Our family is in decline

Chapter 452 The Limp

The cult saint is still a spellcaster after all. Although her body has been strengthened by the ancestor's blessing, the gap between her and Lance is still too big.

Not to mention that it was a joke that the evil soul-playing magic she was best at fell on Lance.

After just a few rounds of fighting, her body was covered with scars. She recovered quickly enough, and she didn't know what spell she cast. The bone blade of the tentacle became as hard as stone, otherwise she would have been hacked by Lance. open.

"Lord Saint!"

But at this time, there was a sudden sound from behind. Lance subconsciously looked back and saw a cultist running towards him with staggering steps.

There were several flying knives stuck in his body, and the dense whip marks were all bleeding.

The tragic situation didn't look like they were coming to support, and with the sound just now, it looked more like a cry for help.

But it is taboo to hand your back to the enemy during combat.

"Hmph! Want to escape?"

Amanda snorted coldly, raised her hand and swung the long whip. The tip of the whip stretched straight when it wrapped around the cultist's ankle. He was already unsteady when walking, and now he fell down.

Without waiting for him to stand up, Boudicca swung the round ax gun and chopped it towards the back of the head. There was almost no chance of a mistake with such a living target, and the head instantly exploded in two.

When she pulled out the ax gun, she could see splatters of blood on her face, and her eyes were bloodshot and looked manic.

Lance looked back slightly and saw that all the cultists had fallen, so now it was time to enter the duel...

Lance turned back to look at the Saint - she singled out her own team.

"Go! Kill her."

Lance shouted, Boudica grabbed the ax gun and rushed over without saying a word, while Amanda had already taken out the throwing knife and was ready to throw it.

At this moment, the pig man's scream came from outside.

Although it was very faint and should still be some distance away, Lance's expression couldn't help but change when he heard this.

Damn it! I actually forgot about this.

Ancestors cannot directly control pigs, but they can control them indirectly through pig priests.

This is the home ground of Pigman, and it can also be regarded as the home ground of half of the ancestors.

It doesn't matter if the pigs and cultists kill the ancestor, it all goes into his pocket anyway, but his appearance is equivalent to reaching into the ancestor's pocket to take out the pension, which must have attracted attention.

Especially the guy in front of me who is called "Saint Girl". The fact that she can give her this name is something that is very dear to her ancestors.

But...can I use her to brush pigmen?

Lance came in this time to clear out the pigs harvesting spirituality. Originally, he was troubled by the scattered distribution of the pigs, and it was too inefficient to find them one by one.

If the saint is held hostage to order the ancestor, is it wrong to open a pig-killing plate?

Lance's decision only took a split second.

"Kill her first!"

Lance raised his hand without hesitation and the musket fell into his hand, marking the saint.

He doesn't like taking risks. The pigs can be killed at any time, but only dead cultists can give him peace of mind.

As a leader, sometimes hesitation can lead to missed opportunities and confusion for your subordinates.

But a decisive leader also stands firm in their beliefs.

It had been less than ten seconds since Lance had stopped and turned around, and the saint had finally recovered slightly. She instinctively raised her left arm when she heard the sound of gunfire, and the next second the lead bullet was shot into the tentacle.

She wouldn't have cared about such a minor injury before, but now it was enough to draw her attention.

Amanda took action, raised her hand and swung out the flying knife, which sank directly into the chest of the saint. The ritual power attached to it exploded, even if the saint was not an ordinary flesh and blood, she was caught in the confrontation.

This flying knife not only has a bleeding effect, but also a spell that weakens the body. This has been used against pig thugs before, and ordinary enemies are not worthy of her use.

Immediately after Alhazred's ceremony was completed, the skull candlestick held high bloomed with frightening candlelight, and the empty eye holes seemed to be staring at her.

Weakness technique!

If Amanda uses the flying knife as an intermediary to cast a spell, it can still resist one or two with the blessing of ascension, but the power exerted by a champion-level mystical scholar is irresistible to the saint who is almost exhausted. room.

The technique was deeply imprinted on her body, directly making her body that was already on the verge of collapse fall into vulnerability.


As a close combatant, Boudica also rushed forward at this moment. With a roar, he jumped up, swung his axe, spear and jumped down.

The howl ends!

The saint was tortured by the bursts of spells. When she looked up, she saw the shadow cast by Boudica, the approaching ax blade, and the tentacles that instinctively raised in front of her.

The next moment, the sound of gold and iron clashing erupted, which shows that even after repeated weakening, the bones strengthened by evil magic still have a terrifying hardness.

Fortunately, Boudica's burst of power was not weak at all. The ax blade still cut off the tentacles, but that was all. The ax blade was embedded in her forehead and failed to split her in half.

Boudica exerted force fiercely, and when the ax blade was pulled out, the brains crushed by the brute force could even be seen flowing out together with blood.

The terrifying display of vitality of the cult saint, let alone ordinary people, even ordinary cultists would only wait two or three seconds to turn around.

But at this time, she was not dead yet. Her eyes, which were almost blurred by the blood, were still staring at Lance, and she uttered something like a curse.

"The final ascension..."

Everyone was puzzled, but before she could finish speaking, a sudden change occurred.

The flesh and blood on the cult saint's body collapsed instantly, and they didn't even have time to react.

Lance subconsciously wanted to get closer, but as soon as he stretched out his hand halfway, the saint girl completely turned into a mummy, with all the flesh and blood in her body completely lifeless.

She actually sacrificed herself...

Lance looked a little ugly. He didn't even hold back, but something unexpected happened.

I don’t know what ritual she completed, but staying away now is the best option.

"Leave quickly!"

Lance's call made Boudica and Amanda react and quickly distance themselves from the mummy.

As a person who is very sensitive to the abyss, Alhazred immediately noticed something, and his emotions that had calmed down suddenly became excited and exclaimed.

"Oh~ no! The boundary between reality and the abyss has been breached."

Alhazred held the extinguished skull candlestick and murmured in fear.

"No!... I noticed it, it's coming!..."

And Lance also felt something. He looked up and saw that an exaggerated purple-black vortex was torn out in the dim cave, and it spread at an unimaginable speed.

Lance glimpsed the twinkling stars in the whirlpool, and his extraordinary inspiration even made him feel the peeping eyes of some kind of existence.

Alhazred didn't talk nonsense, because he felt it too!

what is that?

In a daze, Lance stood there blankly, as if attracted by the stars.

Until the crack lowered in an instant, the ground began to shake, and there was a feeling of weightlessness at this moment...


It's coming!

Lance was dragged into the void before he could react.

In reality, Lance and his group disappeared out of thin air, and even the corpses of the cultists were taken away together, leaving only messy traces of the battle.

At this time, a group of excited pigmen rushed out of the passage, and they were stunned just looking at the empty cave in front of them.

Piggy scratched his head.

Their brains didn't understand what was going on, but without enemies, the atmosphere of those pigs collapsed instantly.

All kinds of messy pig noises sounded, and the pig people started fighting among themselves. Some of them seemed to be questioning the spread of false news.

This accusation quickly turned into a melee. These beings created by the ancestors had too many flaws.

In fact, what is really scary is that the ups and downs of the sound were faintly visible in their screams just now.

Although it soon turned into a communication between fists, it is undeniable that they are communicating. This shows that the pigs have developed the prototype of language!

It’s just that no one cares about the pig people’s “enthusiastic” exchanges.

Because of Lance, they were in bigger trouble.

For an instant, it was like being thrown into a washing machine that was spinning wildly. I could no longer tell where I was. My front, back, left, and right lost all meaning at this moment. Only the weightlessness brought me a strong uneasiness. I knew I was falling all the time, and there was nothing around me. The place where you borrow strength is like wandering in the void.

It felt like a long time, as if time was being manipulated, but when I suddenly fell to the ground, I only realized it in an instant.

If everyone's position hadn't been disrupted by the accident just now, I'm afraid they would all have thought it was just a nightmare, just like countless dreams of slipping and falling, and then suddenly waking up from the bed.

How I wish this was just a dream and it would still be that sunny morning when I woke up.

But unfortunately, reality always likes to joke.

The position of the team was distorted by the power of the void. Boudica was originally at the front, but now he was directly thrown to the end by the power of the void. Lance was in the third position, and Amanda and Alhazred were in the back row. in front of.

But no one noticed this, because they fell into a void, where there was no direction at all.

Looking up, I saw that the sky was like a purple-black curtain of stars, dotted with dense but disordered purple light spots like stars in a place that swallowed up all the light.

At the end of the void, there is a large whirlpool like a river of stars. It seems within reach, but it seems to be a world away.

It's so contradictory, but it also gives people a very reasonable feeling.

Before they could react further, there was a sudden shock in the void, and a terrifying aura appeared.

One... two... a monster full of tentacles tore through the void and appeared in front of everyone.

Human beings seemed small in front of that huge figure. It was covered in purple-black skin that looked like the condensation of the void. Any light that shined through it would be swallowed up.

There are densely packed holes growing on the surface of the skin, and you can even feel them opening and closing continuously. Just one look at them can kill someone with trypophobia.

There are densely packed pink-purple eyes on the huge head, and the big mouth has regular sharp teeth on the upper and lower jaws, but the angle of the grin can undoubtedly bite off half a person in one bite.

Twisted tentacles grow wildly and irregularly on the body, and the back is covered with spikes of different lengths.

The large tentacles formed in it can be as thick as a bucket, supporting the monster's huge body like hind limbs. One side is covered with countless suckers, and the back is covered with deformed growths, like sharp blades with barbs. .

The tentacles growing on the cheeks and chin are much smaller, even a little pink in color, and have not grown barbed blades, but the suckers have already taken shape.

On the abdomen where the tentacles are intertwined, one can vaguely see throbbing tumors. No one knows what those things are, but they definitely know that they are not good things.


The endless evil of hatred among the stars!

That fearful thing from among the stars!

The limp who walks in the void!

"Such a dark power, we were caught!" Alhazred, who was already crazy at the moment he spied it, fell into collapse.

Not to mention him, even Boudica was dumbfounded. She didn't have the fighting spirit to dare to challenge anything. On the contrary, just one look made her endure the huge pressure of suffocation.

"What warrior - male or female - can face such a terrifying thing...?"

"The monster has seen us...run away! I can't stand it anymore!" Amanda's confidence that she had finally built up collapsed instantly. In front of a monster she had never seen before, she rationally told herself that she had no resistance at all. space.

Just by catching a glimpse of the monster, all three of them fell into collapse.

Even Lance's expression when he saw this thing lost the confidence he had in controlling everything before. No matter how he looked at it, this monster didn't look like a being that humans could mess with.

The monster summoned by the cult saint at her own expense awakened some not-so-good memories in him.

The Limp, the powerful void demon in the game, once the adventurer loses the protection of the torch, it may attract its gaze, and then drag the adventurer into the void without any warning, completely disappearing from reality. middle.

No one knows the origin of the limp, let alone why such a terrifying monster wanders in the void of Hamlet's land.

But now the limp appeared in front of him.

You must know that a limp is not a toy that is just there for them to look at.

The moment it appeared, it squirmed towards them with its tentacles. The twisted posture of its huge body moving in the void gave it the name "Limp".

But the pace across the void never stops.

Weird crawling shape!

The limp approached fiercely, and the strange contrast here distorted everyone's perception of space.

It was obviously still far away, but it was in front of him in an instant and stretched out its tentacles.

What's even more terrifying is that the tentacles seem to be reaching out from all directions, giving them the feeling of being unable to escape.

Faced with such a scene, everyone who had already collapsed was once again crushed by the huge amount of pressure, as if they were suffocating.

The will of everyone is being tested...




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