Our family is in decline

Chapter 442 Pig Sociology 1

Chapter 442 Pig Sociology +1

After briefly cleaning up the scene, Lance held the torch forward and entered the cave he had just exited.

It was an area that had been dug up again, and the original traces and patterns were basically no longer visible due to the extensive destruction.

But the space is huge, no wonder it can accommodate so many pigs.

It can only be said that Amanda's move just now was indeed amazing. Most of the pigs just poured into the passage and were facing the light source, so that the flash of light was all absorbed.

Otherwise, the light would be scattered in the excavated cave and the power would not be so great.

Lance originally held the torch high to see the ceiling clearly, but after taking a few steps, he discovered something and couldn't help but hand the torch down.

The ground is solid and dry. According to past experience, this kind of place only appears in the first two places in the dirty beast cave.

One is a sacrificial place, and the other is a place where the pigs eat.

Pigs are all about hygiene, and they are also exquisite pigs~

"Boss, what do you think this is?"

Boudica, who was walking at the front, discovered something. There was no point in retaining the formation at this time. Lance went up directly and used the light of the torch to see what it was.

It was a crudely assembled wooden cart, with various mixed remains inside. Some of the human tissue could be vaguely seen, and some were difficult to identify.

These things were piled on the car like this, looking like a disgusting feeding trough, with traces of blood seeping and dripping from the gaps.

But why does it feel like something is wrong?

Lance suddenly seemed to realize something and pulled off the anti-disease mask directly, and then he was sure of something.

"No wonder I can't smell the rancid smell anymore."

He found the missing piece, which was why his nose was unresponsive to what should have been bloody, rich, and foul-smelling things.

If you stay too long, your sense of smell will seem to be assimilated.

His words also woke up the others, who seemed to have just reacted.

"Ah! I really can't smell it anymore." Boudica took off her mask and tried to wiggle her nose.

You must know that her sense of smell is also very powerful, especially sensitive to the smell of blood. This is her ability to confidently track prey in the mountains.

But it seems useless at this time.

"Boss, what's going on?" Boudica subconsciously raised her hand and touched her nose, feeling vaguely uneasy.

The last time I was poisoned in the wilderness and I was blind for a while, I remember that deeply.

"It's okay. It's just the human body's adaptation to the environment. Just go out and it'll be fine." Lance was just complaining, but he didn't expect Boudica's reaction to be so big.

"Huh? Why does it smell like wine?" Boudica didn't smell blood, but she smelled another familiar smell.

She even wondered if she was hallucinating after quitting drinking.

"Your feeling is correct."

Lance also seemed to have discovered something and passed the torch aside. Under the light of the fire was another thing that was incompatible with the beast's cave.

It was a common oak wine barrel placed horizontally on a wooden shelf. However, looking at the old appearance, one could not tell how many years ago it was. It was stained with dirt. There were also ferocious skulls and ropes placed on it. Band for decoration.

"Is there really wine?" Boudica immediately put aside her uneasiness just now and approached with a feeling of curiosity.

"You can't drink it if you have it." Lance didn't know what she was thinking, so he raised his hand and hit her on the head.

"Ugh!" Boudica's extended head suddenly retracted, covering her head with an innocent look on her face, "Why are you hitting me, boss?"

"Come on, I didn't even try hard." Lance said with half a smile and half a curse, "How dare you drink the wine made by the pig? Do you know what ingredients are used? Aren't you afraid of getting sick? Last time Isn’t the lesson enough? You’re not stupid, you’re risking your life.”

Boudica could only giggle when she heard the scolding, and seeing her like this, Lance could only helplessly shake his head.

"Don't be so playful here. I'll drink it back for you, but be honest here."

"I know, boss, I'll listen to you." Boudica immediately grinned, looking completely not stupid at all.

Amanda was somewhat touched when she saw this scene, even a little envious.

Whether it is teachers, elders, or those in the organization, they have never had such an easy relationship with me.

What's more important is that kind of unreserved trust that makes her jealous.

Why not yourself?

No one noticed what she was thinking. Everyone else's attention was still on the pig-man creations around her.

Soon, another stone dining table was found nearby, and the remains of food could be seen on it.

"Well... we have encountered this before. It should be where the pigs eat, that is the dining car, and the wine over there should be the wine brewed by the pigs." Lance briefly stated his thoughts.

“There are several very interesting points, whether it’s the food cart on wheels or the stacked dining tables, it shows that these pigs may be more social than we thought, and they have learned how humans use these tools. .

At the same time, there are many details in the traces of use that indicate their class nature. For example, the height of the tabletop means that only pigs with normal body shapes can sit on it. Crippled pigs are not qualified. "

Lance gestured at the height of the dining table, then lowered the torch to reflect some traces on the ground, and continued to add.

"If you look at these marks, they match the movement of the crippled Pig Man's hands and the weakness of his lower limbs. It's obvious that they are the leftover scraps thrown on the ground. It can be seen that the Crippled Pig Man is at the bottom of the pile among these pigs."

But even as he spoke, Lance couldn't help but ask questions.

"However, the level of evolution of the Pig Hider is also very high. From the battle just now, it can be seen that its status is not lower than those of the Pig Slaughterer or Hookhand, but its height does not meet the height of the dining table. Why is this?"

Alhazred did not have much interest in these sociological studies. He was only interested in the occult or the corruption of evil.

As for Boudica...you are somewhat embarrassing.

"I prefer that only the pig thugs are qualified to be on the dining table. This is its exclusive meal, and the other pigs are just foils."

Amanda observed the surrounding situation and expressed her guess.

To be honest, she wanted to express herself, but she was afraid that her words would be considered to have ulterior motives, and she would be disliked.

But what Lance said next proved to her that a good leader can accommodate the cleverness of his subordinates.

"You are right. This is indeed a possibility. Pig thugs are higher level than others, so they need to be more inclined to imitate humans."

As he spoke, Lance turned his attention back to the dining car and continued to ask questions.

"But what I'm more curious about is that these pigs actually use cars to transport food. This means that it definitely doesn't happen once or twice, but happens often.

So where do these foods come from? Where was it transported from? There are so many mysteries here. "

Looking at the mixture of flesh and blood on the dining car, it’s hard to say where it came from, but the obvious human tissue can still be seen.

But in the town of Hamlet, and even in the wilderness development area, if there is a disappearance, it must be reported. At least Lance did not receive any report before coming here.

Unless the people below were concealing the truth, these corpses were not from the area under his control.

That can only be evidence of feeding by the Ascension Sect.

The expression on Lance's face changed slightly, and his eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at the wreckage, showing a hint of coldness in the dim environment.

Using people to feed pigs is not something out of the ordinary for our ancestors.

I'm afraid that for old people, there is no difference between ordinary people and pigs. They are both livestock that can be slaughtered at will...

However, Lance didn't say much, he just raised his hand to sacrifice the remains of the dining car, transforming it into some spirituality.

Then he directly put the entire wine barrel into the showroom. To be honest, he was also a little curious about what the wine brewed by the pig man was.

"It's rare to find such a clean place in the beast's cave. It's been a long time since we came in. Let's take this opportunity to take a rest."

Lance withdrew his gaze. His energy was endless, but that didn't mean that others were the same.

After coming here for so long, the battles have been very frequent, especially since I just experienced a fierce battle, and my status is basically exhausted.

The emergence of fire drives away wild beasts, so the use of fire is an important node in human evolution, so for humans.

When a bonfire is lit, it represents safety to some extent.

At least that's how it feels.

Everyone sat around the campfire, and Lance took out various prepared things. Under the rather surprised eyes of Amanda and Alhazred, rich food soon appeared.

It was the first time for the two of them to go on a mission with Lance, and they obviously didn't understand him well.

But this is not a question of food, but a question of how a lord would do this? A nobleman actually prepared food for them.

This was completely beyond their comprehension.

Boudica doesn't have so much nonsense, so he just starts eating without caring about so much.

I'll fucking eat, eat, eat!

She could eat so well because she had adapted to the environment, but Amanda and the others could not. They just chewed some slowly and then stopped eating.

The environment here is really tasteless.

Lance understood, so he prepared lighter food.

Eating is only part of setting up camp, and rest is an important means to quickly recover.

But just after eating, even Boudica couldn't just start swinging, but began to polish the ax blade.

Maintaining weapons is an ability that every warrior should be proficient in. This is a condition for ensuring combat effectiveness.

Especially when I chopped off the pig's head all the way and collided with the weapon, it was very damaging to the blade. You can see a lot of tiny curls and chips on the ax blade. If you want to keep it sharp, you need to maintain it regularly.

Alhazred sat cross-legged on the ground, holding the skull candlestick in his arms, as if he was in meditation.

Amanda is also maintaining her various weapons and equipment, and re-enchanting the thrown items that were just consumed.

Even with a status like Amanda, she would not throw away those thrown objects at will. Unless they are consumable, they would have to be recycled at the end of the battle.

In contrast, Lance seemed quite leisurely. He had no weapons and armor to maintain, and he lay down immediately after eating.

Drawing on the experience from last time, this time we directly designed a foldable simple travel bed off the ground through "tribute".

It is actually a simple wooden frame covered with fabric, which provides space off the ground when unfolded.

As the boss, Lance very considerately equipped the three employees with equipment to improve the harsh environment.

Fighting and killing things are not suitable for an ordinary person like him, so it is more comfortable to lie down~

If the biggest difference between camping and the past is not the folding bed, but the wealth transformed into the spirit body.

Its observation of the world becomes pure spiritual perception, and nothing can escape its "eyes", not even sneaking.

It's not like Lance, who needs blessings and refreshes to maintain its status for a long time, but it has lost the concept of fatigue and can be guarded anytime and anywhere.

So nothing could be more suitable for a vigil than a prosperous fortune, and Lance was finally able to take a good rest while setting up camp.

should be okay……

Thinking about Lance, he turned to Wangcai.

"Prosperous wealth, right?"

Wangcai seemed to notice Lance's gaze, but his eyes were a little wandering.

As if asking: "What are you looking at me for?"

Looking at its dazed look, Lance smacked his lips and told himself that it was best not to have too high expectations.


Bastia area, Barony of Lawrence.

The little maid hurriedly ran towards the castle.

It was here that if it were a noble castle with complicated rules like Bastia, I'm afraid she would be fired if the housekeeper discovered her frizzy look.

In fact, it's no wonder she is like this.

Since the mistake in the last competition, the lady has fallen into a strange state. She has locked herself in the room after coming back from the celebration. She has no interest in even her favorite hunting. The person who used to be full of energy is now in a daze all day long. I don’t know what I’m thinking about.

For this reason, the little maid felt very guilty and looked anxious in her heart. If she hadn't been playful and insisted on dragging the young lady to the celebration, such an accident would not have happened.

Until today, she suddenly heard a piece of news and realized the importance of the situation, so she hurried back.

The little maid hurried back and didn't even bother to greet her, so she opened the door and went in to see the young lady.

"Miss, Miss! Something bad is going on!"

"What are you doing?" Margaret, who was sitting by the window in a daze, turned around helplessly when she saw the maid like this.

"Something happened to me!"

"What?" After hearing this, Margaret's calm expression suddenly frowned and asked, "What happened to father? Please tell me clearly."

The maid eagerly recounted the news she had heard, and it was obvious that she only dared to speak like this after asking someone to inquire.

"There are rumors everywhere in the city that the knights led by Master Alvin and Master were chasing the barbarians and were captured by the local lord in Hamlet..."

When she heard that it was not only her father who was captured, but also Alvin and the entire knights, Margaret's expression became subtle again.

Alvin was captured?

Is there such a good thing?

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