Our family is in decline

Chapter 253 Last Place Elimination System

These people were tortured by evil magic and were in a very bad condition.

For example, in the past, Disma, the club in Owendo City, was taken down by a cult priest and almost went crazy. Although there is definitely a strength gap between the two priests, they are not as good as Disma. He was ruthless, otherwise he wouldn't have fallen down so easily.

Now Lance wants them to stand up and the challenge is not an easy one.

He had a splitting headache, and his body and limbs felt like they didn't belong to him, but others had proven to them that will could cut off shackles.

What's more, this is their last chance, they have to prove themselves, even if they start to struggle to stand up.

But if it were that simple, they wouldn't be paralyzed on the ground. They fell back after several attempts, but they did not accept their fate. Every time they wanted to stand up, they had no choice but to retreat.

Can't lose this opportunity again...

If we say that in the previous life, there was a limit to the will because of the limitations of the body.

But this world is different. Will can really break through the limits of the body.

Standing up... The first one stood up with a spear in hand. You could see sweat breaking out on his forehead, his body was trembling, and even his breathing became heavy during the struggle, as if he was just standing. Getting up exhausted his energy and he could fall again at any time.

Lance looked calm and waited for about ten seconds before speaking.

"Remember this feeling? We were founded in pain, and we want to end pain. Any wavering will corrode your will. I don't want any of you to become my enemy."

"Soldier Kyle will never waver!" Even so, he still shouted his words with all his strength.

He may have succumbed to his desires, but at this moment he won everyone's forgiveness. For a while, even those outstanding soldiers couldn't help but put away their ridicule and acknowledge their will.




Encouraged by Kyle, other soldiers also stood up one by one. They re-dedicated their loyalty and determined to use the most brutal battle to cleanse themselves of their stains.

"Okay, rest. No one will take you back later." Lance waved his hand, indicating that the matter would be over for now, as a reminder to these impatient soldiers.

The cleaning of the camp continued, and Lance also joined in. You must know that one of the carriers of extraordinary power is the books and words. Lance warned the soldiers not to open these things if they found them, or even get close, and wait for him to deal with it. .

He directly broke into the most complete building in the camp. He just saw several fanatic believers, including the cult priest, rushing out from here.

As soon as you enter, you can see a huge altar made of wood and black iron. There is an indented stone basin underneath as a container to collect the blood of the sacrifice. The three spikes can be seen as the symbol of the Ascension Sect. .

It looks similar to the one found in William's town, except that this one is extremely conspicuous in the middle, with no intention of concealing it at all.

I don’t know how many disgusting rituals have to be performed to dye the entire board red or even black. Just look at the rusty shackles and the blood on the basin of blood that has not gone away for a long time. You can tell what happened. .

Lance didn't have much reaction when he saw this. This kind of thing had been expected for a long time. He was more concerned about whether there was any gain that could make up for the money spent on sending troops.

Gunpowder and lead bullets cost money, weapons and armor wear and tear repairs cost money, injury treatment costs money, rewards and promotions cost money, but this trip costs at least hundreds of gold coins.

Fortunately, there was no death, otherwise it would have been very scary.

But Lance didn't feel any heartache. Money was not important. He was going to kill the old thing even if he was using money to throw it at him.

Just waiting for him to search this sacrificial place with hope...

"Fucking pauper!"

Lance looked at the few copper coins in his hand and couldn't help but complain. There was no more gain, or these people had no financial needs and naturally couldn't use the money.

These copper coins are probably from the refugees who were kidnapped.

damn it! Won’t we lose blood in this battle?

After rummaging around, there really was nothing. The only things that were of some value were some miscellaneous ritual props and a simple account book that recorded the growth of the camp.

None of these things have spiritual light, which means they are not extraordinary equipment and are of no use to him.

"Sir, there is a problem here." Leonard, who was cleaning the camp on the other side, discovered something.

Leonard's report did not adopt the most direct method, which means that the situation is not suitable for speaking out, or it cannot be spoken out.

Lance realized the situation and threw the things into the showroom and hurried over.

Lance was soon taken to a corner of the camp. As soon as he got close, he could smell a strong fishy smell. This situation made him speed up his pace.

After entering it, Lance finally understood where the materials consumed by these people came from.

The three corpses were stripped naked and hung up with iron hooks inserted into the calves. The internal organs and other organs had been eviscerated. The heads were missing, leaving only a gap the size of a bowl at the neck. Underneath, there was a clay pot waiting for dripping blood. But looking at the pale skin, you can tell that the blood has been drained long ago.

There was something simmering in the large pot on the stove. Lance used a spoon to stir the turbid soup, large pieces of unknown meat, and various chopped offal. However, when the skin and meat were removed, they shrank. The head that looked particularly ferocious with bared teeth was considered certain.

Although he had already guessed it, Lance still couldn't help but frown.

As long as people see this kind of situation, they will feel a little uncomfortable. Killing people is normal for them, but this...why don't these cultists eat vegetables? The diet is very unhealthy...

Complaints are complaints, Lance felt a little uncomfortable, after all, no normal person could accept it.

"Looking at the muscles on the corpse, it doesn't look like a refugee. It should be one of them. It's just that the training failed and he was eaten by others after he died."

Lance observed and made a judgment. He had to say that this is called the real last-place elimination system. Whoever loses will be the food for tomorrow. Can he not train actively?

"There are more here, sir." Leonard's face could not be seen clearly under his helmet, but he could also feel that he also had negative emotions about this scene.

The bones, mainly those that were difficult to handle, were dumped here and piled into a hill. Judging from the white appearance, they were obviously cooked, and the strong smell of decay was even more obvious.

Lance looked at those things, and among them he saw many skulls not much bigger than fists. At this moment, he knew where the old, weak, sick and disabled had gone.

They capture people and select those who meet the requirements, and then the rest is food. They make two-legged sheep every day, and after eating, they continue to eat other people. No wonder they can change from the thin bodies of refugees to muscular bodies in a short time.

It turns out that in addition to the role of rituals, there is an unlimited supply of meat.

Seeing this, the expression on Lance's face finally revealed a solemn look.

He thought that he had [sacrifice] in hand. As long as he removed the corpses to plunder the spiritual beings, and restrained them so that no death would occur, the ancestor would not be able to obtain more spiritual beings, and it would be difficult for him to increase his power.

This is why Lance has the confidence to drag it out.

But now it seems that my control over Hamlet is still too weak, and these refugees are directly fattening the old thing.

There is only one way to solve this problem, and that is to use force to expand the scope of control.

"Open this place and let those soldiers come in and have a look."

"Ah?" Leonard was a little surprised. He felt great pressure in this kind of scene. If the soldiers saw it, it would definitely cause fluctuations.

"There is nothing to hide. If you can't stand this, then there is no need to stay in the army. I only want elites."

The situation just now made Lance understand that someone is destined to be left behind. What he needs is an elite enough and fearless army to face the monsters of his ancestors.

Those who are not strong-willed and have a bad mentality can be transferred to maintain law and order, or they can be transferred to ordinary troops to face humans. Anyway, not all tasks require facing that kind of monster. Threats from the same kind are equally urgent.

When this place opened, it quickly attracted the soldiers. When they saw this scene, they had different expressions.

Some are uneasy, some are angry, some are nauseated and retching...

"Did you see it?" Lance shouted standing in front of the soldiers, with the bones behind him.

"This is a cult. They are twisted and crazy and can no longer be called human beings. If we had let them go just now, then it would be you who are hanging here, and it is me who is cooking in the pot. Those bones are our family and friends. You allow this Did something like this happen?"

"Not allowed!"

"Not allowed!!"

“Not allowed!!!”

Lance stirred up the atmosphere with a simple sentence. The soldiers roared loudly and felt that they had acted lightly just now. He looked at the prisoners aside, wishing to kill them all.

Barton, who was also standing on one side, looked no better. This scene made him think of something.

Fortunately, the lord saved me at the last moment. If I had fallen, I would have become one of these guys, right?

Just thinking about this made him feel a chill. He would rather die than become such a monster...

Boudica was a little better, because there really was a tribe of cannibals in the mountains. She had heard the elders talk about it since she was a child, but this scene still shocked her greatly.

"Repair for half an hour, and then escort the prisoners back."

Lance waved his hand, and the soldiers began to move.

Some things do not require him to do it himself, someone will naturally arrange it. This is the seductive power of power.

But he was not idle. He understood the soldiers' reaction, but he was a little curious about the attitude of the prisoners.

But when he looked at those guys, the hatred in their eyes showed that he wanted to eat Lance alive, the guy who ruined their ascension.

Lance didn't care about this. No matter how ferocious the dog in the cage was, it couldn't bite anyone. On the contrary, it made him want to tease the dog.

He raised his hand and asked someone to pull over a prisoner.

"Do you know what kind of meat you're eating?"

Maybe the situation just now made him know that he would not survive after being captured, so he had a disdainful attitude towards this issue, or towards Lance.

Lance didn't care about this but just smiled and continued speaking in a mocking tone.

"You killed your family and then ate them, do you know~"

After hearing this, the man's expression became abnormal, and he argued, "What do you know? Their flesh and blood will enter the ascension with us!"

"You're laughing so hard, you don't even believe this. Isn't it because you are useless that you let your family fall into this situation and become someone else's dinner?"

Except for the few senior believers who were specially left behind, all those who could be captured surrendered on their own. If he really believed this, he would have charged into the battle at the beginning, and he would have waited until later to get down on his own?

This sentence seemed to expose his ridiculous disguise. The cultist suddenly became manic and wanted to explode at Lance. But let alone who was in front of him, Boudica on the side was not a fake either. The man kicked him directly, took up his halberd and gave a fierce warning.

"Be careful, kid, or I'll chop you!"

He was originally bound by the rope, but this kick directly turned him into a rolling gourd and rolled twice on the ground. He could only move sideways and couldn't stand up again. The dirt on his body looked particularly embarrassing.

There was something wrong with him in the first place, but now it made him suffer a nervous breakdown, and he couldn't help but cry and yell at Lance.

"It's all your fault! It was you lackeys of the empire who forced us to go down this road. Why are we pretending to be good people here now? The first thing I have to do when I ascend is to kill all you nobles..."

In the words of this believer, you can probably hear how he was forced step by step by natural and man-made disasters to reach this point today.

I have said before that those rescued by the empire, local nobles, churches and other forces will not become refugees, so the experiences of refugees must be similar.

But the trouble is that many of the soldiers here are also refugees and have transferred jobs, so they are somewhat touched by his words.

Barton noticed this keenly and immediately scolded him.

"Soldier! Don't be seduced by these cultists."

At the same time, Leonard also reacted and immediately walked over dragging his sword. It was self-evident what he meant.

But when he raised his sword and was about to cut it down, Lance raised his hand to stop him and said something calmly.

"I haven't done those things, why am I afraid of him scolding me?"

Who is Lance? If it really affected his rule, I'm afraid this guy would die as soon as he opened his mouth. How could he be allowed to continue?

This is what he is least afraid of, and he even hopes that the more this guy talks, the more he talks about it and reduces the imperial nobles and the church to nothing.

Only in this way can everyone regain their hearts in comparison. Even Lance felt that what he said was not tragic enough or cruel enough.

This sentence was like a thunderbolt ringing in everyone's ears, and they suddenly woke up as if enlightened.

Yes, who is their lord, and they have wavered just now? This is disloyal, and guilt tortures their hearts, and at the same time, they also create deeper resistance and defense against these guys.

I'm afraid this believer never imagined that what he had said would actually help the enemy consolidate the hearts of the people.

Everything that should be done was done, and Lance immediately ordered the camp to be burned down and the prisoners to be escorted back.

"walk home."

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