Our family is in decline

Chapter 419 Cannon Casting

The woman was stunned. She didn't expect Amanda to be so stubborn when she gave in during the first meeting.

On the one hand, she earns tens of thousands of gold coins every year, and on the other hand, she faces countless troubles. The woman is not stupid, so she made her choice after putting her emotions aside.

Cooperation is good for everyone.

"I hope what you said is true." The woman was not completely convinced yet, but her tone was not as aggressive as it started to be.

"I'll send you some more news, which will be very useful to you." Seeing that the woman agreed, Amanda's attitude softened slightly and she immediately threw out a piece of news.

"Bastia wants to take advantage of the civil strife in the empire to unite with the barbarians to launch an attack and seek to become the new emperor."

"Ah! Are you sure?" As soon as the news came out, the woman didn't even care about her previous grudges.

Their sensitivity to information is worthy of their status as intelligence dealers. This piece of information alone is worth hundreds of gold coins.

"Earl Hamlet led the army to defeat the coalition of barbarians and Bastia some time ago. I was on the scene when the prisoners were interrogated. What do you think?"

Amanda cleverly used the art of language to avoid her question, but it sounded like she had given an answer. Even if she went back to divination, she was not lying.

It doesn't take much to know that Amanda's words must be in accordance with Lance's instructions.

It can be expected that when Alvin returns to Bastia, more people will know about Hamlet's cult.

The Count of Bastia will definitely throw dirty water on Lance if he wants to get Hamlet, and Lance can also throw dirty water on Bastia.

The conflict between the barbarians and the empire has definitely existed for hundreds of years, not just for thousands of years. It was only interrupted by the rise of Count Bastia, but it did not end.

However, it will be very difficult for the people of the Empire to forget this in more than ten years. As long as this news spreads, Bastia will have to face pressure from several aspects, and more importantly, the turmoil of people's hearts.

The news is time-sensitive, and the woman will definitely be eager to sell the news after she returns. By then, with the help of Roma channels, the whole of Totnes will probably know, and the news will spread quickly.

Lance anticipated Count Bastia and then launched a reverse rake.

The effect doesn't matter, as long as it plants the idea in other people's minds.

Anyway, the more chaotic the northern border of the empire is, the better for him.

"The second news is that Hamlet overcame the problem of leprosy treatment. The medical level here is very high..."

Amanda revealed some information to the woman according to Lance's instructions, weaving a huge web again, and the relationship between the two became stronger due to the binding of interests.

"I want to go back as soon as possible!" The woman urgently needs to cash in the news, and many things cannot be left here.

"Pay the fine and you can go out tonight. The goods are ready and you can leave early tomorrow morning."

"Okay!" The woman was not stingy with the money, the news was important enough.

"It's a fine for all Roma people. According to the tasks of the previous organization, you won't forget why you came here, right?" Amanda couldn't help but remind her when she saw how relaxed she was.

The woman then realized that the ship came to Hamlet to evacuate the Roma people. Although she felt a little pain, she could only agree in order to return as soon as possible...

After the negotiation, Amanda went to meet with several other leaders, but there was not much nonsense, she just said something coldly.

"I have warned you many times before that this place is different from other places. No one listened to me when I asked you to obey the rules. Now that you are caught, I am asking you to be fished out."

Some of those people were twice as old as Amanda, but they couldn't help but look embarrassed when they heard this.

Sneaking and kidnapping are the Roma people's way of survival. Greed and laziness make them prefer this method to make money instead of working hard.

Amanda didn't have time to waste time with these guys. She followed up on those cases, paid the fines to the Roma people one by one, and took them out.

And now all the Roma who had been resisting her had become honest.

It was already late at night when everything was settled, but Amanda felt inexplicably relaxed just thinking about sending these guys away early tomorrow morning.

Unknowingly, she wandered to the Lord's Mansion and saw the room with lights on. After a little hesitation, she chose to go in.

It's late at night and everything is silent.

At this time, she was not in a hurry to go in, but instead focused on her surroundings. She had not paid much attention to it before, but now she felt that the lord's mansion was too crude and unworthy of a count, let alone a count. The identity of the last strong man.

There is no decoration inside, and there are no maids or the like. There are just extremely simple furniture. Even my own car is a hundred times more luxurious than here.

But this did not make Amanda look down upon in any way. On the contrary, she felt that the man was even more terrifying.

But fortunately, I am not standing on the opposite side of him now, and once he stands with me, I will feel an inexplicable sense of security.

"grown ups?"

The door was not closed, and standing outside the door, Amanda could see what Lance was writing.

"Oh! You're back." Lance raised his head and signaled with a smile, "Sit down first."

A person with a gentle and stable mood can give great comfort to others. This is what a leader should do.

Amanda felt this very deeply. When facing Lance, she didn't have the same trepidation as when facing a teacher. Instead, she felt like she could rely on him.

It would be a lie to say that she was not tired, but at this time she was not under any pressure. When she told Lance about what had just happened, he actually echoed the general complaint. It was more like a chat between friends than a conversation. report.

"Have you really decided? Everything hasn't reached that level yet, so it wouldn't be fair for you to give up like this~"

Lance seemed to be trying to persuade her, but the word "fair" seemed to sting her.

"Fair? Haha..." Amanda wanted to say something, but she didn't say it.

Why can Tamara, a guy who stole sacred objects, go directly back to get the best training?

And after more than ten years of hard work, he ended up being marginalized?

"I don't owe them anything."

In the end, all the emotions converged into one sentence, and this sentence also explained Amanda's choice.

"No matter what choice you make, I will support you." Lance reassured her, but it was more like encouragement.


Hamlet, weapons workshop.

When it was not completed, Patton would come over to check it whenever he had time. Every time it was windy or rainy, it was difficult to stop him, and he was even more worried, fearing that there would be something wrong with these gun models.

The reason why he was worried about all kinds of things was because there were only one training cannon for so many people in the artillery, and he, the commander of the artillery, was reduced to an administrator.

In addition, it is very difficult to make clay molds, and it is impossible for non-skilled craftsmen to do it.

Because the cannon mold is made of compacted clay, its air permeability is low, and the internal moisture is difficult to dry out. Even if you use charcoal fire to bake, it is often dry on the outside and moist on the inside. Exposure to the sun will cause cracking due to different dryness levels. , it will become damp again when it rains, and it must be completely dried before use.

As for the degree of drying, the importance of skilled craftsmen is reflected. They can judge whether it is completely dry by the knocking sound. If the clay mold is not completely dry, the internal moisture will escape during casting, causing the formation of the gun barrel. Honeycomb-like cavities increase the risk of chamber explosion.

Then when the clay mold is completed, the most difficult step of casting the cannon has been completed.

After waiting for more than two months, the cannon model was basically completed and everything was ready. When it came time to cast the cannon, he was not in a hurry.

Barton checked the process carefully, although he had already checked and communicated with those old masters before.

But every gun model is very precious. It takes a long time to get it, and it must be foolproof.

"The lord is here!"

At this time, a person ran in outside, with uncontrollable excitement on his face.

Everyone seemed a little nervous when they heard this. After all, they couldn't make mistakes in front of the lord.

Lance walked into the weapons workshop. This was not his first time here, and he even strode in without anyone accompanying him.

"grown ups!"

"Don't worry about me, just work as usual." Lance greeted and walked to Barton's side, his interactions with the craftsmen were completely without pretensions.

It can be seen from here that he must come here often, otherwise the craftsmen might not be able to do their work at all.

This is indeed the case. Although he came here before, he did not come so frequently. But recently he started to cast cannons, and he came here much more frequently.

There is no way, Lance has invested so much here, and he also attaches great importance to the construction of the artillery unit. He has to come over to see the progress.

"Continue." Barton said, and the craftsmen returned to their posts and got busy.

When Lance brought them back from Totnes, everyone knew it was for making cannons, and now that they have returned to their old profession, they are not unfamiliar at all.

A deep pit that can accommodate the length of the gun barrel has been piled on the flat ground. The dry mud mold is placed in it and erected, and the surrounding area is filled with soil.

On this hot summer day, most of the craftsmen were bare-chested, and their not-so-strong but powerful arms were constantly blowing the blowers. The blast furnace made a roaring sound under several blowers, scorching the furnace.

When all the pig iron in the furnace is melted into molten iron, the outlet is opened and the molten iron flows into the barrel mud mold along the channel, filling all the cavities in the mud film.

During this process, the molten iron may distort the gun core in the clay mold, causing the cast gun bore to be not on the central axis of the gun body. Therefore, it is necessary to control the speed at which the molten iron flows out. This reflects the importance of skilled craftsmanship. .

After all the molten iron flows into the gun barrel clay mold, leave it for a period of time. After the molten iron in the clay mold cools down naturally, take the mud film out of the pit and smash the clay mold open with a hammer.

That is to say, all clay molds are disposable, and the two or three months of precipitation are just for this moment.

Lance inspected the other steps, where they had already been cooled down.

You can see the craftsmen smashing open the clay mold and then using other tools to scrape out all the sand on the surface of the metal barrel and the barrel. But what you get now is only a rough embryo, and there are still many processes that need to be completed before the real artillery can be made.

The craftsman needs to grind away the excess burrs and sand holes, and then use a boring tool to bore the inside of the barrel to make it as straight as possible, so that the cannonball can be better ejected from the barrel.

Not only these craftsmen, but also these grinding and cutting tools were brought back from Totnes, because Hamlet did not have the ability to produce these tools.

This process also takes a long time and tests the skills of the craftsmen, and Lance's previous investment has also paid off.

For Lance, these craftsmen are actually the same as sculptors. Their hands give new life to an object.

After the barrel bore and surface are processed, use a drill to drill out the fire door at the rear of the barrel.

Lance demanded standardization. Currently, all Hamlet's forged are light cannons such as six-pound cannons, and the processing technology requirements are not so high. However, the weight of the cannon body can generally reach seven or eight hundred pounds, and several craftsmen have to use tools to move it. .

After going through the above-mentioned assembly line, the artillery barrel is basically produced and can be quality tested to ensure that it has no fatal flaws.

First, visually inspect the barrel to see if there are any obvious defects, and then use a hammer to hit the barrel moderately to see if there are any cracks.

If no cracks or other defects are found, block the fire door on the barrel, then stand the barrel up and pour water into the chamber to observe the situation.

If you find water seeping from the barrel, it means there are cracks in the barrel. This kind of barrel cannot be used and will explode!

After going through the above inspection methods, if no obvious flaws are found, it can be equipped with a gun carriage.

The frame has been prepared a long time ago, and Hamlet lacks everything but wood.

Several craftsmen used tools to lift the gun barrel and install it on the frame. Because the design was already good, it looked perfect even after the manual precision errors.

At this stage from gun mold to finished product, at least 30% must be eliminated, that is, ten gun molds can produce seven rough embryos.

When Lance saw them rolling a cannon out of the production line, he knew that Hamlet's strength had become stronger.

The sound in the workshop was very noisy, but as the gun carriage was pushed out of the workshop, the sound became much quieter. At this time, a slight sound of gunfire suddenly came from the distance, attracting Lance's attention. .

"Master Eugene is currently conducting live-fire tests on the first batch of completed artillery. If you want to deliver it to the army, this step is necessary, because there are likely to be invisible cracks inside the gun body. If it has not been tested with live ammunition, If it explodes in actual combat, it will be a very serious accident."

"Let's go and have a look."

Lance naturally knew that this was the first batch of completed artillery pieces undergoing live ammunition testing, otherwise he would not have come here at this time.

The sound got louder as it approached the shooting range. Fortunately, Lance had already planned it and placed it on the outskirts far away from the town.

Listening to the roar of the artillery, Lance became more and more excited. His artillery! (End of chapter)

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