Our family is in decline

Chapter 298 Even if you can’t stand it, you have to stand it

His words gave Amanda some inspiration, and her brain started to think in this direction uncontrollably.

Indeed, in some cases Lance was right.

When the teacher selected me, I did get the best training, but I basically lost myself.

Perfectionists represent a strong need for control, and basically everything is arranged thoroughly.

At the same time, everything must be completed according to her orders. She will not allow any mistakes to occur. Once there is a problem, severe punishment awaits.

Or simply lose trust in them and eliminate them. Among the people who were selected, she was the only one who persisted. In the past, she regarded this as some kind of honor and carried out the teacher's instructions unswervingly.

This is why the first and most important thing she did after being trapped for seven days was to regain the teacher's trust, for fear that failure of the mission would arouse the teacher's suspicion.

But what Lance said just now reminded her that she might not really like this kind of life, or that she had long been tired of this kind of control.

Otherwise, when faced with pressure just now, she would rather fight than actually contact the teacher, because she knew that the teacher would not stand up for her as a loser, or even admit her actions.

That's the sad thing about their secret department.

Lance's words just now planted a seed called "thinking" in her heart.

Am I really me?

Is this really what I want?

Amanda's thoughts became confused, but a sudden strangeness coming from her hand brought her back to reality. Only then did she see the scars on her palm that were imprinted by the backlash.

It hurt, it was a burning pain, but she still couldn't stop thinking...

Who am I?


After Lance picked up his things, he went directly to Tamara's car.

"I really got it! How did you do it?" Tamara looked at the pile of things with a curious look on her face.

"you guess?"

When Tamara heard this, she knew that Lance had no intention of saying anything. She stopped asking and started to check all the materials and props in detail, for fear that there might be some trap curse inside.

"What are you afraid of?"

"Of course you're not afraid. It's not you who operates the ritual~" Tamara rolled her eyes at him and said casually, it's not you who is going to be unlucky if something goes wrong.

"If something really happens, I will capture her and bury her with you." Lance agreed with a smile.

"I'm already dead, why should I be buried with her?" Tamara was speechless, but the movements of her hands did not stop.

Soon she performed a psychic ritual, and the crystal ball in the center was replaced by her own transparent one.

But she just sat before the ceremony, looking slightly confused and hesitant.

"You don't understand, do you?"

Lance's voice woke her up, and Tamara subconsciously defended herself.

"How could I not understand, it's just...just..."

But halfway through, she seemed to get stuck. She was actually afraid of seeing her teacher.

At first, I took away the sacred object and left the organization without saying a word to the teacher.

You don't need to think about it to know that this matter will definitely have a great negative impact on the teacher, and it is also the time to compete for the elder seat.

How could she have the face to ask to see the teacher now?

She even doubted that the teacher would respond to her call.

"Some things are destined to be faced." Why couldn't Lance see what she was thinking.

As if she had made up her mind, Tamara took a deep breath and straightened up to perform the psychic ritual.

Lance didn't speak on the side, but focused his attention on this.

That's right, he was just observing to see if he could learn from it.

An important reason for limiting territorial scope in the feudal era was the lack of long-distance communication means.

If mastered, it can greatly enhance the ability to control the territory, which is so important.

But Tamara obviously didn't really mean to show it to him. After watching it for a long time, Lance couldn't understand how they communicated. Anyway, the crystal ball kept glowing with spiritual light.

As time went by, Tamara's face became worse and worse. Not to mention the consumption of maintaining the ritual, and the lack of response from her, the disappointment was almost written directly on her face.

"Keep on holding on. Even if we fail, we will try our best. At least we won't have any regrets." Lance did not lose his patience. Instead, he gave her chicken soup to encourage her to persevere.

Of course there were things Lance didn't say.

I'm betting on you. If you can withstand it, you have to stand up, and if you can't, you have to stand up.

Hearing the voice from Lance, Tamara felt the support from her side for the first time in a long time, and her expression became slightly calmer.

Even Tamara didn't expect the surprise to happen in an instant. There was no reaction just now, but feedback came as soon as the ceremony was finished.

Thoughts must have echoes, and this moment was explained.

"Coming, coming!" Tamara was a little excited, like a child who was about to arrive home.

A distorted and illusory image was projected on the crystal ball, and then gradually became clearer.

She was a middle-aged woman with a thin face and a gentle expression. She was decorated with jewelry similar to Tamara's, with Roma characteristics, and she wore gold and silver.

The woman opposite looked a little strange when she saw Tamara.

"I thought you wouldn't look for me~"

"Teacher~" But for Tamara, whom she hadn't seen for many years, seeing the teacher again now and hearing the teacher's voice made her feel deeply.

"Do you still have me as a teacher in your heart?" Gentleness does not mean having no temper, but the woman was somewhat resentful when she saw this former student.

"I'm sorry, it was my willfulness that caused trouble to the teacher..."

Tamara was not as tough as before, but directly admitted her mistake.

Maybe she really realized her shortcomings during the conversation with Lance.

When the woman saw Tamara admitting her mistake, the calm expression on her face showed a slight surprise. Obviously, she did not expect that someone like Tamara would say this.

But it soon became clear and he sighed.

"It seems that you have finally grown up, but it's a pity..."

This sound reminded Tamara of the life she had suffered after leaving her teacher. The grievances surged in her heart, and at this moment she finally couldn't help crying.

Lance couldn't help but frown as he watched from the side. Now is not the time for you to reminisce about the past. You still have business to do.

"Excuse me, you will have plenty of opportunities to reminisce about old times in the future. Leave anything for later. Now I need to talk about business."

Lance's sudden thrust broke the gradually strange atmosphere, and the woman also noticed the man.

"I am Imperial Earl Lance, and I need to talk to the one among you who can really make the decision." Before she heard the news, Lance took the initiative to introduce himself and bring the topic down to business.

The woman was somewhat surprised by this man who suddenly appeared and called himself the Earl of the Empire. From the information she had, she recognized many imperial nobles, but she had never heard of this name.

However, she did not expose it, but nodded.

"You were the one who saved Tamara? What do you want?"

"No! I meet you not because I want to get something, but because you want to live."

Lance could feel the slightly arrogant attitude of the other party, which was shown unintentionally, even if the other party had done enough to appear friendly on the surface.

It's right to think about it. I'm afraid the people in this world who know me haven't stepped out of Hamlet at all. As a high-level executive of an extraordinary organization, he naturally looks down on an inexplicable guy.

But...are you crazy? I'm fucking crazier than you!

"Hurry up, your status is not enough to decide these things, I want to see your elders."

As expected, the woman was stunned when she heard this. She didn't even understand why this person had the courage to say this to her.

Tamara's eyes subconsciously moved to one side, and her doubtful look was self-evident.

But what good is Tamara when Lance has complete control of the rhythm?

"It seems that the fight between you has caused your competitors to hide information about me, but it doesn't matter, you don't need to know too much, you just need to know that I hold the key to the survival of your organization."

Lance was worried that she might misunderstand something, and then added, "It's not that sacred object. I'm not interested in that thing."

The woman immediately became alert when she heard this, because this man seemed to know too much about the organization.

And the mention of competitors also made her react. She knew that those people were tracking Tamara, and this was even a clear mission, just to hurt herself.

But there has been no movement after so many years, and how did Tamara, who had been cut off from news for many years, suddenly get the tools to hold a psychic ceremony?

She was not stupid, and the sudden emergence of many clues made her look a little dazed.

"I must get more accurate information, otherwise it will be impossible to recommend an elder to you."

"I said that your identity does not qualify you to have access to this kind of information. As for you doubting my strength, you can try it yourself with your divination prophecies."

"Teacher, please don't!" Tamara reminded her immediately without caring about anything else. She had suffered a loss in this matter. At that time, just a little contact caused a backlash. If the teacher really pointed the divination target at Lance, I am afraid it would Something goes terribly wrong.

For a moment, both Lance and the woman looked at Tamara, both of them looking a little strange.

Lance was surprised that she was so nervous about defending her teacher. It seemed that the relationship between the two parties must have been very good before.

The woman wondered why Tamara said this?

Are you worried that divination will expose this person's true identity? Or is there really a problem here?

She suspected that the two were playing a double act. After all, no matter what happened at the time, they had been separated for so many years, and both parties were somewhat unfamiliar.

Seemingly sensing the teacher's distrustful attitude, Tamara understood that now that everything had been said, she stopped dwelling on those matters and instead stood up to Lance.

"Teacher, I request to see the elder. No matter what the outcome is, I will return the sacred object."

Lance didn't expect that she would have such courage to take responsibility. It seemed that she had indeed grown up.

The woman was also a little surprised. If she could get the sacred object back, there would indeed be an explanation.

After pondering for a moment, he solemnly agreed.

"Okay, this is the last thing I can do for you. I hope you won't let me down again."

Tamara was naturally moved to tears. After all these years, her teacher was still willing to shield her from the wind and rain, and she was so naive back then.

Sure enough, only through hardship can we understand how precious the stability under the protection of the teacher was.

Lance watched all this calmly, but he was also somewhat worried.

This woman's acting skills were better than mine, and she also had a strong emotional foundation. With just a few words, she was able to subdue Tamara.

With her here, it might be a little difficult for me to control Tamara...

But if Tamara wants to be effective, she must become an astrologer, which means she needs the help of this teacher.

But in fact, he acquiesced in Tamara's behavior of favoring the teacher just now.

If there is no room for even one person and the alliance starts fighting among itself before it even begins, wouldn't it make the ancestors laugh?

A hero is a man who has great ambitions, a good plan, the ability to contain the universe, and the aspirations of heaven and earth.

Lance considers himself not a hero, but he is tolerant.

It is not easy to meet the so-called elders, but Lance feels that it is more that they are investigating his background.

However, they didn't feel the same feeling of being spied on as before, and they didn't know whether they really listened to Tamara or got the information from Amanda.

Finally, the picture shook, and an old woman with a skinny face appeared in the picture.

Tamara greeted him quickly when she saw this.


"Oh~ it's this child Tamara. She has grown up a lot."

The old woman spoke in a casual tone, with a kind smile on her face, and there was no malice at all because of Tamara's status as a fugitive.

The whole person looks more like a kind and kind old woman than one of the top people in charge of an extraordinary organization.

But it would be a mistake to think it was that simple. Those eyes were extremely bright, not at all like the old man's turbidity.

When she looked over, Lance felt a slight pressure.

Lance waved his hand to Tamara with a serious expression.

"You go out first."

Tamara was stunned for a moment when she heard this, but only hesitated for a second before retreating.

The teacher opposite saw this scene and was a little surprised that Tamara was so obedient.

But Lance then motioned to the teacher, "Please leave too. Knowing too much about some things is not a good thing."

No matter how you say it, a woman is a high-level member of the organization, but she is said to be such a person, and she is not even qualified to know.

But she did not show too strong emotions and instead asked the elders for instructions.

"You all can go out." The old woman raised her hand and waved. After everyone left, she smiled at Lance and said, "I hope you won't disappoint me."

"Tamara's accident that year was not a fake, what she saw was the truth of the world!"

Lance knew that talking to these people was unlikely to work. They ate more salt than you did, so he just dropped the "bomb" directly.

It's just that his "bomb" didn't surprise the old woman too much. Instead, he still looked like he was watching your performance.

Lance couldn't help but feel the pressure, so he had to frown and change his words.

"Do you know the truth about the destruction of Hamlet, a city in the northern part of the empire?"

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