Our family is in decline

Chapter 322 Entering the Beast Cave for the First Time

"We killed the three pigmen here, skinned one of them and took it away, leaving the body here."

Tardif identified the scene, but there was no body here. Lance squatted down and observed carefully. There were only some black and purple blood stains spilled on the ground, mixed with dried soil and formed.

Of course, there are also very obvious signs of dragging. It is impossible for a two hundred kilogram thing not to be obvious.

"It seems that those monsters don't mind the same kind, but there are no bones or anything left here, so there is a high probability that they did not choose to eat them on the spot.

Why do you have to drag it back? Could it be that these monsters still have the habit of storing food? "

When Geralt reported his first meeting with the pigs, he saw that the pigs had eaten part of the corpse, and there were a lot of wreckage left at the scene.

"I think Shark will know everything when he goes in."

Boudicca didn't care. The enemy had already determined their position. Why were they still lingering here?

Lance also understood this truth. The reason why he did this was just to test Tardif's ability. A person who is good at observing the surrounding environment and can judge the situation based on traces is a very useful talent.

His knowledge can be used to form scouts. The expansion of the recruitment plan is also matched with the subdivision of arms. Recently, more teaching materials need to be compiled.

But what Boudica said makes sense. Now that we are here, there is no need to worry about such things.

"Let's go!" Lance led the team quickly to the abandoned old camp. They could see that it had been destroyed by a brutal force. After going deep, they finally saw the collapsed cave entrance and the large iron gate that they thought was impregnable.

The door frame is as thick as a forearm, and the iron bars are as thick as a thumb. They are made entirely of black iron, and the ends are embedded in the pipe walls made of masonry. This cannot be opened casually, so Lance decided to withdraw to deal with more urgent matters at that time. matter.

But at this time, most of the black iron gate collapsed, and only part of the door frame was still embedded in the wall. There was an obvious depression on it, and the iron bars on it cracked, as if it had been hit by something huge.

"Oh~ How much force does it take to break such thick steel!" Disma couldn't help but feel pressure in his heart when he saw this. If this thing hit him, would it fall apart?

"I Xunsi is a big guy!"

Boudica is reckless but not stupid. She seems to realize that the enemy is not that simple.

Even Lance couldn't help but frown in disgust.

Because the air blown out from inside has a strong smell, and I don’t know if it’s because of the daytime. The hot weather makes the smell several times stronger than the last time I came here. It doesn’t take much to know that the environment inside is bad, which makes Lance More uncomfortable.

But Tardif showed no sign of nervousness or fear.

Taking people's money and eliminating disasters for others, Tardif's professional ethics was no better than Geralt's. At this moment, he was seen squatting on the ground, observing the traces on the ground, and calmly analyzing the situation at the scene for his employer.

"None of these traces are fresh, at least they were found half a day ago, that is, in the early morning.

Geralt and I had speculated before that one of the important reasons why the pigs did not spread was that they lived in the dark underground for a long time and were not adapted to the daytime, so they only appeared at night.

If they wait a while longer to adapt to the sunlight, they may wander across this land and be difficult to eradicate.

From the wind blowing out, we know that this is not the only outlet. There should be other entrances and exits at high positions or at air outlets, so that the wind can be fed in.

From the sound, it can be heard that the space inside is very large and complex, otherwise it would not be able to form that kind of roar, and it would also be difficult to accommodate such an unknown monster. "

As he spoke, Tardif could not help but stand up and observe the exaggerated marks on the iron door. No one could see the expression under the helmet.

"You'll know when you get in. Wear this to prevent you from getting sick." Lance confirmed that Walter was right. Tardif was indeed a talent. Being able to switch from a gangster to a bounty hunter requires more than just strength.

Lance distributed the anti-disease masks prepared by Greendale, which were actually fabrics sewn with some herbs and spices, similar to the beak mask of Paracelsus.

It's just that the effect of Greendale's configuration is definitely better, and it also has a refreshing effect.

When Lance took it with him, most of the smell was isolated, and bursts of mint-like coolness seeped into his nasal cavity, waking up his brain that was a little dizzy from the stench. It simply saved his life.

Others also realized the effect of this thing, and the pressure was reduced and the morale of the team was boosted.

"Want a torch?"

"No, if you go inside with a torch, we will be a living target. It will be easy for the enemy to discover us first. Although the risk is greater without a torch, it will not make us passive, so I will leave first."

Lance has [Spiritual Vision] and it doesn't matter the brightness at all. He will basically not be attacked at the beginning.

It's just that this is the first time for Tardif that his employer has opened a way. In the past, if his employer was on a mission, he would most likely have to protect him, just like when he escorted Walter back.

So Tardif had already made preparations when he joined this mission. What he was protecting was not the employer, but the gold coins!

But along the way, he also realized that his employer's strength may not be weak, and his courage is even more extraordinary. To open a way in such a dim environment, even if he is sure and confident, he still has to be very energetic.

However, Tardif did not say much, nor did he volunteer to open the way.

He only does what he is supposed to do, and whatever his employer says is what he does.

Walking into the cave entrance, the entire team was swallowed up by darkness after just a few steps. The short-term alternation between light and darkness caused everyone's vision to be lost for a moment. Fortunately, there were no monsters to sneak up on them, otherwise they would probably have to panic for a moment before they could organize a counterattack.

The cave is dark and cool, so no wonder the pigs refuse to go out during the day. In this weather, the cows and horses are still working under the scorching sun.

But this environment is a kind of torture for humans.

What are sewers for? It means excreting waste. What is the level of waste in a city?

Underfoot is the filth that has accumulated for who knows how many years. As the water flow was cut off due to abandonment, it settled into some kind of half-dried and indescribable black mud.

All kinds of dirty excrement can be seen everywhere on it, which has been mixed into the mud after countless tramplings.

No normal person would be able to step foot in this kind of place. If they step foot in, there will be either feces or dirty excrement water seeping out.

Fortunately, the sewer has been abandoned for many years and the mud has dried up, otherwise it would be even more torture if one foot sank in!

In addition to being dirty, it was terrifying and bloody. The stench came not only from the monster feces, but also from the leftovers, broken meat and broken bones. There were all kinds of bones scattered everywhere on the ground.

Among them, the most recognizable ones are definitely the human skulls. How many are there? Even in this dim environment, you can clearly see those things, which shows what the main food of these monsters is.

"Most of these bones are very old." Disma stepped on a skull, which shattered into bone fragments with just a touch.

You must know that the human skull is very hard, so this thing is definitely not recent.

Lance was silent. The ancestor originally used this place as a place to dispose of experimental waste. Why did he use pigs later?

That's because the people who used it as experimental materials used it too much and had no idea before coming here. Now Lance understands something.

"Let's go, now we have entered the den, be careful of enemies."

Lance continued to lead the team deeper. Unlike the cramped space he imagined, after entering the passage, you can feel that the space here is quite large. At least there is no problem for two people to walk side by side normally. As for the height, it is estimated to be more than three meters.

It was able to accommodate a very exaggerated amount of drainage during normal operation at that time. It is no exaggeration to say that a city that needs sewers of this scale would not be much worse than Totnes.

And these are not tunnels dug directly from the ground. The surrounding walls are all made of bricks and stones. You can also see the severely rusted water diversion gates being lifted up. Everything that should be included in a sewer is here.

Lance himself is engaged in construction. He knows the difficulty and consumption of the project. If he wants to build a majestic building complex with a complete masonry structure, the manpower and material resources invested in it are probably millions of gold coins.

And this is only part of the sewers that were abandoned due to urban expansion and reconstruction. This shows how powerful Hamlet was before it declined, and how rich its financial resources were.

Originally, I could just lie back and enjoy the decadent life of a nobleman, but now I let my ancestor enjoy it all. This guy even smashed his job, which left nothing for him.

None of this has anything to do with him...

It hurts... it hurts so much...

"Candles! Why are there candles here?"

Soon the team discovered some interesting things. There were some burned candles placed irregularly on both sides of the passage, and there were quite a few of them, basically at every other section. It was as if someone had placed them here specifically for Discover the way forward.

"It's just an ordinary candle. It seems that it was still used frequently before, but it has been put aside for a while. Those monsters must not also need to light candles."

Disma was a candle maker, and he understood the situation of these things just by observing a little. His last words did not really mean that the pigs could light candles, but it showed that there were not only pigs here, but also traces of other forces.

"These candles should have been placed here by the cultists. They have been operating in this place before. In addition to drawing the map, we have the task of exploring their conspiracy this time."

After summarizing the situation, Lance could easily guess the owners of these candles, and they were the only ones.

The ancestor does not care about the life and death of believers at all. For him, the only role of these believers is to die on the land of Hamlet.

Therefore, he needs to constantly cause death. For this reason, he has his followers guard the exit, the pig man's refresh point, for leveling up.

On the one hand, whether the pig or the believer dies, his strength will be enhanced. The surviving believers have been screened, which can be regarded as eliminating the weak.

On the other hand, before the refugees came in large numbers, the animal cave might have been the meat warehouse of the Ascension Sect. Otherwise, what would they eat if there were so many people who did not cultivate the fields and performed flesh and blood rituals every day?

Anyway, in the eyes of these cultists whose concepts have been reversed, they only see meat, let alone pigs, they eat all humans.

As you continue to go deeper, you will come to a node room connected to the next section of the pipe every other section of the passage. This kind of chamber is also made of bricks and stones, but its scale is several times larger than that of the pipe, and can accommodate the activities of more than ten people.

They had been walking down the same path before, but finally they encountered a fork in the road here.

However, Lance was not too surprised by this. He had already known the general situation of the beast cave.

This is why it is difficult for the army to clear out beast dens. Narrow passages and complicated routes will divide the army as a whole, and then one's own advantages will not be used.

If a big guy comes, it will be completely impossible for one man to get through. He is just the enemy.

However, if strong men like Leonard were allowed to take the lead, the soldiers behind would also be blocked by the pipeline. Instead, the strong men would be forced to use traps, and the retreat would be blocked, thus losing flexibility.

That's what led to today's action. Whatever monsters and ghosts he led up here were nothing more than rotten fish and shrimps.

Lance took out the prepared carving knife and carved "1" in this room, and then carved "1-1", "1-2" and "1-3" in the passage.

Then draw the map by hand and mark it with the corresponding number.

With this, you won't have to worry about misfortunes like getting lost, and it will also pave the way for subsequent actions.

"Go 1-2, we are exploring and have not determined the route." Lance walked directly without hesitating the route.

The environment is really bad. The deeper you go, the stronger the smell becomes. It's like a sea of ​​excrement, not to mention that your feet are covered with all kinds of weird things. Even those of them who are not good at hygiene. No matter how careful the aborigines were, they couldn't stand it anymore.

"Sir, why don't we just smoke them out? We can just wait outside."

Disma stepped on it and felt a strange touch. When he looked back, he realized that he had crushed a fat maggot. When he realized it, he had a look of disgust on his face and couldn't help but ask the lord.

He had experienced a battle in a small town before, and also faced a tunnel. This tactic successfully killed most of the cultists in the tunnel, and even those who escaped were killed by the waiting soldiers.

That kind of efficient killing is a proven and successful tactic for him. Why doesn't the lord use it?

"Because of two reasons, one is space and the second is air." Lance explained calmly.

“The pipes here are too big, not the kind of tunnel that requires bending down to walk, and the cave covers a huge area. If you want to smoke, the smoke must be very large, otherwise the smoke will be suspended above and cannot sink at all.

The second is that although they are all underground, the air mobility is different. Air flow has been formed here, and no matter how much smoke is blown away, it will be blown away. "

In fact, there is another reason that Lance didn't mention. The monsters here are famous in the game for having high poison resistance.

Those poisonous cigarettes are even a bit refreshing to them, and to be honest, they are not as good as e-cigarettes.

After all, he lived in a beast cave and had been baptized by the air here. The smoke was not even as poisonous as the rotten air here.

Suddenly, Lance's footsteps stopped and his voice stopped for an instant. He raised his hand and waved back. Everyone else understood what was going on and suddenly became quiet.

Listen carefully to the pig's chirping sound that stands out in this environment.

Several people were a little excited. After coming here for so long, they finally met.

But before they could react further, the pig's squealing in the passage suddenly became shrill.

"We've been discovered!"

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