Our family is in decline

Chapter 186 Tribe Secrets

"I can't give this to you now. We'll talk about it when we get back."

The doctor was very interested in the incense in Lance's hand. He was about to reach out and take it but saw Lance put it away with his backhand.

"It's too dangerous to research here. If it's leaked, do you want the entire ship to die with you?"

Lance found that this guy looked calm and collected, but in fact he was a reckless man. Wasn't his big heart used in the wrong place?

The doctor couldn't help but feel disappointed when she heard this, but she also knew that she did not have this condition now.

"Let's take a look at this one first and get to know it better."

Lance left her some reviewed books, mainly illustrations, materials, and alchemy-related books.

In fact, there are many extraordinary creatures in this world, but ordinary people do not have this awareness, so when the doctor looked through those books, she found something familiar.

She already had a certain amount of knowledge about these things, but she didn't know they could be of such use before.

It has to be said that after choosing to accept these and start researching, her attention was devoted to it, even ignoring Lance.

Lance had nothing to say about this, so he simply exited the room and let her take her time.

Anyway, it seems that the situation has stabilized her and pointed the way for her.

But after he came out, he seemed to realize a very serious problem, that is, where would he sleep?

Just now for fishing, although the fish was caught, the bait was also swallowed.

Lance couldn't lose his dignity and drove her back to sleep with that guy Boudica.

Everywhere on the ship was crowded, and unless he was willing to go down to the cargo hold and squeeze in with those people, they probably wouldn't mind, or even be happy to do so.

But for Lance, it was better to pitch a tent on the deck. There were some things he couldn't reveal in front of those people.

After thinking for a while, Lance went back to Boudica's room, intending to tidy up and lie down on the floor.

After the last boat ride, Boudica actually adapted a lot. At least she no longer vomited. She was just unsteady and dizzy.

It just so happens that she won't fuss and has nowhere to vent her energy.

She couldn't help but be a little surprised when she found Lance making the floor.

"Boss, why are you back?"

"I'll spend a few days with you."

"Boss, do you want to sleep with me? But I feel very uncomfortable now~"

"..." Lance stopped and his head was covered with black lines.

What is this child thinking? Your brain was knocked unconscious by the waves, right?

But I still explained.

"My room is given to the doctor, so I have to squeeze in with you, but you sleep on the bed and I sleep here, no one wants to take your bed~"

"Ah~ don't you want to sleep with me?" Boudica said weakly, as if she wanted to prove that she was very popular, "Those guys in the tribe really want to sleep with me, but they can't beat me~ "

"This is a bad feudal custom, and we must strongly condemn it!" Lance said righteously, how could anyone do this? Isn't it all a mess?

But when it came to this, he was also a little curious about the tribe's situation, so he simply sat down on the foot of the bed to even out the height difference between them, and watched her turn to ask about their situation.

"What is your tribe like? Where is it? How big is it? How many people are there?"

Boudica suddenly opened her eyes and refused alertly.

"I can't say that those guys will find me~"

Lance also realized something when he heard this. Although she didn't have this intention, it seemed that she was not brainless when she thought of this!

"Tell me something I can hear. What are your customs? What do you do on a daily basis?"

Lance is also a curious baby. He still doesn’t know enough about the world and is used to grasping more information.

At this point Boudica also fell into reminiscing and recounted the customs of the tribe.

As Boudica told Lance, he roughly understood the situation of the tribe.

The structure of the tribe is very simple. The tribe leader is the leader of the entire tribe, and often only the strongest warriors can serve. Below him are the war groups of those warriors who are responsible for hunting for the tribe. They also shoulder the important task of protecting the tribe. Then there are the ordinary tribesmen.

Among them, there is also a person who is independent of this system and has power beyond the patriarch, and that is the shaman.

An ordinary tribe is usually held by the eldest elder, whose rich experience can help the tribe survive in the mountains.

In some large tribes, the shaman is usually someone who can interpret the spirit of the wilderness.

They can use the power of the wilderness spirit to heal injuries, bestow blessings on warriors, resist the curses of other tribes, make props with extraordinary power, and other magical powers.

Likewise, only shamans are qualified to host the sacrificial activities of [Spirit of the Wilderness].

There are two types of sacrificial activities: large and small. One is held before hunting. The shaman uses divination to get information from the spirit of the wilderness where there are better prey and whether there is any danger in the trip.

Also inject strength into those warriors and let the spirit of the wilderness protect them.

When you return, you must offer your best prey to the spirit of the wilderness, otherwise you will incur the wrath of the wild spirit.

There is also a large-scale sacrificial event held once a year, usually during the last hunt before winter.

Because the harvest of autumn hunting is the food reserve in the snow-capped mountains, it is related to the survival of the tribe in winter. At the same time, hungry wild beasts will attack the tribe in winter, not to mention other tribes that snatch prey, so this activity is crucial.

Because it is related to the life and death of the tribe, and the strength of the wilderness spirit is positively related to the strength of the tribe, so they only believe in their own wilderness spirit. Anyway, the barbarians have no interest in the mainland gods, and even despise them.

"By the way, what is the wilderness spirit of your tribe?"

"Ours are the spirits of our ancestors, not cats or dogs."

The hatred between some tribes among the barbarians is even deeper than between them and the empire. When talking about this, Boudica showed a discriminatory attitude.

Lance didn't think of ancestor worship as an option. No wonder Boudica often called "ancestral spirits".

"Then do you know the tribe where the white wolf is the spirit of the wilderness?"

"[Yanglang Tribe] They raise this kind of white wolf to help them hunt and kill.

I heard from the elders that their clan leader [War Wolf] directly defeated the original leader through a challenge. As soon as he took office, he led the tribe warriors to attack the [Lushou Tribe] and plundered a large amount of materials and slaves, and gained the tribal people's support. support. "

When talking about this, Boudica looked solemn and became nervous.

"A greedy predator, but it is undeniable that he is quite powerful. More importantly, this wolf warrior is very young. The elders said that even going further is not impossible."

Boudica seemed a little worried. She didn't know whether it was just because she was simply afraid of the strong, or whether she was worried about whether her tribe would be affected.

Lance looked a little strange when he heard this. Could this [Head Wolf] be the previous leader who was driven out of the tribe by [War Wolf]?

No wonder he actually has something like the "White Wolf Secret Scroll" on him, which is obviously related to the tribe's inheritance.

Moreover, the extraordinary equipment on his body also highlights the luxury, which can be felt by looking at the aura lingering on it.

Lance roughly guessed that the alpha wolf was kicked out of the tribe, and had no choice but to survive as a mercenary in the empire with his close associates. He didn't know why he offended someone, and was beaten violently until he fell into his hands.

Very possible~

He has experienced the strength of the alpha wolf before. After a series of fierce battles and being shot several times, he was able to break Leonard's armor and knock him away with one blow. At the same time, he mastered several barbarian secrets, and he was able to roar and rage. .

If he hadn't been able to pull him and Leonard out of serious injuries, they might not have been able to win so easily.

And can you imagine the strength of this wolf warrior who can defeat the alpha wolf?

It has to be said that no matter how confident Lance is, he can't help but feel a little pressure, because there is no information mentioned in the game, and his knowledge of the mountain barbarians only relies on Boudica's words, which is quite superficial.

But those guys probably won’t come down from the mountain and appear in the empire, and the empire won’t let a barbarian tribe grow bigger even if it wants to, but I think too much~

Lance noticed that Boudica was thinking wildly, so he simply changed the topic.

"What about you? What's your life like in the tribe?"


They do not cultivate the land, and their main food is hunted by tribal warriors in the wilderness, plus the berries and wild vegetables picked by the women. They use the berries to make fruit wine. She said it has a special fruit aroma.

For Boudica, what she usually does the most is training and fighting. For her, the happiest time is when the warriors come back from hunting to eat meat and drink wine. The fruit wine brewed makes her intoxicated~

Other than that, there was very little entertainment, either fighting or on the way to a fight.

Because of the cruel environment in the mountains, all children have to undergo rigorous training since childhood. There is no distinction between men and women here, only fist-sized children.

And Boudica showed extraordinary talent among her peers. Even though her body grew later, she still beat others. Anyone who doubted her would face her fists.

To some extent, this experience also made her develop a domineering habit of speaking with her fists.

Children in the tribe must complete an adult ceremony, which involves entering the wilderness alone to hunt a beast. The strength of the beast is usually linked to the strength of the person.

Therefore, they all advocate chasing more and more powerful prey.

The coming of age ceremony for ordinary tribal warriors is like a forest wolf, but what she found was a fierce bearded lion...

"You guys left this for me." Boudica turned around and lifted up her clothes. You could see three claw marks on her wheat-colored lower abdomen in addition to the strong abdominal muscles.

Looking at this, Lance could imagine how critical it was at that time, and he would have disembowelled her just a little deeper.

"But in the end, I carried the big guy back, and those guys who doubted me had nothing to say!" Boudica didn't care about the injury, looking carefree, even showing off.

Lance had to admit that he was a bit handsome, and scars were also a woman's medal.

To be more precise, it should be a representative of strength.

"Then what's that on your face?"

"Cheese is the secret method of our tribe, and my battle pattern is the strongest among the people in our tribe!"

At this point, Boudica also added something to show off.

Lance captured a problem very directly.

"If there is a quality difference in the war marks, then why don't you hunt those powerful beasts together instead of hunting them alone? Aren't the war marks obtained that way more powerful?

Or the head of a family specially selects one, beats it until it is half disabled, and then gives it to his son. Is there any similar operation? "

When Boudica heard this, she suddenly seemed very angry. She didn't even care about seasickness. She sat up and roared at Lance: "You insulted a warrior!"

"I don't know anything about this, and you didn't tell me, how can you consider me an insult?"

Lance said something calmly, which almost made Boudica's brain go up in smoke. She seemed to feel something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong...

never mind!

Boudica has never been a person who likes to use his brain, so he explained the reason straightforwardly.

"Because the weak cannot be recognized by the ancestors and cannot withstand the power brought by the battle scars."

Tribal shamans, who they prefer to call elders, will use the prey from the coming-of-age ceremony as a sacrifice, prepare a special substance that emits fluorescent light in Boudica's mouth, and grant the war in the witness of the ancestors. mark.

The more powerful beasts give battle scars, the more powerful they can be. Using different types of beasts as sacrifices has different effects, so everyone is keen on hunting more powerful beasts as part of their adult rites.

Lance is no longer the novice who knew little about extraordinary powers before. After reading so many books, he has learned some concepts.

If the [Battle Scars] ritual is also based on spirituality, it is probably because the body cannot withstand the backlash caused by such a huge spirituality, which is similar to the wolf spirit possession of the Yalang tribe.

Unfortunately, there is no more information at hand, and he has never seen this kind of ceremony. Although Lance is curious, he can only stop here.

But he discovered a very interesting thing, that is, whether it is a barbaric tribe or a civilized world, extraordinary power is always there.

It is a force that is older than the existence of human beings, but it is really a waste that it has not studied its peaceful use for so many years, but has stagnated or even fallen into human infighting and regressed.

"Then why were you expelled from the tribe?"

Boudica, who was still angry, was stunned after hearing these words, and an indescribable loss appeared on her face.

"How can you look to the future if you can't face the past? Your road to becoming a warrior is ahead, but you are still stagnant. No one can help you~"

Lance was encouraging him. He wasn't really chatting with her casually. He didn't have so much time to waste. He just wanted to take this opportunity to get her to talk. He would go deeper from unimportant places step by step, and finally touch the secrets of the tribe, and then... The past in her heart.

Corruption has always existed in Hamlet. If he has obvious psychological weakness, he is likely to be defeated. He does not need those wastes.

"My cowardice brings disgrace to my companions..."

Boudica finally spoke, and Lance understood what happened that year.

She completed the trial and joined the battle group with extraordinary achievements. At that time, she was only fourteen years old, far from the age to join the battle group.

Many people in the tribe questioned whether she was ready, but soon she proved herself with her fists, and those detractors paid the price with blood, and only then did the doubts about her joining the battle group cease.

It happened that year the people of the tribe discovered that an army had invaded and threatened the safety of the tribe.

But under the protection of the ancestral spirits, no one is more familiar with this mountain forest than them. For this reason, the clan leader plans to start a battle in advance. As a tribal warrior, he is naturally qualified to join the battle.

On the eve of departure, she drank heavily with her tribe and wished success.

She was ready to go on a killing spree and be remembered by her people forever.

They were lying in wait on the road where the team must pass. The tribal warriors had already put their arrows on their bowstrings and tightened their grip on their weapons.

As long as those people fell into an ambush, the arrows pierced those guys' heads, the ax blade cut off their limbs and disemboweled them, and the warrior holding the halberd directly split the people in half.

It's just that these only exist in fantasy. The reality is that they encountered an elite force.

Under the leadership of the leader of the battle group, they launched an attack on that team. These soldiers were experienced in fighting the enemy. They did not panic in the face of a sudden attack, but stabilized their front.

If that was all, then the strength of these barbarian warriors would not be too bad.

But the problem lies in the equipment gap. Those soldiers are all wearing fine armor and holding two-handed swords.

The weapons in the hands of the tribesmen that can easily cut open the body of the prey have no effect at all. On the contrary, the soldiers wielding the long swords can easily cause damage to the tribesmen without armor.

Cutting off the limbs, cutting off the head, disemboweling the body, and harvesting her people in a massacre-like manner.

And the leader holding the big ax split the man into two pieces with one blow, and then let out an arrogant laugh that resounded throughout the valley.

The blood of the tribesmen was spilled in front of her, and internal organs such as intestines were scattered on the floor. The half of the body wailed for a long time before it died completely.

She still remembered the way the tribesman looked at her before he died, as if he didn't understand why she was afraid of moving forward?

At this moment, she was shocked. In the past, she had only faced animals when hunting, and she had always dealt with tribesmen at the last minute. But this was the first time she faced an enemy with a human, and she directly encountered such an elite enemy. At the same time, the battlefield was so brutal. It put a lot of pressure on her.

She knows that she is scared~

She had prepared for this all her life...but at this most important time...she failed...

The army left, and she forgot how she spent that night. She only remembered the cold, biting cold. She huddled at the damp tree roots, wishing she could bury herself in the soil.

It was only at dawn that she was awakened by the crows feasting on the corpses of her people.

The sound of her waking up also alerted the crows and drove them away.

They landed on the surrounding branches and looked at the man who was supposed to be dead.

The scrutiny was too much for her to bear, and she fled back to the tribe like crazy.

She is just alive, reminding those people of her clan members who did not survive.

She escaped death, but her cowardly behavior will eventually be condemned.

She apologized to the family members of the deceased and begged for forgiveness, but all she received was contempt and contempt. The family members insulted her and threw stones at her.

In the end, the tribesmen drove her away and exiled her...

She became an exile, unwelcome and unsung.

She was alone, wandering among the wilderness and mountains. As time went by, the feeling became stronger and stronger. The intense guilt and shame almost drove her into madness.

She began to move towards the Empire, she wanted to find those troops and take revenge.

Along the way, she challenges those crazy beasts, and also takes action against the slave-catching teams that haunt the borders of the mountains. At this time, she has completely lost her mind and is just seeking death.

She longed for a second chance to prove her courage, but even the God of Death spurned her cowardice~

"Wandering in a foreign land, alone, endless shame..."

At this moment Boudica sat slumped on the bed, hugging herself tightly with her hands, her legs curled up unconsciously, her whole body was trembling slightly, and the inescapable cold kept her at that moment forever.

Lance could tell that she was lonely, but it was hidden by her fearless posture, which made her look carefree and not caring about anything.

But disguise is always just a disguise, and the emptiness and loneliness are eating away at her mind.

Lance finally got up from the ground, sat on the bed, leaned over and hugged her gently, comforting her: "It's okay, it's all over."

Warmth, warmth appeared inexplicably in the biting cold and enveloped him, even the skin he touched seemed a little hot.

She seemed to be able to hear the beating heart, the blood flowing in the blood vessels, the tight muscles in her body beginning to relax, the screams echoing in her mind, and the scenes of bloody melting.

At the same time, she also let go of her disguise.


A loud cry, followed by unstoppable tears, bursting out like a dam, and at this moment, she finally showed the childishness she should have at her age.

"Cry, it will make you feel better if you cry."

Lance himself has personally experienced the bloody battlefield. That kind of scene is a huge burden for anyone, let alone a one-sided massacre. Few people can bear the pressure.

Boudica didn't even know the last time she cried, but the feeling of overwhelming emotions made her mind empty, and she unconsciously looked for support. She hugged Lance with her backhand and cried until she felt so affectionate that she subconsciously exerted her strength.

Lance's physique was so good that most people's ribs could be broken by her, but even so, he was a little out of breath.

Lance couldn't help but sigh, these guys who grew up eating the flesh and blood of extraordinary creatures are really strong!

Spirituality does have a subtle influence on the human body.

But if eating the flesh and blood of extraordinary creatures can improve people, then human extraordinary beings can also be considered one of them, wouldn't they...

Isn't this the behavior that is consistent with the cults of the Ascension Sect?

So it is indeed feasible, then wouldn't his highly inspired bloodline be regarded as Tang Monk flesh in their eyes?

Lance couldn't help but frown when he thought of this. He was sure that many people must have thought of the things he could think of, and it was obvious that this guy, the ancestor, had already started to practice it.

Lance was just curious, were those highly inspired children taken away by the church really destroyed? still……

The thoughts in my heart were chaotic. I originally wanted to comfort Boudica and relieve her pressure, but I never wanted to put pressure on myself inexplicably.

As time went by, Boudica gradually relaxed. When the pressure was vented with tears, she no longer looked as bitter and resentful as before, but in fact, Lance saw that she still could not forgive herself.

"You don't need to care too much. People will always make various mistakes. Regret is the main body of life. It is precisely because of this that we need to move forward, realize and make up for regrets."

Lanster left and said in a deep voice: "At least you have now taken the first step and dared to face the past, and I will fulfill my promise to you. Your enemies will be stronger than imagined. Are you willing to follow me?" Face them and defeat them?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand towards her.

"I do!"

Boudica grabbed the hand without any hesitation and felt the warm palm. The biting cold seemed no longer scary.

Lance's presence gave her something to rely on, and she knew she was no longer alone.

Thanks to the shareholder [Dissent Eyes] for the 520-coin reward.

Thanks to [Xiu Buyu] for 24 monthly votes.

Shareholders who have the conditions to support me, it is too difficult for me to write during the Spring Festival.

I beg for rewards, monthly votes, and a comment to say it also encourages me.

If you have money, you will support your career. If you don’t have money, you will support your career. Thank you all.

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