Our family is in decline

Chapter 37 New Deal

The situation was soon under control. Looking around, the entire square was filled with people lying on the ground, as densely packed as weeds.

"Okay~Okay~Okay~" Lance nodded slowly while looking at this scene, and walked step by step in front of those people. At this moment, the tone in his mouth suddenly rose, and he shouted out in an almost roaring manner.

"I felt your difficulties and only provided food for three days. Is this how you repay me now?"

"Am I too nice to you? Do you think I, the lord, are easy to bully? Do you have to have me whip you to obey your orders?"

"Hey~ tell me!"

"Yes or no?"

No one dared to respond to these self-questioning words, and only Lance's voice echoed in the square.

The roar of endless rage caused those lying on the ground to fall into the fear of being dominated.

"Whoever made the first move just now, come forward."

Lance's hawk-like gaze swept over those people. Some of the guilty ones began to subconsciously dodge their eyes and shrink their bodies, but they obviously did not dare to stand up. They firmly believed that Lance would be hard-pressed to find himself among so many people.

But Lance seemed to know the details and caught all these guys who wanted to cause trouble.

Soon, more than thirty of the people who were leading the trouble were picked out, tied up, and lined up to kneel under the statue in the middle of the square.

At this time, looking at the rotten and shriveled head of the mayor hanging on the statue, the hearts of those people were filled with fear, and they began to cry and beg for mercy. For a while, wailing sounds came one after another.

Is it just too late to know now?

"These people will be stripped of their rights as free people and reduced to serfs who will go to the farms to work hard to atone for their sins."

The unscrupulous people breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

In fact, they knew very well that their behavior would have been punishable by death at any time, but now it was better to just become serfs.

To be honest, this punishment is more like a reward to these townspeople. After all, this is an iron rice bowl. Although there is no money, at least they don't have to worry about starving to death.

After all, some of them wanted to sell themselves and become serfs before, but no one wanted them~

If I had known earlier, I should have just...

But the next words from Lance directly dispelled their thoughts.

"The bandit invasion has destroyed everyone's originally stable life. As a lord, I have the responsibility to lead everyone to revive Hamlet. Therefore, I will introduce several policies to help everyone tide over the difficulties. There will be bread and milk."

With the long speech that followed, Lance's long-prepared plan was brought out.

The first step is to bring down the price of food. Because most of the food in the town is in his own hands, Lance can ignore all obstacles and directly bring the price back to the price of one pound of black bread before the bandits came. The days of copper coins are gone forever.

It's a pity that the public's response to this is not great, because they can't afford it no matter how much it sells for, and they have no money at all.

Then Lance announced the second policy, the first phase of urban construction project.

This project has created many jobs. In addition to some highly professional jobs, it also recruits a large number of casual workers who only need to contribute. The benefits include a meal in the morning and the salary is settled on a daily basis.

This is what gives the townspeople a sense of hope for life. As long as they work, they can survive. This is their lowest hope, but this was difficult to achieve in the past.

Lance did not stop, but continued to take advantage of the enthusiasm of the townspeople to issue new decrees.

For crimes such as theft, fighting, and murder, we will directly attack them with heavy blows once they are discovered.

There is also a need to regulate their behavior in their daily lives, such as prohibiting the random discharge of excreta, which must be managed uniformly and composted.

If someone violates the rules, he will be severely punished. If he refuses to change his ways, he will be sent to the farm to do hard labor.

To sum it up, there are three things.

First, stabilize food prices so that people can afford them.

Second, create a large number of jobs so that these people can earn money and have something to do, and they can survive as long as they work.

Third, crack down on crime and standardize the system.

Behind these seemingly light words is Lance's control over Hamlet's food and strong financial flow. Without these, no matter how much he said, it would be nonsense.

If these measures continue, the townspeople will no longer be lifeless. To be honest, no one wants to live such a life. They are just forced to have no choice. They can't even guarantee their survival. Talking about other things is just hypocrisy.

But now that the lord has given them hope of survival, they are no longer unruly people, but loyal subjects of the lord.

Lance was very satisfied with their reactions. He had no experience in governing others, so this was a costly social practice. Whether he would become a wise lord or a useless heir depended on this.

But the situation wasn't over yet, as Lance went on to break another big news.


"In order to protect Hamlet, I will form a new army. As long as I join, I will be able to eat three meals a day. In addition to bread, I will also have meat and milk to drink.

If they successfully pass the training, each soldier will receive a salary, family members will have preferential tax rates, and priority will be given to jobs assigned by the lord.

If the Death Lord will issue a generous pension, the children will be trained by the Lord until they reach adulthood..."

The treatment Lance preached succeeded in attracting everyone. It was a policy they had never heard of.

In the past, when lords recruited troops, they were required to bring their own equipment and rations, let alone have the money to get them.

And it can bring so many benefits to the family, and there is actually a pension after death.

Just like the militiamen who were forced to invade by bandits before, they went to the battlefield with a little training and died without anyone caring about them.

But now that this lord has actually offered such a huge preferential policy, everyone is very anxious and wants to know more about the situation.

However, parallel to the discounts are strict requirements.

First of all, candidates must be between fourteen and twenty-five years old, with no physical disabilities. Those who meet the conditions must undergo an assessment, and those who pass can be initially admitted.

And this is not over yet, or it has just begun. After the primary election, an elimination system will be implemented, and they need to undergo rigorous training. If they perform too poorly, they will be eliminated.

Lance called Disma and Barristan and asked them to choose. One identified the street kid hiding inside, while the other was from the army and knew those people were more suitable for the army.

Choosing fifty out of more than eight hundred people is equivalent to choosing one out of sixteen people. It is not very difficult, but it is a bit difficult if you want to pay attention to quality.

Because most of the men died at the hands of the bandits, and the rest were basically young, old, and women, so the fifty people drawn out were basically children of fifteen or sixteen years old, and no one was over twenty.

Thanks to [Daddy Bingqing Yujie Nurgle] ​​for the reward, you have a share of the credit for establishing the territory.

If you have a vote, cast your vote. It’s up to everyone to save the family.

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