Our family is in decline

Chapter 305 Pirates Attack

There is no magnificent scenery on the endless sea, only a solitary pirate ship sailing on it.

The reason why it is easily recognized as a pirate ship is of course the black skull flag hanging high on the top of the mast, and above the skull are two bright red beards.

When Hamlet was still in decline, these guys would never have dared to be so arrogant, but now that Hamlet has lost control of the sea, he can't even protect himself, let alone wipe out the pirates.

The pirates have the final say in this sea area now. They don't even need to hide their identities. Instead, it is easier to travel by revealing their identities and telling their peers not to cause trouble.

The sun was scorching in the sky, and basically except for the people driving the ship, none of the remaining pirates wanted to go out, and they all hid in the noisy cabin.

Smoking, alcohol, stinky feet, fermented sweat, rotten food, the smell of excrement, all kinds of disgusting smells are even more exaggerated in this hot weather.

It's just that the pirates are used to this kind of environment, but they wouldn't be able to adapt to it if they moved to a cleaner place.

But the pirates who were in charge of controlling the ship on the deck were in bad luck. The only thing that could protect them from the sun was the turbans on their heads. This is why most pirates have the habit of wearing turbans, not only to prevent the sea breeze from messing up their hair, but also Because the sunshine on the sea is really too harsh.

They did not dare to resist the captain's majesty, because it was maintained with blood, and they could only complain a few times in the scorching sun.

"Damn it, I've already returned to the island to be happy, why did I end up in this mess? I don't know when I can go back."

"Damn it, smoke is coming out of my throat in this damn weather, and I want to drink heavily now."

"The casino in this town has not paid its bills for three months. The boss wants the captain to go and see if there is something wrong with the casino."

"Who the hell dares to touch our red-bearded people? Unless they don't want to live anymore!"

"What the hell, just finish this job and go back."

While they were chatting, there was a sudden noise above their heads.

"I see it, I see it!"

With a burst of bells, the pirate standing on guard at the top of the mast shouted frantically toward the bottom, while his hand pointed to the other side of the sea.

This news was exciting enough for everyone on the ship, and soon many pirates rushed out of the cabin to watch the fun.

Standing on the bow of the ship was a short, fat man who looked slovenly. He was wearing a black wide-brimmed bicorne boat cap that is common among pirates. His top was so loose that even half of his chest hair was exposed at the collar, and his lower body was in ill-fitting long jodhpurs. boots.

What's even more strange is that he is wearing a tattered coat on a hot day, carrying a machete and a gorgeous but old musket on his waist.

This man is the captain. Everyone on the ship knows that this equipment is a trophy obtained by the captain after he killed an Imperial Navy officer in battle. For this reason, he is qualified to become a captain under the Red Beard Pirates.

Therefore, the captain never took off the coat that proved his strength and bravery, and it had been like this for more than ten years.

As the ship moved forward, the scene of the land gradually appeared in front of the pirates.

"Look what is that?"

"There are actually merchant ships in this shabby place, and there are two of them."

"We're rich!"

"Full speed ahead!"

The crew is excited, and being the captain is even more exciting.

I thought it was just a poor fishing village, but I didn't expect that it happened to hit a cargo ship. They deserved to be rich!


The news of the pirates' presence has not spread yet, and there is still a bustling scene on the pier.

In addition to the fishermen, more workers moving goods are moving some of the resources produced by Hamlet onto the cargo ship, preparing for shipment in the next few days.

Because Lance gave Wilson a quota to recruit the navy, in order to form combat effectiveness as quickly as possible, Wilson directly transferred a large number of original sailors, which resulted in insufficient sailors to set sail.

Fortunately, Hamlet has no shortage of people. As long as he has money, he can recruit a lot of new people. Using these ships as training, he will soon cultivate a group of useful sailors.

After a month of hard training, those navies have initially formed combat capabilities. It's hard to say if they take the initiative to cause trouble, but escorting them should be possible.

Lance didn't want to put the ship on hold, but wanted to be fully prepared, and he would start to restart shipping when it was almost time.

He just didn't expect to hear the news about the pirates at this time. Lance didn't know whether it was a shock or a surprise.

These pirates knew that he had just trained a group of navy, so they came here specifically to test the results for him, right?

Or are you afraid that these new recruits have never seen blood, so you want to give them a good start?

They were so attentive, Lance had to "thank" them.

Lance climbed up to the built watchtower, looked at the edge of the sea with a monocular, and sure enough he saw a black ship sailing towards Hamlet.

"Hahaha, good come, good come!"

He was a little worried at first, but when he saw that there was really only one ship, Lance actually laughed.

A single-masted clipper ship can only carry no more than a hundred people at most. Are you sure you are not here to give newbies a gift package?

"Sir, do you want to evacuate the people at the dock?" Wilson on the side was not so relaxed when he saw the lord, but looked a little solemn.

Although he is not afraid of pirates, he is an outlaw anyway, so he should treat them with caution.

"No, on the contrary, I will fight in front of them, and I will fight beautifully and cleanly, telling them that pirates are not terrible, because Hamlet's navy is back and we have the ability to protect them."

Lance was not afraid at all. To him, these guys were just the right things to use to sacrifice the flag.

The birth of a violent institution is always accompanied by blood and death. You can never become a true warrior without experiencing combat.

"Gather soldiers now to prepare for battle."

I have to say that Lance's words gave Wilson a strong confidence, and his blood seemed to be surging.

Yes, my current identity is not a merchant ship captain, but Hamlet's navy. Why should I be afraid of those pirates?

Just do it!

"My lord, the gathering has been completed. We can attack with just one order."

In fact, when Wilson discovered suspected pirates, he summoned all the sailors to stand by.

Lance didn't waste any time, and immediately came to the military control area specially designated for parking warships, facing the soldiers who had already assembled.

Just like the original promise, Lance did not lack any naval supplies. He would give him whatever he needed, and his treatment would even be better than that of the infantry.

Because they need to face more complex and more rigorous training, and the results are revealed when they really need to face the enemy.

And their equipment is also very luxurious.

The infantry has not yet become popular, and only the cavalry has fully equipped short-barreled muskets. In the navy, everyone has a hand on his waist. Although he does not have complete armor, he still has leather armor with iron plates inlaid on the vital parts. At the same time, everyone is equipped with They had a dagger, a sailor's knife, and some people even had axes on them.

Lance's configuration is very simple. He fires first when he encounters an enemy. When it's still a boarding battle, he shoots in the face without aiming at all.

When you get closer, it's close combat. You don't need any overly exaggerated weapons to deal with these unarmored targets, especially after entering the cabin. Instead, daggers and scimitars are more suitable for fighting in small spaces.

The sailor's knife was used to chop cables and the like, while the ax was used to break down the doors inside the cabin.

These configurations were arranged by Wilson, an old Navy man, based on his experience, and Lance was responsible for helping them equip them.

Now the equipment of these navies is better than that of pirates. It is no longer time for Hamlet to be the master.

In any case, I have the equipment advantage!

"Just now, we found traces of pirates in the nearby waters. They are heading towards us, bringing plunder, killing, death and blood, and want to destroy everything we have built. Can we watch them do this? ?”


"We have been away for too long, so long that these pirates have forgotten who is the real owner here, and today we are going to tell them that Hamlet's navy is back, and the real owner of this sea is back!"

"Hamlet must win!"

"Follow my orders, get on the ship and prepare to engage the enemy."

Lance's pre-war mobilization had no intention of hiding it. Because of the frequent training, ordinary people nearby thought it was a drill and did not react much.

It wasn't until someone actually spotted a black ship with a skull and crossbones flag heading this way at sea that they became a little panicked.

However, before Lance came over, he ordered Leonard and others to bring soldiers to the dock to set up defenses, and the situation was quickly controlled.

Patton led people to guard another place, which was a stronghold stationed at the dock. The sentry tower built could cover most of the coastline.

The two large-caliber artillery are also placed in this position. If they really cannot be defended at sea, they will also be sunk on the coastline.

It can be seen from the layout here that Lance has always been on guard against pirates. From the day he disposed of the casino, he has never forgotten this scourge.

"Disma, Leonard, you two go up to hold the battle. Be careful of the extraordinary beings that may appear. It's best to catch a leader for me. I want more information about this sea.

Paracelsus, you lead a medical team up there and prepare to treat the wounded. After the battle, you can also treat the pirates and practice your skills. You will never be able to get out of the army if you only learn theory without practicing. "

Paracelsus had been perfecting his research on the human body during this time, and at the same time took time to train the dozen or so soldiers who were selected to have the talent of being a healer.

I'm afraid she didn't expect that she would become a teacher so quickly.

Lance's orders were issued one by one, and Wilson and others took the orders to board the ship.

The current navy does not have artillery, nor long-range anti-personnel weapons such as torpedo missiles, and some only engage in hand-to-hand combat.

Similarly, facing a lonely pirate ship doesn't require any tactics. Just rush up and do it.

The soldiers ran back and forth on the ship, and countless trainings allowed those soldiers to quickly execute these orders, and soon they raised the sails and sailed straight towards the pirate ship.

Lance did not get on the boat because he knew that he could not be with them forever, and there were some things that they needed to face on their own.

He is a lord, not a nanny.

As the warship left the harbor, Lance did not worry about the situation. Instead, he turned around and shouted to the people.

"Keep working, you're just a small fish, it's not a big deal."

Lance's relaxed attitude immediately calmed down the people's emotions, as if as long as this man was here, there would be no problems...

Lance could spot the pirates, and the pirates would naturally spot the clipper.

"Captain, look at it, it looks like a pirate ship."

"Is it possible that those two ships have been hijacked?"


This is not good news for them at all. When they finally see fat meat entering someone else's mouth, they immediately become noisy.

This also shows that these pirates have no discipline at all and are just a mob.

"Stop screaming!" The captain was a little impatient, because he seemed to see something was wrong with the ship.

It doesn't matter whether they are traveling together. What's important is that this ship has no flag and I don't know which company it belongs to.

They also have a saying when they are in the sea. They don't just go up and take a bite of everything they see. They also need to assess the situation.

In the law of the ocean, which follows the concept of the jungle and the strong, there is no trust at all even among peers. One of the conditions for peace is equality of strength. If you encounter some weaker peers, it is very common for the gangsters to take advantage of them.

But if they encounter someone stronger than themselves, they will run away quickly. If they see Totnes' warship, they will run faster than anyone else.

But now, between the two pieces of fat, there appeared a ship that was acting strangely but without a flag, which made him confused.

Do you want to take action?

This time I came out to work for the boss and there was no income, but if I could capture the two cargo ships and find a few qualified prisoners, the gold coins I would earn would be my own.

But before the captain could make a decision, his pirates discovered that the ship was heading towards them.

This immediately angered these pirates who regarded merchant ships as fat meat in a bowl.

"They're coming towards us."

"We are the Red Beard Pirates, how dare they!"

"Brothers copy the guy!"

To be honest, the captain did not expect this scene. You must know that he is flying the red beard flag, and his strength is among the top five in the nearby waters. Who doesn't know them?

But these guys dared to come closer. They didn't take Red Beard seriously at all.

Moreover, the ship was aimed at his own ship, and it looked like it wanted to hit it head-on.

There was a commotion on the ship now, but the captain had no intention of controlling the situation. Instead, he drew out his scimitar and started to stir up trouble.

"Who are you trying to scare?" The captain stepped on the ramming corner of the ship's bow, raised his scimitar and shouted, "Go ahead at full speed, let them taste the power of our Red Beard Pirates."

The sea breeze made the coat on his body rustle, and his posture was worthy of the captain of a pirate ship.

They are all experienced pirates. When the enemy attacks, they all take their positions, stir up the sails and head off.

It was obvious that both sides were holding their breath, and whoever turned away first would be Sun Tzu.

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