Our family is in decline

Chapter 381 Golden Legend!

When Lance was fighting the monster alone, Greendale, who had just been in despair, gradually realized that the situation was a bit strange.

How come the three-clawed, high-attack, high-dodge, and oppressive look of Wolf Warrior disappears when he transforms into a werewolf?

Instead, it turned into a cumbersome target. Even she could keep up with that speed. Why did it look like it was not as good as before?

Greendale was really frightened by the deformed and twisted appearance of the Wolf Warrior just now. If she directly intervened in the battle, she would probably collapse instantly because the impact of the three-stage mutation of the Wolf Warrior would put pressure on her. It has completely exceeded the range of psychological endurance.

She couldn't even think, and she didn't have the inclination to think.

But now Lance stepped forward to stop it, which gave Greendale a chance to adjust.

After all, she is a genius cultivated by the Lushou Tribe. She has also experienced things like the night of genocide and the thousand-mile escape. Her mental endurance is still very strong, and she only needs a little breath to relax.

And in that head-to-head battle, she got a glimpse of the monster not being as strong as she thought, and Lance used corpse spores to make her understand what she should do.

He immediately reached for something from his bag...

Lance slashed with his sword, leaving a wound on the monster that couldn't dodge, but he soon noticed that as time passed, the wound on the werewolf began to heal again, and the rotten flesh was filled with new sprouts.

This zombie spore, which was born out of [necrotic fungus], has set limits to avoid uncontrolled spread and will soon expire, so it needs to be constantly replenished.

Just when he was about to prepare the zombie spores to continue corroding it, large swaths of new shoots suddenly sprouted under the monster's feet, and thick strangler grass grew between his breaths and enveloped the monster.

This was the grass seed dropped by Greendale before, and who else could be the one who could do this if not her?

But what makes Lance feel strange is that this kind of thing was even pulled out by Wolf Warrior before, but it doesn't look like it can cause harm to monsters no matter how you look at it?

Just when Lance was confused, he suddenly noticed the place where the strangler grass was clinging, and the wounds began to rot again.

It's corpse spores!

He suddenly understood something. These weed-like strangler grasses were indeed difficult to cause direct damage, but they were good carriers because they could not corrode plants and only reacted to flesh and blood.

The disappeared corrosion was reattached by Greendale, and the seemingly weak weed showed a unique usage.

The wounds created later were directly infected and rotted, causing the monster to roar wildly and remove the strangled grass with casual movements like mowing grass.

But you must know how powerful the life of plants is. The roots are continuous and cannot be killed. However, more weeds will grow in just a breath.

Grendel's zombie spores and Lance's giant killer, these two wonders "serve" one of them. How could Wolf Warrior be so lucky?

The champion of the two gods brought great power to the wolf, especially the power of the ancestor, which made its vitality abnormally strong. It was very difficult to kill it with the current means alone.

The ancestor's method just now made Lance understand that something must have happened, and he was unwilling to delay it any longer.

When Greendale took over the task of collecting corpse spores, Lance stopped paying attention to anything else and launched an attack with all his strength.

Lance's offensive also stimulated the monster, and the battle between the two became more and more ferocious.

The fierce battle between the two sides was the purest confrontation of strength. The collision between the bone blade and the giant sword erupted with a deafening roar. The monster's bloated left arm alone blocked Lance's full blow.

At the same time, the fighting instinct made it quickly swing its claws forward to fish it out. Lance turned to avoid it but was still scratched. This was because he reacted quickly enough, but it was only a slight scratch. If he was not careful, his flesh and blood would be scattered everywhere.

Lance didn't have the power to ignore pain like these monsters. The instant pain in his waist made him twitch. This was a huge delay in exerting force, but the monster would not just wait like this.

The left arm suppressed by the giant sword suddenly exerted force, directly overturning the giant sword and Lance.

In the next second, he leaned down, and the wolf claws on his right arm fell to the ground in a wolf-like explosive posture, and he opened his bloody mouth to bite Lance.

But just as it was about to move, the roots suddenly emerged from the tree and wrapped around it, interrupting the bite.

Greendale can't main attack, nor can she resist damage, but she can still assist.

But how could these tree roots tie it up? It easily broke free and continued its unfinished flight.

In fact, even if Greendale didn't take action, the monster might not be able to bite Lance, because what was waiting for it to hit it was the sword blade.

Naturally, it was impossible for the monster to watch the huge sword slash into its mouth, and immediately move up and down, its fangs colliding with the tip of the sword and biting it to stop the attack.

Whether it is a wolf or a dog, the moment it bites its prey, it will shake its head in death. This is why Lance guessed from the beginning that the bite will directly cause disability.

It was obvious that even after the mutation, it was difficult to suppress the instinctive impulse. A powerful force erupted from his neck, and he actually bit the giant sword and shook it.

Lance held the hilt of the sword with both hands and fought against it, but under the sudden burst of power, he was unable to pull it out for a while, and was even shaken uncontrollably.

What made people even more desperate was that the monster actually waved its left arm and stabbed towards Lance.

The length of the giant killer sword is one meter and sixty. Even if the monster is over two meters in size, it will be difficult to catch Lance with its long arms.

However, after the mutated flesh and blood, the length of his left arm dropped to the knees, not to mention the protruding bone blade, which could completely exceed the length of the sword body.

Now Lance has only one choice, and that is to let go, unless he wants to...

It's a pity that Lance was not interested in this choice. Instead of letting go, he jumped up, used the hilt of the sword in his hand as a support to stand upside down, and let the bone blade cut into the air.

Even a monster couldn't attack while shaking its head, so Lance took advantage of this opportunity.

He twisted around and exerted force, swinging to the side with the weight of his body, which directly destroyed the monster's balance. When he landed, the wolf's head biting the sword could not help but twist at a strange angle.

But the monster obviously didn't want to let go, and it held on tightly, causing the sword blade to make a metallic squeezing sound.

This is obviously about confrontation.

And he...never backs down!

"If you want to wrestle with me, then have a taste of my power!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lance took a step forward to steady his body, and then he clenched the hilt of the sword with both hands and exerted force. The muscles of his bare upper body swelled like a dragon and seemed to expand in a circle, and his belt tightened even more like his lower body. It will break in a second.

Under this force, the monster that originally had the upper hand by biting the giant sword could not help but be affected by the power of the sword. Once it began to waver, it meant that the collapse was only a matter of seconds.

If he just wanted to throw the monster away, he might have succeeded, but Lance couldn't suppress his rage.


The enhancements brought by the blessing are constantly turning into power. Lance's power seems to have no end, breaking through the sky!

With a loud shout, he actually raised the giant sword and the monster.

The overlord raises the cauldron!

The monster suddenly found that its feet were off the ground, and the movements of its limbs could not help but be interrupted by panic. Any creature suddenly suspended in the air would cause a stress reaction, and it was no exception.

But before it could react, it hit the ground hard with the swing of the giant sword, with its head hitting the ground first.

Don't forget that the giant sword is still biting in the mouth of its wolf head. The collision directly made its alveolar sore, and the shock even spread to the brain along with the bones. The strong dizziness made it unable to bite the blade and let go.

Lance wanted to swing it a second time, but found that the guy actually let go, and the sword actually had exaggerated teeth marks on it, almost biting through the dents on the sword.

But it didn't matter. Before it woke up, the giant sword raised high struck down with all its strength.

The blade had long lost its sharpness in the high-intensity battle and even became pitted, but it was still thundering when driven by Lance's power.

One break!

A loud noise erupted the moment it fell, mixed with the crisp sound of bone cracking.

The monster was half-kneeling on the ground, and there was even a dent where his knees touched the ground.

At the last moment, it was able to break free from the dizziness and cross its arms in a defensive posture. However, its right arm was directly chopped off... I can't say that, it should be crushed. The muscles turned into mud and the bones were shattered. Only a little bit of skin and flesh remained on the arm.

But in the end, the sword blade was blocked by the thick flesh-proliferated left arm, otherwise half of the body would have been split open.

However, Lance's offensive did not stop at all. It was his good character to beat the drowned dog, and he would not wait and give the enemy a chance to come back like Greendale.

There are no fancy fighting skills, Lance's New Year sword technique is just like an old farmer swinging a hoe down, but the speed is getting faster and faster, and the power is getting stronger, and strange words are coming out of his mouth.

"Let you make a fucking fuss!"

"Let you wake me up!"

"Die to me!!!"

The continuous surge of power was like entering a violent state. His eyes were red, his face was hideous and terrifying, and he was roaring wantonly. In the end, he couldn't even speak clearly and could only hear his roars.


The manic aura was released, and even formed a substantial pressure that made the weeds lower their heads.

Even Grendel in the distance seemed to be frightened and couldn't help but retreat, for fear that he would be tempted to kill and chop herself down as well.

After pulling away, the trembling heart calmed down a little.

This is just a breath leaking from the side, and as a monster that really faces this pressure, it has no ability to resist at this time.

The pit where he knelt down just now sunk in. If the left arm hadn't been transformed by the ancestor's power and had its own strong recovery ability, it would have died long ago.

But facing the increasingly heavy giant sword, he was unable to contend with it. Even though he had lost his ability to think, he still couldn't help but instinctively feel fear.

The only thing that can scare a monster is another monster.

But soon it will have nothing to fear.

The power of the sword edge pushed down the left arm and cut it directly into the shoulder blade. The left arm in front of the body instantly lost its fulcrum and fell down.

Without waiting for recovery, the next sword slashed directly at the huge wolf head. It didn't explode, but made a sound like knocking iron.

But all that power was still poured into his brain, and even with super physical fitness and recovery ability, he was instantly dizzy.

The sword struck down again, but it didn't split the wolf's head. Instead, the tremor returned along with the sword's body.

Still couldn't cut it open?


Lance didn't believe it. With a strange cry, the muscles in both arms were bulging like mountains. The blood seemed to be unable to bear the force and seeped out of the skin, turning red, like red-hot wrought iron. He raised the giant sword high and fiercely. of falling.

The third...the fourth...the fifth sword!

Destroy heaven and earth!

But there were two very different sounds before and after.

With a sound, the giant sword finally cut into the wolf's head, and steel finally defeated bone.

But the other sound was the crisp sound of the giant killer breaking.

"Broken..." Lance's restless mood couldn't help but be stunned. He saw that there was only a small section left in his hand. He was used to the heavy feel, but it seemed empty at this time. As for the remaining half of the sword embedded in the wolf's head above.

At this moment, the monster's spine seemed to have been taken away, its huge body instantly softened, and its wide-open eyes began to lose focus and gradually lost their luster.

Lance didn't dare to delay any longer, so he leaned forward and pressed down with his hand.


The power of the void emerged, and it seemed to be showing great interest in the monster. The devouring speed seemed to have slowed down a lot, as if it wanted to taste it carefully.

The wolf-headed shadow roared and wanted to challenge the power of the void, but was instantly wiped away. Even if the wolf died, the flesh and blood on its body was still squirming unwillingly and trying to resist, but unfortunately this was just a joke.

Lance had only seen this kind of situation when the butler was sacrificed. Not even the collector or the alpha wolf had so many changes, which shows the strength of the wolf warrior.

Fortunately, nothing went wrong, and the power of the sacrifice smoothed out all possible accidents.

It’s just that the gift was not returned immediately, which shows that the equipment is explosive!

Lance couldn't help but look surprised. Spirituality is everywhere, but every piece of equipment produced by the panel is a good thing.

Soon after the ceremony ended, the void reacted, and a weapon with a unique shape was returned.

It was not made of metal, but a long knife made of bone but with a dark gray surface and a shape similar to the curvature of a wolf's fang.

Lance grabbed the handle of the knife and pulled it out of the void. He already knew the information about the knife.

[Wolf Fang] has two entries: sharpness and armor-piercing. One attack will cause bleeding, and the other will naturally break through the armor's protection.

Isn't this the power lingering on the wolf claws and fangs? It was actually exposed!

Looking at the aura lingering on it, Lance was sure that this was definitely a piece of legendary equipment that went beyond epic (red equipment).

Wow! Golden legend!

But it wasn't over yet, and then two light groups floated out of the void and merged into the body.

Lance could feel a very familiar power, the power of the old man's flesh and blood.

And another kind...

Thanks to [Nan Qiao doesn’t eat children] 275 reward

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