Our family is in decline

Chapter 206 Pretender

"The muscles are completely fibrous, and hyphae have replaced blood vessels and nerves, but the fungi parasitic on them are obviously not the same..."

Paracelsus put away the scalpel, and in front of her was the dissected corpse of the monster.

The situation is similar. The parasitic bacteria will modify the host, and it will become more and more profound as time goes by. Just like the corpse discovered before is only in the initial stage, and these are obviously developed in the later stage, when the body removes the bones and shape. Basically it has nothing to do with humans.

However, there is an interesting discovery. There are two different strains of bacteria parasitizing the two.

The yellow one is obviously more inclined to parasitize the brain, while the red one prefers nutritious internal organs. The two also have different modifications to the human body, and the reasons require more research.

"No~ I feel that the red bacteria are monsters artificially planted into the human body. The purpose is probably to control those parasites."

Lance has his own ideas. It can be seen from the erosion of the body by germs. Although it is strange, it still slowly decays according to the laws of the human body. For example, parasites such as mushroom heads have matured and still maintain their human form without much change.

However, the recurved red limbs are very abnormal. Only after the complete transformation is completed in the later stage and it is freed from the restraints of human joints can it gain mobility. Before that, it can only lie on the ground and cannot even get up, let alone be as agile as before.

There was also something that could attract mushroom heads just sprayed out, so he was sure it was artificially modified to control monsters.

"More testing is needed and maybe we can..."

"Yes, the weaknesses of both are very obvious, they are both afraid of fire." Lance interrupted Paracelsus. He knew without thinking that she would definitely apply for in vivo experiments again. This was something he could say casually. ?

Paracelsus also seemed to understand something and changed his words to emphasize.

“When the corruption reaches an advanced stage, the two parasites have different weaknesses. One is on the head, while the other is on the abdomen. Only when the damage reaches a certain level can the monster become unresponsive.

In fact, it is equivalent to cutting off the hyphae, making them incapable of independent activity. However, the bacteria are still active at this time. To really eliminate them completely, they must be burned. "

Of course, Lance had a better way of handling it.

After collecting the samples and sacrificing the corpses, the spirituality returned by the monsters is indeed much higher than that of ordinary people's corpses. This may be because these created monsters have the shadow of extraordinary power.

After cleaning up the surrounding area, the fungi and monsters were sacrificed, but the mushrooms scattered on the ground made him a little embarrassed. He didn't have so much time to deal with these things. He had to cut off the enemy's corruption of the wilderness as soon as possible before he could use artificial advancement. Wilderness, completely purified!

"The enemy's conspiracy has been revealed. There is definitely more than just this ritual in the wilderness. In order to protect Hamlet, we must destroy them all!"

The original exploration mission became to clear away corruption, but after experiencing the battle, the other people did not show too much resistance. On the contrary, they gradually adapted to the wilderness.

"I need more samples."

"My sword is already thirsty and thirsty!"

"Feggus will find those enemies."



"Please, sir, let us in."

"We can work too, as long as we give them stutters."

"We have been hungry for several days..."

A dozen ragged refugees were being stopped outside the town of Hamlet by soldiers on duty. They tried to show their miserable situation in exchange for sympathy, but the soldiers showed no mercy and scolded them with solid spears in their hands.

"No! There is nothing you want here. Leave quickly."

Among these refugees, people in tattered hoods walked out one after another and asked the soldiers: "Why were those refugees allowed in before?"

"That was before, but not anymore."

It was indeed accepted before. Lance cleared this road, and Leonard led the convoy through it before. It has to be said that this old road has indeed become smoother. These days, refugees often come here, seeking to join. to Hamlet.

The kind lord did not refuse, and even set up a small camp outside the town. The refugees who arrived could stay temporarily as long as they registered. When a certain number of people reached a certain number, someone would come to accept them.

There is a complete process for this matter, and dozens of refugees have been received continuously in the past few days, and they will be allocated according to the situation.

Those with skills as craftsmen stayed in the town, while those without special talents went to cultivate farms. Anyway, everyone could survive through labor.

But yesterday, martial law was issued from above. Everyone entering and exiting Hamlet needs to be inspected. As for refugees, the reception is temporarily suspended. They, the soldiers, are just executing the order.

"My lord, please be kind, no one knows we're going in~" The hooded man took out two silver coins from his body and signaled, "This is our little bit of sincerity."

This move was self-evident, but Xiao Bing didn't dare to take it at all. There was strong resistance on his face, and he shook his head in rejection.

"No, no! If you can't get in, you can't get in."

If you let them in, you will lose the qualification to become a regular employee, and the quota you have worked so hard for will be gone, as will the benefits.

Moreover, accepting a bribe would require a heavy penalty according to military regulations. It would also involve hurting your family, and you would be ridiculed and despised by other people in the town. You would be unable to stand up for the rest of your life. No matter how much money you paid, it was not worth it.

When he heard the denial, the hooded man thought it was because he was too short of money, and secretly cursed the greed of these people, but he still turned around and picked up some more and added in.

"This is all our money~"

But the soldier still shook his head wildly and refused, as if what the man was holding was not money, but a bomb.

Seeing that even with so much money, these greedy soldiers could not be released, the hooded man became angry!

The same refugees did not follow the instructions to leave. Instead, they became violent and tried to attack the soldiers standing guard and enter the town.

The soldiers were naturally unwilling, and raised their spears to drive them away. Seeing that the matter was getting serious, a series of horse hoofbeats sounded at this moment.

The refugees turned around and saw a group of cavalry galloping along the old road, and the leader was particularly conspicuous in his armor.

"what's going on?"

Reina stopped his horse, and although the soldiers behind him were a little unfamiliar, they were still able to control their horses and maintain a certain formation.

The soldier was naturally relieved to see the cavalry team coming back from inspecting the farm in the suburbs, and quickly explained the situation. These refugees were making trouble and wanted to enter the town.

"No trouble is allowed. Anyone who dares to attack the sentry will be killed directly!" Leonard looked at the scene of the riot, his eyes swept over the refugees, and no one knew what kind of expression was behind the helmet.

Following his words, the cavalry behind him seemed to feel that the atmosphere had become solemn, and their hands couldn't help but touch the weapons hanging on their horses.

Those refugees also seemed to feel something, but they did not panic or beg for mercy, but just stood there.

However, Leonard did not take any further action. He only softened his attitude after giving a warning, thinking about the soldier's signal.

"Let them stay and arrange for them to go to the temporary camp. I will arrange for someone to bring some food and drink later. I will make unified arrangements to enter the town tomorrow."

Leonard's words surprised the soldiers, and even a dozen refugees seemed stunned.

It's just that Leonard didn't mean to explain, but rode his horse and led the cavalry back to the training camp.

"Sir Leonard is really a kind and upright knight. You are just lucky to meet him, otherwise you will have to leave here." A soldier walked out and took the man over, not forgetting to praise him.

The soldier brought the people and left immediately. Because of the suspension of reception, they were the only ones staying in the camp.

At this time, they finally took off their disguises, and the refugee-looking people couldn't help but ask the hooded man.

"Master Deacon, what should we do now?"

"Wait, sneak in tonight, kill the lord, and then burn the town." The hooded man lifted his hood, revealing half of his disfigured face and pale eyes.

What kind of refugees are these? They are the Ascended Cultists.

"But our mission is to cooperate with the Witch of the Wilderness..."

The believers on the side expressed their doubts. The mission they received from above was not to directly attack the town. They had to hide, otherwise it would be troublesome to attract the attention of the church and the organization would be implicated.

"Are you scared?"

It's okay not to say this, but when he talked about the one-eyed expression, he couldn't help but become furious. The scars on his face were affected and looked even more ferocious. He directly interrupted the man's words.

"I'm ready to return to God, but with just a few of us, I'm afraid it will be difficult to complete the task, and it will actually affect the sect's plan."

Although they have joined the Ascension Sect as members, it does not mean that they are fools. Not to mention other things, the well-equipped cavalry team just now is not easy to mess with.

"So we are refugees now, so I have to wait until night to act. It's just a few soldiers. Can't you guys even deal with these?

What's more, if the task is completed by them, what credit will we have? How long do you have to wait to get the seeds?

I am fearless for the sake of the sect and am always ready to sacrifice myself for God. If you are afraid, just go back. "

One-Eye scolded sternly and explained the pros and cons. He was the only one with a position present, and the rest of the congregation had to obey his orders in name only.

What's more, although they have been blessed by God and gained strength, the only way to go further is to fuse seeds. This precious spot cannot be obtained casually, but must be "robbed".

Why did they join the Ascension Sect? Isn’t it just the pursuit of flesh and blood ascension?

How to ascend without seeds?

You have to seize the opportunity yourself, but what are you afraid of with just a few soldiers? Lord Deacon is a strong man who masters the seeds.

"I'm not afraid!"

"These hateful nobles should have been killed long ago!"


Watching those believers being reintegrated, One Eye didn't care much.

The blow last night was too cruel. Not only was it highly corrosive, but the flesh and blood that originally grew out of the back actually developed pustules and then rotted. Moreover, something seemed to have entered the blood vessels. It was like there were insects crawling all over the body, and I wanted to tear it apart. Open your own skin.

He knew that he was definitely under a vicious curse. If the power of the seed hadn't suppressed the strangeness in his body, he wouldn't have been able to bear it for a moment.

He must go back to the sect quickly to ask for help to lift the curse, but before that, he must complete the task.

That is to kill the lord and destroy the town.

"When it gets dark, let someone go to the forest to get the weapons back..."

One-eye was arranging tonight's action when a shout suddenly came from outside.

"Where are the people?"

This sound frightened them, and they almost thought they had been exposed. Fortunately, they reacted quickly. After One Eye signaled everyone to go out, they saw a man carrying a barrel parked at the entrance of the camp.

"For what?"

"Of course it's food."

"Just put your things down."

"No, I have to take the bucket back to recover." The man patted the bucket beside him and urged: "Hurry up, don't you say you are very hungry?"

These words made these disguised refugees aware of their current identities and immediately agreed.

"Yes, that's right, we have been hungry for a few days."

Those people were talking like this until they came over and saw the contents of the bucket, which was gruel as thin as water. Most of it was filled with wild vegetables and only a few rotten grains could be seen.

They can often eat meat while hiding in the wilderness. Although the source of the meat is unknown, who cares?

And now they are actually asked to eat something that makes pigs shake their heads when they see it?

"What's your reaction? We have brought out the best food in the town to share with you! The refugees are still picking and choosing here. I think you are not hungry enough."

Listening to these words, if they usually go up and kill this man, but now they are burdened with an important mission.


"Eat, let's eat." Duyan took the initiative to step forward. Isn't it just a little vegetable porridge? It's not eating shit. What's the big deal?

But when the man only handed over a long wooden spoon, they were a little confused.

Where's the bowl?

"What are you looking at? Do you still want me to bring a bunch of bowls over? I have received so many refugees like this, but you are so difficult to take care of."

The man looked very mean, but the Ascended Cultists were angry and wanted to take out their weapons and go forward to kill this mean guy.

"Eat!" One Eye gritted his teeth and his words became stiff.

Hold back... you can't be exposed now, I will kill you all after tonight!

But after he took a bite, the bitter and strange taste rushed directly to his brain, and his already distorted expression became even more aggrieved.

But for the mission, he could only swallow it hard.


With the leader in such a state, how could the followers below dare to refuse? They could only step forward one by one to take a few spoonfuls, and then retreat with bitter expressions on their faces.

The man kept urging them, forcing them to eat everything in the bucket.

"Go to bed when you're full. Someone will naturally take care of your affairs tomorrow."

Without saying too much nonsense, the man left the place without saying a word, leaving only a dozen people with ugly expressions behind.

The look with one eye looking at his back made him want to kill him!

When the man carried the bucket and walked directly into the training camp, Leonard and the others were already waiting here.

"How is it going?"

At this time, the man took off his disguise and showed his original posture. Who else could he be if he wasn't Disma?

"There is definitely a problem. The origins of those people are unclear, but they are definitely not refugees." As he spoke, Disma raised the barrel with a wild laugh, "But I forced them to eat a whole barrel of pig food."


Disma's words made everyone laugh, even the stern Leonard couldn't help but curl up his lips.

Thanks to the shareholder [Fireworks o Bai] for the 1,500 reward.

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