Our family is in decline

Chapter 226 Aftermath

"Okay, you all can rest peacefully."

After Lance comforted the patients, he led the two of them to a separate tent nearby. They were treated differently at all times.

Most patients can only be squeezed together for centralized management, but Boudica can enjoy a separate space and priority care.

Unfortunately, this did not have much effect on the condition. Her physique was stronger than those of ordinary soldiers, but she was also tortured by the disease and became less than human.


As if she heard the movement, Boudica pawed around with her hands, trying to find a reason to hold on.

"I'm here." Lance quickly stepped forward and grabbed the hands, and then quickly explained the situation with joy.

"Don't worry, the witch who spread the plague has been killed by us, and I have also found a way to treat you. You will recover soon."

Lance's comfort greatly calmed Boudica's panicked state of mind. The pain and blindness had a huge impact on her body, but what was even more terrifying was the constant pressure emerging from the boundless darkness.

Compared with the torture of illness, she was more afraid of dying in bed and dying in humiliation.

Greendale also noticed Boudica's identity. She never expected that she was actually a barbarian warrior. Why would she be loyal to the imperial lord?

And it seems that the relationship between the two is not normal...

At Lance's signal, Greendale examined Boudica and basically determined that it was the same type of blight, and because her body was better, her condition was better than that of ordinary patients.

As for the condition of blindness, it is still uncertain and the specific cause will not be known until further treatment.

"Let the treatment begin."

After completing the inspection of the medical camp, they immediately started arranging manpower to allocate supplies to Greendale. To be honest, Hamlet's specialties, apart from food, were various herbs.

This is also thanks to the ancestors who studied herbology, pharmacy, alchemy and other fancy things, and bought herbal medicines at high prices in the town all year round.

When there is no shortage of food, there are a number of medicinal fields in the town, especially on the farm. You don't really think that the farmer had nothing to do with more than a hundred people at that time, right?

"I'm going to use the cauldron and the spoon to prepare the potion."

"Okay." Lance knew that it was extraordinary equipment, and it was very likely that it was a set.

Unfortunately, it was not a [gift] for sacrifice. He didn't know the specific function, but he could probably guess from her request that it would be useful in preparing potions.

To be honest, Greendale was a little surprised that she actually gave her whatever she asked for, without even asking what it was for.

This gesture undoubtedly gives me the greatest degree of trust.

"Finally, I needed a quiet place where I wouldn't be disturbed."

"Sanatorium." Lance said without any hesitation.

The sanatorium was the place where the ancestors conducted research back then. There were many empty rooms inside, so it was not difficult to find a place suitable for Greendale to prepare potions.

But the preparation of medicine is not a very simple matter. The previous situation was because the two of them were poisoned and had not yet developed to the level of disease.

What's more important is that the bottle of dark green potion is a powerful antidote, which can relieve most of the poisoning.

But the price behind the powerful efficacy is hundreds of gold coins per bottle.

As for the refining method, she did not explain it clearly, but she could guess that the materials required were rare and the production methods were complicated, which was obviously not suitable for infections on this scale.

Moreover, there is a big difference between disease and poisoning, and the effect is not likely to be very good, so she needs to prepare an antidote specifically for blight.

Lance didn't expect that she would take out a potion worth two to three hundred gold coins before. It turned out to be a rich woman. No wonder she looked down on the thirty gold coins deposit.

But with her affairs in order, Lance was stumped by something else.

Looking at Paracelsus, who couldn't stop his strong resentment even with the mask in front of him, Lance couldn't help but feel a little headache.

He did not do this kindly enough.

Originally, he was trying his best to take care of the patients and find a cure, but now he just let others take over, and his attitude clearly showed his preference for the other party.

It's like she was originally responsible for a project, but half of the structure was completely transferred to others by the superiors. It's a bit like picking peaches.

Moreover, he is a sage type that she hates very much. How to make her accept it?

"Well... I know you have a lot of questions. I'm not confused. This matter has to start..."

Lance briefly explained the situation of this battle, how to kill the witch with the help of Grendel, and how she prepared the potion on the spot to treat Barristan.

"Science is not a religion and can allow for different existences. Herbalism and mysticism have been around us for thousands of years. Don't the medicines you are preparing now also use various herbal materials?

What we need to do is to use scientific means to verify the authenticity and explore the principles instead of blindly resisting. "

Paracelsus is obviously a little impatient with preaching. If she was really a good child, she would not steal corpses for research. On the contrary, she has a very strong rebellious and defiant mentality.

Lance just explained the situation, and he certainly knew how to comfort her.

"You are a researcher. Just let her do things like taking care of patients. You can also save time and take the opportunity to observe and record her treatment. This is the real way to expose her, instead of using words and suspicion."

Sure enough, Lance's words directly hit her sensitive spot.

That's right. If you don't have to take care of patients, won't you have time to do research?

"I got a lot of interesting things on this trip, [banshee slime], [witch soup], and even a witch's manuscript..."

Lance said it as if he was showing the menu, and these things immediately caught her attention.

With these endless research topics, she simply couldn't bear to leave.

Lance could feel her calming down and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He also wants Grendel, and he wants Paracelsus. Once it falls into his hands, he cannot let it go.

After getting his inspiration, Paracelsus needed to rush back to the camp to record the condition of each patient. When it didn't work, he would slap both of them in the face.

Yes, Lance was among them. When he chose the miko, it showed that he didn't trust his own abilities.

Although in fact, I was indeed stumped by this weird disease, but the witch may not be able to cure it...

Lance also left here. The news of his return may have spread in the town, so he must show his face.

On the central square, Lance stood on the high platform with something wrapped in rags at his feet. Under the platform, almost two thousand people from the town gathered.

Except for those from a few farms outside, everyone who could come came. They urgently needed to gain enough confidence from the lord.

"Quiet!" Lance raised his hand and pressed down, and the restless crowd instantly fell silent, showing his unparalleled powerful reputation.

"Those of us who have just experienced banditry and natural disasters have finally settled down in the land of Hamlet. I will bring you stable jobs and a safe environment.

But the man-eating witch in the wilderness is jealous of our achievements and deliberately drives the evil beasts of the wilderness to attack us, spread plague, and want to destroy our peace.

We paid a great price for this, many soldiers died in the battle, large areas of land were polluted, farms were burned, and many soldiers fell into pain. "

Lance knew that the people below had never read books. They said it was too complicated and they couldn't understand it. Only the simplest words could make them understand.

Sure enough, the huge price paid made everyone feel depressed, and the families of the dead and injured were even in tears. This emotion continued to spread, leaving the entire square under a heavy atmosphere.

But this isn't what Lance wants.


A loud shout woke up everyone, causing them to look up at the figure on the stage.

"In the face of the witch's attack, all the townspeople actively mobilized, and all the soldiers resisted bravely. They finally stopped the enemies in the labor farm and successfully defended Hamlet from harm.

I led the team deep into the wilderness and finally found the cannibal witch hiding behind it. After a fierce battle..."

As he spoke, Lance lifted the rag to reveal the ugly and ferocious head of the witch. He reached out and grabbed the hair and lifted it up.

"I have killed the man-eating witch who attacked Hamlet and spread the plague. All her minions have also been killed. The threat from the wilderness has been eliminated."

Nothing could be more exciting than a witch being killed by a lord.

As soon as these words came out, everyone on the stage cheered and shouted, trying their best to release the pressure accumulated in the past few days.

But the good things to be happy about don’t stop there.

"The cure for the plague has been found, and those patients will soon recover."

"All reservists who died in battle will be treated as regular soldiers, with generous pensions and preferential policies."


Lance announced a few things they were most concerned about, and then started throwing away money.

Those who actively respond to the militia mobilization will be rewarded, those who discover the enemy's situation will be rewarded, and those who stand out in battle will be rewarded...

Relying on these, the negative situation was reversed in a short period of time, and even the townspeople burst into fanaticism.

Of course, behind each of these is strong financial support. Without money, what he said is just empty talk.

After the speech, Hamlet came back to life. This stimulated all the townspeople. As long as they are given benefits, human beings will burst out with powerful power.

But Lance had no intention of stopping yet. He entered the wilderness twice in a row and accumulated a lot of things waiting for him to deal with.

There is also one thing that needs to be solved first, and that is to deal with the soldiers who died in the battle.

Lance came to express his condolences in person, asking whether the pension was in place, whether the policies were implemented, and what difficulties the family still had.

In fact, most of the families of the deceased have accepted the fact that they are also people under the rule of the empire, but they have never received such treatment. They were not even notified when they died after being drafted, let alone these treatments.

there has never been!

Death is so common in this world that it even makes everyone numb.

But now the lord came to greet them personally. This kind of treatment made them feel that the sacrifice of their family was worth it.

"You are heroic family members. Your children dedicated their lives to Hamlet. If you suffer any injustice or encounter any problems, come to me with this certificate and I will make the decision for you."

Lance took out a piece of parchment and wrote the soldier's basic information on it, as well as the battles he participated in and the time of sacrifice.

It bears Lance's signature and a bright red seal stamped with a "family seal ring".

The family of the deceased takes over with both hands, some things need no words.

When visiting one family after another, the reactions of the family members vary, but they all tend to be negative. After all, this cannot be a good thing for them.

Even Lance couldn't help but put pressure on the families of the deceased. This was not a good job, but he had to do it.

He needs to reduce the pressure on his family members, otherwise they will cause problems, and it will be troublesome if it causes a chain reaction. The current Hamlet is still too fragile and can be destroyed by a slightly stronger wind.

After dealing with this, Lance returned to the training camp and began to speak to the soldiers.

Commend the soldiers who have distinguished themselves in battle, calculate their military merits, reward them with money, and promote them.

There is no better psychological therapy for people of this age.

"The regularization examination will begin in the next few days, and I only want the best soldiers, because our enemy is very powerful.

Of course, I know some people are tired of military life. You can choose to quit, and I respect your choice. "

This sentence inspired their belief, and most of them were ready to focus on training and strive to become real soldiers.

But Lance still noticed that some soldiers still had not emerged from the shadow of that day.

When those people approached Lance after the rally, they chose to withdraw, giving up their own interests and responsibilities.

"Okay, no matter what, you have faced monsters and killed them. You have proven your courage. I respect your choice."

Others recruit and control the army through violence. If they find that they want to escape and become deserters, they will only die, but now the lord actually lets them go.

This situation instead made them feel guilty and began to wonder whether their choice was correct.

"Don't feel pressure. There are other ways to contribute to Hamlet. As long as you obey the law and abide by the law, you are a member of Hamlet."

Lance instead comforted, trying to ease their stress.

Through communication, Lance understood that these people's morale had been shattered in two battles against monsters, and after their mentality collapsed, they were no longer suitable for military life.

To put it bluntly, cowards cannot be tolerated in the team that dares to charge at the monsters. These people are no longer suitable to stay here.

However, the emergence of this situation also reminded him of one thing, that is, the psychological development of soldiers must be carried out.

Only in this way can more soldiers avoid the same situation, and relevant psychological counseling programs should also be started.

He calmed down the people, reorganized the army, and has been going back and forth in the town to deal with various matters since his return.

He is tired...

Thanks to [20210526190404506] for the 500 reward.

Thanks to [20220705211556341] for the 100 reward.

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