Our family is in decline

Chapter 444 The snipe and the clam fight

"Be careful not to step on it!"

The team stopped as Amanda said this.

"What the hell is this?"

"Is it the vomit of a crippled pig?"

Listening to the words of the two people, Lance held the torch forward, and then under the light of the fire, everyone discovered an indescribable mass of pink-gray mucus on the ground that looked like pale flesh and blood.

Lance didn't mind it, he squatted down, took out a short sword and picked it up.

"No, there are no food residues inside, and the consistency is beyond the scope of vomit."

"The Flesh Devourer?"

Amanda quickly realized that Lance had mentioned a supernatural monster in the cave that devoured flesh and blood.

"You see, it is not corrosive." Lance raised the dagger that had just touched the mucus and added, "The body fluids of the Flesh Devourer are corrosive, even the metal."

"Whatever it is, I'll go over and kill it with an axe." Boudica didn't like this kind of reasoning game.

"We still know too little about the beast's cave." Lance was not sure what it was, so he could only use his dagger to pick up the weird slime and put it in a glass bottle.

Collecting strange things has always been Lance's hobby. As for whether these things are useful?

That is the task of Paracelsus and his companions.

"Let's go, I have a feeling we'll find the answer ahead."

Because the situation has changed now, and the unknown risks ahead are too great, Lance is afraid that Boudica will be difficult to deal with, so he can only take the No. 1 position and let the three of them follow behind to look after each other.

There is no need to maintain formation at all. Real combat requires flexibility according to changes in the environment.

As expected, just as Lance had guessed, as they went deeper, more traces of battle were found around them.

"Looking at the marks on these pointed feet, they must be flesh-devourers." Lance held up a torch to illuminate the marks on the ground, and he could see the dense pits.

"There are traces of blood, pig weapons, but no body at all... no bones left."

"Yes, those flesh-devourers should have had an encounter with the pigs here, and there should be a lot of them. It seems that they are also part of the ecological circle." Lance picked up a pig-hook equipment He was too familiar with the disc-like corrosion marks on the mouthparts of the shield.

Looking at this thing confirms the previous conjecture, but the situation is not that simple.

Because he found that the traces of the ruts overlapped with the crawling traces of the Flesh Devourer.

But before Lance could observe carefully, Alhazred, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke.

"The power of corruption, an evil ritual is going on ahead."

These words made the already doubtful team even more uneasy, and pressure began to hang on them.


Lance didn't care about the nonsense, dropped the broken shield in his hand, and quickly led the team to move forward.

But what made him feel a little pressure was that the direction pointed by Alhazred happened to be the same as the direction of the Pig Diner and the Flesh Devourer.

What happened before...?

They continued to move forward for a while, and it went smoothly without seeing any pigs blocking them along the way. However, Lance, who was leading the way, suddenly stopped.

"Boss, what are you doing?"

"Stop making noise, listen!" Lance raised his hand to suppress Boudica, who looked anxious, and raised his head to signal ahead.

"This is the scream of the pigs, are they fighting?" Amanda had already noticed something and almost blurted it out.

"Be careful." Lance didn't waste any words and took the lead to touch it.

This is a corner. When you turn in, there is a passage leading straight up, and within it is the source of the sound.

Lance and others leaned close to the wall and got a glimpse of the bizarre scene happening inside.

Several thick worms are fighting the pigmen inside.

Originally, Lance thought it would be a fierce battle. After all, the disappearing pigmen in front proved the strength of the Flesh Devourer.

But what actually appears is the advantage of pigs.

Because in Lance's opinion, the pigs seemed to be hunting the worms consciously, while the worms just followed instinct and did not show any intelligence.

Among them, you can see the attacks of pig slaughterers and pig thugs that attract worms from the front.

The pigman's hook hand was nearby to support him, his shield pushed up, and once it hooked the worm's flesh, it began to pull.

As for those pig hiders, they just sneaked away, rushed forward, and pierced the worm's flesh with their two knives. However, it was not very realistic to cut through the tough flesh with the ragged blades.

What really caused the damage was the butcher's saw-toothed butcher's knife chopping hard, directly causing exaggerated lacerations with the blessing of power, which directly caused the worm to squirm crazily.

Even the hammer of the pig thug failed to have this effect. A blunt blow on the body could suppress it, but there was no big reaction.

It seems that it is the pig slaughterer who causes the most direct damage.

At first, Lance didn't understand why the Pig Slayer's weapon was so abstract. Could it be that it was specifically designed to restrain the Flesh Devourer?

What's even more weird is that the body fluid that can corrode metal leaks out of the worm wound and touches the pig's skin without much reaction.

It seems that under the harsh environment of the beast cave, the skin of the pigs has evolved to be resistant to these corrosive injuries. Lance couldn't help but think that he might be able to do some research and use the pigs' skin as a material to make anti-corrosion equipment.

Naturally, he still has random thoughts when he is not on the battlefield, and the intensity of the battlefield becomes more intense as the Flesh Devourer resists.

If you can survive in a beast's cave, don't think that these guys are easy to bully.

The spilled body fluids caused no harm, but even the pig's special skin couldn't stop the flesh and blood from being scraped off when the millstone-like mouthparts bit it.

You must know that the digestive juice secreted in the mouth is not as corrosive as body fluids. A pig-man slaughterer was bitten on the shoulder, and the flesh and blood directly eroded into large areas.

At the same time, the corrosive digestive fluid spread through his body with the flow of blood vessels, and his flesh and blood melted into a thick water-like mortar in just ten seconds.

Lance reacted instantly when he saw it. Aren't these the same things he found on the road just now?

But the next second, Lance saw a terrifying scene. The worm hit him again and swallowed the whole pig head with its mouth open. The pig-man slaughterer's strong body was drained like a rubber ball, even if it was the rest. That bit of flesh was also devoured.

At the same time, the tragic wounds on Flesh Devourer's body just now recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although it was not as good as those cultists of the Ascension Sect, it also showed strong recovery ability.

Seeing this scene, Lance was even more convinced that this thing was created by his ancestor.

After all, isn't this level of flesh and blood recovery ability the ancestor's special skill?

After devouring the Pig Slaughterer, not even the bones were spit out. It is conceivable that no one wants to put anything into the bloody mouth.

The originally seemingly one-sided situation changed due to the recovery characteristics of devouring corpses. Lance understood that the previous record was not a match-fixing.

"This is a scavenger, a unique beast with extraordinary bloodline in the wasteland. It likes to burrow into the sand dunes, wait for prey, and then rush out to hunt.

The reason why it is called this is because it does not eat immediately after killing its prey. Instead, it injects digestive juice into the corpse and then devours it until the corpse of the prey dissolves, making people mistakenly think that it only eats the rotting corpse.

But prey that is bitten usually has a hard time escaping. If it is severe, it will cause "bleeding syndrome", and the flesh, flesh and even bones will be dissolved, but... it is not that big, and this recovery ability is very abnormal. "

Alhazred also saw the battle that took place in front. He was not sure what the Flesh Devourer Lance was talking about before, but seeing the appearance of the monster revealed its origin.

It's just that he has also seen scavengers, but they don't have this ability to devour and recover?

Lance heard his doubts and explained casually.

"The Beast Cave is where the Ascension Sect conducts evil experiments. Most of the monsters that appear here have been transformed by them. It's normal to have some special abilities."

Lance and Alhazred had different names for the monster, and after hearing his addition, they probably understood that the prototype of this worm monster was a scavenger, but after being transformed by the ancestor, it was more fitting to call it a flesh devourer.

But at this moment, they received an even bigger "surprise" from the front!

Flesh Devourers can recover, but that doesn't mean the Pigs are defenseless, because they are more numerous and have protective gear.

The tattered shield in the pigman's hook hand and the thick helmet full of spikes on his head were to some extent to prevent being swallowed directly like just now.

With the hook hand restraining him, when the Flesh Devourer's big mouth is blocked and there is no effective means of attack, the outcome is basically decided.

There were originally four flesh-devourers, but two were soon torn into pieces by the pigmen, and the remaining two were also covered with scars and were in danger.

Looking at the situation of the battle, Lance even suspected that the pigman's armor was not designed to deal with humans at all, but was specifically designed to deal with this thing.

Soon another two-meter-long flesh devourer was also cut into pieces, and the remaining pigmen went straight to kill the only remaining one.

And that one was the one that had just swallowed a pig-man slaughterer, but at this time, its recovered body also became scarred again by the pig-man siege.

Being restrained by two pig men's hooked hands, the pig man hider who was jumping flexibly on it kept inserting the knife.

Under the violent beating of the pig drummer, the pig thug hit with a hammer, denting half of the big mouth like a meat pie, and fell to the ground without any struggle.

Defeat is decided...

"Do it." Lance will not give those pigs time to rest. Now is the time when the opponent is weak after the battle.

The snipe and the clam were fighting, so it was his turn as a fisherman to benefit.

And Lance didn't waste any time. He stepped out and shot the drummer who was hiding behind to play the drums in the head.

Instant kill!

This shot also opened the beginning of a new round of fighting.

They hid in the corner, still a little away from the pigs in front of them. The shocking flashes and roars caused the pigs to fall into chaos for a moment, and they were unable to react for a while.

But they soon realized that there was a new enemy in the sharp squealing of pigs, and immediately put down the flesh-devouring beast and headed towards them to kill.


The musket in Lance's hand disappeared, he raised his hand and dragged out the [Wolf Fang] from the void, staring coldly at the rushing pig thugs.

The moment he rushed up, he immediately swung his sword and slashed out.

As a more perfectly evolved pig, the pig thug showed a very confident look, not afraid of the person in front of him at all, and also swung the bone hammer.

The big bone rod made of rotten iron collided with the bone knife wolf fang and made a muffled sound. Its power could suppress Boudica who was equipped with two extraordinary accessories. However, when facing Lance, the gap was instantly seen. .

During the collision, its body tilted back uncontrollably, but Lance remained motionless.

"That's it? It's far worse than Wolf Warrior~" Lance curled his lips, looking a little bored.

The pig thug doesn't understand, but it can feel the frivolous attitude.

Can this be tolerated?

Must hit hard!

But just as it raised its hand, it felt something strange pass through its body. When it tried to exert force, it twisted its body into two halves.

too fast! When was it?

The pig's brain obviously can't think about such a complex problem, because it is already dead.

When the body collapsed and the pressure was released, the fat belly was like a bomb, exploding the internal organs and fat and pouring it all over the place.

"Hey! I should have known I'd behead you." Lance avoided those things on the ground with a look of disgust on his face, and raised his hand to sacrifice them before they spread.

The pig thug who could compete with Boudica was killed by Lance with one move. Flesh and flesh were so fragile in front of the legendary weapon.

Or maybe Lance is too much beyond human now...

The battle on the other side is not over yet.

Amanda raised her hand and swung the windmill blade to knock out the sneaking pig hiders, but it was still a bit difficult to kill them due to the damage caused.

At this time, Alhazred took action.

He was muttering something in his mouth, holding up the candlestick with one hand, and making strange gestures with the other hand, but his eyes were looking up at the top, and his empty eyes seemed to penetrate reality and peer into the void.

found it!

Alhazred suddenly withdrew his gesture, and saw two red lights shooting out of the hollows of the eyes on the skull candlestick in his hand. The candle flames spontaneously ignited, but it was no longer as cold as a will-o'-the-wisp, but instead Revealing a weird and evil purple-red color.

And in the sky above the passage, strange textures and auras began to appear, and then slender but numerous illusory tentacles poured down, striking the pigs wildly.

Abyss bombardment!

Two of the pig hiders whose concealment was broken by Amanda were unable to dodge and were directly hit by the tentacles.

Soon it understood why this move was called this name. Under the violent power, the pig hiders seemed to be shot by artillery, flying directly out and hitting the wall without any reaction.

One move directly took away two mobs with residual health.

Don't underestimate a thin scholar, otherwise this will be the fate.

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