Our family is in decline

Chapter 417 Trial

"Next!" Lance finalized the case and moved on to the next trial.

When Jill walked up to the stage, she couldn't help but look very nervous when she felt the gaze.

However, he had just been reminded down below and had seen the demonstration just now, so he was not unable to walk.

Opposite him were several people. One of them, a woman dressed in a voluptuous manner, also lowered her head under the shackles. The others were all men.

"Read the case..."

This case is also very simple, it is the immortal jump.

The women danced to attract those people, and then tricked the men into entering with their exciting shows. Unexpectedly, those people were so unruly, and several men ran in when they were half-dressed.

As soon as Gil's chicken head got hot, he immediately lost a lot of money. When he came out, the more he thought about it, the more things went wrong.

Those of them who ran the boat were not good people, and they didn't understand Hamlet's rules. Instead of going to report the crime, they went back and directly called their brothers on the boat to ask for an explanation.

The matter got serious and then the Sheriff found out about it and recorded it.

They were pulled over by the Sheriff, and all Gill got was a "pending investigation."

Originally, he thought he would suffer the same consequences as before, but he didn't expect that he would actually be judged now.

This case was not difficult, and there were many witnesses, because the Sheriff stopped the crew members and made them more reckless and harmed many people.

After going through the process, Lance pronounced a verdict on the spot, returning all the stolen money and imposing a fine.

Logically, this case should end like this, but there must be a reason why Lance chose this case for public trial.

The Roma people were taken away by the sheriff, and then Gill and the others were inexplicably brought to the dock.

As for the plaintiff, William walked over directly.

This situation made them all confused. What is going on?

"Sir, we didn't commit any crime..." Jill felt like she still had to defend herself.

"Before you disembarked, someone should have told you that Hamlet cannot fight in crowds. If you encounter trouble, you can seek help from the Sheriff. You should remember that, right?"

Lance's words reminded Jill and others of something. They were indeed reminded before getting off the boat.

But these words are the same everywhere. They will be warned not to cause trouble when they go to other places, but who cares? I never expected that Hamlet actually enforced these rules.

Lance looked at them and couldn't help but knock on the table to bring them back to their senses.

"But since this is the first time and there was no fight, you left after hearing the advice of the sheriff. I am just giving you a warning this time, but if there is another time, you will wait to go to the labor camp."

After hearing this, Gil and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said some kind words to Lance, thanking the lord for letting them go.

But the matter is not over yet.

"Next item, do you know that in Hamlet, whores outside the brothel will be punished by fifteen days of detention, and there will also be a fine?"

This topic not only caught Gill and others off guard, but the residents of Hamlet were also caught up in this problem.

Someone actually mentioned this weird rule just before disembarking from the ship. Gambling and prostitution outside of Hamlet's casino and brothel are not protected, and are even serious violations. If caught, they will be severely punished.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is probably a monopoly behavior of lords to collect money, but only those prostitutes who have been hurt know that this is a kind of protection. They will not be sold to brothels, nor will they be forced to pick up customers, or encounter perverted people. Guests also have the right to refuse without fear of harm.

It's just that most of the former prostitutes have become good friends. As long as they are willing to work, there is no shortage of food in Hamlet. Now most of the brothels are lazy dogs who don't like to work and like to lie down and make money.

I'm afraid no one in the whole world can understand Lance's behavior.

But Lance didn't care, he didn't live to look at other people's faces.

"Explain your behavior?"

Lance asked, what can Jill and the others say? I can only admit that I do have this idea.

"Since this is the first time and the transaction has not been completed, the fifteen-day detention will be waived. Just go down and pay the fine."

Lance ended the trial, and Jill and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the money they had just recovered was fined and confiscated, they were more afraid of being told what they had committed. Hamlet was really a magical place.

It's finally over...

Lance couldn't spend all night on this. He chose some typical and educational cases to teach ordinary people how to prevent fraud and teach outsiders how to behave.

Speaking of which, the intensity of his trial was relatively mild, that is, he was imprisoned for a few days and fined a small amount of money. It was not like the initial behavior of hanging people and hanging their heads in the square.

There are reasons for the different levels of crime, and also because the situation was chaotic at that time and he had to be tough enough to scare others, but now he doesn't need that to be able to control the situation.

Being too cruel and harsh will cause stress, which is inconsistent with Hamlet's peaceful and tranquil setting.

Because the evidence was collected in advance, the Roma people basically had no room to refute under the complete chain of evidence. They could only numbly admit the facts of their crimes and then accept the punishment.

This vivid legal education class actually ended in just over an hour, but it probably left a very deep impression on them.

"After get off work, get off work." Lance couldn't wait to go back after leaving the stage.

Those police officers get overtime pay for working overtime, but he doesn't. If he doesn't run away, wouldn't that be a pure injustice?

But when the big worry about the Roma people was taken care of, William was finally able to find the energy to talk about another thing.

"Sir, there is one more thing I need to report to you."

"What?" Lance was about to get off work and was a little curious when he heard this.

"It's about those five wild wolves. I can't train them." William looked helpless when he said this.

The lord just left five wild wolves to himself, which made him very worried.

Dog training is most effective when it is started from a young age. Now it is really difficult for him to face several adult and wild wild wolves.

He was busy dealing with those Roma people at work, and had to deal with a few wild wolves after get off work. William had lost a lot of hair in the past few days, and his original golden hair had become as messy as a bird's nest.

"Is he too wild?" Lance didn't make things difficult for him. It wasn't a strange thing that he couldn't be trained. After all, he didn't start from a young age.

"No, but I found that those were female wolves, and they already showed signs of pregnancy."

"Ah..." Lance was stunned for a moment when he heard this, but he soon understood and looked at the illusory wealth beside him.

He said why this bitch Wangcai ran away and refused to come back. It turned out that there was a little she-wolf outside.

No wonder those wild wolves followed him even though they were seriously injured, and they still persisted in searching after they separated from the pack.

The reason is very simple, because only the wolf king in a wolf pack has the right to mate, and these pregnant female wolves cannot integrate into the new wolf pack. Even if they integrate, the wolf cubs will probably be bitten to death by the wolf king when they are born.

Damn it, he, the master, has to help him repay the romantic debts he owes outside.

It seemed that Lance's eyes were a little strange, and Wangcai also seemed a little timid when he saw it, as if he knew he had been exposed.

However, Lance was not too disgusted. Instead, he seemed quite happy.

With five wolves, one with three or five smaller ones, Hamlet will soon have more than ten or twenty wolf pups with extraordinary bloodlines. As long as they can be trained, they will be very good war pets, even stronger than hounds.

"This is not the most important thing. Now that these wolves are used to being free, they are in a very strong stress state when they are locked in a cage. The struggle often causes them injuries. I am worried that they will not be able to wait until they give birth." William is still a little worried about the current environment. Not suitable for housing them.

"Let's go and have a look."

At this time, Lance didn't waste any time and soon arrived at the place where the wild wolves were placed.

In fact, it was the yard outside the single-family house assigned to William. Several iron cages were placed in it and covered with cloth to isolate them to prevent them from being stressed by the outside world.

But when Lance and the others stepped in, they immediately caused the wild wolf to struggle wildly. There was a violent noise in the iron cage, and even the entire iron cage shook during the impact.

"I can't do anything at all. I don't dare to starve or train them. It's even difficult to release them." William was also helpless. Wolves and dogs are different, not to mention that he couldn't be cruel to those wolves at all.

Lance didn't blame him, he just moved forward and lifted the cloth on a cage, and saw the vicious and crazy wolf eyes inside. The hair on his body exploded, his mouth was broken from biting the iron cage, and his face was stained with blood and saliva. .

Seeing this scene, Lance suddenly realized that he had taken it for granted. He had just caught them back and left them to William without any care, which led to today's situation.

"It's so fierce~" Boudica also followed to watch the fun, but her innocent heart could see something deeper, "But it's very scared now."

Lance also saw that the ferocity was more due to being trapped, having nowhere to escape and being forced to a desperate end.

Because they hadn't seen each other for two or three days, these wolves seemed to have forgotten about Lance. This situation made him understand that it was still his fault.

Reality is not a game, where teams of well-trained soldiers can be produced directly with the click of a mouse.

It is also impossible to easily tame a few wolves by catching them and leaving them alone.

Lance knew that the military wolf and police dog he just imagined would most likely be a long journey.

But the next second he made a move that surprised both William and Boudica. He actually opened an iron cage. Not surprisingly, the wolf rushed out and bit him.

Boudica subconsciously wanted to attack this sudden attack, and Figes immediately lowered his head and prepared to rush over, but Lance raised his hand to stop him.

"Don't move, let me do it."

Faced with the attacking wild wolf Lance, he didn't panic at all, but he didn't fight him. Instead, he stretched out his hand and caught it in mid-air. He grabbed the fur on the back of his neck with one hand and pinned it to the ground with the other hand. .

Under his strength, no matter how hard the wild wolf struggled, his limbs dug up the dirt on the ground to no avail.

The powerful force suppressed the wolf and slowly calmed down. What's more, their condition was not good to begin with, and they lost strength after struggling a little.

Under the strong pressure, the wild wolf's eyes no longer had the madness just now, but became much clearer. He even looked a little pitiful when Lance faced him directly.

Lance also relaxed the pressure on his body slightly, but kept his eyes facing each other to observe its expression.

The movements of his hands began to caress slightly, and his tone also softened, giving a comforting meaning.

"We are not bad people and will not hurt you."

At the same time, Lance activates [Flesh and Flesh Reconstruction], which will continue to treat it with gentle caress, easing its pain, which will give it a positive feedback.

That is, touching will not cause harm, but will be very comfortable.

Wangcai's illusory body also appeared, making a licking gesture beside the she-wolf. It couldn't touch it, but it was an instinct engraved in the soul.

Soon, even if Lance completely let go of it, there was no riot like before. Instead, it lay on the ground obediently, looking at Lance carefully.

William looked on, good guy, you are the dog trainer, right?

But he also knew that most people couldn't play this trick, because wanting to easily suppress a wild wolf with strength alone would have dissuaded most people, because William knew that he couldn't do it either.

In fact, the reason why Lance can do this is very simple. Wangcai is nearby, and he knows the habits of wild wolves very well.

In fact, it is the result of the joint suppression of Lance and Wangcai.

"Go get some water and food."

"These wolves only eat meat, and it has to be raw meat with blood. They won't eat anything else."

William is a professional dog trainer. He has specially prepared dog food, but these wolves don't eat it at all, so he used to buy live chickens and fresh meat to feed them.

But Lance will not get used to it. He will never be able to escape his animal nature after eating raw meat for the rest of his life.

"Cook it before feeding it. Go buy a few kilograms of meat and come back. I'll train the rest as well."

Lance stroked the wolf's head with one hand, and even if he looked away, it did not attack again.

In fact, these animals are very sensitive to human emotions, and they can capture any fear.

It just sensed Lance's fearless and extremely powerful aura. When it knew that even struggling and resisting could not shake this man, it naturally gave in.

William left, but Boudica also became interested, and she also wanted to give it a try.

But Lance couldn't bear it. This guy didn't attack lightly or harshly. If he got hurt, he would be in trouble.

"Just keep an eye on it, come and touch it."

Upon hearing this, Boudicca put aside her depression for a moment, and squatted down close to the wolf, which made the wolf alert, but Lance gently stroked the wolf's head to make it focus on him, "Don't be afraid, no one will hurt you. "

The soothing effect still worked, it just glanced at Boudicca and made no more moves.

"Hehe! I touched it."

Boudicca was as happy as a child when she touched the wolf's fur.

When she saw Lance playing with Wangcai before, she often wanted to do it, but Wangcai wouldn't let her touch it. Now, even though it was a low-profile one, she finally got it.

Boudica's simple and silly mood also infected the wolf, and its tense nerves gradually relaxed, because it was also tired.

Additional updates (2/5)

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