Our family is in decline

Chapter 262 Conflict

After so many days of hard work, most of them had adapted to the work of digging graves. They had some objections at first, but things became normal later on.

I found that it was just like that, there was no punishment or anything like what the church said happened.

On the contrary, if they did not complete this job, their whole family would have to go to the wilderness for development. They all remembered the legends that many people died before the lord took action to kill the monsters hiding in them.

Although they were all devout believers before, Lance's transformation was successful, and the influence of the church had long been weakened or even disappeared in Hamlet.

In the final analysis, it is still interests, and now it is the lord who decides their lives.

The nun came directly to the church, but the door to the front hall was locked. However, she did not hesitate to break the chain open with a hammer, and then pushed the door open and entered.

One of the first renovation projects after Hamlet was taken over by Reims was the church.

The prayer hall in front of it, which was used to hold activities and ceremonies, was directly turned into an auditorium or theater. After the major renovation, only the main body of the building remained, and all the religious elements were removed.

The church as a whole not only has the front hall, but also the supporting buildings at the back. This was the place where the clergy originally lived, and later it was transformed into a school and dormitory. To a certain extent, it is quite suitable.

But for the nun who broke into it, it directly refreshed her own understanding. This... had a strong sense of violation with the church hall in her impression.

What about a church as big as mine?

"Who are you! Why did you destroy the auditorium door?"

The loud noise of smashing the door also attracted the attention of school staff. When they arrived, they found a dangerous man wearing armor and carrying weapons.

"Who are you? This is obviously a church, why did you occupy this place!"

The nun noticed the visitor and asked loudly instead of answering.

These are just ordinary people. If they dare to face a menacing mob, they immediately run back.

"Oh! Someone broke into the school with weapons."

"I'll go find the principal."


The nun looked at the people who had dispersed strangely, her expression full of doubts, but she did not stop, but kept searching for proof of the church's existence in the auditorium.

As the principal, Mrs. Rosa was quickly alerted by this incident and hurried over.

You must know that there are many children here. If something goes wrong, how can you explain it to the lord?

"what's going on?"

"A madman broke into the auditorium."

"Quick! Organize the children to go to a safe place and notify the sheriff."

The person running back said something, but Rosa was walking against the current. She had to determine the situation and protect the students.

And she was not the only one who did this, there were also some older students.

In this era where adults are considered adults at the age of fourteen, many children aged twelve or thirteen are actually similar to adults. Many of them are studying and assisting in the management of the school.

After these people heard what happened, they immediately assisted the staff in evacuating the students. The more courageous ones rushed to pick up the training sticks, and then came up ready to resist the enemy.

If there is a ranking of the most fanatical groups about Lance in the town, one is in the military, and the second is these students.

Learning allows them to understand the world, and they also have crazy worship of the lord. Everything they have is given by the lord, and they are willing to dedicate everything to the lord.

Among these people appeared the figure of Joan of Arc, who stood out among the boys.

Rosa noticed her daughter but said nothing about it.

Soon, William led Figes and led several police officers to appear. Because the nun's noise in front of the cemetery just now also attracted the attention of the people, the security team who received the report also rushed here.

Just in time for this scene, these crazy gangsters dared to attack the school!

William clenched the baton in his hand, and Figgus seemed to sense that his master was a little irritable, grinning and barking.

"Woof woof!"

But when they arrived at the auditorium, they found the nun groping the hall, looking a little strange.

"Who are you? Why did you break into the school violently?"

"You dared to invade the church. What did you do to the pastor?"

The people on both sides spoke their own words, and the scene seemed very strange for a moment...

Lance, who was discussing the mission with Geralt, received a report that a strange woman broke into the school with a weapon.

Geralt on the side also seemed to understand something. He also noticed that this town was relatively closed. As for the strange woman with weapons, she was probably the only nun.

He was speechless for a moment. He knew that some of the more extreme clergymen were prone to conflicts, but why did this guy go to school to cause trouble for no reason? I just hope she listened to his warning and didn't do anything.

"It seems that our chat is about to end here. Let's talk about the mission. If you want to repair the equipment, you can go to the town's workshop and find Winston. He is the best weapon craftsman in our town."

But Lance didn't care about it. He was like an NPC that issued tasks to players. He waited until he sent Geralt away before heading outside...

At this time, the nuns were surrounded by people in the auditorium. Several police officers had received professional training. Although it was difficult to face monsters due to mental reasons, they still had the courage to deal with a human being.

The nun didn't show any sign of surrender. Although no obvious blasphemy was seen, it was impossible for the clergy here to disappear without reason.

Looking at the resistance and vigilance of the people around her made her even more convinced that she had fallen into a degenerate town.

Must be cleared!

Just as the nun was raising the hammer and preparing to take action, a shout broke the atmosphere of the scene.


Then the crowd parted, and Lance walked out, his eyes immediately fixed on the nun and looking at her.

In fact, he stood there for a while, but everyone's attention was on the nun.

Lance could guess that the nuns would cause trouble, which was taken into account when rescuing people.

He even deliberately let the nun in, so he left her in the hotel without any restrictions, otherwise she would have been taken away like Catherine.

What he did was to test how much influence the church still had in the town, and who else in the town still had a favorable impression of the church.

Then these people are not suitable to hold some important positions, and even if they are in some more important positions, they have to remove people from their positions.

However, from his observation just now, it can be seen that at least no one in the school or the security team is inclined to the church, but is maintaining the order he has set.

You can call this religious persecution or the elimination of dissidents, but that is what losers call it. Lance prefers to call it "eliminating feudal ideas."

Just like the church used to persecute ordinary people, they called it "judgment," but now it's their turn.

As for religious discrimination, yes, Lance discriminates against the church. Not only this, but any religion is rotten fish.

Those guys are obviously human beings, but they just pull people into a lie they weave with just a few words. And they enjoy a superior life unconditionally at the expense of ordinary people.

This thing is of no benefit to social development and progress, and instead hinders the development of science and technology.

What Lance emphasizes is a scientific view of development based on matter. If we don't emancipate our minds and develop for a thousand years, it will be the same.

He has had enough of this crazy and ignorant world!

He wants to find a new path for himself and for mankind, to get rid of this disgusting feudal era!

Let’s start with Hamlet now.

But before that, he needs to solve the current situation to avoid causing greater danger.

Because of the lord's appearance, everyone inexplicably felt that the pressure in their hearts suddenly decreased, and a powerful sense of security surrounded their bodies and minds.

Originally the focus was on the nuns, but now it has been shifted directly to the lord. He has such absolute prestige here.

"I rescued you from a monster, and then you broke into the school with weapons and wreaked havoc. This is how the people in your church treat your savior, right? This is how you treat innocent people, right?"

Lance took the lead, his expression was calm but his words were hidden traps.

He said this not to the nuns, but to the onlookers.

Throwing dirty water puts the nuns on the opposite side of the masses, and in turn draws the church in. After all, these are the representatives of the church in the world.

The disgusted and disgusted looks of those around him also showed that his words had an effect.

However, although the nun recognized the person as the person who saved her last night, she was not aware of these words. Instead, she kept saying the same thing.

"You dare to invade the church's church. This is blasphemy!" The nun spoke righteously, her resolute face showing no sign of retreat.

Seeing her like this, Lance felt that it was a miracle that she could survive until now.

But Leng Tou Qing is the best to deal with...

"Let me ask you, who am I?"

"The lord here." The nun was inexplicably surprised by this question, but she also knew from Geralt's mouth in the morning that this man was the lord here.

“I am the lord here, on my land, with my money, with my building materials, with my workers building the buildings.

All of this is mine and belongs to the people of Hamlet. Why do you call it the church of the church?

To say that we are invading your church’s place would be better to say that your church is invading our place. "

This sentence immediately surrounded the nun. She was stunned for a while and couldn't get out. However, she reacted and immediately raised the mace and pointed it at Lance to scold him.

"The damn heretic wants to bewitch me!"

Lance was not angry but happy. It would be hard to say if she was a calm guy, but the young man was still too young. He immediately turned back to emphasize her image to everyone.

"Everyone has seen that they grab things as soon as they come in, and take action when they can't agree. Anyone who disagrees with them is a heretic. There is no difference between church people and robbers and bandits.

No, at least the robbers won’t just call others heretics..."

Once ordinary people's emotions are aroused and they have no ability to distinguish right from wrong, their brains automatically delete and condense it into one sentence.

The church is a robber!

"Kill her!"

"This is our place!"

Those children are full of blood, and their brains are overwhelmed by hormones and can easily lose control and be controlled by violence.

Lance noticed this scene, which was not what he wanted, and immediately spoke to control the situation.

"Quiet! Violence and anger can't solve any problems, they will only make them bigger. If you want to become a real person, you must learn to control your emotions and use reason to guide your brain. Only beasts can be controlled by emotions."

What Lance said made the already tense situation pause. Even the nuns who were about to fight were stunned for a moment. What on earth are these people doing?

Those children became more honest after being poured cold water on them. Lance's eyes swept over these children. Such reckless fanaticism could easily be exploited, and education must be strengthened.

However, Lance's eyes lingered slightly on Jeanne, not only because she was a girl, but also because of the calmness she showed just now.

"You guys go out and resume school operations. I'll take care of this matter." Lance waved to the people behind him.

When William and Rosa saw this, they had no choice but to lead their own teams and withdraw. The tense situation just now suddenly became strange.

Lance didn't care, he just sat on a bench nearby and waved to the nun.

"Sit down. If you have anything to do, talk slowly. Don't make loud noises. If you want to beat or kill someone."

The nun was even more confused when she saw Lance's calm and even casual look, and fell into a state of confusion for a while.

"I heard from the people at the hotel that you ran away without giving me the money?"

Lance's simple words directly made the nun feel awkward, and the veins on her blushing face popped out, and she argued, "Obligating debts cannot be considered evading debts...Obligating debts!...How can we evade debts regarding church matters?" "

What followed was a series of difficult words, such as "As long as you find the church", "Sacred flame protection", etc., which made Lance laugh.

"Okay, okay. You were able to face the wizard and not retreat last night. You bought time for me and finally did a good thing. Let me take this money into my account."

Lance could tell from her appearance that although this nun seemed to have been thoroughly brainwashed by the church, she was only thinking about the church.

But it's not bad in essence, otherwise she wouldn't be like this if she owed a small debt. Having a sense of shame shows that she still has humanity.

After all, if those church veterans were faced with this situation, it would be a great kindness for him not to ask the hotel owner for money.

What's the cost?

It's obviously an offering to God. Do you want to ask God for money?

"Sit down, we are not enemies."

Lance invited again, and this time the nun finally put down the hammer and sat down, but soon she stood up impatiently, holding the holy book and silently reciting something, but when she opened her eyes again, she returned to her previous state. state.

"Don't try to confuse me, my pure piety will not waver!"

"Hamlet is a peaceful place. No one here wants to confuse you, and no one cares about whether your beliefs are pure or not. I am here because you are here to cause destruction and create chaos. I am here to solve the problem, you know!"

Thanks to [Foxtail's Tail] 200: [The Wind Waits to Rise] 100 for the reward.

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