Our family is in decline

Chapter 401 Story Meeting

She still remembered the man who took in their mother and son, and also remembered that the lord saved them both, otherwise she and her son would have died in the chaos.

In fact, the woman was only in her thirties, but she looked like she was exuding a rotten air of death. She didn't know what price she paid to give birth to Balin. Maybe she was her mother.

Lance didn't say anything else, but just talked about Bahrain's performance and praised his outstanding performance.

For a mother, nothing makes her happier than this. The child she thought would never grow up can now be recognized by the lord.

The attack was effective, and the woman's condition improved visibly, but Lance, who could see through flesh and blood, saw that the facts had not changed.

The woman stretched out her trembling hand and wanted to say something, but realized the difference in status and froze her movements for a moment.

Lance didn't care, and naturally reached out to hold the cold and dry palm.

"You can tell me if you have anything."

"Sir, Bahrain will be entrusted to you from now on."

"Hmm~" Lance nodded and responded without explaining it to her. In her eyes, the children who still needed their mother's protection have now grown up to be able to protect their mothers.

"Okay, I won't disturb your rest." Lance turned to look at Bahrain, "I'll give you a few days off to spend time with your mother. You can take her out to bask in the sun and take her to eat something good. .”

"Thank you, sir."

Lance stayed in the house for a while, and when he walked out of the house, he took a long breath. The living situation was still a bit bad, but this was the best he could give.

Lance found the Tommarie family, and he came here to take them away.

But he didn't expect that no one was at home at all. He asked someone to call the mother over from work. After asking, he found out that the two children had all gone to work early in the morning. This made him a little confused, but he soon understood. reacted.

Resting in this world is a luxury. Only those exploiters are qualified to lie in bed and enjoy the support from the bottom.

Especially under the current system of collective farm work, for ordinary people, once they stop working, it means starving. They will not stop working for small things unless there is a real emergency. This situation even spreads to children.

Yes, even if the injury was healed by Lance, the psychological trauma was probably not small for a child. He actually continued to take his sister to work after just one day.


Sometimes being sensible is cruel...

Lance looked at the woman, "You don't believe I will come to pick you up~"

His tone of voice was very calm, but the slight prolongation of his voice frightened the mother's face, and she kept waving her hands and shaking her head in confusion, trying to say something.

"Sir, I don't...it's not..."

"Okay, I didn't say I wouldn't let you work at that time." Lance waved his hand to signal her to stop, and he didn't mean to blame her.

For ordinary people, the pressure of survival lies ahead, and an unfulfilled promise is illusory. When survival is difficult to satisfy, their short-sightedness is forced.

After all, Lance didn't usually come over. These people had been separated from him for too long.

"You clean up, I'll call the two children back."

"Sir, let me call them back." The panic on the woman's face has not faded, but she still said this.

A noble lord came to see the two of them, but the two of them were playing outside. The price of delaying the noble was beyond their ability to bear.

"You just have to obey." Lance knew she was worried that this fear would spread to the child.

But whether it was to show off in front of those people, or to get acquainted with two future extraordinary beings, Lance knew that it was best to go by himself.

"Yes, sir." The woman agreed quickly. This was not something she could control.

Lance went directly to the edge of the farm, where the trees had been cut down, leaving the shrubs and weeds growing rapidly under the nourishment of the fertile land.

Going further inside is the area where lumberjacks are active, and even deeper is the wilderness and dense forest.

It was actually quite easy to find, because it was already completely bright at this time, and there were quite a few children out mowing the grass. There were many people bending down and waving sickles on the grass.

The spiritual fluctuations brought about by these two extraordinary beings are still very clear.

It seems that after the accident, Tom did not dare to come too early, but waited until the other children were together.

"Tom! Mary!"

Lance found them, but he still deliberately shouted in front of the children, attracting their attention immediately.

The appearance of the lord also caused some restlessness among the children. The figure of Lance returning to the farm after killing the wolf had left a strong impression on these children.

A heroic image sprouts in their hearts, and this is what Lance wants.

Only Tom seemed a little dazed. He basically spent the time when Lance appeared in bed, not realizing what was happening.

"Brother, it's the lord who is looking for us." Mary finally reacted and hurriedly came to her brother and gave him a hand.

At this time, Tom realized something and remembered the situations his sister had told him before. It was the Lord who saved him.

"Sir." Tom didn't care so much and quickly took his sister by the hand and ran over to greet her.

In addition, Tom was a little stunned. He had never been in contact with big people, and he didn't know what to do at this time.

But the effect Lance wanted was not achieved yet. He sat directly on the grass and showed a very casual look in front of these children.

"Come on, come on! Everyone, come and sit down." Lance raised his hand and waved to Mary, and the child also sat next to Lance very wisely.

He didn't treat these children with the same dignity as adults, but was much gentler.

Tom was quite nervous at first, but he quickly relaxed under Lance's guidance.

"Tom, can you tell us about the situation?" When Tom also sat down, Lance began to reveal his true intentions.

"Aren't you afraid of wolves?"

"Afraid, but I'm more afraid..."

Under Lance's guidance, Tom began to tell the story according to his ideas, and the children also fell into this ups and downs of the story.

This is a stage play, and Lance is the director, so the protagonist is naturally Tom, and the audience is the children who gathered around curiously.

He wants to use this performance to teach those children a lesson about [bravery] and [protection].

Education is not about beating, scolding, forcing them to obey, or taming them.

But let them understand, let them feel good and evil, right and wrong.

Even modern people can't play this, and Lance is just forced to do this, because those adults no longer have much transformation value, and Hamlet's hope still lies with these children.

Tom's matter can actually be explained in one sentence, but Lance made it very solemn and kept filling his thoughts, and in the end...

"Tom, your bravery saved my sister and moved me. I'm here to pick you up and take you to town."

Lance fills in the most important piece of the story at the end.

That is the reward the protagonist gets after defeating a powerful enemy. It is in sharp and strong contrast with the previous suffering, and directly brings the story to the climax.

In fact, Greendale had already begun to lay the groundwork for the relevant rumors, and they were finally perfectly interpreted at this moment.

Tom was immersed in the envious gazes of the people around him and didn't know what to say. He only knew that he had been chosen by the lord.

Lance is obviously among them, but he is independent of their emotions, like a narrator.

[Another lucky guy... This will bring deep memories to his childhood. 】

Before that, he himself didn't even understand what the things he did had to do with the so-called bravery and protection.

But now he even felt that the scar on his chest was a little hot. It was no longer ugly, but more like a medal.

The excitement vaguely inspired the extraordinary power awakened in Tom, and Lance immediately spoke after noticing it.

"Braveness is like a strong drink. It doesn't matter if it's hot in the mouth, but it must be able to withstand the long staying power to be called a good drink."

Lance took the opportunity to interrupt the restless atmosphere by saying something that was difficult for children like him to understand, and then he slowly explained.

"Like those soldiers who went against the flow of people to meet them, they knew that they were weak and the enemy was strong, but in order to save more people, they rushed forward resolutely.

True bravery is not a momentary hot-headedness or blind impulsiveness, but one that persists in spite of one's own safety after considering the situation and knowing the consequences. "

Lance used those soldiers as examples to refine the definition of bravery. He couldn't teach a group of brainless idiots, that wouldn't be called bravery.

This vivid lecture was almost over. Lance took Tom and Mary directly to prepare to go back, but he met a group of urgent-looking soldiers halfway.

"grown ups!"

"what's going on?"

"The patrol team found traces of wolf activity in the forest outside, and judging from the traces left behind, they are very fresh and there are quite a lot of them."


Lance couldn't help but become serious when he heard this. After all, it had only been less than two days since the invasion of Wolf Warriors.

On the contrary, the two children who were following him lost all fear after hearing about wolves. Obviously, the story just now distorted their perception of wolves.

"You two go back to your mother to get ready. I'll go take care of some things and then come back to pick you up."

After all, Lance still couldn't let go. Hamlet couldn't bear the intensity of the battle in a short time.

Tom and Mary were not the kind of ignorant children. The two little guys went back obediently, while Lance followed the soldiers into the dense forest on the edge of the farm.

"This is where the white wolf was found, and this is also the direction from which the barbarians invaded."

The soldier explained to him, but Lance didn't waste any time and started [Blood Hunting] directly.

Under this ability, everything around him was instantly rebuilt in his mind through the sense of smell, and those traces glowed in his eyes, like a unique sight for playing games.

Even the smell of Wangcai's blood from a day ago, and of course the traces probably left last night.

"You are patrolling normally, there is no need to come here." Lance walked up the glowing trail.

Although the soldiers did not know what happened, they still obeyed the order and did not investigate these new traces in depth, but continued patrolling.

Lance went directly into the wild jungle. The reason why he did this was because he discovered a very critical problem, that is, these fresh smells were very different from those white wolves bred by the Wolf Fang tribe.

Although there is a vague guess, but to be sure what it is, you have to go up and take a look.

Lance's pace shuttled through it, and with the help of his skills, he quickly found the target, which was a group of gray wolves resting under the shade of a tree.

And when he broke into that territory, he also woke them up. You must know that wolves also have sentries.


The low whine didn't have an exaggerated reaction, but it instantly made the napping gray wolves prick up their ears and wake up.

The wild wolves growing up in the wilderness are full of bestiality and have a strong sense of territory. When faced with enemies that invade the territory, even terrifying monsters like wild bears will not run away, but will choose to fight and protect the territory.

"It seems they are here to find you~"

That's right, these gray wolves were actually smelling of wealth, and the smell of blood was also there, which made Lance a little strange.

He originally thought that Wangcai's serious injury was caused by the white wolves of the Langya tribe, so what role did these gray wolves in the nearby wilderness play?

When Lance said this, the wealthy figure emerged from the void. Looking at the former companions in front of him, an inexplicable emotion was conveyed to Lance.

"It turns out it's your kid who has such a good time outside."

Soon he also roughly understood what was going on. Only these five were left in their thirties. Without the powerful leader of the Wolf King, they would soon follow the laws of nature.

These should be those who follow the scent to find the alpha wolf Wangcai. As for the others, there is a high probability that they are scattered directly in the wilderness.

"Come on, let's see if they still recognize you, the Wolf King."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wangcai's illusory figure gradually solidified, appearing in front of the group of wild wolves as if he appeared across the void.

He couldn't smell it, but his wolf eyes instantly locked onto the ghostly figure.

Those wild wolves are not so rational. They are just ordinary wolves, and they must not be able to understand what this is.

Because most of them rely on the sense of smell to distinguish each other, but the sense of smell cannot detect the spiritual structure of Wangcai's body. They can only smell the scent of a human being, so these wild wolves regard Wangcai more as a human being. viewed by the enemy.

Their reaction undoubtedly made Wangcai a little angry. These guys couldn't recognize themselves and even directly approached in an offensive formation to face the invaders.

Thanks to [Ban Jiesheng] for the 100 reward

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