help maintain the ship's navigation.

Isn't it a bit difficult to fit more than two thousand people into this ship? And the sea is not calm. Is it okay to only bring food and fresh water for seven days..."

Tiffany was a little confused. Although it was a big ship, a ship usually only operated with fifty or sixty people. With nearly two thousand people crammed into it, there was no room to turn around.

Not to mention only preparing this little food and fresh water, what will you eat if something goes wrong?

She worried that Lance didn't understand the risks of shipping and that the arrangement went against common sense.

"They are fleeing now, do you think they are traveling?"

Lance's arrangement was simple and crude. One ship was loaded with cargo, craftsmen and valuable talents, while the other was a simple slave ship.

Stuffing people into the cargo hold is really transporting them as cargo.

If he wanted to accommodate so many people, the cargo bay had to be emptied, and there was nothing he could do if he only prepared supplies for seven days.

It only takes four days to return to Hamlet, so preparing supplies for seven days already takes into account the unexpected.

Tiffany had nothing to say about Lance's arrangement, just make arrangements honestly and that would be it.

It has to be said that Tiffany felt no pressure after lying down. She originally had a headache every day about the operation of the caravan, but her orders were not implemented and she could only watch the decline of the caravan.

But now you only need to follow the instructions, and there is no need to worry about anything else. The orders that were originally difficult to implement have become easier and smoother.

"Sir, the camp was attacked by those refugees!"

A handyman ran in, breathing heavily.

"Ha!" Tiffany's expression immediately became irritable when she heard this, and her hands moved as if she didn't know where to put them.

"I'm not dead yet, why are you panicking?" Lance's expression was calm, only his eyes were slightly narrowed.

This sentence made Tiffany react directly. Looking at the calm Lance, her panicked heart instantly felt supported.

"Then what do we do now?"

"Let's go and see what's going on at the scene~"

Lance was too lazy to talk nonsense and rushed directly to the camp outside the city.

He has been preparing for so long outside, and now he is all ready. If something goes wrong and it is delayed for a while, it will be a big trouble~

By the time Lance arrived, the situation had already stabilized, and the refugees who had besieged the camp had long since retreated. Only a strong stench lingered over it for a long time and refused to dissipate.

As I got closer, I saw that the ground around the camp was full of blood. Various mutilated corpses were spread out on the ground. The blood even gathered into a stream and flowed into the river like a stream, dyeing the river red with blood flowers.

Tiffany had never seen such a scene before, so she couldn't hold it back and vomited it out. Lance walked over as if nothing was wrong.

Among these corpses, Boudicca is patrolling with a halberd, and his body is stained red with blood, making him a bloody man.

You could see a little wound on her body. Although this guy was injured, he was still excited and didn't mean to take the injury seriously. He shouted when he saw Lance coming over.

"Boss! Look at me, I'm completely naked."

"You did a great job. I'll give you two more glasses of wine tonight." Lance didn't waste any time and directly raised his hand to activate [Flesh and Blood Reconstruction] to heal all the minor injuries on her body.

Boudica had experienced this kind of treatment before, and she didn't react too surprised. According to her, Lance was like the leader of the tribe, possessing magical powers.

And after hearing that there was wine, she didn't care about these minor injuries and pains, and acted like a happy child.

Lance looked at the silly Boudica and found that this guy was quite easy to use, because she was even more unlimited than Disma. As long as the order was given, she would kill no matter what woman or child you were.

Among the refugees who attempted to attack the camp, there were many old and weak people.

And she doesn’t need much, it’s very simple to satisfy her.

For example, now she has completed the task assigned to her very well and protected the camp, but the reward is only two glasses of wine.

But she has no brains, and it is impossible to ask her what happened.

"Go and wash yourself, you're so dirty."

Lance sent her away and walked into the camp.

"grown ups."

When the camp director saw Lance coming, he hurried forward and knew he was in trouble by looking at his anxious look.

He was prepared to get scolded, but Lance didn't mean to be grumpy and asked directly about the actual situation.

"What are the casualties?"

"Twelve wounded, two killed." The supervisor was still aware of the situation and replied immediately.

"Come on, show me."

Lance was not surprised when he heard this. The corpses of refugees outside were scattered all around, which showed that the impact must have been widespread, and Boudica alone could not stop them all.

Fortunately, he had selected a group of people from among the refugees before, and combined with the business group guards to form a convoy to maintain the safety of the camp.

And it worked very well at this time.

Lance personally went forward to inspect the condition of the wounded.

Although I was prepared, I still couldn't help but frown when I saw the injured people.

No one here knows how to deal with wounds, bandage them, and treat them. The wounded just lie on the ground, with only their families taking care of them.

There were two other families crying on top of the body, but there would be no response.

There were some frightened refugees surrounding them, obviously frightened by the situation just now. They knew that the threat was never far away, and their uneasiness squeezed their hearts.

"Sir." A refugee noticed Lance walking towards this side, and for a moment everyone focused on him.

With so many eyes on him, Lance didn't show any signs of timidity. On the contrary, his steps became more and more steady, his expression was solemn, and he had a strong sense of oppression.

The family members of the dead and injured noticed Lance approaching. The grief on his face quickly faded, but it was not relieved, but showed uncontrollable panic.

It's very simple. When a man dies or is injured, the main labor force of the family also disappears. Orphans and widowers are not of much value to a man. They are afraid of being driven out of the camp. How can they get out in this situation? Survive~

The intense grief squeezed their last sanity, and a mother pulled her child and knelt down towards Lance.

"Sir, please don't drive us away, we can work."

The reaction of the other family was very similar, trying to win over the faint hope, and their reaction further increased the pressure on the crowd, and it could even be said that uneasiness arose in everyone's hearts.

This recently established camp is already in danger~

Even Lance was touched by this scene. He didn't even bother to put up an air and hurriedly walked over to help him up.

"Hurry up, how can I drive you out?" Lance's strength was not something they could resist, and he was forcefully helped up. "They died to protect the camp. They are heroes. How could I drive out the hero's family members?" Walk."

"Thank you, sir! I will definitely work hard." The panic on the woman's face subsided slightly, and she cried with gratitude for being able to keep them.

"Your family will directly resume your status as free citizens. When you return to the territory, I will subsidize your family every month. I will send your child to school and be responsible for his school expenses until the child reaches the age of sixteen."

As he spoke, Lance looked up at the people around him and emphasized loudly: "I will not abandon my people!"

After he finished speaking, the whole place was completely silent. The passion he expected was not there, but instead there were distrustful looks.

Lance knew that his words were empty words, because the conditions he set out were too generous. This was unprecedented and beyond their understanding.

But Lance was not in a hurry, the facts would tell them the answer.

The crying had not stopped yet, it was a child who had been forcibly pulled over by his mother just now.

"May I have your name?"

Lance knelt down and pulled a child close to him, raising his hand to wipe the tears from his face.


"Remember Roy, your father is a hero. He protected everyone, and you are the son of a hero. Be strong."

The child looked at the man in front of him and nodded subconsciously. He was too old to understand this sentence, but he stopped crying for some reason.

This scene was more soothing than those empty words, greatly easing the tension in the crowd and letting the restless refugees breathe a sigh of relief.

After calming down the biggest problem, Lance was free to focus on the wounded.

Those refugees didn't have many weapons, and the injuries they caused weren't very serious, they were just superficial injuries.

But the biggest fear is infection. In this era, once infected, death is inevitable.

"I'll come, you go boil a pot of water..."

Lance waved the family members to leave, checked the situation and then took action himself, using these wounded as an example to teach them how to clean their wounds, then disinfect and bandage them.

The refugees who were hand-picked by him already knew him and knew that he was a noble lord, but they did not expect him to be so friendly and actually take care of the wounded personally.

The wounded were even more grateful. In this era, they were very afraid of being injured because the risk of death was very high. At the same time, they were even more afraid that the lord would abandon them because they were injured.

The words just said could not give them much sense of security, and their distrust of the master was almost engraved in their blood.

And now Lance has proven with practical actions that he will not give up on them.

"What was the situation like at that time? How were you injured?"

Lance learned about the situation during the treatment.

It's very simple. The reason why it happened is that he rescued Joan of Arc and her daughter today, and the gangsters who were hacked to death were gang members among the refugees.

After the gang found out, they launched an attack on the camp, and at the same time, some refugees who wanted a piece of the pie also came forward.

The escort reluctantly relied on the camp to fight back. If Boudica was not so brave and the bloody killings frightened most of the refugees, it would be difficult to maintain this simple camp with just this guard.

Lance actually had a rough idea when he saw the corpses outside, because the proportion of young and middle-aged people inside was too high, and these people didn't seem to be hungry.

There are only gang members composed of refugees in this area. Those guys expand rapidly after the number of refugees increases, and then rely on controlling and exploiting other refugees to survive.

It can be said that Lance's flamboyant recruitment of refugees has touched their interests. The fact that there has been no outbreak before is probably because they are unsure of their own background.

But why do you dare to take action today?

There is a problem ~

But Lance had more important things to deal with at the moment, so he gave instructions to his supervisor.

"Go and call all the guards."

The supervisor was ordered to make arrangements quickly, and soon a convoy of more than 200 people gathered.

Lance looked at the loose team, glanced around, and then said: "I signed up on my own initiative. When I joined, I also said that you should know what your responsibilities are~"

As soon as the words fell, the guards felt a pressure, and some couldn't help but look around.

"Those who just fought and ran away, those who retreated stand up."

Speaking of this, some of the guards immediately showed panic expressions, but they tried their best to hide it, and no one stood up.

Lance was not surprised. Not everyone has the courage to admit what they have done, and that is why those who take responsibility can only be appreciated.

"They eat porridge, and you eat bread and meat. You enjoy better conditions than them, and you naturally have to bear corresponding responsibilities. Is this how you bear it?

You are supposed to be the protectors of the camp, but look at the people around you, you have abandoned them, look at the dead and injured brothers, you have abandoned your teammates, you have betrayed my trust in you, you do not deserve to join the guard, you do not deserve this. Good treatment. "

After speaking, Lance waved his hand towards the refugees around him.

"Now tell me who ran away, who retreated, and who abandoned you just now!"

Originally, Lance's words resonated with the masses. These people enjoyed better treatment than themselves, but abandoned themselves at the critical moment.

"It's him!"

"This guy just ran away!"

"It was because he ran away and let the enemy in that I was injured by the enemy."


The crowd was furious, and countless people stood up and raised their hands to point at the convoy, and none of them were more clear than the wounded.

The anger in these people's hearts was aroused, and the anxiety and fear on their faces were also occupied by anger. Especially under the influence of the environment, their brains completely lost their minds and they wanted to rush up and tear the derelict guard into pieces!

And those guards were shrouded in unprecedented pressure, and they all showed fear whether they were escaping or not.

They could only tighten the spears in their hands, but the spearheads that were supposed to be used to target the enemy were vaguely pointed at their own people.

If anyone is a little reckless, a melee may break out.


At this time, a gunshot interrupted the atmosphere that was gradually getting out of control. Lance felt the eyes gathering on him and spoke.

"Quiet everyone! I will issue judgment next."

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