Our family is in decline

Chapter 454 Limp Derivatives

Lance stood up and faced the limp again, but this time he was not as hasty as before, but unusually calm, and even showed a bit of confidence.

This thing is actually not as scary as I imagined, but the appearance of the Void Demon comes with an aura of fear. Coupled with meeting it for the first time, this gives everyone a kind of psychological pressure.

But Lance had broken that aura by blocking that blow.

And Amanda and Boudica's counterattack completely tore off the mysterious veil of the Void Demon and even stepped on it a few times.

But this is not something they can handle.

Sure enough, the body structure of these strange demons that travel through the void at will cannot be that simple. You can see that the wounds cut by Boudicca on the wriggling tentacles are healing.

Reality didn't give Lance time to show off, because the limp began to advance again.

And Lance was unwilling to waste the weakening that Amanda had finally won, and he was even less willing to move the battlefield closer to his teammates, so he immediately rushed forward to lure the limp away.

Just getting a little closer interrupted the limp's weird crawling, but the whip-like tentacles came over.

Even a large steel shield was difficult to stop before, and how should Lance deal with it without armor?

But the difference between this time and the last time is that he has no teammates to protect behind him, which means...it's time to kill!

When he saw the tentacle swinging towards him, Lance even sped up and rushed forward, raised his hand to pull out the [Wolf Fang] from the void, and slashed it with his sword without any hesitation.

Cut the steel and cut the iron!

The limp's fighting instinct was not weak at all, so he swung his tentacles and swung it over.

And when the tentacle back blade collided with the blade, the two sharp blades that were not made of metal actually made a sound of steel during the collision.

To be more precise, it is the effect that occurs only when the hardness of both parties reaches a certain level of collision.

The limp had been weakened by Amanda, and his performance was far less terrifying than before. Lance felt the feedback from the blade, and took the opportunity to take a few steps back, raising the long knife in his hand to look at it.

Lance was originally a little worried about whether the bone-looking wolf teeth could withstand it, but now it seems more like a confrontation between extraordinary powers, which cannot be understood with physical concepts.

Obviously, the Wolf Fang was even better, because the sharp knife on the back of the tentacle was cut with a notch, but the blade was not damaged at all.

In other words, he can play to his fullest.

The limp has more than one tentacle, and the blow just now was just a horn of attack.

After a moment's pause, more tentacles emerged, and the limp's huge body was as oppressive as a mountain.

But Lance Lingran was not afraid to draw his sword, and he wanted to use the long sword in his hand to carve a way out for himself.


The tentacles are not just for violent beatings, but also for strangulation.

Lance is not afraid of being tough, but he is not afraid of being soft.

Lance swung his wolf fangs and cut open the tentacles' flesh, but before he could cut off the other tentacles, they swarmed in again, forcing him to ward them off with his knife.

He could block one, but there were still countless tentacles reaching out. No matter how fast Lance's knife was, he couldn't fight against the countless tentacles with one knife.

Until a tentacle that was cut in half refused to let go wrapped around the long knife, and the other tentacles immediately squirmed and extended upward.

Lance's reaction was already very timely. It was impossible for him to give up the weapon in his hand. There was only one way to unlock it.

He took out a musket in his other hand, but instead of shooting at the tentacles, he aimed the gun at the eyeballs on the limp's face.

Almost as soon as he took it out, he fired. The fireworks and smoke from the muzzle pushed the lead bullets out.

However, this gun was not filled with single lead bullets but shotguns, which sprayed out over a large area and directly covered the limp man's entire face.

Scattered bullets are definitely not as powerful as single-headed bullets, but the eyes of any creature are one of its most vulnerable parts, even monsters like the Limp are no exception.

The gun was connected to the face, and as expected, even the limp could not react. When the "crackling" sound was heard, one-third of the eyeballs on the face dimmed, or strange slurry splashed out.

This attack caused more damage than all previous attacks, causing the limp to let out a hollow cry.

Lance also seized the opportunity to break free from the shackles of the tentacles and escape, but this time he paid a heavy price.

The sharp blade on the back of the tentacle can tear steel, and the suction cup in front is not a simple thing. Each suction cup is densely packed with teeth, which can scrape off a layer of flesh and blood if touched.

Lance was inevitably hit, and the tentacles clinging to his body caused several scars.

What's even more frightening is that the wound started to rot.

The sharp blade on the back of the tentacle can bleed, and the suction cup on the front can corrode people. The power of this void demon is really disgusting.

Lance activated his ability to dispel the corrosion of the wound, and the reconstruction of flesh and blood healed the injury.

At the same time, the injuries on the limp man's face also began to recover, and new eyeballs grew out.

He just stood there, looking at the limp who also recovered, and soon the two sides were fighting again.

Fighting against the Void Demon with a human body, regardless of victory or defeat, is a legendary story spread throughout the world.

The difference is that one is a comical joke like Don Quixote, while the other is a heroic epic.

But now there is no doubt that the figure and the hero are in Amanda's eyes, and she is also preparing a new round of spells, ready to intervene in the battle and use her own power.

Boudica, who originally had to lie down, also struggled to stand up. A large amount of blood could be seen on her body. The limp's backhand whip almost tore her into pieces.

Fortunately, Lance kept turning on [Flesh and Flesh Reconstruction] and fought fast enough so that he didn't suffer from "shortage".

But the near-death experience also took Boudica a while to recover.

Neither being corroded by the poisonous mist nor almost dying could make her think about escaping.

Instead, he tried his best to resist the sequelae of the serious injury, regained control of his body and stood up with difficulty, staring at the battle ahead.

Now the boss needs him, he can't lie here yet.

As for whether she would die or not, that was not her consideration.

Because he should have died by that time.

The hunched body armed with an ax and gun slowly straightened up while panting, preparing for the next charge...

And where no one noticed, the frantic Alhazred gradually regained consciousness.

As a powerful mystic scholar, Alhazred's performance is indeed a bit poor, not even comparable to Boudica.

But he also had troubles that he couldn't tell. It was undeniable that he had gained powerful power beyond human beings, but only he knew what price he had paid for those powers.

Even crossing the boundaries of reality can erode his sanity, not to mention being dragged into this unknown void and losing the protection of reality. The pressure he has to endure instantly increases to a level that is difficult to quantify.

He felt that his soul was like a boat lost in the sea. In the dark night, the light hanging on the bow of the boat became the target of some guys.

They swarmed in, and the curtain of the void under the endless murmur was so fragile that it seemed to be torn apart in the next second, and endless evil forces emerged from the surroundings to take away his sanity.

Fortunately, Lance and the others pushed forward one after another and successfully dragged the limp away, and it was also because the [Blessing] that Lance used before leaving helped him dispel the strangeness in his body.

Even those guys were in awe of the lord's powerful power. The murmurs that filled his ears disappeared, and the ubiquitous prying eyes also disappeared, pulling him up when he was on the verge of collapse.

Otherwise, there would be more than one monster in the void now.

But now he finally resolved the restlessness in his body and returned his attention to the battle taking place in the void.

The battle was more intense than he imagined, and the figure of the lord fighting the limp told him what courage and strength were.

"It's stupid to be so scared! I can't do this!"

Alhazred is still a human being, and the fact that he has not been devoured by a terrifying existence and turned into a monster shows that his will is not as fragile as it seems.

As he gradually came to bear it, he immediately began to hold up the skull candlestick and chant.

The disappearance of the protection of the world also means that the limitations of the world have also disappeared, and the thick power permeating the void is just for his use...

Suddenly, Alhazred held the candlestick high with one hand and pinched the handprint with the other hand. A thick and even black blood-red luster appeared on it, and red fireworks flowed around the periphery, as if he was holding a black sun. .

Powerful power was instilled in the magic weapon, causing it to float directly. Two beams of light burst out from the empty eyes into the void, and at the same time, the candle suddenly ignited into a blood-red flame.

The power of the abyss!


Lance was breathing heavily after pulling away a little, and what made him even more stressed was that the limp's weakened strength was returning as time passed.

If it drags on any longer, the situation may become even more troublesome...

However, just when Lance paused, the limp seized the opportunity. Those tentacles retracted, revealing the hidden sarcoma, and he was about to spit out poisonous mist.

It's just that there was a turmoil in the void, and countless shadow tentacles extended from it.

Because Alhazred had made a move before, Lance instantly recognized who had performed this move.

But the big difference is that this time the tentacles are thicker, more numerous, and cover a larger area, and they can temporarily control the limp.

Seizing the opportunity is the key to fighting, and Lance moved the moment the demon's hands restrained the limp.

That distance was almost negligible under his outburst. The wolf's fangs were lowered and he was about to kiss the limp's forehead.

It's just that it's a bit difficult to restrain a void demon with the power of the same source, even if Alhazred's power is released.

The moment Lance swung the knife, the limp still broke free from the shadow's control, and two tentacles blocked the blade.

This time there was no collision between sharp hooks and sharp blades, and there were no other tentacles to block him. The sharp wolf teeth exploded with all his strength and directly cut off the tentacles in front of him, just like cutting off the hands of a limp.

The broken tentacles scattered into the void with oil-like blood.

It's a pity that the limp broke free from the shackles of the shadow after just a little obstruction. It may be the pain caused by the severed limb, or it may be that Lance made it full of crisis. When he escaped, all the remaining tentacles swung wildly.

At this time, even Lance could only evade temporarily, keeping a distance and waiting for the next opportunity to attack.

But another weird thing happened.

The tentacle that Lance had just cut off was still dancing wildly when it hit the ground, but it soon changed. The fracture began to expand continuously, and tumor-like growths like bubbles appeared one after another, and purple blood vessels spread inside. The void actually stood up.

At the other end, white and tender tentacles split open, and at the same time, a circle of pink-purple eyeballs popped out from the edge of the cracked gap. The suction cup mouths originally attached to the tentacles also expanded, and terrifying fangs grew out of them. .

And this is not an isolated case, the two tentacles cut off by Lance have undergone such changes.

These monsters derived from the severed limbs of the limp quickly transformed, like a sea anemone rooted in the sea of ​​​​stars, swaying under the reflection of the stars.

But anyone who underestimated this thing would be at a disadvantage. Lance touched it just by getting close. The mouthparts and white tentacles on it all showed unprecedented aggression.

Hook and claw sting!

The anemone-like figure swaying in the void suddenly stretched out, crashing towards Lance like a stretched Fiji cup.

Lance slashed with his sword. There was no doubt about the sharpness of the wolf's fangs. The blade cut off the limp derivative directly. It can be seen that the toughness is far less than the main body.

He didn't dare to bet on whether the section that landed on the ground would continue to grow, so Lance sacrificed it directly.

It was still difficult to stop its power in this space, and it was swallowed up in an instant, turning into spirituality and entering Lance's body.

Lance, who was still a little depressed, changed his expression and even his movements slowed down.

Is this... too much spirituality?

The spirituality derived from that limp half is actually comparable to that of a pig thug, or even more!

In Lance's eyes, the limp's twisted body was no longer ugly, but a cornucopia.

Isn't this faster than cutting leeks and making a butchering plate?

But just when Lance was stunned for a moment, the broken derivative actually came out again, and the other one drew on the endless power in the void and grew at an unimaginable speed.

It only takes a few breaths from landing to taking shape. If it continues like this, I am afraid that it will soon become the second or third limp, or even stronger!

The accident that happened to the cult saint just now has taught Lance a lesson. He doesn't want to cause any more problems for the sake of spirituality.

Sometimes greed is the starting point of evil, but he can control it well.

Without a moment's hesitation, Lance drew his knife and slashed at the limp derivative, splitting it in half on the head, and then sacrificed the whole plant.

Then he charged forward and slashed at the other one, but the recovered limp came with a furious crush, and even Lance was stopped in front of that huge figure.

I can only watch the remaining limp branch continue to absorb the power of the void and grow... (End of this chapter)

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