Our family is in decline

Chapter 249 Demonic Sacrifice

"Exit, it's no longer suitable to stay here."

In this kind of underground, although there is an exit to the outside, it is one-way, the air does not circulate, and the flames will quickly use up the oxygen.

Not to mention that the smoke caused by incomplete combustion can kill people.

When he went outside, he saw a nervous William. The distance inside was not far away, so he could naturally hear the sounds coming out. He wanted to go down several times, but he was used to sticking to orders before he got new orders. Or choose to stay outside and take precautions.

Now I was relieved to see the lord and the others come out safely, and most of the pressure on them was relieved, but I still couldn't help but be curious about what was going on inside.

"What happened in there?"

Barristan and Boudica looked a little strange. After all, the scene was difficult to describe in words, and the successive changes also made them feel uncomfortable.

Without the main force of the lord, their mentality would have collapsed when facing that kind of monster in that underground mausoleum environment. They would have escaped, rather than walked out like this.

Lance didn't have much to say. He briefly talked about the situation of the mausoleum.

The ritual of flesh and blood construction, the giant cytoplasm, the twisted maggot man...

He said it lightly, but William could tell from the expressions of the other two that it was not that simple.

Of course, Lance also noticed this, and couldn't help but calm down the two of them to reduce the pressure.

"There is nothing to be afraid of. Fear comes from the unknown. Once you have seen it, understood it, and found a way to deal with it, the situation becomes very simple.

For example, the cytoplasmic body just now looks scary, but in fact its attack method is very simple. It can be seen that it uses its huge size to swallow the prey into its body, suffocate it and then slowly digest it. After observing and understanding their habits , there is not much of a threat as long as it is divided.

As for the maggot man, it seems that he can change his state according to the food he swallows, but in fact it relies on the bite of maggots. It is difficult to swallow a person instantly before the number reaches a certain level. The biggest danger is getting sick, even if there is no Molotov cocktail. , I can burn them to death if I hold up a torch..."

Lance reviewed the situation with them. In fact, the situation was not too critical. It was just that the dark environment made them frighten themselves. Plus, it was an inhuman monster that they had never seen before. It was natural to look like this.

As long as you follow him a few times, you will get used to it quickly, because people will accumulate experience. The most obvious among these people is Boudica. Before, he was always making noises, but his mentality has improved since he recovered from his injury. A lot, at least not so impatient.

Leonard, Disma, Barristan... each of them came out of life and death. There is no doubt about their fighting ability. The only problem is that most of the enemies they faced before were human beings, and they lacked the ability to deal with all kinds of extraordinary things. The experience and mentality of a human monster.

It can only be said that the ancestors are still good at playing, and come up with so many strange things, I am afraid that the monsters in the entire empire have one stone, and Hamlet has eight fights alone.

After seeing that he was resting and recovering and reducing the pressure, Lance waited until it was almost done, but he did not leave, but went underground again.

It's a good habit to hit last hits. He doesn't feel at ease at all until he sees the enemy dead. His lack of security in this desperate world gives him this somewhat morbid mentality.

There were no accidents. It was a masonry structure with no extra combustibles and not much oxygen for combustion. When he came down, there was only a pile of coke left on the spot, which turned into dust when he stepped on it.

There were some scattered maggot remnants, but he caught them and put them into a bottle along with a small piece of cytoplasm on the ground, intending to take them back for study.

The ancestor must be doing something by arranging this ritual here. Although the effect was ineffective if he destroyed it, Lance was still curious.

There is still a lack of talents proficient in mysticism...

Lance felt a little unhappy when he thought of this. Extraordinary knowledge in this world was too scarce. It was a tool that could change the status quo and develop productivity, but it was shelved. It was really a waste.

Lance naturally understands the side effects of extraordinary power, but restrictions do not mean blockade or monopoly.

Feudal and religious forces are too powerful. Under these suppressions, if there are no changes, the development of the world will be the same in another thousand years.

But these are not what he needs to consider now. What he needs to do is to survive from his ancestor first.

He opened [Spiritual Vision] and scanned around to make sure nothing was missed before turning around and leaving.

"It went smoothly as never before. The target mission has been completed. Now should we choose to go back or continue to go deeper?"

After coming out, Lance looked at everyone, briefly explained the plan and asked for their opinions.

Of course, Lance can decide the direction of the team by himself, but the mission mentioned before coming is to find and kill the killer who killed the serfs and interfered with the operation.

But now that it has been completed, that is, the next task is beyond the agreed scope. Regarding this, Lance still wants to see the attitude of others and give them the respect they should have as a team member.

Lance himself is more inclined to continue exploring. After all, this trip was a bit too smooth. It went so well that he doubted whether this was a trap set by his ancestor to guide him to find this place and destroy it...

This uneasiness made him urgently need more information around him, and he could find the truth by going beyond the route planned by his ancestor.

Moreover, this area was beyond the witch's corrupted area, and beyond that it was unknown. He also needed further exploration and reconnaissance, so that he could start preparing to go north in advance.

Now the team is in good shape, and the combination of William and Figgers is very suitable for map exploration.

"Of course, keep going!" Boudica raised her halberd high with an excited smile on her face. She would rather fight monsters than go back and do nothing.

After all, everyone else has a job to do, either leading the army or leading the peace officer. She is nominally the lord's personal guard, but in fact she is just like Wangcai. It is not certain who protects whom~

Before, she could go to the training camp to teach the new recruits, but now they were all pulled out to perform tasks, and she had nothing to do.

The boss was afraid that she would cause trouble and wouldn't allow her to roam freely. It was a rare occasion and she didn't want to go back so soon.

"I'm not old enough yet to need a rest." Barristan knew how to figure out the lord's thoughts. He also knew that this matter was a bit strange and needed to be investigated.

"I have no objection." William also had the idea of ​​​​doing a career, but he was not involved in the previous battles, which made him somewhat unwilling.

"Then let's get started, the enemy won't wait for us."

Lance reorganized his team and started exploring here as a new starting point.


The nameless village located in the wilderness has no exquisite buildings or towering city walls. There are only a dozen or so scattered thatched houses scattered among them, surrounded by a simple wooden fence that cannot be more simple.

Such small villages are scattered throughout the empire. Most of the reasons for their appearance are to avoid taxes, wars, or refugees who have fled into the wilderness to cultivate and cultivate themselves.

In this place far away from civilization, there are no vicious tax collectors. Although the land is barren, everything they grow belongs to them.

These people spend most of their energy on the fields, and just go to nearby towns or passing caravans to trade the materials they need. They don't use money, or have no concept of consumption, and they are self-sufficient.

Under certain circumstances, as long as they survive the first two years of life, they will become rich. They are more comfortable than the farmers in most large villages or towns.

But the empire, or the church, and the nobles in the territory usually turn a blind eye to this situation.

Because there are too many, they are like weeds and cannot be managed. Also, if the village is active, it will slowly develop over time. When it reaches a certain level, it will have a population and cultivated land.

At that time, missionaries will appear to spread the gospel.

Either the tax official will show up to check the taxes.

What? You said you wanted to refuse?

What emerged was the Crusaders who purged the heretics and "purified" the place.

Or the army of noble lords who came to suppress bandits came here to "quell the rebellion."

Of course, if they are lucky enough not to be discovered, or if the scale is too small to attract attention, then they can still live a good life.

But while enjoying such freedom, they also lost the protection of "order".

Compared with other risks, the empire and the church are actually the most benign, because bandits, slave-catching teams or malicious passers-by will not wait until the leeks grow before harvesting.

Like now...

A woman in strange clothes raised a unique dagger and slit the throat of a man who looked frightened but motionless. Blood spurted out from the wound and flowed into the altar.

It was very strange, there was no struggle until the blood was gone, but the wide-open pupils gradually turned gray and lost their last look.

After the blood flow was almost gone, Catherine dragged the long-dead body aside and laid it out. Then she took a long breath and murmured with fatigue on her face, "The last one."

As Catherine glanced at the ceremony arrangements, no one in the entire village of thirty-two could escape. They were all here, and they all turned into corpses with expressions of horror and slit throats.

There was a mix of men, women, old and young among them. Even the children who were learning to talk turned into corpses with pale skin and were piled among them. From time to time, drops of blood oozed out from the cut wounds, which appeared on the face of another person. Gorgeous bright red.

It can be seen that these corpses actually form a triangle, and in the middle is a blood pool where blood gathers. Next to the blood pool is a hairless, mummified monster sitting cross-legged and extending its hand into it.


Catherine's eyes stayed on it, her expression was a little strange, and the hand holding the dagger under the wide cuff slowly clenched.

Immersed in the ritual, as long as you kill him...

Before she could think about it, there was a strange feeling around her. Catherine withdrew her eyes in horror and looked downcast because she knew that the ceremony had begun.

The blood pool of more than thirty people formed a considerable pool, but at this time it decreased sharply, as if it had been swallowed by something, or as if it was flowing into the void.

When the blood receded, I saw that the monster's hand, deep into the blood pool, was tied to a rope, which was a triangular pendant.

At the same time, the corpses arranged in a triangle began to look strange. The flesh seemed to have been pulled away. The flesh and blood shrank and disintegrated, accelerating decay. The exposed bones also seemed to have become dry bones after being weathered for a long time, and collapsed directly without the support of flesh and blood.

But the mummy-like body entrenched in it was rejuvenating at a speed visible to the naked eye. The muscles bulged, the skin became tight and elastic, and the cheeks and eye sockets that were originally sunken like a skeleton also recovered. Looks like a young man with a bald head.

"Contract completed!"

As he spoke, the bald man suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a strange light.

Feeling the condition of his body, the bald wizard finally recovered from his long-term weakness.

Just thinking about the situation at that time still made him feel a mixture of anger and fear.

You must know that there has never been a mistake in so many years. Who would have thought that a very simple ritual could actually cause the powerful strange demons originating from the void to be instantly wiped out.

It's an unimaginable concept, but after losing the protection of the strange demon, he also lost most of his abilities, which was fatal for a strange wizard.

Because most of his abilities come from the contract signed by the void demon, and he uses the power of the demon by offering sacrifices.

At the same time, he also suffered backlash due to the involvement in the contract and almost died. Fortunately, his years of accumulation worked and he finally managed to survive.

And just now, people from a village were used as sacrifices. With the help of the artifact in his hand, he reconnected with a new void demon and signed a contract, and his body was restored.

Baldhead was still full of awe about this matter, and even a little lucky.

Although he was in a mess, he at least survived. As for that idiot, he lost control and became an evil fallen person.

This is a taboo for all extraordinary people, which directly leads to martial law in Totnes, and the official and church are hunting for extraordinary people.

His strength was greatly reduced due to the backlash from the ritual, and he was even more frightened, so he ran away overnight.

He was certain that all forces were looking for him, the person who had experienced the first scene. He was even suspected of being the murderer of that incident and was being hunted.

Because this was not the first time during this period that he felt the peeping from the void, which was why he was so eager to sign a contract with the void demon again, and even did not hesitate to directly massacre the village on the land of the empire to hold this ceremony.

Because he needed the shelter of the void to avoid prying eyes, he didn't want to be implicated in this matter anymore.

However, Totnis was afraid that it would be impossible to go back, and the remaining fluctuations from his ceremony were quickly discovered by those who were chasing him, and then caught up.

Inexplicably carrying a big pot and then going on the run, Baldhead didn't know what he had offended, but he knew he couldn't stay long.

"Let's go..." The bald wizard stood up and led his servants away from here, heading north all the way. Only by going deep into the chaotic place can the traces be confused.

And he needs more sacrifices to regain his strength and please the new void demon that communicates with him.

A village died so casually, and it was unknown how long it would be until the bones were discovered...

Thanks to [20221222135002941] for the 100 reward.

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