Our family is in decline

Chapter 218 Lamenting the Banshee

The traces left by such a large-scale monster movement are too obvious, and even because the monsters are all out and pushing them flatly, there are no enemies along the way, so there is no need to worry so much and just follow the traces all the way up.

Lance is directly at the front of the team. Unlike before, everyone in the team is a strong warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles and has the ability to protect himself and fight, so there is no need to distract himself from protection, he just needs to keep moving forward. In this regard, the speed of the team's progress has been greatly improved.

Lance didn't know what the witch had been doing after occupying the wilderness for so many years, but the current situation didn't look promising.

Mushrooms actually appeared on the road where those fungal parasites walked. Although they had just appeared a little, you didn't have to think twice to know that they would soon spread.

Simply put, this place has been corrupted and polluted, rendering it useless other than burning it down.

It's hard to imagine that if we delay for a while, those monsters will break through the farm and enter the fields to contaminate the fields and crops.

So vicious...

This discovery urged Lance to move forward even more quickly. If she continued like this, the wilderness would be completely ruined.

You must know that everything within his territory belongs to him. Every plant and tree here is his property. Every loss is simply cutting off his flesh.

I didn't encounter any strange enemies along the way. Looking at the past, there were only more and more dense mushrooms. These things were growing on the ground, tree heads, tree trunks...

This is not the kind of parasitism in the normal sense, because the place where the mushroom and the parasite are connected looks more like a forced fusion, like a weld made by chicken shit, resulting in weird and irregular pustules.

But the advantage is that you can see the route of the monsters in the wilderness at a glance, and just follow the places where the mushrooms grow.

As we go deeper, we can see fewer and fewer normal plants. Instead, the mushrooms are getting bigger and bigger. The front is still a slap, but now it is the size of a human head.

The parasitized vegetation in the front only turned yellow and twisted, but here it simply withered, leaving only branches with fallen green leaves that looked like ghost claws, but those mushrooms were growing vigorously and appeared to be full of vitality.

The contrast between the two appears extremely incongruous, making the already weird environment of the wilderness even more depressing, and causing inexplicable stress to those who walk in it.

However, it is because the trees are dry that light can penetrate the bare canopy. The appearance of light and sky leaves everyone with a window for ventilation.

But at this time, Lance, who was walking at the front, stopped and looked at the surrounding environment.

"The situation is wrong. The traces are gathering here, and there is no obvious difference."

Everything around them looked the same. There were no weeds or shrubs anymore. All that was left on the ground and around them were dead trees and big mushrooms.

Not a small area, but a large area.

"Everyone, be careful and spread out to see if there are any clues."

Several people began to spread out on the land to search for possible clues.

"Kaka!" Disma suddenly stopped when he felt that he had stepped on something. He lowered his head and looked at the ground covered with mushrooms. He opened it with his dagger out of curiosity, and couldn't help shouting in the next second.


As he spoke, Disma kept cutting open the carpet on the ground with his dagger, revealing what was underneath.

Everyone rushed over and saw that the place was covered with bones, including human and animal bones. The flesh and blood on their bodies had been devoured by germs and turned into nutrients. Even so, there were still some mushrooms growing stubbornly on them. .

Lance took out his giant sword and stabbed it, lifting up the large mushroom growing on the ground, exposing the bones buried underneath.

Lance fiddled with it and discovered that most of these bones belonged to small creatures, such as children, rats, and rabbits.

"These should be the bones of people and animals that are not suitable for parasitism and have been eliminated, or are not qualified to be carriers of germs. They have become nourishment for monsters to cultivate germs."

The few people who heard this couldn't help but look at this place. It was hard to imagine how many bones were buried underground, but what was certain was that it was definitely a very terrifying number.

"Oh~ what did those guys do..."

"All life in the wilderness was destroyed here."

"The power of corruption consumes nature."

Lance didn't mean to sigh, but he roughly understood the surrounding situation from the scene in front of him.

"Those guys set up a corruption point in the wilderness, and then attracted all infected parasites here, and then began to use the flesh and blood of the losers to cultivate the fungal parasites to complete the transformation, and created that terrifying army."

Speaking of this, Lance couldn't help but feel lucky that the parasites were basically all based on large organisms. Otherwise, these small animals would form a rat tide and directly attack and contaminate the fields and food. By the time he found out, it would probably be a plague that broke out from within.

After exploring the surroundings, I was more certain of my previous idea, because here you can see not only mushrooms with yellow caps, but also red mushrooms that can attract parasites.

After continuing for a while, I could see only mushrooms and no trace of the witch at all.

"Hey, look, what is this?"

Soon everyone discovered some remaining strange rituals. Without relevant occult knowledge, they couldn't figure out what they were doing, but the bloodiness and distortion on them were far greater than the previous corrupt rituals.

No matter what it is, as long as it is arranged by the enemy and it is definitely beneficial to the enemy, then it is naturally harmful to yourself and must be destroyed.

There were no monsters around to protect him. Lance destroyed the place with a few sword swings. At this moment, a breeze blew inexplicably in the wilderness. I don't know if it was the sword wind or...

At this moment, Lance suddenly stopped and looked up at the sky. Dark night had arrived.

"Take a break."

He himself was naturally able to persevere, but Leonard and the others had participated in fierce battles and had marched for such a long time. The physical fatigue could be eliminated, but the mental pressure still left them in poor condition.

Lance didn't know what special abilities the witch had in reality, but he could be sure from a few wilderness creations that she must know all kinds of magic. These mind-stealing magic can easily be taken advantage of when the spirit is tired. Entry brings great pressure to everyone.

Several of them were experienced adventurers, and they quickly cleared a camp nearby. The appearance of the campfire dispelled the darkness, and the aroma of food from the boiling soup in the pot also greatly soothed everyone's souls. The accumulated experience along the way Stress is relieved.

At this time, Lance finally had time to listen to their detailed explanation of what happened to Hamlet after he left.

The cultists' disguised invasion was seen through by Leonard, and Dis immediately went to test and confirm, and then went back to mobilize troops directly.

Originally, there were hundreds of people versus a dozen people, so the advantage was definitely mine. I was even a bit too bullying, with the training mentality of letting the new recruits see their blood.

Until one of the cultists turned into a monster, and a battle ensued in which everyone suffered casualties to varying degrees. Among them, Leonard fought until he was seriously injured and then collapsed from exhaustion. In the end, he paid a heavy price before blowing up the monster to death.

"By the way, there's this." Disma took out the things.

A piece of crystal, a piece of minced meat that has lost its vitality.

Lance launched his spiritual vision observation and found that the crystals contained rich spirituality. As for this piece of minced meat, it already stinked, and I am afraid that the spirituality residing on it has long since faded away.

He directly threw the minced meat and the box into the campfire, then picked up the crystal and looked at it for a moment before coming to a conclusion.

"If I guess correctly, this should be a [spiritual crystal]."

Combined with their description of what Lance felt, he then added.

"I'm afraid what you are encountering is not an ordinary ascended cultist, but an out-of-control evil fallen person."

According to Lance's understanding, the only ones that remain active even if they are blown up are the Evil Fallen that have been eroded by spirituality, because that thing is a materialized spiritual polymer with no clear weaknesses.

It's just that he had fought against those Ascension Cultists who had implanted [Seeds], and they did not show any symptoms of evil after they died. What was the reason for this loss of control?

Is there another conspiracy?

Lance fell into deep thought, but after thinking about it, he still couldn't find the reason.

Because extraordinary people are very taboo about this, if they could, those fanatical believers would definitely rather die than fall into evil. After all, death to them means just returning to the Lord.

"You guys, please rest, I'll keep watch." Lance raised his hand and caressed Wangcai who was lying next to him.

He did not voice his worries to increase the pressure on everyone, but chose to let them rest and recover as soon as possible.

No one had any objections to this decision. To be honest, fatigue had been torturing their nerves.

Because we might have to take action at any time, we didn't even set up the tent and just lay down around the campfire.

Soon they all fell into a deep sleep, and only Lance continued to study by the light of the fire.

The wilderness at night is very scary, and the depressing atmosphere is enough to drive ordinary people into madness. In this environment, there is only one thing that can give them comfort, and that is the campfire.

The rising flames pushed back the miasma formed during the night, bringing light and warmth at the same time, dispelling the darkness and fear.

Under the influence of the germs, even the chirping of insects disappeared. It was a deathly silence. Only the crackle of the campfire sounded from time to time. Everything was so peaceful...

But suddenly, Lance, who was immersed in research, seemed to notice something. He frowned and looked up outside, and his breathing slowed down.

Until he was sure of something, he suddenly put his hands together and put away the book, and said slowly: "It seems that something doesn't want us to have a good rest."

His reaction made Wangcai, who was lying aside, also notice something. He suddenly opened his cold wolf eyes, raised his head and looked around with a wolf-like attitude.

Not only was he prosperous, but his reaction also alarmed others, who woke up from their sleep and looked around cautiously.

"What happened, sir?"

"Didn't you hear it?" Lance frowned and described the sound in his ears to them.

The three of them were silent for a moment, listening carefully, but after a while they still shook their heads.


"Is it the sound of the wind blowing through the tree hole?"

Several people were a little confused about the current situation. It wasn't that they hadn't woken up, but they didn't understand what the lord had discovered. There were no night raids around.

Their reaction made Lance slightly silent, but he didn't think he was crazy. If he hadn't confirmed the situation, he wouldn't have woken up a few people. You must know that his perception is far beyond ordinary people under the influence of equipment and talents.

"That's not a rumor~" Lance retracted his gaze and turned to look at everyone, "Have you had a rest?"

A few people didn't speak, but you could tell their attitude by looking at the way they checked their equipment.

A few hours of rest since nightfall had greatly alleviated their fatigue, and their mental state seemed to have recovered a lot.

I usually avoid problems when I encounter them, especially when such weird things happen in a place like the wilderness.

But that's not the case with Lance. He's still worried that he hasn't found any clues to follow.

After waking up everyone, he simply cleaned up, lit torches and led the team out of the campfire to find the source of the sound.

Sure enough, as they moved forward, the sound gradually became clearer and clearer, and they couldn't help but hear something.

It was a low sobbing, and the sound was... hollow, filled with sorrow and anger, as if it had some strange power. Everyone couldn't help but tremble when they heard it, as if a cold wind penetrated the body and reached the soul. .

"What the hell is that noise?" Disma glanced back and forth, but his sharp eyes like an eagle couldn't see the outside world shrouded in darkness.

"I heard that those who died tragically will turn into ghosts and come back to seek their lives~" Barristan said, raising his weapon to guard against possible ghosts. "Who knows how many people have died here, and what kind of evil spells those witches have cast."

"I'm afraid only enemies can appear in a place like this." Leonard drew his sword. No matter it was a ghost or anything else, he would not allow any enemy to threaten Hamlet.

The team moved forward quickly. It was difficult to tell the direction in this basically similar environment, but under the guidance of that voice, the team's actions were very clear.

He soon discovered something. Although Lance knew that nothing should be surprising when he appeared on this land, at this moment, even he couldn't help but stop, because what appeared in front of him really shocked him. .

A ghost, a ghost-like figure emitting faint white fluorescence was floating in the sky over the wilderness.

The long skirt clearly outlines the upper body, and there is a delicate gauze hat on the head that wraps the hair and then hangs down, just like the veil of a wedding dress.

However, the lower body became illusory and seemed to disappear into the air.

At this time, the ghost was covering his face and sobbing, and his face could not be seen at all, but this was the sound that attracted them.

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