Our family is in decline

Chapter 198 Heroes Cemetery

Lance scanned the crowd and could see that their expressions were different. Those who were promoted were naturally happy, while those who had been retired could not conceal their disappointment no matter how hard they tried to hide it. They were just afraid of his authority and did not dare to speak.

There were also some special ones. Instead of feeling disappointed when Susan retired, she breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, she was just an ordinary person, and it was very reluctant to be suddenly pushed up, especially when there were many problems under her, and she was unable to solve them. She really deserved the trust of adults.

Now that I have let it go, I feel more relaxed. I can do my daily work and be responsible for the lord's life arrangements.

As for Barton, he was inexplicably excited, as if he expected what was going to happen next.

"Since none of you have any objections, I'll go ahead and say something ugly. No matter who you are, you will be rewarded if you do well and punished if you don't do well. If you have any difficulties, you can come to me, but don't stretch out your hands. Otherwise, don't blame me for not giving. You have a chance.”

When Lance said this, all those people were honest, and no one dared to raise objections to his decision.

However, Lance had no intention of letting them speak in the first place. He didn't know how to govern, but he knew that things should be placed in the hands of knowledgeable people. If you have the ability, you will be promoted. If you are not capable, you will stay or decline. He has given those people opportunities, but if they can't grasp them, Don't blame others.

This is the benefit of the feudal aristocracy. There is no need to explain what he does in this three-thirds of an acre of land.

The burden is heavy, but Lance believes that under this heavy responsibility, those who have no talent will be revealed, and then they will be eliminated from the managers, and talents will be revealed after being purged.

Hamlet doesn't need trash!

"Notify me that I will hold a farewell ceremony for the body at noon. You go back and prepare in advance."

Lance set his sights on Walter, "Walter stays, and Barton goes to notify Barristan and the others to come."

Soon only Walter was left on the field, and Tiffany stayed until the end. Seeing that Lance didn't speak, she had to leave after looking back.

"You have a big opinion against me?" Lance looked at him with a rather amused expression.

I originally planned to leave today and ask him to rush there as soon as possible, but Lance transferred some people from here, which caused delays in the integration and dispatch of the caravan, the formation of the escort, and the loading of the convoy, so it could only be delayed slightly. .

"No!" Walter shook his head violently. Those guys who were derelict in their duties have now gone to the farm to renovate their families. This is no joke.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense to you. This journey is probably not going to be easy. I will ask Vic to bring twenty soldiers with the team. Next time, you will need to form your own escort in the name of a caravan.

As for those snowflake salts, if anyone asks, just insist that they are from Totnes. At the same time, quickly contact several farms outside Owendo City to control the food.

When we come back, we will transport grain and buy horses as much as we need. At the same time, we will continue to expand the area, collect information about bandits, bandits, or other dangers, and draw a detailed map of the surrounding area. "

Lance warned that the army should do what the army should do. There was nothing he could do about being forced to become a caravan guard, but only this time.

At the same time, he needs the child Vic to help him contact the arranged chess pieces. He wants to master all the original gathering places in Hamlet.

Here Walter retreats, while Barton comes up with Barristan, Disma, and Leonard.

These people are the representatives of Hamlet's armed forces, and they are also what Lance needs to announce next - the establishment of an army!

"I plan to recruit five hundred troops and form musketeers, cavalry, and artillery. These people will undergo rigorous training. In addition to the most basic training, you will be responsible for different projects.

Disma, you are responsible for teaching them how to shoot, Leonard, you are responsible for training riding and horse fighting, and Barristan, you are responsible for training melee combat. As for the artillerymen, they don’t have so many artillery yet, so they need to do basic training and theoretical knowledge first. .

We only want the best soldiers, and you have to select talented people to join the army. They will be our force against evil. "

After Lance finished speaking, he took out a book and could see "Recruit Training Manual" written on the cover.

"This is a suggestion made by Barristan and Barton, and then edited and revised by me. It includes what needs to be done and to what extent it should be done."

Lance had told the two of them these things before leaving. One of them was a veteran for many years, and the other was the top scorer at Totnes Military Academy. They were very clear about recruit training.

They were preparing for this while Lance was away. In addition, Lance had experienced it himself before, so he probably knew the whole process, plus some more scientific training methods.

In order to prove that he had done everything he could, Patton compiled everything he had learned, including the various styles, characteristics, detailed data, and tactical deployment of the muskets and artillery that Totnes spent money to research.

After looking at it, Lance realized that he had found a treasure, which was equivalent to the results of Totnes's years of research.

However, these cannot be placed in the recruit manual, but become the teaching materials of the official military school.

Why did he dare to take in so many half-grown orphans? Why dare to subsidize students’ education?

Because it only takes two or three years for him to train Boy Scouts from an early age. These children will be the best source of soldiers, and then there will be a steady stream of talents.

Hamlet's hope lies in them.

But now he needs to shoulder the responsibility first and carry Hamlet through the most difficult period.

"To be honest, I'm very tired~"

The discussion on army construction was almost complete, but suddenly Lance said this, which surprised several people present.

Their eyes turned to Lance, who was looking up and sighing, but they elicited a rhetorical question from him.

"Why~ is it weird that I'm tired?"

Everyone said nothing, but most of them looked a little strange. You must know that Lance showed toughness and execution. There was no sign of fatigue. On the contrary, he became stronger and stronger.

"Do you really think I am invincible? Even cows and horses will get tired and need to rest, right~"

Lance laughed and complained, and the weird atmosphere was slightly relieved, but his next words forced everyone to become serious again.

"But I have not forgotten my responsibility. You must remember who our enemy is. Corruption will sneak in, so don't slack off and strengthen your beliefs.

We are the last hope of the world, we are the fire of mankind. I will stand at the front. I hope you can stand by my side instead of standing opposite me. "


"Then let's go and follow me to witness the farewell ceremony."

By the time he got to the beach, the body was already lying on a wooden frame that had been set up, and it was covered with flowers.

There were many people around. They came here spontaneously, but they didn't want to see him off, but wanted to see what was going on.

Leonard and the others knew that the corpse must be burned no matter what, otherwise it would increase the power of the evil god.

But ordinary people don’t know~

For most people, there are only two situations where they will be burned by fire, either there is a fire, or they are judged by the church as a heretic and put on the grill.

Therefore, they are very resistant. No matter which one is used, it is a disaster and they cannot return to the Holy Light.

They are strong and grow like weeds, but they are also stubborn and ignorant. Now, Lance wants to break these feudal superstitions. Of course, he is also digging the roots of the church and completely cutting off the influence of religion on the territory.

Lance took the torch and walked towards the body. The family members on the side cried heartbrokenly when they saw this scene, which made the people around them feel uncomfortable.

But Lance did not waver. A dead person is a dead person. When a person dies, everything is gone. So what if a body is left behind?

In the end, it was not eaten by insects and ants in the ground, until it rotted and turned into soil, becoming a part of the ancestor's strength.

The earth grows and grows, and finally returns to the earth. Under certain circumstances, it really fulfills the ancestor's words of "returning to the Creator."

And Lance is going to cut off this connection today!

He stepped forward and lit the pyre without hesitation, and the flames quickly engulfed the body.

Then Lance turned to comfort the family.

"The fire will purify their bodies from evil spirits and they will find rest."

"Sir, will the devil take away my father's soul?" The child didn't know who he heard it from, so he asked Lance.

As soon as he said this, Lance's prepared words suddenly became a little difficult to say, and as he paused, the hearts of others could not help but lift up.

"My people are mine even if they die. No one can take them away. If the devil dares to touch my people, I dare to let them stay in Hamlet forever!"

As he spoke, Lance suddenly raised his hand towards the child. The mother noticed this and couldn't help but get excited. She didn't care about crying and quickly wanted to take the child away.

"grown ups……"

But she still slowed down. Lance's hand was already on his head, but there was nothing too cruel. He only left one sentence.

"When I die, I will burn my body and scatter my ashes into the sea. Will you let the devil take away my soul?"

"No!" The child looked at the man in front of him and blurted out the words. Although he didn't quite understand, he felt that he should do this.

"Very good~"

Lance smiled and patted, then retracted his palm. His eyes were on the fire, and he didn't mean to say anything more. He just stood like this until the fire was extinguished.

Lance had no intention of letting the family take action. Instead, he personally picked up the stone box that had been prepared and helped the family collect the ashes.

Both the family members of the deceased and the onlookers could not help but be shaken by this scene.

When have you ever seen a noble lord collect the bones of a commoner?

But their shock didn't end there, as Lance personally held up one of the stone boxes.

"Let's take them home!"

Lance yelled and then started walking.

Those relatives stopped crying and started walking. More and more people gathered behind him. They were all silent, but the agitation in their hearts became stronger.

The idea that had been cultivated for thousands of years was shaken. Perhaps there was nothing sacrilegious in burning the body.

And the grudge that those family members had originally felt dissipated.

Leonard and the others' steps became more determined. There was nothing to fear when following him. There was no place more reassuring than his back.

Just outside the town, a place next to the training camp was designated by Lance and nominated as the "Heroes Cemetery". Only those who sacrificed their lives for Hamlet are eligible to be buried here.

Lance dug a hole to place the stone box, and then helped them erect tombstones.

"Everyone, a moment of silence." Lance stood in front of the tomb and looked down at the tomb.

Everything was very simple, but there was a sense of grand ceremony, and others couldn't help but join in the silence.

After an estimated two or three minutes, Lance looked back at everyone, raised his hand and pointed to the center of the cemetery.

"I will erect a stone monument there, and the names of all the people who died for Hamlet will be engraved on it. Today is a special day. At this time of year, I will come and pay homage to them."

There are many festivals in this world, but most of them are set by various churches, and the right to interpret the festivals is not in his hands.

Now that Hamlet's first festival has been determined by Lance, he is creating Hamlet's culture and customs, which can deepen their sense of identity with this land.

Lance's words haven't stopped yet. He does so much and spends so much time here just to arouse their emotions.

“They are not relatives or friends with you, but they stand up to protect you when danger comes, even at the risk of their own lives.

for what? Because they are my people, and you are my people, and we are all Hamlet people!

After death they won't go to hell or some kind of heaven, they'll be in Hamlet! "

A few smart people in the crowd raised their hands and shouted, and in response to this call, those who followed them cheered.

"Long live Hamlet!"

"Hamlet must win!"


Lance looked at everyone's reactions and knew that he had finally seen the results after working so hard for so long.

There's just one little problem...

After completing this, Lance allowed them to return to normal life, and he called those who had caused trouble in the church cemetery.

"You should know why I came to you~"

Lance sat in the hall and looked at the people in front of him. They were ordinary people in the town, but it seemed that their belief in the church was higher than that of his lord.

Those people originally thought that this matter would just go by without finding out before, but they didn't expect that they were suddenly called over here. They were all scared to death and their legs were shaking.

"It's none of my business, that guy Sam forced us to go."

"I just stood around and watched, but I didn't do anything."


After hearing this, several people knelt down and prayed for forgiveness with trembling words.

"It seems you know what you did."

Listening to their excuses, Lance only found it funny, and a smile appeared on his expression, but this smile seemed to give people unspeakable pressure.

"The church abandoned you when the bandits arrived and allowed you to be ravaged by the bandits. It was me!"

Lance stood up and walked over, each step accompanied by a sentence, like a heavy hammer hitting their hearts, and the pressure continued to rise.

“It was the food I gave you that brought you back from the brink of death.

It was I who wiped out the bandits and gave you a stable home.

It is I who provide them with jobs so that you can support your families.

Everything you have now is given to you by me! "

Lance stopped in front of them, leaning forward slightly to look at the guys.

"But you treat me like this? Am I too nice to you? Do you think I'm easy to bully?"

This series of questions directly became the last straw that broke their psychological defense.

The pressure of survival made them desperately deny it, wanting to put all the blame on others, and at the same time they began to veto the legitimacy of the church.

Lance couldn't help but sneer when he looked at them. These guys were not fanatical believers, they were just for profit. They became believers only because they wanted to seek happiness after death.

A bunch of idiots~

But trash can be useful too, as long as it's placed in the right place.

Lance turned back to his seat and looked at their ridiculous looks, but the more this reaction made them more panicked and frightened.

"You blatantly disobey my orders, which is undoubtedly a death penalty, but I am not a cruel person, and now I will give you a way to survive.

That is when you will be responsible for the renovation of the tomb in front of the church. When will it be completed? When will you restore your status as free people? "

To be honest, digging into people's ancestral graves is indeed immoral. Lance knew very well that it was a cesspit, so he planned to let these people full of faith help him solve this trouble.

Those people all looked dull when they heard this, and they were all dumbfounded.

You must know that they are somewhat more firm in their beliefs than those shallow believers, otherwise so many people would take advantage of them.

And such a sacrilegious thing as digging up graves is even more uncomfortable than killing them.

If the church knew about it, they might be put on the grill as heretics, not to mention they would definitely fall into hell and suffer torture after death.

They hesitated...

"I don't like forcing others. Now that you have made your choice, just like Sam, take your whole family and get out of Hamlet and go to your church to see if it can save you and give you this kind of life. "

Lance didn't panic at all, on the contrary, he didn't care.

But those people on the opposite side are anxious!

Although they have faith, the samples have been put out, and they don't want to give up the benefits of this identity, and they are even more afraid of being expelled.

Those refugees also know what is going on outside. There is chaos and war outside, and leaving Hamlet is a dead end.

"I promise! I am absolutely loyal to the lord!"

"There is only one Holy Light in my heart, Mr. Lance!"

"What church? I don't even know it."


These people were reluctant to give up the rights and interests brought by Hamlet's subject status. When the first one expressed their stance, the rest quickly wavered, and soon they all expressed their stance to settle this matter.

"Very well, let's go down~" Lance was not too surprised by this, and his will was implemented step by step.

Thanks to [Wang Tiezhu's Leather Pick] 500 and [Moonlight Shadow Fengyue] 100 for the reward.

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