Our family is in decline

Chapter 246 Ghoul

The advance camp built on the basis of collapsed abandoned buildings had long been empty, leaving only some traces of human activities, but some mushrooms had begun to grow around the camp.

Even though the witch is dead, her evil creations continue to corrode nature.

“Because this is the frontmost camp, we stationed a ten-man team here to protect the camp, which is twice as many troops as other camps. We have to patrol the surrounding area during the day and stay on duty at night.

Thirty-eight serfs were assigned to work. They relied on this camp to cut down the isolation belt, open roads to facilitate marching, and transport supplies to other camps.

Seven people were missing from this camp, all of whom were working outside. When they were found missing, they would all disappear. It was not until this time that three people died at the same time, leaving their bodies behind. The diary was found in front of them. "

Barristan briefly introduced the function of this camp and explained why the soldiers failed to protect them.

It's simple, there are not enough people. When so many camps are spread out at once, and half of them are left in Hamlet for repairs, how can these few people achieve complete protection?

Lance also knew that he had taken it for granted, thinking that the wilderness would become peaceful after the death of the witch. After all, not many things were left alive after being tortured like this by the witch.

The Ascension Sect was probably too involved in the affairs of Ovendor City to take into account his actions. He just wanted to take the opportunity to cut through the mess quickly and eliminate the corruption before the old thing could react, thereby expanding Hamlet's control area and building a path. The road to the old town.

But it was obvious that the ancestor had too many cards, and in his anxiety, he exposed his flaws.

"Fortunately, those guys did not choose to attack the camp, otherwise our losses would have been greater."

The camp is very simple, and the only protection is a simple wooden fence. You can easily kick things off, so you can't expect much protection.

Learn lessons and take steps to improve.

"With such a large trace, the victim must have been tortured to death by the monster." After leaving the camp, Lance and the others quickly came to the place where the diary was found.

The mutilated bodies had been cleared away long ago, but this also damaged the scene to some extent and made their investigation more difficult.

After some research, several people found that the first crime scene should be a hundred meters ahead. The diary writer was injured and walked a hundred meters away and hid behind a tree. At the end, he wrote a desperate diary and then welcomed death.

But it is somewhat difficult to find the monster based on these traces.

The subject of trace inspection has not yet emerged, let alone developed. Lance can only make a rough guess about the situation at that time.

But it was never him who wanted to find the monster.

"It's not crawling on all fours, standing up like a human, with human-like footprints, but the force is exerted by the forefoot and it doesn't look like a human.

The front ends of the footprints were dug into the mud, indicating that they had sharp claws. The footprints were as heavy as a bear, so I thought the monster must be a big one. "

As a hunter, Boudica was taught how to capture traces of prey activity since she was a child, and soon she found a bloody footprint in the messy scene.

The dog Figus lowered his head and walked around the scene of the crime, twitching his nostrils, and soon opened his mouth and barked twice. After hearing this, William also explained.

"Fortunately, it hasn't rained in the past few days. Figs discovered a strange smell. A strong putrid odor was floating in the air but the source could not be found. It was like a corpse that had been left for a long time and had rotted. It was just covered by the smell of blood. Covering up is not obvious.”

Lance didn't know how William communicated with the dog, but this smell was the key to tracking him.

"Very good! You did a good job!" Lance took out a piece of dried meat and handed it to Gouzi, then raised his hand and rubbed it twice.

However, when Wangcai saw him, he came over and looked at Figes with a fierce look, and his jealousy and hostility almost overflowed.

"I don't see you when I'm doing things, and I'm the most active when eating!" Lance raised his hand and patted Wangcai's wolf on the head, directly interrupting its ferocity.

Wangcai immediately whined and closed his eyes and was beaten, but he didn't leave and still rubbed the huge wolf's head over.

"Go away!" Lance pushed the wolf's head away with his backhand, "There's no point in being coquettish. If you want to have extra food, then show some strength. Figs can smell it, and so should you."

Lance also listened to William's advice and began to guide Wangcai to develop his sense of smell.

Wangcai, on the other hand, was very spiritual and seemed to understand Lance's words. He was also more active than ever in order to have extra meals.

A wolf's sense of smell is no worse than that of a dog, but Figgus has received special training, and Wangcai doesn't like anyone except Lance. Naturally, no one can discipline him when Lance gets busy.

Now is a good opportunity to train it to track prey. How can it lie down at such a young age?

After mastering more skills, it will be easier to make a living in society.

Driven by jealousy and competitiveness, Wangcai quickly figured out Lance's intentions and began to capture the scent remaining in the air.

It can only be said that some things have to be done by professionals. Soon Boudica quickly found blood stains on the surrounding shrubs.

"Boss, look!"

"That's right, it should have been stained on your hands when you killed people, and it stuck to it when you rubbed it." Lance picked up a leaf, and the blood on it had long dried.

At the same time, William also added. "I wasn't sure before, because the two smells were mixed together, indicating that the monster must have putrid smell mixed with blood when it left. It seems that the monster returned along the same path after killing people."

North...Lance looked at the direction pointed out and looked a little strange, but he quickly made a decision.


Lance waved his hand and headed towards the target...

Tracking is boring, because it takes a lot of energy to be alert to possible enemies at any time.

Coupled with the dense jungle blocking the sunlight, the whole process was speechless and depressing.

Originally, Lance was worried that Boudica's impatient personality would not be able to withstand it, but she did not have any obvious reaction along the way and focused on being vigilant about the surrounding environment.

Everyone went deep into the depths that they had never been to before. The wilderness was too big, and the area corrupted by the witch only occupied a small part. No one knew what was inside until it was explored.

However, after taking William with him, Figes' powerful sense of smell can trigger reconnaissance, and the effect will soon be apparent.

Figgus, who was leading the way, suddenly stopped, stretched his head forward to sniff, and then squatted down.

Seeing this, William looked back at Zong Rui, raised his hand and pointed forward, "The smell is right in front."

The team walked forward a few hundred meters and soon discovered that there was a messy tomb area in the wilderness. They didn't know how it came here, but this kind of place is not very rare in the wilderness. The place.

"Get ready to fight." Lance waved his hand, and the team began to adjust their positions. Barristan took the first position, and William retreated to the third position. Lance and Wangcai still controlled the back to guard against possible enemies.

As the team advanced, Lance glanced at the cemetery, where many graves were dug up and bones were thrown outside randomly.

Following the scent, the team soon stopped at the entrance of a mausoleum, which had long been dilapidated. The stone door of the mausoleum was destroyed, leaving only a dark corridor extending underneath.

People with ordinary family conditions can just bury thin-skinned wooden coffins on the ground, while only those with certain assets and status can use stone coffins. As for this exquisite mausoleum made of stones, only nobles with noble status can use it.

At this time, even without William speaking, Lance and the others could smell a strong stench at the entrance of the mausoleum. There might have been a nobleman sleeping inside, but now there were only monsters inside.

Lance noticed the white bones scattered around and the dark brown stains formed by dried blood on the nearby stones, and couldn't help but remind him.

"Be careful, what's hidden inside is not simple. Let me start."

The small space will restrict the team, and the darkness is even more depressing, not to mention you don't know what will be inside, whether there are traps or anything like that.

Several others did not question this decision because they all knew that the Lord was stronger than themselves.

But suddenly Figus barked fiercely towards the entrance of the cave, and you could see William's expression tightening instantly.


Before he could finish speaking, the smell of the mausoleum surged out from the entrance of the cave, and an indescribable stench hit their faces, making them feel suffocated and dizzy.

But the monster would not stop. A dull sound came from inside, and a tall figure rushed out. Without waiting for more reactions from everyone, he raised his hand and clawed his hand.

In fact, before he called out, several other people also reacted. The previous adjustment of the team worked, and Barristan directly raised the shield to the top.

The worn-out shield before had been eliminated long ago because it could not withstand the increasingly intense battles. Now this shield was specially built by Winston.

The sharp claws scratched across the shield, only to make a harsh metallic friction sound. As for the huge power it carried, Barristan deftly resolved it.

No enemy can hurt his companions under his protection!

The two sides separated at the first touch, and the buffer Barristan secured also allowed Lance and others to see clearly the appearance of the attacker.

Although it is in human form, it is something inhuman.

He is more than two meters tall. His face has no nose but is directly sunken. His eyes are all white and he has a mouthful of real sharp teeth. The scarlet color of dried blood can be seen on them. The whole head looks like a A skinned skeleton with wild beard and hair.

The monster's body is thin and its abdomen is sunken, seemingly without internal organs, but the muscles on its body are very obvious under the gray skin, and the spine can be seen on its back.

The arms were hanging down to the knees. They were covered with sparse hair like steel needles. The palms had the most exaggerated transformation. They had completely turned into sharp claws and were dyed scarlet red with blood.

"It's a ghoul, a creature of necromancy."

Lance glanced at it. Although he could tell a little bit about the situation from the diary before, now he can directly confirm the identity of the monster when he sees this.

But there was no time for him to think too much during the battle. Boudica had already reacted and rushed forward, raising her halberd. She was eager to fight!

"Take my halberd!"

Boudicca waved the rebuilt halberd in his hand. What good materials and technologies could the barbarian tribe have? The rags obtained from the empire were treated as treasures.

But now this one is made of fine steel. After getting a new weapon, Boudica is eager to test the weapon with the blood of the enemy.

The ghoul didn't show any weakness at all, and actually raised his hand to grab Boudica.

Compared with Barristan's hammer, the damage caused by the halberd is more intuitive and more powerful. But the halberd's ax blade and sharp claws collided, and it was not cut off. It only cut into a little flesh and was caught.

Boudica was also aware of the monster's powerful defense. She tried to draw out the halberd but was stuck firmly. She was at a disadvantage in terms of strength.

Damn it, even the adult warriors in the tribe may not be able to defeat me in terms of strength. How come here everyone is stronger than me?

But there was no time for her to complain during the battle. The other claw of the ghoul was already grabbing at her.

"Monster!" With a loud shout, Barristan charged with a shield and directly hit the monster from the side.

Charging requires skills, especially when charging with a shield, the force fed back is directed to the body, so there must be a corresponding method to release the force.

Now Barristan's target is obviously aimed at the ghoul's relatively thin legs. If it can break this leg, it will directly lose its ability to move. At the same time, the feedback force will not be instantaneous as the leg deforms. Rather, it is elongated and easier to bear.

It's just that the feeling transmitted at the moment of collision was not like flesh and blood, but as solid as a tree stump, without shaking at all, and the relative power was returned to him in an instant.

Fortunately, Barristan didn't care about this, but used this power to take a few steps back to regain the distance.

But this was enough to interrupt the ghoul's attack, forcing it to let go of the halberd. Boudica, who was freed, struck back with the halberd without any pause.

Barristan on the other side also picked up the Morning Star Hammer and pulled it on the other side, focusing on the knee joint to swing the hammer.

And Wangcai, who had longed for a snack, also went up from behind. When he saw the ghoul, he couldn't resist and suddenly jumped out and bit his hind legs, tearing them apart with all his strength.

Wangcai's fangs can bite bones directly, which directly puts the besieged ghoul into a state of rage.

It opened its mouth and let out a roar.

Lance only saw rich gray and black waves emerging from its mouth, spreading like ripples in the air.

In just an instant, two people and one wolf were included.

Barristan was close because of the cover of the shield. When he heard the sound, his brain instantly rang with the roars of thousands of dead souls. Negative emotions of fear surged in his heart, as if he wanted to control his steps, turn around and run away.

Boudica also felt the voice surrounding her head, but the strength and resistance on her body with battle scars was higher.

Moreover, the sound of the ghoul also angered Boudica, and you are not the only one who can scream!


The tribal war roar sounded, and the battle scars on Boudica's body glowed with aura, and a lioness roared vaguely.

The extraordinary power carried by the sound passed over the ghoul, but this time it was unable to save and froze instantly.

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