Our family is in decline

Chapter 425 Three ways come out together

In the dim wilderness, a group of cultists are playing "small games", which is why their teams always match men and women.

It's just that they have all been transformed by the flesh and blood ritual. If they have just started to transform, just like the ordinary cultists in the camps that Lance raided before, they can still get pleasure from normal mini-games.

But to their point, the transformation has made them lose their pain, so the way to obtain pleasure is very bloody and terrifying.

Their understanding of mini-games is different from that of normal people, and has gone beyond the behavior of those who play mini-games.

The ritual distorted their definition of pain. The restoration of flesh and blood allowed them to ignore the wounds of flesh and blood. They could only feel pleasure by ravaging flesh and blood crazily and enjoying the feeling of flesh being torn and then healed again and again.

They are not one-sided, but both sides are crazy, getting pleasure in this way, and of course trying to attract God's attention.

It may feel good to them, but to outsiders it makes them very disgusting.

And while they were playing, a bomb the size of a fist landed very accurately.

Those cultists were still immersed in enjoyment and did not react. When the strong impact of the bomb explosion pushed their madness to a climax, the damage caused by the flying shrapnel was not even comparable to the game between them.

But at this moment, the torches were raised, and the guards rushed up. While they were stunned, they directly dealt a wave of damage and killed these cultists.

The teams led by Geralt show the same caution as him, usually with complete action plans and various targeted preparations.

But on the other side in Tardif, they don't have so many bells and whistles. Soubry goes up and stuns the group control with a bomb, then raises a torch and rushes up to do it.

What stands out is a man who dares to fight and strives for high efficiency. He is simply a killing machine.

Compared with their success, Leonard was much unlucky. He had originally marked the enemy's location, but he didn't know if it was because the cultists also wanted to harass them tonight.

Then unfortunately, the two sides met halfway, and the original attack turned into an encounter.

The battle started instantly when both sides were a little confused!

Without the blessing of sunlight at night, the [Sunlight Ring] equipped on Leonard's body would naturally have no power.

But his own strength is not weak at all, but he has no intention of taking action. He just holds the sword and is ready to take action at any time.

Those personal guards could not be said to have experienced hundreds of battles, but they definitely had strong fighting abilities. The moment they encountered them, they shouted "enemy attack".

And everyone fought bravely, not showing fear or shrinking at all because it was an encounter.

Why is the team led by Leonard said to be unlucky?

It's not just a sudden encounter, but if these cultists dare to attack the outpost, there will be no shortage of people.

There was no time to raise the torch, but there were definitely no less than five shadowy enemies around, and they all swarmed forward.

And at this moment, there was a low roar, followed by steps so heavy that the earth trembled slightly.


The cultists who were originally excited by the encounter only saw a tall black figure rushing over in the darkness. Before they could react, they were knocked away by the violent force.

Originally he was the fastest, but in an instant he was knocked out.

At this time, the torch finally rose in Leonard's hand, and the tall figure illuminated by the fire was Bahrain.

With this move, Bahrain used his thick shoulder armor to knock a cultist blocking the way away.

But just when the cultist thought they had stopped him, a whirlwind-like sound passed by, and a cultist who was still trying to attack was cut in half, and the splash of blood dyed half of his heavy armor red.

But the battle was not over yet. Balin wielded the ax with one hand, and his left hand reached out directly towards the face of a cultist and grabbed the head.

"Pest!" Accompanied by a roar, and with the movement of his hands, the clanking of the iron armor on his body could be heard.

What was even more terrifying was that the black iron helmet he held in his hand kept deforming with a grinding sound, accompanied by the horrified screams of the cultists.

What a crazy scene that can actually scare cultists!

But in the end, he couldn't crush his head directly because other cultists had already surged up.

Although the fighter's stab hit on him could not break the armor, there were other teammates in the team who did not have armor. Bahrain was unwilling to let them pass, so he could only throw the guy out, smash the person away at the same time, and swing the ax again.

"For the Lord!"

The lord said, kill these cultists who are spying on Hamlet!

Such a terrifying talent made Leonard behind him feel a little bit of pressure, because Bahrain had never received professional training before, and only a few days of training allowed him to master his own power.

But there is also some relief that Hamlet's next generation is stronger than them.

The fighting soon subsided, and Bahrain killed five cultists alone. The blood almost turned him into a bloody man, and blood could even be seen dripping from the gaps in the heavy armor.

Although the performance of others was not so exaggerated, they also kept all the remaining cultists forever.

"Let's go, the battle has just begun."

After they left, Lance appeared here to clean up the mess. If it weren't for Alhazred, he probably wouldn't have expected that there would be so many cultists outside the outpost.

But let’s give the old thing some blood tonight...

The advantage of the Ascension Sect compared to everyone in Hamlet is that they really have "gods". Although it is very mysterious, there is some kind of connection between the believers.

And when the silent wilderness was stirred into chaos by the personal guards, the rapid death of a large number of believers soon alarmed the Ascended Saint who was hiding in it and was unwilling to give up.

She is different from the flesh-and-blood rituals that ordinary believers undergo. She is a superior existence, so she retains a more complete humanity. This is evident from the fact that she chose to escape a few times in the first place.

Although the last attack on the outpost failed miserably and lost a lot of things, God was still very satisfied and sent down His favor.

The above do not care about the sacrifice of believers, because they can find more believers at any time as long as they want, and the meaning of their existence is to please the gods.

As a result, she was not recalled, but continued to stay to accumulate strength and prepare for a counterattack.

Although divine grace has improved her followers a lot, her actions have become much more cautious during this period, and she has not taken any radical actions except for constant harassment.

Because she knew that it would be difficult for them alone to break through the high wall again, and the chance of success that was almost successful last time was getting further and further away from them.

But even in this situation, she was always unable to attack the outpost, and Hamlet's soldiers could not find them either.

But she never expected that Hamlet would dare to attack them, and it was still night!

When she realized something was wrong, the saint showed some weird reaction. She couldn't help but raise her hand and touch her missing arm. She even seemed to feel the phantom pain caused by the sword.

Those high-level cultists can grow back even if their heads explode. As a saint of a flesh and blood cult and also received divine grace, her arms are still empty. This is enough to show that it is not that she can't, but that she doesn't want to.

But now it's not her turn to think too much about the situation, because those vague connections are frequently broken, that is, more and more believers are dying, and the feedback to the saint is getting stronger and stronger.

You won’t knock on the door!

I originally wanted to go up and take action, but under this offensive, the saint hesitated for a moment and led the remaining cultists to withdraw from the outpost, then walked into a disguised cave and disappeared...

The sun was rising, and the soldiers stationed at the outpost had already finished breakfast and started working.

Shift changes, training drills, and field patrols all started.

The same workers are like ants building a nest, starting to work day after day.

But they all felt that last night was unprecedentedly quiet. You must know that some time ago, there would be harassment from cultists no matter what, but there was no movement at all last night. Some people were not used to it and couldn't sleep.

They could only do this because of the arrival of the lord, even the cultists did not dare to come.

Ordinary people's thinking is so simple, until the soldier who was out patrolling the surrounding area and counting traps suddenly discovered something.

A well-equipped team emerges from the wilderness.

Judging by the blood stains and condition on their bodies, one can tell that the battle last night was not easy. They were just a little tired after the fierce battle.

But they did not appear to be scattered because of this. On the contrary, the formation was orderly. Everyone kept their eyes open and kept vigilance, and their body movements also ensured that they could join the battle at any time.

Those soldiers knew that they were the personal guards formed by the lord, and only the truly strong were qualified to enter.

It's even an exaggeration to say that every soldier hopes to enter it. It would be an absolute honor!

Now they know why those cultists were silent last night...

They returned to the outpost under the envy and admiration of ordinary people all the way. There were two other teams of this kind that returned at about the same time, and Lance was waiting for them outside.

"Very well, you did not disappoint me. You proved your loyalty and proved that Hamlet will never succumb to suffering!"

Lance's voice suddenly became louder and he shouted towards them, "You are qualified to stand here and not fall into the name of [Heart of Steel]!"

"My body is as strong as iron, but my heart is as strong as steel!"

When they heard this, the guards all reacted enthusiastically, shouting slogans in unison, because they had been recognized by the lord.

This was the first task given to them by the lord after the establishment of [Heart of Steel], and they did not disappoint the lord's expectations.

They completed their mission very well and eliminated the target without even dying.

And through actual combat testing, they were completely separated from the military system, reshaped with new fighting styles and characteristics, and the team's integration made them as high-spirited as a sharp sword.

After all, they were his personal guards. Lance spent more time with them in the dining hall and had a hearty meal, and even killed a pig for this.

Lance himself has a huge appetite, but in comparison, Bahrain is even more exaggerated. The kind of bread that is used as a staple food can weigh one pound, which is enough for ordinary people to eat for a day. He can eat five in one meal!

This is still the case when there are other meats as supplements and eggs and milk are not limited.

Bahrain can eat, but he does not make any exaggerated movements when eating, but is very disciplined. I can only say that his mother taught him well.

"You must eat well when you are growing. If you don't have enough, you have to eat well." Lance didn't mind at all, and even patted Bahrain on the shoulder happily.

Because Hamlet, a territory dominated by agricultural production, cannot be brought down by a few meals, and Bahrain is so powerful now. He is only fourteen years old and still has a long way to go. When the time comes, he will grow up to adulthood and he will not know how exaggerated his strength will be.

"Thank you, sir!"

Bahrain had almost never had enough to eat in the first half of his life, but in Hamlet he could feel that being full was such a happy thing.

Lance walked around among the guards, and then left the outpost with Boudica and the others, who were full of food and drink, and walked deep into the wilderness.

Target - the beast's den!

This was a route that Lance was quite familiar with, and it had just been cleared last night, so logically there could be no problems.

But reality is always full of surprises, and unexpected surprises still occurred.

Just as the team was moving in the wilderness, Amanda suddenly seemed to notice something and suddenly turned her head to the side and said a warning.


As soon as she finished speaking, a stream of viscous fluid shot out from the tree crown, and when it touched the air, it pulled out spiderweb-like filaments.

Amanda did not wear heavy armor in exchange for extraordinary flexibility, and she could ignore even the turbulent waves as if they were nothing.

Without waiting for the liquid to spread, he turned around and dodged easily. At the same time, he took out a flying knife in his hand and shot it into the tree crown.

You can hear the sound of the flying knife hitting the tree crown, not the sound of wood, but the sound of hitting something, and then something falls from the top the next second.

Only then did everyone see clearly that it was a big spider with a flying knife stuck in its head, its eight legs curled up, and it was instantly killed with one blow.

"The web-catching giant spider just cleaned it up last night. Why did it come here?"

Lance was a little strange. He had just walked out not far. This kind of situation shouldn't happen in this area.

"There are no traces of corruption on these spiders!" Alhazred, however, came closer to study with some curiosity. He even raised his hand to touch some bodily fluids from the wound and tasted it on the tip of his tongue, muttering something to himself.

"Well...another kind of power...extraordinary bloodline..."

While Lance was listening to his muttered words, he remembered that spiders didn't seem to be affected by the witch's plague before. At first, he thought that arthropods were not affected. Do these giant spiders also have any secrets?

But now is not the time to explore this. Since there is no corruption, it means that it was not caused by the ancestor.

"Let's go, we probably have to walk a while to get to the entrance of the den."

A few accidents could not affect Lance's plan, and the team soon set off again.

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