Our family is in decline

Chapter 31: Have food in hand, don’t panic in heart

Serfs were not only responsible for farming during the busy farming season, but also completed tasks assigned by the farmers during the rest of the time.

Men were generally assigned heavy physical tasks such as feeding, logging, picking, brewing, or carrying.

Of course, there are also some technical ones, such as making barrels and furniture, house repairs, making candles and torches, etc.

As for women, they cannot be idle. Their main job is to process flax, wool and other raw materials and weave them into cloth, and finally weave, dye and sew clothes.

There are also some women who are arranged to work as servants on farms, doing laundry and cooking.

Some good-looking ones will be targeted to vent their desires. This is also a way for farmers to control their guards.

The tedious work takes up most of their time. If someone is lazy, they will be punished, whipped, and fasted. Anyway, the farmer will not let them stop.

Only after dark did the serfs, who had been busy all day long, finally get some rest.

It's not that the farmer doesn't want them to continue working, but that lighting at night is a problem. Lighting candles consumes too much and the gain outweighs the gain.

Originally there were only a dozen serfs on the farm, but this time it expanded to nearly a hundred, but the number of houses was still only that.

So it is conceivable that many serfs did not even have space to lie down, so they could only sit and rely on rope support to sleep a little.

Others were stuffed into places like cowsheds and sheep pens to sleep. Although the stench was overwhelming, they could at least lie down.

In this closed farm, these people are actually no different from slaves, because all their labor is not harvested, they are just working in vain for the farmer.

But at least they still have food to eat, which is much better than most of the townspeople.

The first place you come to is the granary. After opening it, you can see that it is filled with bags of grain.


Lance went up to confirm and then laughed loudly. Even if he traveled through time, it would be difficult to change his emphasis on food.

As the saying goes, if you have food in your hands, you will not panic in your heart.

He needs food very much, otherwise he will not be able to appease the hungry townspeople, and all subsequent actions must be supported by food.

After all, he doesn’t have enough to eat, and no one will go with him to kill the ancestors. If he starts a riot, the backyard will be on fire, and the foundation will be destroyed.

"Let's go, next one."

Lance couldn't wait to walk to the next granary, and after checking all three, he roughly came to a conclusion.

The other two warehouses are not full, but the food piled inside is enough to feed the people of the town for a year. No wonder the town used to export food.

Because it could not be released to stabilize the market, the grain in the granary had to be kept, and the price of alcohol began to rise due to the consumption of mercenaries, so farmers began to make wine to consume the grain and exchange money from the mercenaries.

The poor have nothing to eat, and the rich have extra food to make wine.

Lance came to the brewery and directly stopped this waste of food.

Those serfs had no choice but to obey his words. If they didn't recognize him, wouldn't they also recognize Leonard's knight armor?

There are also pigs, cows, sheep, and chickens in the animal pens. These are basically raised on the farm for by-products, such as milk, wool, and eggs. In the end, they are used for meat. Only pigs are specially raised for meat.

Due to production constraints, many products have been backlogged, milk is not given to drink even if it is poured, and eggs are piled up in the room but are not put out.

"Damn~ These people are really damn~"

These behaviors of wasting food caused Lance's blood pressure to rise slowly. It had only been a month, otherwise if so many eggs went bad, it would be more uncomfortable than punching him.

The serfs working in the chicken farm didn't know why the adult was angry, and they all looked very scared.

However, Lance did not vent his anger on them. Instead, he inspected the employees and gave them instructions.

"You guys work hard and everything will be fine after today."

The serfs looked flattered. They had never experienced such an attitude, but they seemed even more panicked.

Lance didn't say anything more, but turned around and left. After going outside, he said sharply:

"Let's go back."

Leonard and Barristan both sensed that he was in a bad mood, so they didn't say anything more and just hurried to follow him.

But the situation in the manor also surprised Lance.

Disma actually missed~ and was chased.

Because there are two more women on the field.

One was the maid from before, and the other was a fat woman who looked like she weighed at least two hundred pounds. She was driving Disma away, shouting some unpleasant words.

"Get out of here!"

The maid was pacing hurriedly aside, not knowing what she wanted to do.

Lance and others broke in and interrupted the farce, and the chase stopped.

"Sir...I..." Disma came to Lance's side, with embarrassment on his face, and he was obviously ashamed of not being able to complete the task.

"It's okay~" Lance didn't care much. He knew that Disma had sworn not to kill women and children, otherwise someone else would have been shot.

But he still didn't forget to laugh and joke, "No one here can stop her from charging."

Barristan weighed the shield in his hand when he heard this. When he was young, he even dared to wrestle with the bull, but now he found that he really had no confidence in blocking it.

"Who are you? Get out of my house." The woman roared like a madman, and her face, which was originally covered in fat, looked even more ferocious.

"Are you the farmer's daughter?"

Lance looked at the fat woman. No wonder David was so resistant when the farmer mentioned his daughter. Now he knew the reason.

At first I was a little envious of David's bad luck, escaping from death to marry a rich woman and take control of the farm.

But now it seems that soft rice is not so easy to eat. David has also paid a price for controlling the farm, which is an unbearable burden in life.

"Where did she come from?"

"It should have been released by the servants."

Disma was a little helpless, as he would have knocked down a 200-pound fat boy with one shot, but this was a bit difficult, so he could only ask Lance for help.

"What should I do, sir?"

"It's difficult~" Lance took out his gun directly, "I don't think we can do anything about it."

He was curious whether the gifts received from this kind of tonnage sacrifice should be more?

The woman had dared to chase Disma bravely just now, but when she faced Lance's gun, she was frightened. The fat on her whole body was trembling, and she completely lost her arrogance.

Bullying the weak and fearing the strong~

The farmer was frightened when he saw Lance pull out a gun without saying a word. David's death was still vivid in his mind just now, but this time the gun was pointed at his daughter.

"Wait a moment!"

The farmer quickly ran out and stood in front of his daughter.

Thanks to [Don’t Be Late] for the reward. Brothers, please vote if you have the votes. It’s up to you to save the family.

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