Our family is in decline

Chapter 310 Pigman

But soon they wouldn't care about these small details. The pig monsters were obviously attracted by the burnt corpses in the flames.

But they also seemed to be afraid of the bright flames. They gathered around the campfire and made grunting sounds similar to pigs.

One of them seemed to be a little impatient with waiting. He threw out the chain hammer in his hand to scatter the bonfire, then waved the meat cleaver in his hand and used the saw teeth on it to drag out the charred corpse.

Originally, everyone was curious about what these monsters were doing. Did they want to save those cultists?

But the next scene plunged them directly into an indescribable reaction.

Because these pig monsters kept waving the butcher knives in their hands to cut the corpse into pieces, and then grabbed a burnt black arm and ate it. The pig's face revealed crazy satisfaction.

The scene of a pig eating a human was so shocking that it directly confused several people.

Seeing this, Junia even wanted to pick up the hammer and take action, but Geralt raised his hand to stop her.

Soon after the pigs had eaten their fill, they did not forget to drag the charred corpses and plunge them into the darkness.

It was only then that Geralt and his party breathed a sigh of relief.

"It hurts your lungs...More money..." Tardif's mental state was not good to begin with. After watching the scene of pigs eating people, he even collapsed. He kept whispering to himself, "Crazy... Everyone will have nightmares!"

The other people were not much better. Even Barristan, who was used to seeing blood and flesh on the battlefield, felt physically disgusted when he saw this scene. As for Junia, she had always wanted to kill these blasphemous monsters. If she hadn't been If stopped.

Thinking of this, she finally asked her question.

"Why didn't you take action just now?"

Among them, only Geralt is better. His special physique allows him to filter out most of his emotions, and he can still answer questions calmly.

"Three monsters appeared at the same time, and they all have similar equipment. They obviously know how to work as a team, and they should be gregarious creatures, so there are probably more than a few around here. If I don't know the situation, I'm afraid of causing trouble. Anyway, it's nothing. It’s the corpses of a few cultists, there’s no need to take risks.”

Then he stood up and walked out of the shelter.

"I'll go out and check, please be careful."

Geralt went out and walked around to make sure there was no problem before he and everyone walked to the almost extinguished bonfire.

Most of the remains were dragged away by the pigmen, leaving behind either fragments or just skulls.

"What kind of monsters are those and why are they here?"

"There is no doubt that they were attracted by the smell of burning corpses. They were hunting or looking for food."

"Not only did they take away the bodies, but they also took away the iron tools. They had a certain level of intelligence."

"By the way, I wonder if you have noticed that the leather material wrapped around the waists of those pig-headed monsters looks exactly like those of the cultists."

Several people analyzed what they discovered based on what was left at the scene.

Geralt squatted down, twisted a bit of dirt from the mark made by the monster pig's trotters, put it in his hand, put it in front of his nose and twitched his nose.

But this time, he discovered something, and his expression looked a little surprised, which turned into a look of heavy worry.

"What did you find?" Junia asked eagerly. These words naturally attracted the attention of Barristan and Tardif, and all three of them immediately focused on Geralt.

"I don't know if you guys smelled it just now. The smell emanating from the monster just now is the same as the smell of the ancient sewer."

Regarding this location, probably only Junia could understand what he meant, while Barristan and the other two were somewhat confused.

"This place is a camp I discovered before. After solving the cultists under the leadership of the lord, I discovered a passage guarded by the cultists behind the camp."

Geralt said as he threw away the dirt on his hands and stood up. He couldn't help but look at the direction where the monster left and continued to add.

"The passage was blocked at the time, but it has obviously been opened now and the contents escaped."

"Let's go back and report. Tell the lord that there are terrifying monsters lurking in that passage." Junia hoped that the lord would bring troops to kill these monsters like he was exterminating cultists.

"No, we now need to track those monsters to find their lair first, and then go to the entrance of the passage to check whether it has been destroyed or ran out from other places."

Geralt knew that the current information was still too little, and it was useless to inform the lords. They needed more information, which was why they came in this time.

"But our food can no longer sustain it for much longer." Barristan expressed concern about this. He tended to be conservative.

I want to organize a new mission after the report. After all, the team's current condition is not very good, and rash advancement can easily lead to uncontrollable dangers.

"The advantage now is that we discovered the monsters in advance, and they left enough traces, and I know the exact location of the passage. This is much better than when we had no clue a few days ago."

Geralt also knew the situation the team was facing, but he knew better that if he went back now, the traces he had just left would likely be destroyed, and the opportunity would escape.

Not to mention that returning empty-handed this time would be a bit embarrassing for the gold coins.

Barristan also understood that the opportunity was rare, and it would be great if the locations of those monsters could be determined.

No one had any intention of resting, so they simply packed up and followed the traces left by the monsters deep into the wilderness.

Both Geralt and Tardif are somewhat skilled at tracking traces. Unlike William and Fergus who use scent tracking, they track enemies through environmental conditions.

After spending some time following the traces of the Pig Man, they came to a place that was both strange and familiar.

I am familiar with it because this is the camp that was wiped out by them.

As for the unfamiliarity, it is because the camp has been destroyed extensively for some unknown reason, leaving only ruins.

When Geralt came here, he was even more certain that those monsters were inseparable from the weird passage.

"We didn't find those monsters." Tardif came back alone.

Now the team can't rush in, otherwise they may be in trouble if they alert the enemy. After all, they are only a few.

After completing the reconnaissance of the road ahead in Tardif, Geralt led the people towards the passage.

Being in the dark, and the enemy is very likely to be nearby, this is a great test of their psychological pressure. Fortunately, they are all experienced adventurers and can easily face this situation.

When he returned here, Geralt's golden vertical eyes with night vision saw a very terrifying scene. Part of the cave entrance collapsed, and the iron fence that originally blocked the cave entrance was also destroyed, and only part of it was still inserted. On the wall, the rest is broken.

This is cast iron. Although it is brittle, it is obviously not something that can be broken open by just anything, and the size of the hole that was opened is at least two or three meters high.

"There are many fresh traces, and they come and go frequently. Most of them are inhuman hoof-shaped footprints. This is not like a sewer, but more like a beast cave." Tardif also checked the traces on the ground, so it seems that the number of monsters is quite large. Less.

But this is good news for Geralt and the others. The monsters have not spread.

"Let's go, we've got the information we need."

Geralt did not dare to stay long and quickly left the cave entrance with his team.

However, he did not leave directly, but squatted near the camp. Only then did he explain the reason for doing so.

"Now we have collected information about those guys, but there is still one thing we need to see the lord, and that is proof of the existence of the pigs.

We must find a way to kill one and take part of the body back, otherwise it will be difficult for the lord to believe our words. "

Geralt dealt with this situation with the mindset of a witcher.

According to their custom, they must take part of the monster back to win the trust of their employer and prove that they have indeed killed the monster before they can get the reward.

He has come into contact with many monsters, but this was the first time he saw this twisted pig-headed monster. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it, let alone others.

That's why he thought he had to kill a monster.

It can only be said that Geralt has a very high level of professional ethics and must get evidence to prove that his intelligence is correct.

Others didn't mind accompanying him, even Tardif had no objection.

But it’s quite funny to say that in the first mission of Hamlet, Tardif encountered a night attack by cultists. In the first battle, he encountered extraordinary power, and even took a blow without much rest. Come over, turn around and encounter the pig monster again.

I don’t know whether to say he is lucky or unlucky after this kind of experience.

The team fell into a short rest, with only Geralt paying attention to the surrounding situation.

The complex footprints at the entrance of the cave showed that they often came in and out. Sure enough, they didn't have to wait too long before they discovered a group of pig-man monsters coming out and walking unabashedly among them.

Geralt's golden vertical eyes stared at them closely, but he discovered some problems.

It seems that monsters like to appear in groups, because there are still three monsters this time, and there is no one alone.

It's just that this situation brought trouble to their attack. After all, they didn't know the monster's exact combat ability, but looking at the strong body and weapons, it was clear that it was not weak. After considering various factors, Geralt understood three things. There is no way to kill both at the same time.

If it were Lance, I'm afraid he would have rushed forward to do it. No matter what you do, just take my sword first.

But Geralt can't. He has suffered many losses and knows that caution is a good thing.

Should we just abandon this team now and wait for possible orders, or should we take action?

After a slight hesitation, Geralt couldn't help but turn to his teammates and whispered his concerns.

"What do you think?"

"You can't place your hopes on the unknown, do it now." Barristan's words are very simple. You don't know if there will be more in the future. If you miss it, it will be gone.

It's strange to say, it was clear that he was leaning towards conservative just now, why has his attitude changed now?

In fact, it is easy to understand. Barristan was worried about whether the team's status could be sustained just now, but now he is worried that the longer it drags on, the more likely it is that something will happen.

He never resisted a fight.

"Leave the one on the left to me." Tardif directly marked his target without any nonsense. The eyes under the helmet looked at the pigman in the distance, as if he was thinking about how to use the ax when the time came.

Junia has always wanted to kill these blasphemous and twisted monsters, so how could she refuse.

"Okay, when we get there...and then..." Geralt saw that everyone agreed and didn't hesitate too much. He decided to arrange the tactics.

The leader hung the pig team behind them and waited until they were far enough away from the camp before starting to implement it.

The three pigmen didn't seem to notice the despicable humans, and the battle broke out without warning while they were walking leisurely.

Light, a ball of light about the size of a light bulb appeared in front of them, which aroused their strange curiosity at first.

But when the light ball exploded, the three pigmen screamed like killing pigs. Living in the dark underground, their stimulation of light was more exaggerated than ordinary people, and they were directly blinded.

Several people who had been waiting aside took action directly. Geralt charged forward with his sword and penetrated one through the heart with his sword.

On the other side, Barristan stepped forward quickly and slapped the blinded pig on the head with a fierce shield blow, causing the pig to stop barking and fall into dizziness.

Tardif came out from the other side, and the impact of the previous attack was no longer visible. His movements were crisp and clean, and he went up and struck the pigman with an axe.

It's a pity that it was originally aimed at the back of the head, but the pig man moved around after being blinded. The ax hit the thick shoulder and did not directly kill him.

Instead, the pain made the pigman grasp his position, and he swung the butcher knife away with his backhand. If it hit, he didn't know if his scales could withstand the sharp teeth on it.

But he was never alone. Junia on the other side had already prepared the second magical spell. The strong divine power poured into it immediately stunned the pigman.

Tardif also seized this opportunity, took out the ax and struck it on the pig's head in a circular motion.

A dull sound sounded, which was the fierce confrontation between the ax blade and the bones.

Tardif could tell from the feedback that the ax had gone in, but not completely and was stuck on the hard skull.

Because the blade design of his ax focuses on cutting ability, while the ability to cut and break armor is slightly weaker.

It sliced ​​off the priest's head like butter, along the knuckles, and luck was on his side.

But now this situation left him a little helpless. The monster's pig skin was tough and its skull was hard. The two consecutive attacks did not achieve good results. Instead, the pain irritated the pig man and woke him up from dizziness.

Tardif also sensed the difficulty, but had no intention of flinching. Instead, he pulled out the ax forcefully and struck the monster's injured shoulder with his backhand.

The ax blade cut through the skin and flesh, and the Achilles tendon was completely severed. The thick arm was cut off completely close to the bone seam, just like a butcher cutting off a cow.


The ax head that was struck before was not luck, but Tardif's understanding of the human body. He had long thought that it could be easily split from that angle.

What a terrifying talent!

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