Our family is in decline

Chapter 251 The whole army attacks

The two groups of people marched in an orderly and silent manner. This kind of commanding and prohibitive attitude was probably only possible by the fanatical knights of the church in the entire empire, but now they appeared in a dilapidated territory.

The ancestor may be a genius in other aspects, but in terms of military affairs, he is definitely a fool. In other words, the ancestor who advocates extraordinary power does not bother to engage in military operations at all.

It can be seen from the fact that no weeds and shrubs were cleared around the camps, and no traps were laid out. Until the encirclement was completed, the guys in the camp did not notice it and were still doing their own things in the camp.

Give those guys a little military shock today!

Lance no longer covered up, but stood up directly from the bushes and raised his long-barreled musket, aiming at the most fanatical believer in training.


The dull sound of gunfire rang out in the wilderness, and the strong believer who was still training hard tilted his head and fell down. It seemed that his fanatical faith did not make him invulnerable.

But this shot was like a signal. It alarmed the believers in the camp and also heralded the beginning of the battle.


"What happened?"


Even though they have undergone certain training, when faced with a sudden attack, the entire camp immediately panicked. It seemed that they had not received corresponding emergency training at all, and it was completely wild and chaotic.

However, some of them had more seniority, and the senior believers responsible for training them stood up, looked at the direction where the gunshots were heard, and screamed.

"Kill him to prove your courage to God. Don't you want to escape from that kind of life and ascend?"

This sound is like a stimulant to those believers. They have been brainwashed in the first place, and most of them are refugees who have changed jobs. No one wants to live the kind of life before. He wants to ascend and he wants bliss.


Suddenly those guys fell into an extremely excited state and rushed towards Lance like crazy.

Let’s not talk about whether these miscellaneous fish can hurt him. If he is not afraid of them running around, Lance can clear this camp alone with one person and one dog.

But now is not the time for him to take action.

"Army attack!"

Leonard, wearing full body armor, stood up from his hiding place, raised his [Champion's Certificate] and pointed at the camp.


As they spoke, the soldiers stood up. They were only about eighty meters away from the camp. Following the commander's voice, the pikemen pressed forward with their spears. The musketeers among them also raised their muskets and pointed them at the soldiers with faces full of blood. Is a fanatical believer.

This scene also made those believers momentarily confused.

Isn’t it just an enemy? Why did so many people suddenly appear?

It's just that the soldiers have no intention of joking with them. The believers gathering towards them are dense targets.


"Bang bang bang!"

Continuous sounds broke the silence of the camp, and these dense believers proved that it was impossible for ordinary flesh and blood to resist bullets.

When the lead bullets were fired into the dense crowd, they instantly penetrated the bodies of those guys, tore them apart, and even broke their hands.

Yes, the large-caliber lead bullets loaded in the front are just so unreasonable.

Those believers were a little confused at first, but now the bloody scene poured cold water on the heads of those fanatical believers.

They had only been in the camp for ten days and a half for training. They were not fanatics, nor did they have the belief to die for their gods. They were just ordinary people who wanted to live.

At this moment, they seemed to finally remember their identities, and they began to collapse instantly, turning around and trying to escape from the bloody battlefield.

It's just that those fanatical believers will not let the situation collapse and wave their weapons to kill those believers who dare to retreat.

The supervising team did not hesitate at all, even though they were still together loving each other just now.

"Run them all for me!"

"Death is not terrible. We will return to God and ascend."

"Flesh and blood soars!"

I have to say that it had some effect. The formation that was about to collapse stabilized, and even the senior believers shouted strange words and rushed towards the gun formation.

If an ordinary soldier faced a crazy cultist, he would be worthy of the commander if he fired a single shot before the battle.

But these soldiers under Lance have really faced powerful monsters, and even faced surging beast tides. At this time, they can still calmly reload and then fire.

Another round of gunshots sounded, like a sickle cutting wheat, and the moment they rushed to the front, more than a dozen people fell again.

They were right, death was not terrible, but the severely injured companion who fell to the ground, screaming and wailing, gave the remaining ones a great shock, and their faith was instantly shaken.

Instead, the soldiers calmly prepared to reload their ammunition for the third round, as if they did not see the bloody scene that happened right in front of them.


"Run away!"

"Do not kill me!"

One or two retreats can be controlled, but when there are hundreds of retreats, it will be out of control.

The few core believers in charge of management were also a little confused. They tried their best to save it, but after cutting down two or three, instead of being able to control it, they caused even greater panic.

The fleeing believers suddenly found that both sides were blocked by long spears. They did not have the courage to attack the spear array, so they turned back and tried to cross the camp and run towards the rear.

But Patton at the back reacted as early as the first gunshot.

He immediately stood up, raised his saber and waved it forward.

"Advance, seize the position, the musketeers fire freely."

When the fleeing believers passed by, they saw the muskets that had been waiting for them.

"Bang bang bang!"

When the crowd is not dense, the effectiveness of the muskets is average, but it can also maim some of the people. The greater effect is that the fierce gunfire instantly defeats their courage.

"No! God has abandoned us."

"Oh my God! We are surrounded~"

"Don't kill me, I believe in the Holy Light..."

It's just that among these people there are many believers who have seen the world and are relatively calm.

"Quick, reloading the musket takes time, rush over while they reload to escape!"

This shout gave them their last hope, and they immediately rushed forward, trying to take the opportunity to break through the encirclement and escape.

It's just that they didn't notice that the person who called out silently retreated behind everyone.

He had been a soldier, but his army was defeated by refugees. In order to survive, he had to become a deserter. He also worked as a bandit on the road. He came here just to survive.

He had also tasted that magical power. If he could, he would still want to stay and spy on that mysterious power, but before he could survive, he could only choose to run away.

I have escaped countless disasters along the way, and I believe it will be the same this time.

He encouraged the believers to charge towards the surrounding soldiers. As a former soldier, he knew how to deal with these soldiers.

Muskets are not used by dogs in the army. The enemy can only fire a shot within a hundred meters, and it takes a minute or two to reload. By that time, the enemy has already rushed up, and then the musket without bullets becomes a fire stick.

These guys were the fastest in the army, and he believed these were the same, and they would run away as long as they were close enough.

The real difficulty lies in the soldiers holding spears. Before that, he needs his "companions" to help him consume them.

Sure enough, as the cultists approached, he saw the musketeers retreating and giving up the battle line to the pikemen.

In order to stimulate the maximum potential of the escape cultists, the flesh and blood power obtained here is reflected. After the flesh and blood transformation, many of their physical qualities are even stronger than those of soldiers.

This power gave them confidence, and they even dared to rush forward with flesh and blood, and the man also blended in.

But... there is a price to be paid if you want to attack the gun array with your body.

"Kill!" The spear array stabbed out in an orderly manner, and the long-term hard training bore fruit. The sharp spear heads penetrated the believers' bodies and directly opened several bloody holes.

And some skilled ones even aimed at the head, one shot at a time.

What are you sending to the cultists? I have beaten countless of them.

In war, personal bravery does not have much impact until it reaches a certain level. No matter how powerful the body is, it is still not out of the human category. As long as it is injured, it will die.

He saw with his own eyes that the companion in front of him was stabbed with three gun points in an instant. When he pulled it out, the look of panic on his face had not faded.

He seized this opportunity and took advantage of the moment he retracted his gun to directly push up his companion's body and hit the gun array.

If he had a weapon, he would have taken the opportunity to roll in and slash his legs with a knife, but unfortunately this was all he could do now.

It must be said that compared to those who rushed into the spear formation in a panic, he grasped the timing very well and used his companions who were not completely dead to hold the spear.

If it were an ordinary army, he would probably have succeeded, but it's a pity...


A loud shout burst from his ears, and he felt an inexplicable sharp pain in his heart. He looked down and found that a weapon had penetrated directly through the human shield, and the tip was inserted into his chest.

The weapon was drawn out before he could react. The severe pain made him subconsciously let go of the bleeding wound that he wanted to cover. When the corpse of his companion fell, all he saw was a woman rushing up with a halberd.

That was his last memory, because the next second Boudica chopped him to death with a halberd.

There are many smart people like him who want to break through the defense line in various ways, but they can't shake the overall gun formation, let alone the musketeers shooting in the face.

Anyone who stands out will be targeted by Boudica and Barton. Their combat prowess is not ordinary, and every blow of a halberd and a sword can cause crushing damage.

The casualties caused in a moment are even more direct than that of musket harvesting, and countless believers fall every second.

Blood splattered on Boudica's body and even on her face, but she wiped it off without caring.

"Shark shark shark!"

Feeling the rich blood in the air, the expression on her face became excited. Boudica became excited. She raised her blood-stained halberd high, laughed and shouted wildly, and then rushed into the believers to enjoy the orgy.

In contrast, the believers were frightened by Boudica. For a while, they were a little confused about who the fucking cultist was?

These people were like a school of fish caught in a net, running away in a panic but still unable to escape the encirclement, let alone a shark mixed in among them, and they were chased by Boudica alone and scattered.

"Damn..." Barton couldn't help but murmured in a low voice when he saw her like that.

She rushed forward because she had her own men. The musketeers were not sure and did not dare to fire, which could lead to accidental injuries. At the same time, she almost led the team to collapse. You must know that their mission is to stick to the defense line and not let go of an enemy. What if you rush out with people and miss something? Account to the lord?

Of course, Patton wanted to rush more, but the responsibility of leading the army made him only stand firm here and watch others enjoy themselves.

Finally, when the situation collapsed, the senior believers who were hiding inside could no longer sit still. If they continued to kill like this, all the credit they had gained from training for so long would be lost. How could they be promoted by a hammer?


Sparks flew and the sound of metal collision sounded. Boudica's halberd was stopped by a muscular man.

Boudica didn't believe that anyone could block his attack, so he pressed forward with all his strength and made him stagger back. Then he took the opportunity to swing his halberd and hit the man, causing a wound.

damn it! If you can't beat the ghoul, you can't beat the man?

However, when the man suffered such a serious injury, he didn't cry out or show any pain. On the contrary, his face was full of fanaticism, and the wound that could make a person lose his fighting power actually healed in just one breath, although there were still scars.

The next second, the cult warrior shouted for his god and rushed over. Boudica was not surprised but was happy when she saw this. She was worried that those guys were too weak and had no good opponents.

The two are fighting together, but this situation has caused varying degrees of impact on both sides.

Those believers noticed the miracles that appeared on the cult warriors, and their original fears were eliminated. Instead, they immediately regained their faith in God, and were united in chanting to ascend.

When our own soldiers saw this situation, they couldn't help but feel a little solemn, because they had seen this thing before...

"Lord, what are you afraid of? Give these guys a taste of the weapons in your hands!" Barton shouted, instantly eliminating the pressure on the soldiers.

Yes! The lord is on the battlefield, and the lord is looking at him...

A soldier adjusted his musket, his breathing slowed down, and his sharp eyes locked on a crazy cultist.

Pulling the trigger, he didn't even look after the gunshot and continued to quickly reload his musket.

The guy who screamed the loudest was directly shot in the head, and his body fell straight down. It seemed that his god did not care for him.

The cultist's voice was instantly suppressed, but his own morale was boosted, and Barton took the opportunity to shout.

"Hamlet must win!"

For a moment, the fanaticism that appeared on every soldier's face was no worse than those of the cultists, and even more intense, seeking to take the initiative to attack.

Scattered gunshots rang out, but after precise aiming, the hit rate increased significantly. Basically every shot could achieve results. Most of them were shot at the body. Only some who were sure of their own strength would aim at the head.

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