Our family is in decline

Chapter 275 Destiny? I never believe in fate

The combat plan was quickly completed under Lance's leadership, and the situation was urgent and there was not much time for wrangling.

"Barton will stay behind at Hamlet, and Leonard will be in charge of the northern area. The two of you will maintain order in the surrounding area, and give priority to maintaining stability when encountering situations.

Disma and Barristan, you two will lead a reconnaissance force to keep an eye on the town in advance, scout the surrounding situation, intercept possible messengers and block the news, and be careful not to alarm them.

Paracelsus, prepare yourself. The battlefield is the best classroom, where first aid and surgery will come in handy.

William, please prepare yourself. The team needs your and Fergus's help to search and hunt.

After I lead a large force to destroy these two camps, I will go directly to their path to join you and raid the town. "

"Where's me, boss!" Boudica stood up and emphasized eagerly.

"You are my guard. Where do you want to go if you don't follow me?" Lance raised his hand and said in a deep voice: "Assemble the troops immediately."

"Yes!" Everyone performed their duties, and everyone quickly dispersed, while Lance walked to the nursing home.

Quite simply, it's time for Junia to be released.

The door was also unlocked, and she was still praying silently.

"It's time, come out."

Junia slowly opened her eyes and looked at Lance. Her eyes were no longer as inexplicably cynical as before, but much gentler.

Getting answers from Lance didn't mean she gave up her faith, it just got rid of the shackles of the church, and her whole person was no longer as rigid as before.

Is she really stupid?

Lance didn't think so since he was tricked last time.

"I need to go to eliminate a group of cults entrenched around Hamlet. I don't have time to take care of you. Leave as soon as possible."


"Yes, the wizard you encountered back then was so powerful with the help of a cult. I have led the residents of Hamlet to fight against this cult for a long time. They are very powerful and dangerous. You foreigners should leave and don't be implicated. in."

Lance acted like he didn't want to implicate her. Junia already felt that she owed Hamlet and was in debt to him. How could she leave after hearing this?

"How could I just sit idly by when something like this happens!" Junia's words were sonorous and powerful, and there was no hesitation on her face, only perseverance.

"I want to join you."

"Go get your equipment, the operation is about to begin."

Lance didn't refuse, he said what he said just to arouse Junia's psychology.

Getting her to join was even easier than tricking Disma and the others, as long as she found a target.

After luring Junia in, Lance did not leave, but moved his steps to the door of Amanda's cell.

When the cell door opened, she was still lying on the bed so bored. The life of imprisonment was obviously not comfortable for her with an active personality.

"Are you going to let me out early~" Amanda turned around and glanced, her charming eyes and the smile on her face were very tempting.

"No, I have a mission and need to be away for a few days."

"So you came here to warn me?" Amanda turned over and twisted her body. It was hard to imagine that her body was so soft. She turned around on the small bed and looked quite naughty while lying on her stomach with her legs crossed.

"No, I'm just curious if you are really proficient in divination, and I want your help to see if the next action goes smoothly."

"It's not impossible, but what benefits can I get? You know, the price of asking me to help is not small."

"It's no good. I just heard that you Roma people are very good at divination, so I'm curious if it's really so accurate."

He has always only prostituted for free, so how could he give money?

Amanda also seemed to realize that Lance wanted to have sex for free, so of course she didn't look good on it. She rolled her eyes and said, "Why not Tamara?"

"If you can chase her, you will definitely be better than her without even thinking about it. If you can't do it right, she probably can't do it either."

Amanda, who was not interested at first, immediately showed some excitement after hearing this.

"It's not impossible, I need props, just that pair..." Amanda raised her hand and slid it across her cheek, her eyes were somewhat provocative, "The cards you took away from me."

"First of all, I would like to emphasize that the person who searched you is not me. If you want to have in-depth communication with Paracelsus, I can still satisfy you."

Lance's words reminded Amanda of that weird woman and she couldn't help but frown. The way she looked at him was very uncomfortable, as if she were looking at a corpse.

"Bring it here." Amanda no longer wanted to tease Lance and stretched out her hand.

Lance casually took out a stack of cards and handed them back. You can see that the main body of the cards is black, with different patterns painted in gold on them.

"What do you want to divine?"

"Whether the next action goes well."

The cards fell into Amanda's hand and moved quickly. The fingers of her hands showed amazing dexterity. After a set of acrobatic movements, she shuffled the cards and put them into a pile, facing Lance.

"Pull out one."

Lance was not in a hurry, and followed her instructions to complete a set of tedious steps, and finally pulled out a few cards from those cards.

Originally, Amanda was very casual, but when she revealed the cards and prepared to interpret them, her expression became serious and even uneasy.

Lance remained calm, but he was also curious about what she saw.

"what's the result?"

"Bad omen." Amanda looked up at Lance and slowly said two words.

"What's more accurate?"

"The results of the divination are very..." Amanda originally wanted to say something, but changed her mind mid-sentence, "Although I don't know what your action is, I still suggest you cancel it."

Hey, halfway through the conversation, these chatty guys like to be the Riddler.

Lance was a little unhappy, but her warning also made him suspicious.

What Leonard and the others said actually makes sense. This news is too simple.

It's not that he doubts Geralt, but is it possible that those camps are traps?

Are you staying there to deliberately lure him and wait for him to lead his troops?

What methods does the ancestor have? What traps can he lay?

Lance carefully recalled the plot of the game... There was a shitty plot, filled with a lot of messy mods. He really didn't remember exactly what the original version was like, but he only knew a few main quests.

Why doesn’t the ancestor start an all-out war with himself?

Of course, the ancestor thought that he was not exposed, and was worried that excessive actions would attract attention from the church or other people.

That's why white gloves are always used, whether it's bandits, witches or sorcerers, they all control indirectly.

The ancestor has been developing behind the scenes, constantly expanding the power of the Ascension Sect to strengthen himself.

Of course, it is also because the ancestor himself longs for more battles and more deaths.

Under the premise that the ancestor does not want to take action personally, what methods will be used against him?

Lance thought back and forth and still couldn't figure out much, but Amanda noticed the meaning behind his contemplation.

"I advise you to give up. My fortune-telling has never been wrong."

"Everyone has a first time." Lance grinned, "Maybe I guessed wrong this time~"

He was still a little confused at first, but Amanda's words reminded him.

He is a pragmatist and his logic is very simple.

If the left eye jumps, it means that the left eye will jump to wealth. It is estimated that something good will happen recently. If the right eye suddenly jumps a few times, it means that the right eye will jump and cause disaster. Damn the feudal superstition.

Any trick is a joke in the face of absolute power. If the ancestor wants to come, let's see who can kill whom.

Amanda's words are not even as trustworthy as Geralt's. It's okay if you listen to it for fun, but it's a thimble if you take it seriously.

Moreover, the action was about to begin at this time. He could not announce the action one second and cancel it the next just because of the words of a goddess. That would be a huge blow to his prestige.

After hearing what Lance said, Amanda knew that he didn't believe her. She was already a little dissatisfied with being prostituted for free, but now she was even more dissatisfied.

"Anyway, I've warned you. It's up to you whether you want to or not. But you'd better let me go before you go, otherwise you won't be able to come back."

"Bring it here." Lance didn't answer, but just stretched out his hand to ask for the card back.

"Tch~" Amanda opened her mouth and threw the thing out.

But after Lance got it, he didn't end it. Instead, he emphasized again: "There is one missing card, take it out quickly."

Lance knew that this was not an ordinary deck of cards, but a prop with extraordinary power. Amanda's move of hiding the cards made him feel that her prophecy was just to interfere with his actions and prepare to escape.

Sure enough, you should not take your dealings with these Roma people lightly. Tamara is like this, and so is she. They are both scheming people.

"My interpretation of the prophecy is correct." Amanda was exposed by Lance but still refused to admit it. Instead, she wanted to bring the topic back to the prophecy. The serious face on her face was quite convincing.

"You take it out yourself, or should I help you take it out?" Lance didn't care at all, his eyes focused directly on the key point... It's really a bit heavy~

"You just want to find an excuse to molest me!" Amanda noticed that his eyes became emotional and opened her mouth to accuse, "I thought you were an elegant nobleman and had a crush on you, but I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. !”

"I respect you, but that doesn't mean I'm a fool." Lance said without hesitation, reaching out to the abyss-like crack.

Any fool can see that she wants to kidnap someone with high moral standards, but it's a pity that Lance has no morals.

Looking at the hand that was gradually approaching, Amanda's expression changed several times, and finally she couldn't hold back anymore and raised her hand in front of her body.

"Damn it! Damn it!" I don't know how she took it out, but in an instant she held the card between her fingertips and threw it towards Lance. The anger on her face had not subsided, but there was a hint of shyness.

Lance raised his hand to take the card. It seemed that she was not as slutty as she seemed. She had indeed had some conspiracy in teasing him before.

Perhaps noticing Lance's gaze, Amanda couldn't help but cover up and yelled.

"The prediction result will definitely not be wrong. If you want to die, don't hold me back. Let me go quickly."

"So you feel insecure?"

Lance's inexplicable words did not calm Amanda down, but she was stunned the next second.

Because Lance threw a golden ring over, and this was her storage ring, along with all the things confiscated from her body.

"All your things are in there, see for yourself if there's anything missing."

"Are you going to let me go?" Amanda took the ring and couldn't wait to put it on. For a moment, her thoughts seemed a little distracted, and she was obviously checking her things.

"No, I just want to tell you that what I give you is yours, and what I don't give you is useless even if you take it."

The meaning of Lance's words is very simple. He feels that even if I return the things to you, it will not affect me from beating you to death.

Of course Amanda understood the strong threat. When had she ever been threatened by this? No matter what, they are the most famous extraordinary beings on the mainland.

"You have two days left in your sentence. If I don't come back, someone will let you out. If the situation is not right, someone will let you out. Your carriage is in my yard, and no one will touch your things."

Lance's expression was calm and his tone was even more casual, but the words coming out of his mouth revealed a bone-chilling chill.

"But no matter who I am, you must abide by my rules when you come to my territory. If you violate my rules, I will kill anyone. If I can't find anyone, I will kill his organization and everyone related to him. Kill until he comes out."

After Lance said that, he turned and left without waiting for any further reaction, leaving Amanda sitting alone with a surprised look on her face.

After a while, she came back to her senses, looked at the iron gate and murmured in a low voice: "This man is really domineering..."

The army was assembled and the logistics were not dispatched so quickly. Although Lance did not believe in Amanda's divination, caution was a good habit. He still had to arrange it before leaving, and then came to an independent house.

You can see many plants planted in the front yard, with beautiful flowers blooming among them, and a refreshing floral fragrance. You don't have to think about it to know whose place this is.

Greendale is the product of an entire tribe, and her abilities in medicine, agriculture, and mysticism make her very valuable to Lance.

Whatever she asked for was given to her. The witch's cauldron and spoons were all given to her directly, and a group of people were even specially selected to form a department to give her orders.

This kind of treatment is much better than Paracelsus.

Things like optimal breeding of crops cannot be rushed, but medicines are still being produced, and with so many resources accumulated, there are still a batch of finished products.

"This is an antidote. You should know its effect. This is an herb that can clear up most abnormal conditions. These..."

Greendale was introducing some of the medicines she had made during this period to Lance, and Lance was not polite and took away some of them directly.

However, he also realized that these were a bit hasty. Later, he would probably need to form a medical corps to learn how to use these drugs and perform simple emergency surgeries.

"I need to get out of here and fight a..."

Lance quickly explained the situation, and Amanda took over the divination about it.

"I don't believe her, but I believe you. I know your strength is much more than this. If the situation goes wrong and you need to take action, don't be afraid. As long as you are not completely dead, I can save you."

Lance concentrated and made a firm promise.

"No matter what the situation is, even if you go into the abyss, I will rescue you!"

"I will protect your territory." Greendale knew very well that this was the foundation of her revenge and would not let anything happen here.

"It's our Hamlet," Lance corrected.

Greendale's gentle character couldn't help but feel a little confused when she heard this, and nodded slowly.

"our home……"

Lance himself is not afraid of any danger, but he is afraid that the Hamlet he has worked so hard to build will be attacked by surprise.

Leonard, who controls the army, can deal with most situations, but he cannot be counted on for some situations involving mysticism.

So Lance needs to make some arrangements for Grendel, the only one who can protect Hamlet now.

It's a pity that we still can't find talents who are proficient in mysticism.

Greendale is an expert in herbalism and witchcraft, and she has some knowledge of occultism, but she is not proficient in it, but it is still the best choice.

Tamara is so unreliable that Lance no longer puts his hope in her.

Catherine has only half a bucket of water, but she is proficient in archeology and identification.

As for the one named Amanda, she is backed by a powerful force and doesn't care about her own conditions at all.

Lance could only take one step at a time.

We can’t wait for talents to come by themselves. We still need to stabilize the situation as soon as possible and then open up Hamlet to attract talents.


There is a huge city located on another distant continent, almost all of which are made of white marble buildings, giving people a holy and bright feeling under the scorching sun.

Especially the white tower in the center, just seeing it can make people bow down to its majesty. It is hard to believe that this can be built by humans.

This is the pearl of the desert, the holy city of the Levantine people.

In this era, such giant cities are basically bound to the water. The Holy City is also not far from the coast, but it may be smaller than Totnes, and the people walking in it also have an exotic style.

And somewhere in the Holy City, in a strangely decorated room full of mystery, a thin middle-aged man dressed well and with a white turban on his head sat cross-legged, holding a skull and bones in his hand. The strange thing was There is actually a slowly burning candle on top of the skull and spirit cap.

At this moment, a conversation that ordinary people could not know was unfolding.

【We found it...】

【where? 】

【Northern Territory of the Empire...】

[Go and bring it back. That kind of thing must not fall into other people's hands. 】

【Who is going? 】

【Let me do it……】

The middle-aged man slowly opened his eyes, but there was no one in the room except him.

After briefly thinking about the situation just now, the Destiny Council suddenly discovered that a lost evil object appeared in the northern border of the empire on another continent.

As a member of the parliament, he has the responsibility to confirm and recover the evil object to avoid causing a greater disaster.

Soon the middle-aged man was on the dock of the Holy City, embarking on a cargo ship bound for the empire.


An army marched on the old road, advancing silently in a specific formation, with a dozen cavalry scattered outside for reconnaissance.

Although Lance didn't believe Amanda's divination results, he finally changed his tactics.

Instead of dividing the troops into two groups and shelving the camp objective, they chose to concentrate their strength to attack the town in an all-out manner, and then look at the battle situation before making further moves.

Compared to the camp, of course, the location of this town is more important. It can cut off the Ascension Sect's channels and supply lines to communicate with the outside world. It can also recover a section of the road built by those guys. When the time comes, Ovendo can use this as a springboard to transport troops. .

And as long as he doesn't divide his troops, he can take care of the battle situation, and his soldiers will gain morale blessings. Even if he encounters a trap, he is confident that he can directly defeat the ancestor's conspiracy.

Even if they really can't defeat them, they can still retreat in an orderly manner depending on the environment. If they are scattered in the wilderness, it will be difficult to regroup.

The most important thing is that this kind of town, which is a transportation node, must have a lot of supplies. No matter what it is, he will be happy as long as he can steal the ancestor's tribute.

By then, even if all the cultists in the camp ran away, he would still be at a loss, and he would win steadily. His previous impatience in developing the wilderness had already caused him some hardship.

Of course, he didn't tell anyone else about the divination, and he wasn't set up to believe in that.

So the explanation for others is that they are worried that dividing the troops will give the enemy early warning, so it is best to eat the biggest cake first, and they will not lose even if the camp is gone.

Of course the other people didn't understand why the lord suddenly changed his tactics, but these were not things they should consider. They just needed to faithfully execute the order.

"The town is just ahead." Geralt guided Lance in the direction like a leader, but it seemed that something was wrong with him.

"Geralt and I will go over to conduct reconnaissance first, and you can rest as originally planned."

Lance stopped the army to let them rest and recover their strength, then called Geralt, and the two rode over first.

It's not that Geralt can't be trusted, he has to scout the terrain of the town himself before formulating further offensive tactics.

This was the first time he had commanded an army to attack a small town. He had to be cautious and make an instant success. The slightest problem would damage his prestige.

"Are you dissatisfied with me for not saving those refugees?"

On the way, Lance directly revealed a hidden conflict between the two.

Geralt wanted to rescue the refugees who were sent to the camp, but it was obvious that Lance's current choice was giving up on those people to a certain extent.

Geralt was slightly silent after hearing this. He couldn't tell for sure, but he was indeed a little helpless. However, he would not accuse Lance and just sighed.

"I understand the lord's approach. It is true that the benefits of attacking the town are greater. If the town is alerted by attacking the camp, it will cause greater trouble."

Geralt is not a child. In fact, he knows very well that those refugees have no value at all in the face of the overall situation.

In his long life, he has also suffered from many choices, and regrets are always reflected in them.

"If it is confirmed that the town is really a cult stronghold, based on the intelligence value, I will raise the mission bounty to you to thirty gold coins. In the end, no matter whether they escape or not at that camp, I will give you ten gold coins."

Lance knew very well what Geralt needed now, and all the talk was nonsense. It was better to just throw money. Forty gold coins was a lot of money, and there was no battle or consumption in the process.

"Lord, please come here!" Sure enough, Geralt's condition quickly recovered after hearing this.

Only children talk about morality, adults talk about interests.

The monthly ticket is 500, and the additional payment is 2,000, and the contract is completed.

Thanks to [Yeyingyou] for the 1500 reward; thanks to [Yunzhao Huan] for the 500 reward.

Recently, more than one reader reported that a chapter review was swallowed. This was definitely not deleted by me, and I don’t know the reason.

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