Our family is in decline

Chapter 279 Capture

Word got out quickly because the teams were not too far forward and were not too far apart from each other.

The fastest one to come was the team led by William, because he was in charge of the second echelon.

"How about it?"

"It's very serious, but the armor protected the vital parts, and the hemostatic powder is easy to use, so my life was saved."

Paracelsus's hands were stained with blood just after handling them, and the dull sound coming from under the bird's beak mask could not hide her praise for the effect of these medicinal powders.

"It's a great fate to not even die."

William was looking at the injuries on the two people. There were dozens of wounds of different sizes on their bodies, and they were almost stained with blood. They thought they were dead when they were dragged out of the corpses.

But I still followed the rules and gave him a set of first aid. Unexpectedly, I was really stabilized.

Even though he's not dead yet, I have to say that this emergency medical treatment is really amazing.

Of course, it was also the heavily armed equipment that Lance spent money on, as well as the expensive medical treatment.

Lance can accept spending some money because he really has it and is not short of money.

But we cannot accept dead people, because he only has a few people, and these will be the backbone of the army expansion in the future.

By the time Disma and Barristan arrived, the situation had already been controlled on Hamlet's side.

"How is it going?"

William roughly explained the situation, and the people who arrived had to look sideways at the injured person lying down.

The two of them fought tooth and nail to stop the enemy for their teammates, and fought bravely to kill the enemy. They actually stopped the enemy, and when they received support from their teammates, they were still alive.

This is simply...unspeakable loyalty!

"It's good that I'm in charge here. I can't delay the lord's plan." William was a little surprised by the appearance of the two of them, because they each had their own responsibilities, and the lord had said that before he came.

"Leaving the front line to the captains of each team will not affect your arrangements. It's just strange because the resistance we encountered was too weak."

Disma directly explained in one sentence why he was able to come back so quickly because the captains of each team had commanding abilities.

At the same time, it was because he found that those believers were killing less and less, otherwise if the front line was urgent, they would not be able to run over so quickly after hearing the news.

This is not nonsense, but it is estimated before the battle that there are at least a thousand enemies here, but apart from some resistance at the beginning, there will soon be no one.

But most of the houses they searched showed signs of life, and it was impossible for people to disappear out of thin air.

"So there is only one possibility."

Barristan added, and everyone understood where he was pointing - the tunnel.

"What should we do now?" Disma had a headache because no one knew what was going on under the tunnel. Even if he didn't understand the command, he understood the danger below.

"Have you ever caught mice?" A strange look appeared on William's face. "When we train hounds, we often find mice to practice with. However, if a mouse hides in a hole, the hound will have no way to do anything about it, and there are many mouse paths. If you want to catch the mouse with an exit, you can use smoke to make the mouse escape on its own, and you can also follow the flue to find other exits of the mouse hole."

"But if there are many exits, I'm afraid it will cause chaos. I think it's better to inform the lord first and pull people back and light a fire." Doesn't Disma know such a simple way? But if those hidden underneath suddenly emerge, I'm afraid they will fall into chaos.

"I have a way." Paracelsus on the side spoke at this time, and she took out a pack of unknown things, "Add these when smoking, I have tested that it can make people Excited, if you inhale too much, your heart will explode and you will die.”

These were incense materials seized from cultists a long time ago. Lance was actually trying to develop them all, and selected some more reliable formulas from them and gave them to Paracelsus for testing. These were among the semi-finished products.

William also seemed a little surprised when he heard this. He knew something about the sanatorium, and that was why he was a little uneasy about Paracelsus.

It was difficult for him to accept using people as experimental materials, but those people were heinous guys, and even he couldn't say much.

"Okay!" In contrast, Disma did not have such a deep sense of morality. When he heard this, he immediately agreed to this method without hesitation. Although he knew that many mice would die under this method, as long as it was not Hamlet who died. Just the people.

What's more, these guys can no longer be called human beings.

With a single order, a lot of sundries and the package were thrown to the tunnel exit. Disma took out a Molotov cocktail, lit it and threw it down, and flames appeared instantly.

Wood tar is a good thing, but its output is still too low. Even if Lance wants to equip it, he can only get a few small bottles to give to a few key people to deal with important enemies.

There is also a disadvantage of this thing, that is, it has not been purified and distilled. There are too many impurities in it, so it will appear burnt black, and the reaction is that billowing black smoke will rise when it is ignited.

It is even more exaggerated when there is insufficient oxygen and complete combustion cannot occur, and now these have all become advantages.

She had a beak mask and was not afraid of poisonous gas, but Disma and the others always felt that there was something in the air, and they quickly covered the floor. Even so, smoke seeped out from the gaps.

"Exit and inform us to be careful of enemies when we see smoke."

Barristan and the others understand that what they need now is to wait for the mice to come out...

Lance actually guessed correctly. The core of the Ascension Church is in the central church. At this time, the city gate has been breached, the warehouse has been captured, and the army is advancing continuously.

"They pushed back our followers who were sent out."

"The warehouse has been occupied by them, and our people have been compressed here."

"Three troops are coming towards us, and we don't have many believers left to confront them head-on."

"If the deacon launches an attack, everything will be fine." The ascended priest in black robes in the room looked a little weak.

"Priest... Deacon... he..." Several believers seemed hesitant, but after looking at each other, they still spoke out, "The deacon was beaten back by a barbarian, and most of his troops were lost without launching an attack. "

After hearing this, the ascended priest suddenly fell silent, slammed his trembling hand on the table, raised his head and roared.

"Trash! Becoming a deacon is just God's favor. How can he have the nerve to return to God!"

It was then that everyone saw that the priest's face was not human at all. The muscles seemed to have dissolved into wax, and one side was covered with dense black eyeballs, which were trembling with anger.

Several people did not dare to refute what they heard, but they still gave advice.

"Master Priest, our people can't stop it. It's better to retreat into the tunnel and leave here before waiting for the counterattack."

Are cultists afraid?

No, they are just worried that they cannot be loyal to God, at least that’s what they think, and if they don’t leave here they will be expelled.

It's just that this kind of emotion belongs only to the upper echelons of the Ascension Church. Can the believers at the bottom, who don't even have their own minds, really be able to ascend?

The priest also understands the situation. This place is very important to the Ascension Sect. Once it is broken, not only will communication be cut off, but the route for transporting supplies will be cut off, and the sect's power will be greatly weakened like a broken leg.

Then the only way back to the old site was through Hamlet, because even they were unwilling to cross the middle of nowhere.

But will Hamlet allow them to do this?

It might have been possible before, but now everyone knows that the army outside is Hamlet's.

We must conserve our strength and prepare for a counterattack.

"Inform them all to withdraw into the tunnels and prepare to launch a full-scale counterattack!"

The priest quickly made arrangements, and even he hid in the tunnel. The church instantly fell into an empty silence. Only the altar placed showed what they were doing here...

Rats don’t dig tunnels because they like them, they dig tunnels to survive.

The same goes for the Ascension Sect's digging of tunnels. In fact, although they clamor for the great cause of Ascension, those guys know very well that they are a cult, so whether it is a city wall or a moat, they are all for defense against enemies.

With these two things, it is impossible for ten thousand people to break through this fortress-like town, because the people defending the city are not soldiers, but believers. Under their fanatical beliefs, they are not afraid of death at all.

And even the thousands and hundreds of troops from the surrounding areas couldn't be pulled out, so this place was originally impregnable.

This tunnel is the last insurance. Even if the knights of the church come in, they can hide and continue to struggle with the enemy.

But what happened today made everyone stupid.

The first two lines of defense were breached before they even came into play. This was different from what they imagined!

The soldiers were coming with force. They originally planned to fight, but who knew that the opponent was not only well-equipped, but also more fanatical than themselves, killing everyone on sight.

Crazier than them!

As for the two teams sent out to harass the enemy's rear, one team was wiped out by a scattered team, while the other team was actually stopped by two people.

Those ascended believers were also dumbfounded. They were stabbed dozens of times and still stood still and fought bravely to kill the enemy. Is this something a human being can do?

But they had no more chance, because William arrived and the defeated believers fled back to the tunnel, and soon thick smoke spread along the tunnel.


"Damn it! Run away."


The teams above killed only two to three hundred people, and the rest were all stuffed into the tunnel. Such a dense crowd of people was in a small tunnel.

When the smoke arrived, it instantly caused panic. Even before the poisonous smoke took effect, they themselves became a mess and started fighting each other.

When the power in the smoke made them excited, even the fanatical believers could not stop it, because they themselves were the ones who cut the most crazily, and a scene even more tragic than the one above happened in the tunnel.

However, there were still some who had undergone enough flesh-and-blood rituals and were physically strong enough to withstand the poisonous smoke, or they were close enough to the exit to escape.


They gasped for fresh air, but the burning in their lungs and the suffocation of their brains made it difficult for them to recover in a short time.

They desperately needed more fresh air, so they instinctively rushed out of the building after escaping from the tunnel.

And they will be greeted with a warm welcome.

"Bang bang bang!"

A row of musketeers fired, almost in the face, with no chance of missing.

After they finished shooting, they stepped aside to reload, while the next team continued to aim their guns, shooting the moment someone rushed out, harvesting the believers like leeks.

Looking at the many believers lying on the ground, we can see their gains.

The smoke led them to find more exits. As long as the soldiers crouched down, the believers who were in extremely poor condition and unable to resist would rush out on their own.

Just like digging a hole in the ice, those fish that are dizzy due to lack of oxygen will actively come over and you can catch them by raising your hand.

By the time Lance received the news, the situation was completely under control. To be honest, he didn't expect those guys to be so stupid and hide in the tunnel.

You have to know what those people are saying. The price that three hundred soldiers have to pay to completely wipe out the believers in the town is very high. Lance is even ready to hear the news of death.

Even if it takes him a long time to catch a hundred pigs, the pigs will run back to the pig pen on their own.

They hid in the tunnels themselves, and most of them were killed directly by the poisonous smoke. Even if they didn't die, they were blinded or made dizzy and lost the ability to resist.

After finally escaping from the tunnel, when he emerged, he was faced with the muskets that had been prepared for a long time.

They squatted at each tunnel entrance and were shot in rows, just like cutting leeks. Those who escaped would fall down.

To be honest, Lance didn't expect to win this battle out of nowhere. Now he seems to understand how satisfying it is to be the opponent of a fool.

"The situation has stabilized. As long as you get some rest, you'll be fine."

Lance withdrew his hand to check the two men. In fact, the two men were seriously injured, and Paracelsus could only temporarily hang their lives.

The arrival of Lance directly erased the life-threatening injuries of the two people, leaving only some insignificant flesh wounds.

It’s not that he doesn’t like to use [Flesh and Blood Reconstruction], nor is he stingy with his spirituality, rather than having universal applicability.

He was worried that soldiers would become dependent and not value their own lives, so he promoted modern medical treatment and even treated it with condoms.

The behavior of the two of them was reckless, but it was undeniable that it greatly boosted the morale of the soldiers.

Geralt, who was standing aside, looked up and saw that many soldiers were injured, but none of them showed the frustration that wounded soldiers should have. Instead, they showed excitement.

If the lord ordered them to continue fighting, I'm afraid they would really not hesitate to join the fight again regardless of their injuries until they died.

But Lance didn't do this. He visited the wounded soldiers, asked whether their condition had been properly treated, and reassured them to have a good rest.

"Boss!" Boudica walked over quickly, then raised the thing in his hand, "Look, I finally killed him."

Lance looked over and saw that what Boudica was holding was a mutated head, or he should be called a deacon.

The last group of resisting believers was wiped out, and the entire town was completely controlled by him.

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