Our family is in decline

Chapter 373 Lots of Talents


As the gunfire rang out, another running cultist threw his head back and fell down.

Barrett didn't even look at it. He knew the result the moment he pulled the trigger. Instead, he scratched the handguard with his fingernail and murmured in his mouth.


Then he picked up the fixed ammunition from the side and loaded it quickly, while his eyes continued to scan the front, choosing the next target.

It can only be said that he was born to eat this kind of food. The way the gun looks in his hand is completely different from that in other people's hands. He is as obedient as a part of his body and he shoots wherever he points.

Others would target the body even if they were sure, but he liked to target the head.

When asked, he always responded casually, "Why waste ammunition when you can kill him with one shot?"

This is not a boast, but a record achieved with the head of a cultist, and every shot was shot without missing a single bullet. However, at the age of fifteen, the Outpost earned the title of "Sharpshooter Barrett".

Barrett's eyes swept forward outside, and as far as he could see, the corpses of many cultists had fallen.

In the past, there were always some desperate cultists who came over, and after trying to charge in a wave, they often left the bodies and retreated, but this time there were still a steady stream of people coming up, which made him feel a little strange.

Moreover, they all dispersed and came closer to avoid the muskets, but finally gathered at one point, looking like they were about to die. What on earth were they doing?

But they were on the wall, and dealing with these cultists without siege equipment was like swatting flies.

Although annoying, it's not really threatening.

His side was not the direction where the cultists were mainly attacking, only a few scattered ones were approaching, so the main force was there, and sharpshooters like him were arranged to take roll calls here.

"I can play with you for a day~"

When the reloading was completed, he found the next target. Just as he was raising the gun, an exaggerated noise suddenly came from the other side, a dull but shocking roar came, and then the entire wall shook violently.

what happened?

He thought it was the cultists who brought the siege equipment, but the siege equipment taught in class should be very big, and it shouldn't have such exaggerated power...

Before he could react from the shock, he saw the cultists outside who were scattered just now rushing towards that side like chicken blood.

When Barrett saw this, he didn't care about anything else. He picked up the guy and headed over there for support.

But when he ran a few steps, he froze in place. Only then did he see the section of brick wall collapse, and the rising smoke covered the sky.

But you can still see many people buried inside, and the bricks and stones are stained red with blood. You don't need to think about it to know that many comrades are buried inside.

Now Barrett figured out that the gathered cultists were the bait, attracting most of the soldiers to this location.

But how on earth did they collapse the city wall?

At this time, the cultists were rushing up across the rubble. He didn't care about anything else. He just raised his hand and raised his gun, aimed and fired in one go.


The cultist who was running the fastest was rushing out of the smoke and dust with a look of ecstasy, but the next second he threw his head back and fell unconscious.

But no one cared at all. Death did not frighten them. More and more cultists came up through the smoke and dust.

On the contrary, some of the soldiers were buried by collapsed brick walls, and some fell from heights. Due to various circumstances, they were unable to organize defenses immediately.

One soldier was very lucky. The wall did not hit him when it collapsed, but falling from a height of four to five meters immediately made him dizzy.

When he regained consciousness slightly, he saw a grinning cultist rushing toward him in front of him.


Just when he was hurriedly trying to escape, a figure rushed out from behind to block him, and a charging shield knocked the cultist away.

"Get out of my way!"

Barristan roared angrily, and at the same time he swung the Morning Star Hammer and hit the cultist on the other side on the head, denting his entire face.

A guy wanted to swing a tattered weapon, but he was blocked by a shield. He hit his head with a heavy hammer with his backhand. The force was so powerful that it made his feet hang off the ground like watching an Indian movie. After that, He fell down after a second or two.

Judging from the way he fell to the ground with his head tilted to one side, his neck was probably broken.

Barristan's brave posture proves that this body has not been defeated by aging. On the contrary, he has accumulated countless battle experiences and is now more difficult to deal with than his youthful recklessness.

There is more than one cultist...

But also Hamlet will not give up his companions!

"Stand up, brother." A supporting soldier reached out and pulled him up.

The man gradually regained consciousness. Looking at the back of his companion who was moving forward, he felt an inexplicable force in his heart. He grabbed the spear and followed him.

"Brothers need me, I can't fall down yet."

Other reinforcements have also come up. There are still some spearmen who have not had time to change their equipment. This will be the key to holding on to this collapsed defense line.

Some musketeers also rushed over. The bayonets were not just added with a knife, but matched with new muskets, so these were not equipped with bayonets, but they were not afraid of close combat with cultists.

A loaded hand can be used to fire a gun, and then one can directly put down the musket and pick up a spear to change jobs on the spot. There are many of these simple weapons here.

They are musketeers, but that doesn't mean they are weak in close combat. On the contrary, they are stationed here and train every day besides eating and sleeping.

Firearms training consumes ammunition and cannot be done every day, not to mention that the lord stipulates that all soldiers must ensure physical fitness and close combat capabilities, so the use of close combat weapons takes up a large part of their training time.

Barristan pushed back the cultist with a shield, and finally killed him in the ruins.

He is no longer as reckless as he was when he was young. He calmly realizes that if he wants to fight against the cultists, he must unite and not fall into chaos.

Order is their weapon!

Immediately raised the Morning Star Hammer and shouted.

"Brothers, follow me to reorganize your formation!"

The figure standing on a high place was seen by most people. The soldiers deliberately moved closer, and the cultists also realized his existence and wanted to kill the commander.

But when Barristan faced those cultists, he was stuck in place like a rock facing the waves.

Under the leadership of Barristan, Hamlet's soldiers remained unyielding and never retreated.

The battle lines seem to be stable?

But these are just appetizers. After a wave of soldiers are consumed, the elites with strong bodies, wearing hoods and holding iron claws will appear.

Death is brewing a bigger surprise. The death and flesh and blood of the battle on the front line have undoubtedly made them stronger. If Barristan hadn't reorganized their formation first, they might have been penetrated, but they were also in danger at this time.

"Damn blasphemer!"

Junia, fully armed and holding the holy book in her hand, appeared. With a shout, a ray of holy light directly tore through the smoke and dust, and strong holy power poured in to freeze a cultist in place.

It was only when she picked up the saint's torch made of steel that she realized why the nuns were called "daughters of God"!

The one who was faster than her was Geralt. With the steel sword swing, the cultist's head was cut off before he could even react. The master demon hunter's strength was fully demonstrated.

It is not surprising that Barristan also appears at the outpost, because he has always required himself to fight on the front line. If he does not go on a mission in Hamlet, this is the only place where he can often have the opportunity to fight against cultists.

Barristan is normal here, this is his battlefield.

But it was a bit strange that Geralt and Junia also appeared. After all, they should be in town now.

And because Lance left the town, the cultists attacked more frequently. Because of the importance of the outpost, several leaders of the army discussed and transferred Geralt and Junia over by issuing missions. Help with the garrison.

But now it was proved that their caution worked. The appearance of the two men immediately dampened the arrogance of the cultists, interrupted their offensive (mainly Geralt), and bought more time for the team to form.

"Thirty-nine." Barrett was not as casual as before, and his young face was full of solemnity.

Reload quickly!

His skillful reloading action makes him faster than other gunners, and he can stably fire three or even four rounds per minute.

But this is not enough, the cultists are constantly pouring through the gap.

For the first time, Barrett felt powerless. If he had a gun that could save the reloading step, he would be able to kill more enemies and save more comrades.

"Let's all die!"

Suddenly a strange cry sounded, followed by an explosion among the gathered cultists.

Those flying iron pieces shot into their bodies, causing bloody injuries. Even if their recovery ability was very strong, these traumas could not kill them, but they could not stop the explosion that occurred at close range. They were either knocked over by the shock wave or stunned. Some unlucky ones suffered bleeding from their mouths and noses at the center of the explosion.

And this was just the beginning. Explosions occurred one after another at the fracture. The gathered cultists became the best targets, and the gap became a place of death, directly halting the attack of those cultists.

And Barrett soon discovered the person who caused these explosions, because that person was on the other side of the broken wall.

The man looked like a young man of fifteen or sixteen years old, with strong limbs and dark skin like that of working people. In addition, he was not tall and even a little short, which made him look a bit inconspicuous, but his appearance was a bit strange.

There is a torch in one hand and a bomb in the other. There is a basket next to him, and there are bombs in it.

This guy actually carried the bomb from the armory on his back. No wonder he appeared now, but he just avoided the collapse of the high wall.

"It's that boy from Sobre!"

"here you go!"


Some musketeers from other places also came here to support through the high wall like Barrett, and everyone recognized the man.

Barrett also knew this man because he was also quite famous in the army.

I heard that he was an aborigine. He had been a serf for generations before joining the army. He had been herding sheep for the farmer since he was a child. In the process, he developed a unique skill of breaking stones in order to herd the sheep. To put it simply, he just picked up a small stone and fingered it. Where to fight.

Later, when the lord came, the master disappeared, and he joined the army, but he never showed any special talents and was an ordinary spearman.

In fact, if it weren't for the small number of people in the town when the first batch of soldiers were recruited, he might not have been selected due to his height.

It was not until later that the bomb came out that he was finally able to display his unique skills.

His name is now in the throwing training records, both in terms of throwing distance and accuracy.

After arriving at the outpost, he also used this unique skill to blow up many cultists, earning the name "Bomb Boy Sobre".

Now standing on the edge of the broken wall, he was condescending, with the gap below him. He was exerting his ability to the extreme. The damage caused by one person was enough to confuse the cultists.


Another bomb was accurately targeted and exploded among the cultists. However, the surrounding area was exploded, but no one was affected.

Although Barrett was observing the other side, he never stopped loading the gun. He was about to shoot, but the corner of his eyes made him realize that something was wrong with the situation.

That cultist is actually okay?

Because the lord said that the sharpshooter must kill the enemy's high-value targets in order to exert its own value.

So he has always been accustomed to choosing targets that look stronger. This is a very good choice among cultists. Those who are particularly strong are enough, and those who wear those helmets.

But this time, the enemy was only wrapped in a black robe, but he was able to withstand bombs and even rushed towards the defense line.

"Don't let him get close!" Barrett suddenly became vigilant and immediately locked the target and pulled the trigger.

Gunfire roared and bullets whizzed away.

If it was an ordinary cultist, he would have counted, but this strange guy made him a little uneasy. He was loading in his hands, but his eyes were fixed on that person.

Even a moving target was not a problem for him. The bullet accurately shot under the hood of the black robe.

The kinetic energy carried by the bullet caused the guy to stop moving, but he did not fall down directly. Instead, he stood there with his head tilted.

This strange situation aggravated Barrett's uneasiness. He wanted to shout to remind his comrades below, but the scene was so chaotic that no one paid attention to his words.

Sure enough, after two or three seconds, a monster broke free from the black robe.

Thick purple-black blood vessels extended from the heart like tentacles. The body suddenly expanded and seemed to be two meters tall. The limbs mutated and gave birth to strange things.

In particular, there was a tumor on the head. The surface looked like melted flesh and blood, but there were many protrusions. The next second, black eyes popped out, one of which was particularly big.

Barrett instantly recognized that the tumor was where he was aiming, and those black eyeballs seemed to be looking at him.

What kind of monster is this? (End of chapter)

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